%%  This file provides the asmejour class for formatting papers in a layout similar to ASME Journal papers.
%%  The asmejour.cls file should be used with the files asmejour.bst (for citations) and asmejour-template.tex.
%%  This file's version and date are:
%%  Author: John H. Lienhard V
%%          Department of Mechanical Engineering
%%          Massachusetts Institute of Technology
%%          Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
%%  This class was designed to approach the following aims:
%%          1. Match ASME's current layout and font specifications
%%          2. With amsejour.bst, match ASME's reference formats and support DOI & URL fields
%%          3. Provide hyperref compatibility for hyperlinks, pdf bookmarks, and metadata
%%          4. Support citations, footnotes, and bold face math in section headings
%%			5. Provide optional line numbers for editing and review
%%			6. Support balancing height of columns on the last page
%%			7. Support archival PDF/A standards
%%			8. Provide copyright notices for government employees and government contractors
%%		    9. Enable various math and text features from the newtxmath, mathalfa, and newtxtext packages
%%		   10. Support inclusion of passages in languages other than English
%%  This class is compatible with both pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. All packages required by the class 
%%  are in standard distributions, such as TeX Live, and are also available at CTAN (https://ctan.org/).
%%  The use of an up-to-date (Nov. 2022 or later) and complete LaTeX distribution is strongly recommended. 
%%  The title block is set by specific commands that are described in the asmejour-template.tex file.
%%  The class defines abstract environment (with optional keywords) and a nomenclature environment.   
%%  (LaTeX must be run twice to align the columns in the nomenclature list).
%% Copyright (c) 2024 John H. Lienhard
%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and 
%% associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, 
%% including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 
%% and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, 
%% subject to the following conditions:
%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or 
%% substantial portions of the Software.
%% The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but 
%% not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. 
%% in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, 
%% whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the 
%% software or the use or other dealings in the software.

\ProvidesClass{asmejour}[\versiondate asmejour paper format]

\LoadClass[twoside,9pt]{extarticle}% twocolumn format initiated in \MakeTitle command 2024/07/20

\RequirePackage{iftex}% provides \ifpdftex, etc.

  \str_const:Nn \ClassName {asmejour}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Some compatibility for older distributions  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand\IfFormatAtLeastTF{\@ifl@t@r\fmtversion}%  compare version to date; \If... added to latex 2020/10/01
\providecommand\IfPackageAtLeastTF{\@ifpackagelater}%     compare version to date; \If... added to latex 2020/10/01
\providecommand\IfPDFManagementActiveTF{\@secondoftwo}%   \If... added to latex 2021/07/23
\providecommand\IfPackageLoadedTF{\@ifpackageloaded}%     \If...added to latex 2021/11/15
\providecommand\ClassNoteNoLine[2]{\typeout{^^JClass Note #1: #2.^^J}}%  log & terminal note... added to latex 2021/11/15

	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion.  Formats dated 2020/10/01 or later are recommended for the asmejour class. Older formats may generate errors or fail entirely!}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution to obtain best results. TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  You can try to click past any errors for now, but your abstract will not compile properly if you lack the xparse package [2020/02/25], and the code will crash entirely if you lack the iftex package [2019/11/07].}%

% check whether pdfmanagement (\DocumentMetadata) has been loaded (else fall back to hyperxmp and bookmark packages after loading hyperref)
	\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement is not active. Will load hyperxmp and bookmark packages instead}

% Allow pre 2021/11/15 formats to see the graphicx alt key without causing an error

% Enable pre-2020/10 formats to access essential macros later moved into LaTeX kernel

% Provide pre-2020/10 installations with basic unicode character mappings 
	\pdfgentounicode=1  			    %% enable CMaps; was moved into the latex kernel Oct 2020
	\input glyphtounicode.tex 		    %% lists of mappings; was moved into the latex kernel Oct 2020

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Options for the class %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage{kvoptions}% this package calls kvsetkeys

%% for mathalfa, so we may pass options in this format: mathalfa=cal=euler, mathalfa=frak=boondox

%% Option to obtain line numbers [singlecolumn], 2024/07/20

%% Option to obtain line numbers [lineno] 

%% Option to balance column height on last page [balance] 

%% Option to omit lists of figures and tables

%% Option to omit ASME copyright notice [nocopyright]

%% Option to omit ASME footers [nofoot]

%% Option for copyright notice if all authors are government employees [govt]

%% Option for copyright notice if some (not all) authors are government employees [govtsome]

%% Option for government contractor copyright notice [contractor]

%% set key [barcolor=] to pass a color name defined by xcolor package

%% the key [main= ] to pass the choice of main language to babel
	  \PassOptionsToPackage{main=#1,#1}{babel}% added #1 resolves conflicts between certain .ldf files under "main=".
	  \ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Selecting #1 as the primary language}

%% Suppress warnings about unused global options, 2021/12/01


%% Turn off these keys now that we're done with them


%% if main language was not was chosen explicitly, default to English
	\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Selecting English as the primary language, since main= not set}%

%%%%%%%   PDF/A Compliance Keys  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% new pdf management in LaTeX, with \DocumentMetaData{..}, is preferred to this approach.


    \ifpdftex %% configure pdf/a compliance for pdflatex. Revised 2023/10/20
    	%%% set key [pdfa] to activate pdf/a compliance (default is pdf/A-3u)
          \AtBeginDocument{\hypersetup{pdfapart=3,pdfaconformance=u}}% hyperref takes these options if hyperxmp is loaded
    	%%% to select part 1, 2 or 3 
    	%% to select conformance b or u.  NB: a is not currently possible with pdfLaTeX; u not possible with 1.
    	  \str_set:Ne \l_tmp_str { \str_uppercase:n {#1} }

    %% Done with these keys, so we can now disable them

    %% new pdf management in LaTeX, using \DocumentMetaData{..}, is preferred to this approach.
    		\pdfminorversion=4  % for pdf/a-1 need version 4, not 7
      		\pdfminorversion=7  % this selection is not required
    	\ifaj@setpdfa\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{pdf-a option requires pdfLaTeX. Under LuaLaTeX, use %
    			\protect\DocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-3b} before \protect\documentclass[..]{\ClassName}}%
    	\ifx\directlua\undefined\else % default under lualatex is 1.4
                if pdf.getminorversion() \string~= 7 then
                  if (status.pdf_gone and status.pdf_gone > 0)
                  or (status.pdf_ptr and status.pdf_ptr > 0) then
                    tex.error("PDF version cannot be changed anymore")

%%%%%%%%%  Various font-related options  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Option for slightly larger small capitals font [largesc], corrected 2021/01/29
\DeclareOption{largesc}{\PassOptionsToPackage{largesc=true}{newtxtext}}% largesc is a boolean key in newtxtext

%% Disable newtxtext osf option, which is not appropriate for documents in this class

		\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphenate}{inconsolata}% hyphenate is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata
		\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Allowing hyphenation of typewriter font}%
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{The [hyphenate] option is only supported with pdftex. It will be ignored}%

%% Option to enforce monospacing of words the typewriter font [mono]
\def\MonoNotMono{WordSpace={1,1.33,1.67}}% for Inconsolatazi4; default allows word spacing (is not mono)	
		\PassOptionsToPackage{mono}{inconsolata}% mono is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata

%% option for unslashed zero typewriter font [var0].
\def\ssztwo{}% for Inconsolatazi4; default uses slashed zero, +ss02 uses regular zero
		\PassOptionsToPackage{var0}{inconsolata}% var0 is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata
		\def\ssztwo{+ss02}% stylistic alternate for regular zero

%% Suppress warnings about keys as unused global options

\ProcessOptions \relax

%%%%%%%%%%%%  Page size, bibliography, graphics, color  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage[paperheight=285.7mm, paperwidth=215.900mm, left=21.100mm, right=21.100mm, top=15.9mm, bottom = 24mm, footskip=8mm]{geometry}
%% ASME's pdf pages are 11.25 in. tall, not 11.00 in.

\AtBeginDocument{\def\NAT@space{\relax}}%   ASME puts no space between numerical references (2020/04/05)
\setlength\bibsep{0pt plus 1pt minus 0pt}%  ASME keeps this tight

\RequirePackage[dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{xcolor}% removed obsolete options, 2023/10/23

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Table related   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\RequirePackage{dcolumn}%  column alignment on decimal places

%% make \hline in tables heavier than default 0.4pt


%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Font related   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage{mathtools}% loads and extends amsmath

    \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}% for backward compatibility with pre-2018 LaTeX distributions
 	%% ASME word separation is greater than newtxtext defaults so change these parameters.  
 	%%     increased shrink from 0.08, 2021/01/30; add this helvetica scaling 2022/06/26
	\RequirePackage[helvratio=0.91, spacing=0.3em, stretch=0.18em, shrink=0.10em]{newtxtext}% default {0.25em,0.2em,0.1em}
	\RequirePackage[varl,varqu]{inconsolata}% sans typewriter font; restored varl, varqu 2020/08/10 
\else % use lualatex with newtxmath and fontspec for text primary fonts.  Revised 2023/10/21.
	%% TeX Gyre Heros Condensed is qhvc (regular is qhv). 
    \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % qhvc is not TU encoded
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{qhvc}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.91] ec-qhvcr}{} %% see t1qhvc.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15; 0.94-->0.91 2022/06/26
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{qhvc}{b}{n}{<-> s*[0.91] ec-qhvcb}{} %% see t1qhvc.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15; 0.94-->0.91 2022/06/26
    \RequirePackage[varqu,varl]{inconsolata}  % typewriter font for math 
    \renewcommand\rmdefault{ntxtlf}           % roman font for math
	\DeclareFontFamily{T1}{\sfdefault}{}      % sf for math
	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.94] ec-qhvr}{} %% see t1qhv.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15
    \RequirePackage[]{newtxmath}			  % newtxmath still handles mathematics        
	\def\FontWarning{For luaLaTeX, you MUST have these OpenType fonts installed as system fonts on your computer: TeX Gyre Termes and TeX Gyre Heros (from \string http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre) and Inconsolatazi4 (\string https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/inconsolata/opentype). If you DON'T have these fonts, you will see ERROR messages!}
	\IfFontExistsTF{TeX Gyre Termes}{}{\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
	\IfFontExistsTF{texgyreheros}{}{  \ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
	\IfFontExistsTF{Inconsolatazi4}{}{\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
    \setmainfont{TeXGyreTermes}[% Presumes these are system fonts! Available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
		WordSpace = {1.20,1.43,1.2},%% This stretch matches newtxtext a little better (reset 2024/07/23)
    	Extension = .otf,
    	UprightFont = *-Regular,
    	ItalicFont = *-Italic,
    	BoldFont = *-Bold,
    	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,
		Numbers = Lining,
    \setsansfont{texgyreheros}[% Presumes these are system fonts! Available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
		WordSpace = {1.20,1.43,1.2},%% This stretch matches newtxtext a little better (reset 2024/07/23)
%		WordSpace = {1,1.4,1},
		Extension = .otf,
    	UprightFont = *-regular,
    	ItalicFont = *-italic,
    	BoldFont = *-bold,
    	BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
		Numbers = Lining,
    	Scale=0.91,% same as for newtx; former value 0.9 too small 2022/01/15
   \setmonofont{Inconsolatazi4}[% This otf font ships with the LaTeX Inconsolata package (it's in TeX Live)
        Scale=1.05,% rescaled from 1, 22/03/10
        Extension = .otf,
        UprightFont = *-Regular,
        ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
        BoldFont = *-Bold, 
    	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        RawFeature = {+ss01,\ssztwo,+ss03},
\RequirePackage[]{mathalfa}% load optional fonts for Calligraphy, Script, etc. 

\RequirePackage{bm}%  load after all math for expanded access to bold math

%% In addition to the word spacing options declared in line 371...
%% Relative to size9.clo: leading reduced to 10 pt; displayskips made greater
   \@setfontsize\normalsize\@ixpt{10\p@}%               % <== was \@xipt
   \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus4\p@%      % <== was 8\p@ 4,4...
   \abovedisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus1\p@ \@minus1\p@%  % <== was \z@ \@plus3\p@ (3pt stretch)
   \belowdisplayshortskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus4\p@% % <== was 5\p@ 3, 3
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip%

%% The article class calls \sloppy in two-column mode (\tolerance 9999, \emergencystretch 3em)
%% These adjustments affect line breaking; the values below are intended to produce
%% fewer lines with large spaces, without creating the problems of using \fussy in two-column mode.
\tolerance 2500
\emergencystretch 3em 

%% TeX Gyre Heros Condensed is qhvc (regular is qhv). 
\newcommand*{\CondSans}{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{qhvc}\selectfont}% remove extra \selectfont, 2023/10/21
\renewcommand\huge{\@setfontsize\huge{14}{14}}        %... for author names only
\renewcommand\Huge{\@setfontsize\Huge{26.5}{26.5}}    %... for title only
\RequirePackage{metalogo,hologo}% Access to various LaTeX logos (for use in the documentation)

%% This provides sans serif italic and sans serif bold italic math, against with fonts from newtxsf.
%% For use in the figure and table captions.
    \SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{sansbold}{LMX}{ntxexx}{b}{n}%  added 2021/01/26
    \SetSymbolFont{largesymbolsTXA}{sansbold}{U}{ntxexa}{b}{n}% added 2021/01/26
    \SetMathAlphabet{\mathsf}{sansbold}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{b}{n}% \mathsf is upright

%% Provide math accents for the sans and sansbold math versions.  Accents from ntxsfmi work normally 
%%    with regular times fonts. 2021/01/27


%% Provide sans-serif *upright* Greek letters, following a suggestion by Michael Sharpe.  2021/12/22
%% Following Sharpe's newtxsf implementation of the STIX fonts, under the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% (Note that \mathversion{sansbold} provides sans-serif *italic* Greek letters.) 

    \DeclareMathSymbol{\sfGamma}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{0}% adjust to avoid overwriting newtxmath commands,
    \DeclareMathSymbol{\sfhslash}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{52}% this is not upright
    \DeclareMathSymbol{\sfhbar}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{53}%   this is not upright

%%% sans math version, potential value with PGFPlots, called in subfigure captions. 2021/01/30

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Some adjustments to math layout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\setlength{\jot}{10pt}% <== default is 3pt

%% multline has an "extra line" above it, so subtract from \abovedisplayskip to remove imbalance

\allowdisplaybreaks   % ASME allows these breaks

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Equation and Line Numbering  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}% patching amsmath

%% ASME puts equation tags in blue

%% Ensure that the current font is used for equation tags, not \normalfont as set by amsmath

%% Italicize alph part of subequation numbers. Revised 2023/10/20

%%%%% lineno related %%%%

		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{Package lineno loaded, so final column balancing will be disabled}%
	%%% Patch to allow line numbering in AMS math environments.
	%%% This patch is for lineno versions earlier than v5.2 [2023/05/19]. As of mid-2023, the lineno package
	%%% 	has been corrected to account for the AMS math environments.  Retaining temporarily for backward compatibility.
	%%% postdisplaypenalty adjusted to avoid extra line number at end, see: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/461192/ 
    \ifasmejour@balance          %    balancing through flushend can produce weird errors.
    	\RequirePackage{flushend}%    flushend package is NOT compatible with lineno.
		\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Calling flushend package to balance column height on last page}%

\providecommand{\@LN@col}[1]{\relax}% avoid errors in the aux file when lineno is dropped

%% ASME page proofs seem to align the number at top of the line, rather than bottom as done here.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Footer Set Up  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  footer text names  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand\@JourName{\hbox{ }}


\def\@PreprintStringL{PREPRINT}% updated 2024/07/24

\NewDocumentCommand{\PreprintString}{m o}{%
	\ifx R#2{\gdef\@PreprintStringR{#1}}\fi
	\ifx L#2{\gdef\@PreprintStringL{#1}}\fi


%%%%%%  Fancyhdr  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}% options revised 2024/07/23

\fancyhf{}% clear all header and footer fields
    \fancyfoot[RE]{\large\bfseries\sffamily Transactions of the ASME} 
    \fancyfoot[LO]{\large\bfseries\sffamily Journal of \@JourName} 
    \fancyfoot[RO]{\large\sffamily \@PreprintStringR\space\space\bfseries/\space\space\@PaperNumber\thepage}
    \fancyfoot[LE]{\large\sffamily {\bfseries \@PaperNumber\thepage\space\space/}\space\space\@PreprintStringL\ }

\fancypagestyle{title}{% is an odd page
    \fancyhf{}% clear all header and footer fields
	    \fancyfoot[RO]{\large\sffamily \@PreprintStringR\space\space\bfseries/\space\space\@PaperNumber\thepage} 
	    \fancyfoot[LO]{\large\bfseries\sffamily Journal of \@JourName}
    	    \fancyfoot[CO]{\large\bfseries\sffamily Copyright \textcopyright\ \@PaperYear\ by ASME}

%%%%%% Footnotes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


	}{	\RequirePackage{fnpos}
\setlength\footnotemargin{4mm}% reduce indentation of footnotes, from footmisc
\setlength{\skip\footins}{12pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}

  \kern -3pt
  \hrule width 0.5in height 0.5pt
  \kern 2pt

%% Produces an unmarked footnote about the revision date. 
%% This command is invoked by \date as part of \MakeTitlePage below.
%% Text can be anything given as the argument to \date{..}.
\NewDocumentCommand{\revfootnote}{m}{\begin{NoHyper}\def\@thefnmark{}\@footnotetext{\hspace{-3pt}#1}\end{NoHyper}}% \gdef -->\def 2021/12/23

%% The above has been offset per style and modified to eliminate missing anchor warning from hyperref that the following version causes

%% include a comma for sequential footnotes
	\cs_new:Npn   \__asmejour_NoteComma:n { \peek_meaning:NT \footnote { \textsuperscript{\mdseries,} } }
	\cs_new_eq:NN \__savefootnote \footnote
	\cs_gset_protected:Npn \footnote #1    { \__savefootnote{#1}\__asmejour_NoteComma:n } 

%%%%%%%%%  Caption Related  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



\DeclareCaptionTextFormat{sansmath}{\mathversion{sans}#1}% strictly speaking, this is unnecessary.


%% 2021/01/30: ASME only labels subfigures with a sans serif, italic (a), (b),... no caption text, no bold face.
\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelfont={sf},textfont={sf},textformat=sansmath,labelformat=simple}% default: =parens


%%%%%%%%%%%%  Section Headings  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



\titlespacing\section{0pt}{14pt plus 3pt minus 2pt}{3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} 
\titlespacing{\subsection}{\parindent}{12pt plus 3pt minus 2pt}{0.5em}
\titlespacing{\subsubsection}{\parindent}{12pt plus 3pt minus 2pt}{0.5em}

%% ASME style does not seem to go lower than third level heading, so ...
%%     ...put \paragraph into \subsubsection settings.
\titlespacing{\paragraph}{\parindent}{14pt plus 3pt minus 2pt}{0.5em}

%% Special handling of the appendices            
%% Assumes that appendices are the last technical content in paper

\newcounter{appeqn}%%  Code revised to better support tagged pdf, 2024/07/24
\apptocmd{\appendix}{\titleformat{\section}[block]{\mathversion{bold}\bfseries\large\raggedright}{\appendixname\ \thesection:}{0.5em}{}}

%% natbib's \bibsection controls section heading for References.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  List environments  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\setlist[enumerate,1]{label = (\arabic*), ref = (\arabic*),labelindent=3mm, leftmargin=*,noitemsep}
%% I have no examples of sublists...

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Hyperref  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %%% to assist with unicode glyph mapping in pdf/a, per M. Sharpe's recommendation in newtx documentation
    \InputIfFileExists{glyphtounicode-cmr.tex}{}{} 	%% additional mappings
    \InputIfFileExists{glyphtounicode-ntx.tex}{}{} 	%% additional mappings

    %% new pdf management in LaTeX, with \DocumentMetaData{..}, is preferred to this approach.
	   %%%% the pdfmanagement options from Ulrike Fischer 2021/06/12
        	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement is defined. Class file will not load a color profile}
        	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement not defined. Class file will load a color profile}%
            %%% a fairly generic RGB color profile, aimed at on-screen rendering (not print production)
                \immediate\pdfobj stream attr{/N 3} file{sRGB.icc}
                  /OutputIntents [
                      /Type /OutputIntent
                      /S /GTS_PDFA1
                      /DestOutputProfile \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
                      /OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB)
                      /Info (sRGB)


\RequirePackage[psdextra]{hyperref} % provide most hyperref options via \hypersetup, but per documentation
									% set [psdextra] here (for additional math support in bookmarks) 2021/12/23
	pdfborder={0 0 0}, 
	filecolor=red, % added 2021/12/23, to make certain broken links more apparent
	pdfpagelayout=SinglePage, % was TwoPageRight, changed 2020/08/12
\urlstyle{same}                % don't switch to typewriter font
\RequirePackage{doi}           % supports nasty characters in some doi's
\renewcommand{\doitext}{doi:~} % change the default, {doi:}, to this for ASME specification

\providecommand*{\toclevel@subfigure}{1}% <== to address unknown bookmark level of subfigure. 2021/12/24

\providecommand\hrefurl[2]{\href{#1}{#2}}% to address certain issues around URL recognition with new pdf management code, 2021/12/22
%% This alias is also incorporated into asmejour.bst

	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement is defined. Class file will not load hyperxmp}
    \RequirePackage{bookmark} %% improves handling of pdf bookmarks
	\RequirePackage{hyperxmp} %% to fix transfer of metadata to Acrobat pdf 
	% Patch bug in hyperxmp, unless a more recent version is used.
        \@ifpackagelater{hyperxmp}{2022/10/15}{% v5.11 or later
    %        \ClassInfo{\ClassName}{hyperxmp v5.11 or later is in use}

%%%%%% Adjustments to accommodate hyperref bookmarks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%     Recent development of \pdfstring has removed all robust commands from bookmarks (2021/12/23).
%%%     By mid-2024, no errors are thrown except for \bm; however, these commands serve to still suppress warnings.
%%%	    Math shift by $..$ still creates a warning, but I am leaving that in place. To avoid, use \( .. \) instead.

%% Since \bm is useful in headings, this fix will reduce frequency with which
%% alternate pdfstrings must be given in section command as \section[pdfstring]{texstring}

%% Let's disable \( and \) in pdf bookmarks, 2020/02/28

%% Let's just remove citations from pdf bookmarks

%% Ensure that tag color does not follow \eqref into bookmarks, 2020/02/28

%% Let's make sure footnotes in section headings don't break pdf bookmarks.
%\robustify{\footnote} % redefined footnote above is protected, 2023/10/21

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Define some section and other names for special environments  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand{\CAwords}{Corresponding Author.}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Nomenclature Environment   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Nomenclature environment in ASME Journal Style.
%% Run twice to get proper label width.
%% Set first optional argument (a dimension) to override automatic label width (e.g., if one label too wide)
%% Second argument can be used to rename the section, e.g., to List of Symbols.


\NewDocumentCommand{\entry}{m m}{%
		\ClassError{\ClassName}{The command \protect\entry should have two arguments. For subheadings, use \protect\EntryHeading}{It appears that you gave only one argument for \protect\entry.  You need to include a second argument.}
		\item[\hfill#1${} = {}$]#2%
		\settowidth\@widest{#1${} = {}$}%
		\ifdim\@widest>\widest \global\setlength\widest\@widest\fi%

%% A separate command command for nomenclature subheadings
             \itemsep12\p@ plus 4\p@ minus 4\p@
             \goodbreak\item[\bfseries#1\hfill]\mbox{}\itemsep3\p@ plus 1\p@ minus 1\p@\@itempenalty=1000% add \mbox for tagged pdf, 2023/10/20

% a total counter for saving the value of \nomenwidth

% value is the length in scaled points (sp)

\NewDocumentEnvironment{nomenclature}{O{\nomenwidth} O{\nomname}}{%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  List of figures and list of tables  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% ASME requires these lists for production. 
	\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Omitting lists of figures and tables}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Author/Title/Abstract block  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



}% corrected 2021/12/22

\newlength{\coffinsep}%%% space between coffins




\NewDocumentCommand\SetAuthorBlock{m m}{%

   	  \vspace*{0.5mm}% <== ASME doesn't align bar and text
	  %\gdef\@title{#1}% for tagging, etc. 2024/07/24. pdf metadata will probably override.

\NewDocumentCommand{\keywords}{m}{% changed to remove g option, 2021/01/30
	\long\def\@keywords{\par\vskip\baselineskip\noindent{\keywordname:} #1}%

\NewDocumentCommand\@SetAbstract{+m}{% add + to enable blank lines, etc. 2021/01/31
      \vspace*{4mm}% <== at bottom of abstract to extend rule

    \SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleblock {\color{\asmejour@barcolor}\rule{2.1mm}{\rulecofheight}}
    \centerline{\TypesetCoffin\firstrowauthorblock} %% in this instance, \centerline is better than \centering

%% Corresponding author gets footnote #1 and subsequent notes are 2, 3, ....
%% ASME apparently does not recognize joint first authors...so I have not coded that functionality

%% Flag for corresponding author (only one expected, although this code supports more than one)

%% ASME prefers email to be in address block, not CA footnote; removed option 2021/01/30
	\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}% in case of more than one CA


\newlength{\@AbstractSep}%% <== separation of author/abstract coffin from main two-column text.

    \ifasmejour@singlecolumn % 2024/07/20
    \ifasmejour@contractor\revfootnote{The United States Government retains, and by accepting the article for publication, the publisher acknowledges that the United States Government retains, a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes.}%
    \ifasmejour@govt\revfootnote{This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.}%
    \ifasmejour@govtsome\revfootnote{This work was authored in part by a U.\ S.\ Government employee in the scope of his/her employment. ASME disclaims all interest in the U.\ S.\ Government's contribution.}%


%% Provide compatibility with titling commands from standard LaTeX article class


%% Thanks to DPC for the suggestion of \gdef\tmp{...

%% Put date as an unnumbered footnote at bottom of first column
	\bool_new:N \g__asmejour_date_bool
    \tl_new:N   \g__asmejour_date_tl 
    \tl_new:N   \DateFootnote
	\bool_gset_true:N \g__asmejour_date_bool
    \tl_gset:Nn       \g__asmejour_date_tl { \today }
    \tl_gset:Nn \DateFootnote { 
    		\if_bool:N \g__asmejour_date_bool \revfootnote{\g__asmejour_date_tl} \else: \fi: 
    	\tl_if_empty:nTF {#1}
			{ \bool_gset_false:N \g__asmejour_date_bool }
        	{ \tl_gset:Nn \g__asmejour_date_tl { #1 } }

\RenewDocumentCommand{\thanks}{m}{\relax}%% disabling this standard command, as it is inconsistent with this format


%% End of file `asmejour.cls'.