%% association-matrix.sty
%% Copyright 2020-2022 Whisperity
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2008/05/04 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Whisperity.
% This work consists of the files association-matrix.sty
% and association-matrix.tex.
\ProvidesPackage{association-matrix}[2022/10/29 v1.1 Association matrix generator]



% (via http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/300215)
  \int_compare:nT { #2 > 0 }
    #3 \prg_replicate:nn { #2 - 1 } { #1#3 }


%% Compatibility with the 'array' package, because we need to hand-craft the
%% table's column specifiers. With the 'array' package changing the definition
%% of 'tabular' to eagerly parse the specifier for what columns to make, the
%% logic that built the "|c|c|c|..." sequence in conventional LaTeX broke.
%% (via http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/199244)

% In pure LaTeX, no compatibility needed because we can expand the tokens in
% the 'tabular' specifier properly.

            % Creates "|l|c|c|c|c|..." sequence, one 'c' for each column.
    % Intentionally left empty, the default is good enough.

            % The compatibility was injected, thus no error needed.
                Package 'array' loaded after 'association-matrix' -- compatibility was not set up}{%
                Make sure to load 'association-matrix' AFTER 'array' because a compatibility shim needs to be inserted for '\\amxgenerate' to work properly.


%% Internal cursors that are used for various iteration purposes.

%% Internal data structure holding the row keys.
%% The total number of theses defined.
%% Internal data structure holding the column keys.
%% The total number of columns defined.
%% Internal data structure holding the row-to-column assignments.
%% Returns the number of theses that are defined.
%% Returns the number of columns that are defined.
%% Retrieve the name for the <index>th row.
\newcommand{\amx@RowKey}[1]{\csname amx@Rows@#1\endcsname}
%% Retrieve the text for the <index>th row.
\newcommand{\amx@RowText}[1]{\csname amx@RowTexts@#1\endcsname}
%% Retrieve the name for the <index>th column.
\newcommand{\amx@ColumnKey}[1]{\csname amx@Cols@#1\endcsname}
%% Retrieve the text for the <index>th column.
\newcommand{\amx@ColumnText}[1]{\csname amx@ColTexts@#1\endcsname}

%% Registers the row with the given key, and text.
    \expandafter\def\csname amx@Rows@\theamx@RowCount\endcsname{#1}%
    \expandafter\def\csname amx@RowTexts@\theamx@RowCount\endcsname{#2}%
%% \amxrow{<key>}{<text>}
%% registers the row of <key> to be <text>

%% Retrieve the text for the row defined as <key>.

%% Registers the public with the given key, and body.
    \expandafter\def\csname amx@Cols@\theamx@ColumnCount\endcsname{#1}%
    \expandafter\def\csname amx@ColTexts@\theamx@ColumnCount\endcsname{#2}%
%% \amxcol{<key>}{<text>}
%% registers the column of <key> to be <text>

%% Retrieve the text for the column defined as <key>.

%% Sets that #1 col is related to #2 row (both args are keys).
    \amx@FindRowIndex{#1}     % CursorR set.
    \amx@FindColumnIndex{#2}  % CursorC set.
    % Format is: (row,column) pairs in the list.
%% \amxassociate <column-key> <row-key>
%% assigns the given column to be relevant for the given row.


%% Internal command which sets the counter amx@CursorR to the index of the row with the given <key>.
        \PackageError{association-matrix}{Requested information about row '#1' but it doesn't exist}{%
            Check that functions such as \detokenize{\amxrowtext} are not given undefined row keys!}%

%% Internal command which sets the counter amx@CursorC to the index of the
%% column with the given <key>.
        \PackageError{association-matrix}{Requested information about column '#1' but it doesn't exist}{%
            Check that functions such as \detokenize{\amxcoltext} are not given undefined column keys!}%

%% amx@RowColAssigned {<row-key>} {<column-key>} {<if-true>} {<if-false>}
%% If the column given is assigned by the client to the row given, executes <if-true>, otherwise, <if-false>.


%% Renderer for the table's 1st cell.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@TopCorner}{} % Dummy.
%% Renderer for the title text entries in the rows.
    #1. #2%
    #1. \textbf{#2}%
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@Row}{} % Dummy.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@Row@Highlighted}{} % Dummy.
%% Renderer for the columns' first cells.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@ColumnHeading}{} % Dummy.
%% Renderer for the indicators in the rows.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@Indicator}{} % Dummy.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@Indicator@Highlighted@Current}{} % Dummy.
\newcommand{\amx@Renderer@Indicator@Highlighted@Other}{} % Dummy.


%% Internal toggle that specifies whether the current row of \RowsVSCols
%% should be highlighted or not.
\newcommand{\amx@amx@RowRenderHELPER}[1]{} % Dummy.

%% Renders the heading of the table.
    \forloop{amx@Cursor}{1}{\value{amx@Cursor} < \value{amx@CursorC}}{%
        & \amx@Renderer@ColumnHeading{\amx@ColumnText{\theamx@Cursor}}%

%% amx@amx@Indicator{<row-key>}{<column-key>}
%% Returns the visual blip part of the generated table.
        % This field is intentionally left blank.

%% amx@amx@RenderRow{<key>}
%% Renders the row for <key>.
    \forloop{amx@Cursor}{1}{\value{amx@Cursor} < \value{amx@CursorC}}{%
        & \amx@amx@Indicator{#1}{\amx@ColumnKey{\theamx@Cursor}}%

%% Typesets the Rows vs. Cols table, highlighting the row for the given key, or highlighting no rows if #1 is 0.
        % Set the global toggle whether highlighting is enabled or not.
            % Set highlight for current row.
        \amx@amx@RenderRow{##1} \\
        \amx@amx@RenderHeading \\


%% Clear all the internal data structures, undefine all commands, and reset all counters.
    % Clear the data store macros:
    \forloop[-1]{amx@Cursor}{\value{amx@RowCount}}{\value{amx@Cursor} > 0}{%
        \expandafter\def\csname amx@Rows@\theamx@Cursor\endcsname{}%
        \expandafter\def\csname amx@RowTexts@\theamx@Cursor\endcsname{}%
    \forloop[-1]{amx@Cursor}{\value{amx@ColumnCount}}{\value{amx@Cursor} > 0}{%
        \expandafter\def\csname amx@Cols@\theamx@Cursor\endcsname{}%
        \expandafter\def\csname amx@ColTexts@\theamx@Cursor\endcsname{}%
    % Reset the lists and counters:
    % Reset customisation.
%% DANGEROUS! Clear the internal data structures!
%% Resets the renderers to their default versions.
% Start the document with the renderers having the default version.
