% pxeveryshi.sty
% originally written by Takayuki Yato (ZR)
% and modified by Hironobu Yamashita
% This package is distributed as part of the platex-tools bundle
% maintained by Hironobu Yamashita
% by courtesy of the original author.
% https://github.com/aminophen/platex-tools
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% [Note]
% Update: version 2020/09/25 v0.2 does nothing, since
% pLaTeX2e 2020-10-01 will support the situation natively.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

%% package declaration
    [2021/05/31 v0.2d everyshi package for (u)pLaTeX]

%% Since LaTeX2e 2020-10-01, everyshi.sty is merely
%% an emulation by everyshi-ltx.sty from ltshipout.dtx.

  % if LaTeX2e and pLaTeX2e are inconsistent, raise an error!
    \PackageInfo{pxeveryshi}{This package is no longer needed}%
    \PackageError{pxeveryshi}{Inconsistent LaTeX2e/pLaTeX2e combination}\@ehc
  \RequirePackage{everyshi}% input anyway

%% The rest of this package is meant for
%% LaTeX2e 2020-02-02 PL5 or older.


  \PackageError{pxeveryshi}{This should not happen}\@ehc


%% EOF