# bearwear --- A package for tikz bear fashion Packageversion: 0.2 Idea: B��r, Implementation: Ulrike Fischer 2020 Packagedate: 2020-04-21 ## LICENSE LaTeX Project Public License ## CONTENTS AND INSTALLATION - README.md (this file) - bearwear.dtx - bearwear.ins - bearwear.pdf (documentation) - tartan3.jpg,baer.png,montblanc.jpg,ulrike.pdf,flag.pdf,latex-project-logo.pdf The best is to install bearwear with the package manager of your texsystem. For manual installation compile the .ins file. This will create bearwear.sty and bearwear-doc.tex. Move bearwear.sty in <texmf>/tex/latex/bearwear/ and update the filename database. Compile bearwear.dtx to get the documentation (it will need the extrated bearwear-doc.tex and all the graphics files). ## DESCRIPTION This package offers commands to create shirts for a tikzbear. ## REQUIREMENTS It needs a recent version of pgf and tikzlings-bears.