% plarray.sty
% written by Hironobu Yamashita (@aminophen)
% This package is part of the platex-tools bundle.
% https://github.com/aminophen/platex-tools
% This package is expected to be compatible with
%   * array.sty in latex-tools
%     (2016/10/06 v2.4d -- 2021/10/04 v2.5f)
%   * plcore.ltx in platex
%     (2001/09/26 v1.2a -- 2021/12/08 v1.3l)

  [2021/12/11 v0.1i Tabular extension package for pLaTeX/upLaTeX]

%% patching internal code for array.sty
%% remove extra \xkanjiskip (pLaTeX2e 2016/04/17)
{% = for pLaTeX2e 2016/04/17 or newer
  \leavevmode \null
  \hbox \bgroup $\col@sep\tabcolsep \let\d@llarbegin\begingroup
\def\endtabular{\endarray\m@th $\egroup\null}
\expandafter \let \csname endtabular*\endcsname = \endtabular
}% =
%% inhibit JFM glue around tabular cell components (pLaTeX2e 2018/03/09)
{% = for pLaTeX2e 2017/07/29 or newer
% first, provide old definition; there are some known incompatibility
% compared to LaTeX, pLaTeX or array
   \the@toks \the \@tempcnta
   \mbox{}\inhibitglue \ignorespaces \@sharp \unskip \unskip
   \the@toks \the \count@ \relax}
% if both macros are available, override with new definition
% (= pLaTeX2e 2018/03/09 or later, built on e-(u)pTeX 180226)
       \the@toks \the \@tempcnta
       \relax \pltx@next@inhibitglue
       \ignorespaces \@sharp \unskip \removejfmglue
       \the@toks \the \count@ \relax}
}% =
%% done

%% all done
