% plautopatch.sty
% written by Hironobu Yamashita (@aminophen)
% This package is part of the plautopatch bundle.
% https://github.com/aminophen/plautopatch

\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% not pLaTeX2e on purpose!
    [2021/12/07 v0.9q Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX]

    This package is meant for pLaTeX/upLaTeX,\MessageBreak
    you will not need it.}

\NeedsTeXFormat{pLaTeX2e}% just in case ...
%\def\platpc@debug#1{\typeout{\platpc@pkgname: [DEBUG] #1}}% for debug

%% Since LaTeX2e 2020-10-01, most of features in filehook.sty
%% is available in ltfilehook.dtx.
%% The new code defines \declare@file@substitution,
%% so we can detect it!

  % LaTeX2e 2020-02-02 PL5 or older
  % between LaTeX2e 2020-10-01 and LaTeX2e 2021-11-15
  % LaTeX2e 2021-11-15 or newer

% low-level helpers

%% \platpc@ifreq@add{<package>}
% = if not loaded yet, \RequirePackage{<package>}
%   and add to list.

%% \platpc@addtolist{<package>}
% = add <package> to list named \platpc@list.
\def\platpc@addtolist#1{\xdef\platpc@list{\platpc@list, #1}}
\def\platpc@list{}% initialize

%% \platpc@ifnotdisabled{<package>}{<code>}
% = execute <code> if <package> is not disabled.
  \expandafter\ifx\csname platpc@disable@#1\endcsname\relax
    \platpc@debug{Patch for #1 is disabled, not applying}%

%% \platpc@err@toolate{<package>}
% = content of the "too-late" error.
  \platpc@err{Package `#1' already loaded!\MessageBreak
    Use \string\RequirePackage{\platpc@pkgname} earlier}\@ehc

% high-level helpers

%% \platpc@patch@after{<orig>}{<patch>}
% = Load <patch> after <orig>.
  \expandafter\def\csname platpc@end@#1\endcsname{%
    \csname platpc@end@#1\endcsname
    \platpc@ExecuteAfterPackage{#1}{\csname platpc@end@#1\endcsname}%

%% \platpc@patch@after@both{<orig 1>}{<orig 2>}{<patch>}
% = Load <patch> after both <orig 1> & <orig 2>.
  \expandafter\def\csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname{%
      \csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname
      \platpc@ExecuteAfterPackage{#2}{\csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname}%
      \platpc@ExecuteAfterPackage{#1}{\csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname}%
        \@ifpackageloaded{#2}{\csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname}{}%
        \@ifpackageloaded{#1}{\csname platpc@end@#1+#2\endcsname}{}%

%% \platpc@patch@before{<orig>}{<patch>}
% = Load <patch> before <orig>.
%   used when both conditions are met:
%   - <patch> must be loaded *before* <orig>
%   - <patch> contains \RequirePackage{<orig>}
  \expandafter\def\csname platpc@begin@#1\endcsname{%
      % if <patch> is already loaded, nothing to do
      \@ifpackageloaded{#2}{}{% else
        % the code (*!) should be used only once,
        % remove it immediately when this macro is executed
        \expandafter\let\csname platpc@begin@#1\endcsname\relax
        % pretend as if <orig> not loaded
        \expandafter\let\csname ver@#1.sty\endcsname\relax
        % load the <patch> package
        % avoid loading <orig> twice by discarding "\@@input <orig>" (*!)
        % all done
  % if <orig> is already loaded at this point, too late!
  }{% else
    \platpc@ExecuteBeforePackage{#1}{\csname platpc@begin@#1\endcsname}%

  % LaTeX2e 2020-02-02 PL5 or older
      % avoid infinite loop even when \AtEndOfPackageFile used
      \expandafter\let\csname filehook@atend@#1.sty\endcsname\relax
  % LaTeX2e 2020-10-01 or newer

% interface for users who want don't patches

%% \plautopatchdisable{<orig 1>,<orig 2>,...}
% = Disable patches triggered by <orig 1>, <orig 2>, ...
  \edef\@tempa{\zap@space#1 \@empty}%
    \expandafter\let\csname platpc@disable@\@tempa\endcsname\@empty
    \platpc@debug{Disabled patch for #1}%

% show list of loaded patches

    \platpc@info{No additional packages loaded}
    % the first token of \platpc@list should be ','
      ***** List of packages loaded by `\platpc@pkgname': *****^^J%

% register patches

\platpc@patch@after{doc}{pldocverb}% platex-tools
  \platpc@patch@after{tracefnt}{ptrace}% platex
  \platpc@patch@after{tracefnt}{uptrace}% uplatex
\platpc@patch@after{fltrace}{pfltrace}% platex
\platpc@patch@after{array}{plarray}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after@both{array}{plext}{plextarray}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after@both{delarray}{plext}{plextdelarray}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after@both{colortbl}{plext}{plextcolortbl}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after{arydshln}{plarydshln}% (maintained here!)
\platpc@patch@after@both{arydshln}{plext}{plextarydshln}% (maintained here!)
\platpc@patch@after{siunitx}{plsiunitx}% (maintained here!)
\platpc@patch@after{collcell}{plcollcell}% (maintained here!)
% --- in most cases, pxeverysel can be safely loaded even after everysel
% --- but it can fail when \AtBeginDocument{everysel} is involved
% --- [Update] since LaTeX2e 2021-06-01, everysel.sty is merely
% --- an emulation by everysel-ltx.sty from firstaid,
% --- which is supported by pLaTeX2e kernel natively
  {\platpc@patch@before{everysel}{pxeverysel}}% platex-tools
% --- [Update] since LaTeX2e 2020-10-01, everyshi.sty is merely
% --- an emulation by everyshi-ltx.sty from ltshipout.dtx,
% --- which is supported by pLaTeX2e kernel natively
  {\platpc@patch@after{everyshi}{pxeveryshi}}% platex-tools
% --- [Update] since LaTeX2e 2020-10-01, atbegshi.sty is merely
% --- an emulation by atbegshi-ltx.sty from ltshipout.dtx,
% --- which is supported by pLaTeX2e kernel natively
  {\platpc@patch@after{atbegshi}{pxatbegshi}}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@before{ftnright}{pxftnright}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after{multicol}{pxmulticol}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after{xspace}{pxxspace}% platex-tools
\platpc@patch@after{textpos}{pxtextpos}% gentombow
% --- until LaTeX2e 2020-10-01, patching eso-pic automatically
% --- is not supported by pxesopic
  {\platpc@patch@before{eso-pic}{pxesopic}}{}% gentombow
\platpc@patch@after{pdfpages}{pxpdfpages}% gentombow
\platpc@patch@before{stfloats}{pxstfloats}% pxsttools -- (!!)
% --- in most cases, pxjahyper works without explicit options
% --- however, in case a user specifies some, option clash will happen
% --- [Note] if \AtBeginDocument{\usepackage{hyperref}} appears,
% ----       writing to \jobname.out (= 'jacommentline' feature)
% ----       does not work because it's too late.
\platpc@patch@after{hyperref}{pxjahyper}% by Takayuki YATO (ZR)

% for TikZ/PGF
\platpc@patch@after{pgfrcs}{pxpgfrcs}% (maintained here!)
% --- pxpgfmark is useful on e-(u)pTeX + dvipdfmx
% --- but does no harm for other conditions
% --- [Update] pgf 2019-01-05 v3.1 (with \gdef\pgfversion{3.1})
% ----         already supports inter-picture connections
% ----         so pxpgfmark is no longer required
\platpc@patch@after{pgfcore}{pxpgfmark}% by Takayuki YATO (ZR)

% special case, mainly for problematic packages
% --- mdwtab forbids loading array
% --- so plarray should also be forbidden
