% Copyright 2015 by 
% Philippe Dreuw <philippe.dreuw@gmail.com> and 
% Thomas Deselaers <deselaers@gmail.com>
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% ChangeLog:
% 1.13 - bugfixes (papersizes and textheight)
% 1.12 - bugfixed fontscale/myfontscale indention calculation
%      - added beamerposterarticle icon format
% 1.11 - removed incompatible paralist package, used beamer's leftmargin lengths instead for indention
% 1.10 - improved PackageWarning and PackageInfo outputs
% 1.09 - bugfixed the list indention problem, can be overwritten by user with the \setdefaultleftmargin command.
%      - added 'printer' option for external printer definition files
% 1.08 - supports external printer definition files
%      - added grid mode option
%      - renamed beamer specific variables
%      - added font size normalization, so that scale=1.0 is the default font size for all DIN-A(n) sizes
% 1.07 - bugfixed custom size handling, portrait or landscape settings are ignored now
% 1.06 - added the type1cm package for scalable math fonts
% 1.05 - added version check for xkeyval package
% 1.04 - added custom size handling
% 1.03 - improved predefined size handling
% 1.02 - minor bugfixes
% 1.01 - bugfixed size handling
% 1.00 - first beamerposter release
\def\beamerposter@msg{latex-beamer poster extension}
\def\beamerposter@releaseinfo{\beamerposter@date \space v.\beamerposter@version \space \beamerposter@msg}

\RequirePackage{type1cm} %% get it from http://www.ctan.org/pkg/type1cm


  \beamerposter@Info{checking size input, please wait.}
    \beamerposter@Info{the input \val\ \nr\ was correct, we proceed.}
    \edef\fontscale{0.70710678}    % fontscale=(1/sqrt(2))^1
    \edef\fontscale{0.5}           % fontscale=(1/sqrt(2))^2
    \edef\fontscale{0.35355339}    % fontscale=(1/sqrt(2))^3
    \edef\fontscale{0.25}          % fontscale=(1/sqrt(2))^4
    \beamerposter@Warning{the input \val\ was incorrect and was ignored.}
  \beamerposter@Info{finished size input check.}
  \beamerposter@Info{checking orientation input, please wait.}
    \beamerposter@Info{the input \val\ \nr\ was correct, we proceed.}
    \beamerposter@Warning{the input \val\ was incorrect and was ignored.}
  \beamerposter@Info{finished orientation check.}
\DeclareOptionX{width}{\edef\customwidth{#1}\beamerposter@Info{custom poster width=\customwidth}}
\DeclareOptionX{height}{\edef\customheight{#1}\beamerposter@Info{custom poster height=\customheight}}
\DeclareOptionX{debug}{\beamerposter@Info{enabled debug mode}\@beamerposter@debugtrue}
\DeclareOptionX{grid}{\beamerposter@Info{enabling grid}\beamertemplategridbackground[1cm]}% Display a grid to help align images
\DeclareOptionX*{\beamerposter@Warning{Unknown option ignored: \CurrentOption}}

%% enable debug mode for fp package (mainly for upn functions)

%% normalize scale depending on poster size
\FPupn{\myfontscale}{myfontscale fontscale * 2 round}

%% swap sizes for portrait orientation
  \setlength{\tmp}{\paperwidthValue cm}
  \setlength{\paperwidth}{\paperheightValue cm}
  \setlength{\tmp}{\textwidthValue cm}
  \setlength{\textwidth}{\textheightValue cm}
  \setlength{\paperwidth}{\paperwidthValue cm}
  \setlength{\paperheight}{\paperheightValue cm}
  \setlength{\textwidth}{\textwidthValue cm}
  \setlength{\textheight}{\textheightValue cm}

%% overwrite dimensions if custom size
  \setlength{\paperwidth}{\customwidth cm}
  \setlength{\paperheight}{\customheight cm}
  \FPupn{\resulttextwidth}{1 customwidth  -}
  \FPupn{\resulttextheight}{1 customheight -}
  \setlength{\textwidth}{\resulttextwidth cm}
  \setlength{\textheight}{\resulttextheight cm}

%% Setting proper dimensions for a DIN A0 printer
\setlength{\headheight}{0 cm}
\setlength{\headsep}{0 cm}
\setlength{\topmargin}{-12.7 mm}     % -1in +1.47cm
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-25.4 mm} % -1in +0.4cm

%% For the page layout
\beamerposter@Info{paperwidth=\the\paperwidth, paperheight=\the\paperheight}
\beamerposter@Info{textwidth=\the\textwidth, textheight=\the\textheight}
\beamerposter@Info{fontscale=\fontscale, myfontscale=\myfontscale}
  head=0.5cm, % 
  foot=0.5cm  % 

%% printer definition file example 'rwth-glossy-uv.df':
%% ----
%% \typeout{beamerposter: RWTH RZ printer, glossy paper, UV resistant, maximum settings}
%% \edef\printermaxwidthValue{108} %unit should be cm
%% \newlength{\printermaxwidth}
%% \setlength{\printermaxwidth}{\printermaxwidthValue cm}
%% ----
%% now load printer definitions from file (e.g. \usepackage[printer=rwth-glossy-uv.df]{beamerposter}")
  \InputIfFileExists{\printerToUse}{\typeout{load \printerToUse}}{\beamerposter@Error{\printerToUse\space not found!}{Please use another printer definition file}}
    %%  @todo: calc poster ratios, scale to maximum printer size, and check if they still fit
    %%  this here is still very basic ...
      resultmaxwidth=\resultmaxwidth \MessageBreak
      printermaxwidthValue=\printermaxwidthValue \MessageBreak
      paperwidthValue=\paperwidthValue \MessageBreak 
      The specified poster dimensions might not be printable using
      Try to reduce your poster dimension and have a look at the aspect ratio.

%% scalable vector fonts
\FPupn{\resulttinyX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resulttinyY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultscriptsizeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultscriptsizeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultfootnotesizeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultfootnotesizeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultsmallX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultsmallY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultnormalsizeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultnormalsizeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultlargeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultlargeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultLargeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultLargeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultLARGEX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultLARGEY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resulthugeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resulthugeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultHugeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultHugeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultveryHugeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultveryHugeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultVeryHugeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultVeryHugeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

\FPupn{\resultVERYHugeX}{myfontscale fontSizeX * 2 round}
\FPupn{\resultVERYHugeY}{myfontscale fontSizeY * 2 round}

% set the normalfont (default)

% adapt list indention (e.g. itemize/enumeration/... see beamer docu)
\edef\labelWidthValue{1}            % 1em label width
\edef\labelSepValue{1}              % 1em label separator width
\edef\indentionLevelValuei{4}       % 4em indention for first level for an A0 poster
\edef\indentionLevelValueii{2.2}    % etc. ...
\FPupn{\labelWidthValue}{labelWidthValue myfontscale * 2 round}
\FPupn{\labelSepValue}{labelSepValue myfontscale * 2 round}
\FPupn{\indentionLevelValuei}{indentionLevelValuei myfontscale * 2 round}
\FPupn{\indentionLevelValueii}{indentionLevelValueii myfontscale * 2 round}
\FPupn{\indentionLevelValueiii}{indentionLevelValueiii myfontscale * 2 round}
%\FPupn{\indentionLevelValueiiii}{indentionLevelValueiiii myfontscale * 2 round}
%\FPupn{\indentionLevelValueiiiii}{indentionLevelValueiiiii myfontscale * 2 round}
%\FPupn{\indentionLevelValueiiiiii}{indentionLevelValueiiiiii myfontscale * 2 round}
\setlength{\leftmargini}{\indentionLevelValuei em}%
\setlength{\leftmarginii}{\indentionLevelValueii em}%
\setlength{\leftmarginiii}{\indentionLevelValueiii em}%
\setlength{\labelwidth}{\labelWidthValue em}%
\setlength{\labelsep}{\labelSepValue em}%

% define bib item template with larger graphic
\edef\bibIconScaleValue{2}            % begin with 2
\FPupn{\bibIconScaleValue}{bibIconScaleValue myfontscale * 2 round}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{beamerposterarticle}