% plcollcell.sty
% written by Hironobu Yamashita (@aminophen)
% This package is part of the plautopatch bundle.
% https://github.com/aminophen/plautopatch
% This package is expected to be compatible with
%   * collcell.sty
%     (2011/02/27 v0.5)
%   * plarray.sty in platex-tools
%     (2018/03/12 v0.1e -- 2018/10/27 v0.1h)

  [2020/05/05 v0.1 Tabular extension package for pLaTeX/upLaTeX]
\RequirePackage{plarray}% collcell.sty requires array.sty

%% code from plarray.sty (for pLaTeX2e 2018/03/09 or later)
       \the@toks \the \@tempcnta
       \relax \pltx@next@inhibitglue
       \ignorespaces \@sharp \unskip \removejfmglue
       \the@toks \the \count@ \relax}
% -- check
    {Patch to \noexpand\collectcell unsupported}
\fi \let\plclcl@insert@column\@undefined

%% \plclcl@patch@cmd\CMD{<orig>}{<new>}
% -- prepend (TODO: \kern0pt enables \inhibitglue effect. why?)
    {Patch to \noexpand\collcell@beforeuser failed}

%% code from collcell.sty
% -- check
    {Patching \noexpand\collect@cell@arg but maybe unsafe}
\fi \let\plclcl@collectcell\@undefined
% -- redefine to skip \relax\pltx@next@inhibitglue

%% code from collcell.sty
      %\collect@cell@addarg{#1}% do not include the \unskip
      \advance\collect@cell@count by \@ne
        \advance\collect@cell@count by \m@ne%
        {\csname endtabular*\endcsname\endtabular\endarray}{\in@{#1}}%
% -- check
    {Patching \noexpand\collect@cell@arg but maybe unsafe}
\fi \let\plclcl@collect@cell@arg\@undefined
% -- redefine to skip \removejfmglue
      %\collect@cell@addarg{#1}% do not include the \unskip
      \advance\collect@cell@count by \@ne
        \advance\collect@cell@count by \m@ne%
    %%% BEGIN
    %%% END
        {\csname endtabular*\endcsname\endtabular\endarray}{\in@{#1}}%

%% all done
