xint 1.4m


Source:  xint.dtx 1.4m 2022/06/10 (doc 2022/06/11)
Author:  Jean-Francois Burnol
Info:    Expandable operations on big integers, decimals, fractions
License: LPPL 1.3c

1.4m (2022/06/10)

The fix of a compatibility bug with miniltx and the already in place documentation improvements (in particular, hyperlinked macro names in code lines) motivated release 1.4m. With some hesitation I decided to not revert the removals and breaking changes listed here and which had been already acted in preparation of an hypothetic future 1.5.


Breaking changes

Bug fixes


1.4l (2022/05/29)

Bug fixes

New features


1.4k (2022/05/18)

Breaking changes

Bug fixes

New features

1.4j (2021/07/13)

Bug fixes

1.4i (2021/06/11)

New features

Bug fixes

1.4h (2021/05/27)

Bug fixes

1.4g (2021/05/25)

Breaking changes


New features

Bug fixes

1.4f (2021/05/10)

Breaking changes

Bug fixes

1.4e (2021/05/05)

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes

1.4d (2021/03/29)

Breaking changes

Bug fixes

1.4c (2021/02/20)

Bug fixes

1.4b (2020/02/25)

All changes regard the xintexpr module.


New features

Bug fixes

1.4a (2020/02/19)

All changes regard the xintexpr module.

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes

1.4 (2020/01/31)

Breaking changes

Please note that this list may still be incomplete. If not otherly specified all items regard the xintexpr module.

Improvements and new features

Please note that this list is currently incomplete. For more information look at the user manual and the documented source code sourcexint.pdf.

Unless otherwise specified all changes commented upon here regard xintexpr. Important: all the new syntax is to be considered experimental. The author may change some names in future release, or even the interface (whether to use semi-colons or colons etc���).

Bug fixes

Bugs? Those identified in 1.3f were almost features. As per 1.4 the code base of xintexpr received multiple successive core refactorings and added numerous new features, and our test suite although significantly enlarged is not yet extensive enough. Please report bugs by mail.


1.3f (2019/09/10)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.3e (2019/04/05)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.3d (2019/01/06)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.3c (2018/06/17)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.3b (2018/05/18)

Improvements and new features

All additions related to randomness are marked as work-in-progress. They require an engine providing the \(pdf)uniformdeviate primitive.

1.3a (2018/03/07)


Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.3 (2018/03/01)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

1.2q (2018/02/06)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2p (2017/12/05)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2o (2017/08/29)

Breaking changes


Deprecated macros raise an error but, generally, then expand as in former releases. They will all get removed at some future release.

1.2n (2017/08/06)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

1.2m (2017/07/31)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2l (2017/07/26)


Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2k (2017/01/06)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2j (2016/12/22)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2i (2016/12/13)

Breaking changes


Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2h (2016/11/20)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2g (2016/03/19)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

1.2f (2016/03/12)

Breaking changes

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2e (2015/11/22)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2d (2015/11/18)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2c (2015/11/16)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2b (2015/10/29)

Bug fixes

1.2a (2015/10/19)

Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.2 (2015/10/10)


Improvements and new features

1.1c (2015/09/12)

1.1b (2015/08/31)

1.1a (2014/11/07)

1.1 (2014/10/28)

Breaking changes



Improvements and new features

Bug fixes

1.09n (2014/04/01)

1.09m (2014/02/26)

1.09kb (2014/02/13)

1.09k (2014/01/21)

1.09j (2014/01/09)

1.09i (2013/12/18)

1.09h (2013/11/28)

1.09g (2013/11/22)

1.09f (2013/11/04)

1.09e (2013/10/29)

1.09d (2013/10/22)

1.09c (2013/10/09)

1.09b (2013/10/03)

1.09a (2013/09/24)

1.08b (2013/06/14)

1.08a (2013/06/11)

1.08 (2013/06/07)

1.07 (2013/05/25)

1.06b (2013/05/14)

1.06 (2013/05/07)

1.05 (2013/05/01)

Minor changes and additions to xintfrac and xintcfrac.

1.04 (2013/04/25)

1.03 (2013/04/14)

1.0 (2013/03/28)

Initial announcement:

The xint package implements with expandable TeX macros the basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as applied to arbitrarily long numbers represented as chains of digits with an optional minus sign.

The xintgcd package provides implementations of the Euclidean algorithm and of its typesetting.

The packages may be used with Plain and with LaTeX.

  1. but values higher than 100 or 200 will presumably give too slow evaluations.������