%\iffalse % MetaComment %% %% + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + %% | Copyright(C) 1997-2010 by F. Bosisio | %% | | %% | This program can be redistributed and/or modified under | %% | the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, either | %% | version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later | %% | version. The latest version of this license is in | %% | http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt | %% | and version 1.3 or later is part of all LaTeX distributions | %% | version 2005/12/01 or later. | %% | | %% | This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. | %% | The Current Maintainer of this work is F. Bosisio. | %% | | %% | This work consists of files sobolev.dtx and sobolev.html | %% | and of the derived files sobolev.sty and sobolev.pdf. | %% | | %% | E-mail: fbosisio@bigfoot.com | %% | CTAN location: macros/latex/contrib/bosisio/ | %% + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + %% %% If you make any improvment, find any bug or have %% any suggestion, please let me know about it. %% %<*package,driver> %\fi % \def\FileName{sobolev} %\iffalse % MetaComment %</package,driver> %<*package> %\fi \def\fileversion{2.2} \def\filedate{1997/11/14} \def\docdate{2005/04/09} \def\filedescr{Commands to print the Sobolev spaces (FB)} % %\iffalse % MetaComment %</package> %<*dtx> %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % This section is the installation driver % \def\batchfile{\FileName.dtx} % \input docstrip % \keepsilent % \askforoverwritefalse % \generateFile{\FileName.sty}{f}{\from{\FileName.dtx}{package}} % \generateFile{\FileName.drv}{f}{\from{\FileName.dtx}{driver}} % \Msg{******************************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To produce the documentation run the} \Msg{* file `\FileName.drv' through LaTeX.} \Msg{*} \Msg{******************************************************} % \endbatchfile % % End of the installation driver %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %</dtx> % % This section is the documentation driver % %<+driver>\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{ltxdoc} %<+driver> \EnableCrossrefs %<+driver> \CodelineIndex %<+driver> \RecordChanges %<+driver> %\OnlyDescription % Uncomment not to see the implementation %<+driver>\begin{document} %<+driver> \DocInput{\FileName.dtx} %<+driver> \PrintIndex %<+driver> \PrintChanges %<+driver>\end{document} % % End of the documentation driver %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %<*package> %\fi % % \changes{v0.1}{28 March 1997}{First release (basic commands)} % \changes{v0.2}{3 April 1997}{Added package options} % \changes{v0.3}{7 July 1997}{Fixed a bug in the command ``Scalar''} % \changes{v0.4}{4 August 1997}{Fixed a bug in the options} % \changes{v1.0}{5 August 1997}{Documentation added} % \changes{v1.1}{4 November 1997}{Fixed a bug in the ``Hdiv'' command} % \changes{v1.2}{5 November 1997}{Superscripts for ``Norm'' and ``SemiNorm''} % \changes{v2.0}{14 November 1997}{Changed ``Scalar'' sintax; added ``Crochet''} % \changes{v2.1}{5 March 1999}{Added copyright notice and changed addresses} % \changes{v2.2}{9 April 2005}{Usage of the double-quote character (") avoided} % % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \title{Package \texttt{\FileName}\thanks{This is version \fileversion, % last revised \filedate; documentation date \docdate}} % \author{F. Bosisio\\\normalsize E-mail: \texttt{fbosisio@bigfoot.com}} % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % Documentation for the package \texttt{\FileName}. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Introduction} % This package provides some commands which are useful when dealing % with Sobolev spaces and their relatives. % % In particular some commands are redefined, so care should be % taken, expecially when including this package in an already % existent \LaTeX{} file. % % \noindent % The redefined commands are |\H| and |\L|. % The effect of ``|\H|'' (which is a type of accent) can now be % achieved by the command ``|\HAccent|'', whilst the job of ``|\L|'' % (i.e. print an ``L'' with a superimposed bar) is now done by the % command ``|\Lbar|''. % % \section{The options} % Two options are available at the moment: \texttt{DivInBrackets} % and \texttt{DivAsExponent}. % They only affect the output of the ``|\Hdiv|'' command. % % \noindent % The firt options (\texttt{DivInBrackets}, which is the default) % makes |\Hdiv| behave like ``|H(div;|\dots|)|'', while the second % one (\texttt{DivAsExponent}) makes |\Hdiv| expand to % ``|H^{div}(|\dots|)|''. % % \section{The commands} % Most of the subsequent space-generating commands have mandatory % arguments to indicate the type of the space. % Often this argument consists of a single digit: in this case it % is \emph{not} necessary to enclose it in brackets, since in \LaTeX{} % the names of commands consists of letters only, and so a digit % following it is certainly an argument. % This saves a lot of typing and is the only reason that makes these % commans useful (if you always had to type the brackets, then it % would have been simpler to type the expansion of the command than % the command itself !). % In other words, you can think as if several commands exist (like % |\H|, |\H1|, |\H10|, etc.), the ones with the digit beeing a sort of % abbreviation for the general one. % % \subsection{The \texttt{H} command} % The |\H| command is used to generate the symbol of sobolev % spaces. % It takes a mandatory argument, which is used as a % superscript, and an optional argument, which is used as a % subscript. % % \noindent % As explained above, if the mandatory argument is a digit, % it need not be enclosed in brackets. % Moreover, if the optional argument is the digit ``0'', it % can be typed without the square brackets. % % \noindent % Here are some examples (whith the |\DefaultSet| set to its % default value |\Omega|): % % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\H2| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H^2(\Omega)$ \\ % |\H10| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H^1_0(\Omega)$ \\ % |\H1[\Gamma_D]| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H^1_{\Gamma_D}(\Omega)$ \\ % |\H{-1/2}| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H^{-1/2}(\Omega)$ % \end{tabular} % % \subsection{The \texttt{Hdiv} command} % The |\Hdiv| command is used to generate the sobolev space % called ``H div''. % It takes only an optional argument, which is used as a % subscript and which need not to be surrounded by the square % brackets if it is the digit ``0''. % % \noindent % If the (default) option \texttt{DivInBrackets} is in effect, % it differs from the command |\H| in that the word ``div'' is % printed (in roman type) inside brackets, before the set. % If, instead, the option \texttt{DivAsExponent} is active, % then it is simply an abbreviation for |\H{\mathrm{div}}|. % % \noindent % Here are some examples:\\ % \hfill \begin{tabular}{llcc} % & & |DivInBrackets| & |DivAsExponent| \\ % |\Hdiv| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H(\mathrm{div};\Omega)$ & $H^{\mathrm{div}}(\Omega)$ \\ % |\Hdiv0| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H_0(\mathrm{div};\Omega)$ & $H^{\mathrm{div}}_0(\Omega)$ \\ % |\Hdiv[\Gamma_D]| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $H_{\Gamma_D}(\mathrm{div};\Omega)$ & $H^{\mathrm{div}}_{\Gamma_D}(\Omega)$ % \end{tabular} \hfill % % \subsection{The \texttt{L} command} % The |\L| command is used to generate the symbol of % Lebesgue-measurable functions. % It has one argument which is the exponent of the L-space. % Again, if this argument is a digit (or a single symbol, % like ``|\infty|'') the surrounding braces are optional. % Like for the |\H| command, the output of |\DefaultSet| is % appended. % % \noindent % Here are some examples: \hspace{2cm} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\L2| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $L^2(\Omega)$ \\ % |\L{10}| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $L^{10}(\Omega)$ \\ % |\L\infty| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $L^\infty(\Omega)$ % \end{tabular} % % \subsection{The \texttt{W} command} % The |\W| command is completly analogous, except that it % prints a ``W'' insted af an ``L'' and that it has two % argument, both printed as a supercript, separated by a comma. % It is used for the generalized Sobolev spaces. % % \noindent % Here is an example of how it is used: \hspace{1cm} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\W{k}{p}| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ \\ % |\W1\infty| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $W^{1,\infty}(\Omega)$ % \end{tabular} % % \subsection{The \texttt{D} command} % The |\D| command is used in the theory of distributions: % it prints the space of distributions over the |\DefaultSet| % if followed by a prime symbol, or its dual space, otherwise. % \hfill \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\D| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\mathcal{D}(\Omega)$ \\ % |\D'| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\mathcal{D}'(\Omega)$ % \end{tabular} \hfill % % \subsection{The \texttt{Norm} command} % The |\Norm| command has a mandatory and an optional argument; % it generates the norm of the mandatory argument, with the % optional argument, if present, as a whole subscript, to % denote the space within which the norm is taken. % % \noindent % Some examples: \hspace{3cm} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\Norm{f(x)}| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\left\|f(x)\right\|$ \\ % |\Norm{g}[L^2]| & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\left\|g\right\|_{L^2}$ % \end{tabular} % % \subsection{The \texttt{SemiNorm} command} % The |\SemiNorm| command is completly analoguos, but % generates the semi-norm instead of the norm. % % \noindent % Some examples: \hspace{2cm} % \DeleteShortVerb{\|} % \MakeShortVerb{\!} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % !\SemiNorm{f(x)}! & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\left|f(x)\right|$ \\ % !\SemiNorm{g}[H^1]! & $\Longrightarrow$ & $\left|g\right|_{H^1}$ % \end{tabular} % \DeleteShortVerb{\!} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \subsection{The \texttt{Scalar} command} % The |\Scalar| command has two arguments; a third optional % argument (which is used as a whole subscript) may follow % inside square brackets. % The output consists of the two arguments separated by a % comma and enclosed in a pair of adjustable-size brackets, % with the optional argument placed as a subscript (to denote % the space inside which the scalr product is taken). % % \noindent % Some examples: % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\Scalar{f}{g}| &$\Longrightarrow$& $\left(f,g\right)$ \\ % |\Scalar{u}{v}[L^2]| &$\Longrightarrow$& $\left(u,v\right)_{L^2}$\\ % \end{tabular} % % \subsection{The \texttt{Crochet} command} % The |\Crochet| command has two arguments; a third optional % argument (which is used as a whole subscript) may follow % inside square brackets. % The output consists of the two arguments separated by a % comma and enclosed in a pair of adjustable-size % angular-parenthesys, with the optional argument placed as % a subscript (to denote the space inside which the duality % is taken). % % \noindent % Some examples: % \begin{tabular}{lll} % |\Crochet{f}{g}| &$\Longrightarrow$& $\left\langle f,g\right\rangle$ \\ % |\Crochet{u}{v}[D]| &$\Longrightarrow$& $\left\langle u,v\right\rangle_D$\\ % \end{tabular} % % \StopEventually{} % \newpage % \section{Implementation} % % \begin{macrocode} %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{\FileName}[\filedate\space v\fileversion\space\filedescr] % \end{macrocode} % % The options set the flag for the |\Hdiv| command. % \begin{macrocode} %% \newif\if@DivAsExp \DeclareOption{DivAsExponent}{\@DivAsExptrue} \DeclareOption{DivInBrackets}{\@DivAsExpfalse} %% \ExecuteOptions{DivInBrackets} % \end{macrocode} % % The ``|\ProcessOptions*|'' command was used here instead of % ``|\ProcessOptions*|'' in order to process the options in the % ``|\usepackage|'' order, rather than in the declaration order % \begin{macrocode} %% \ProcessOptions* % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\DefaultSet} % The command |\DefaultSet| makes |\@DefaultSet| to print the % given argument enclosed in brackets. % It also let |\@DefaultSet@Div| to be the same, but with the % word ``div'' inside the brackets, before the argument. % \begin{macrocode} %% \newcommand{\DefaultSet}[1]{\def\@DefaultSet{(#1)}% \def\@DefaultSet@Div{(\mathrm{div};#1)}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\NoDefaultSet} % The command |\NoDefaultSet| deletes the content of the two macros % |\@DefaultSet| and |\@DefaultSet@Div|, so that the first prints % nothing, whilst the second only prints ``(div)''. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\NoDefaultSet}{\let\@DefaultSet=\relax% \def\@DefaultSet@Div{(\mathrm{div})}} % \end{macrocode} % % \noindent % Set the default value for |\DefualtSet| to be $\Omega$. % \begin{macrocode} %% \DefaultSet{\Omega} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\DoNothing@zero} % This command does nothing, but strips the character ``0'' (which % \emph{must} immediately follow it, otherwise an error occour) % from the input, since it is defined with a ``0'' attached to its % name. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\DoNothing@zero0{\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\H} % The commands ``|\@HSobolev|< and``|\HSobolev@quadra|'' prints % an ``H'' in math-mode (via the |\ensuremath| command) with the % argument as a superscript, and, respectively, without subscripts % and wiht the second argument as a subscript. % Then they call |\@DefaultSet| in order to print the name of a set % inside brackets, or nothing depending on which of the commands % |\DefaultSet| and |\NoDefaultSet| has previously been invoked. % \begin{macrocode} %% \newcommand{\@HSobolev}[1]{\ensuremath{H^{#1}\@DefaultSet}} \def\HSobolev@quadra#1[#2]{\ensuremath{H^{#1}_{#2}\@DefaultSet}} % \end{macrocode} % The original command ``|\H|'' (used to make a type of accent) is % saved in |\HAccent|; then |\H| is redefined so that it calls one % of the previous two commands, depending on which character % follows the command name. % If this character is a ``0'', then it also invokes the command % |\DoNothing@zero|, in order to strip that zero from the input. % All this is deferred at the ``|\begin{document}|'' in order to % avoid conflicts with other packages. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \let\HAccent=\H \renewcommand{\H}[1]{% \@ifnextchar0{\HSobolev@quadra{#1}[0]\DoNothing@zero}{% \@ifnextchar[{\HSobolev@quadra{#1}}{\@HSobolev{#1}}}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Hdiv} % The command |\@Hdiv@quadra| is used if the command |\Hdiv| is % followed by a square bracket: it simply types ``H'' (in math mode) % with a subscript. % It also prints ``div'' (in roman) as an exponent and calls % |\@DefaultSet| (with the ``DivAsExponent'' option) or calls % |\@DefaultSet@Div| (with the ``DivInBraces'' option). % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\@Hdiv@quadra[#1]{% \if@DivAsExp \ensuremath{H^{\mathrm{div}}_{#1}\@DefaultSet}% \else \ensuremath{H_{#1}\@DefaultSet@Div}\fi% } % \end{macrocode} % The ``|\Hdiv|< command is defined so that it calls the previous command, % or typesets the output itself, similarly to the |\H| command above. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\Hdiv}{% \@ifnextchar0{\@Hdiv@quadra[0]\DoNothing@zero}{\@ifnextchar[{\@Hdiv@quadra}{% \if@DivAsExp \ensuremath{H^{\mathrm{div}}\@DefaultSet}% \else \ensuremath{H\@DefaultSet@Div}\fi}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\L} % First the old command |\L| (which prints an ``L'' whith a bar % superimposed) is saved in |\Lbar|. % Then |\L| is redefined to print an ``L'' in math-mode with its % argument as a superscript, followed by the output of |\@DefaultSet|. % All this is deferred at the ``|\begin{document}|'' in order to % avoid conflicts with other packages. % \begin{macrocode} %% \AtBeginDocument{% \let\Lbar=\L \renewcommand{\L}[1]{\ensuremath{L^{#1}\@DefaultSet}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\W} % The command |\W| is defined to print a ``W'' in math-mode with its % two arguments as a superscript (separated by a comma) and followed % by the output of |\@DefaultSet|. % It is deferred at the ``|\begin{document}|'' in order to % avoid conflicts with other packages. % \begin{macrocode} %% \AtBeginDocument{% \newcommand\W[2]{\ensuremath{W^{#1,#2}\@DefaultSet}} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\D} % The command |\D| is defined to print a calligraphic ``D'' in % math-mode, followed by the output of |\@DefaultSet|. % In order to allow for the proper treatment of the \emph{prime} % symbol which can follow the command, the command |\InsiemeD@Primo| % is defined: it is authomatically invoked by the command |\D| when % followed by a prime. It differs only in that a prime is output % \emph{before} invoking |\@DefaultSet|. % This is deferred at the ``|\begin{document}|'' in order to % avoid conflicts with other packages. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\InsiemeD@Primo'{\ensuremath{\mathcal{D}'\@DefaultSet}} \AtBeginDocument{% \newcommand{\D}{\@ifnextchar'{\InsiemeD@Primo}{% \ensuremath{\mathcal{D}\@DefaultSet}}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Norm} % The command |\Norm| prints its argument surrounded by a % double-pipe delimiter of adjustable size. % If an optional argument is present, it is used as a whole subscript. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\@Norma@Exp#1#2^#3{\ensuremath{\left\|#1\right\|_{#2}^{#3}}} \def\@Norma#1[#2]{% \@ifnextchar^{\@Norma@Exp{#1}{#2}}{\ensuremath{\left\|#1\right\|_{#2}}}% } \newcommand{\Norm}[1]{% \@ifnextchar[{\@Norma{#1}}{\ensuremath{\left\|#1\right\|}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SemiNorm} % The command |\SemiNorm| prints its argument surrounded by a % single-pipe delimiter of adjustable size. % If an optional argument is present, it is used as a whole subscript. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\@SemiNorma@Exp#1#2^#3{\ensuremath{\left|#1\right|_{#2}^{#3}}} \def\@SemiNorma#1[#2]{% \@ifnextchar^{\@SemiNorma@Exp{#1}{#2}}{\ensuremath{\left|#1\right|_{#2}}}% } \newcommand{\SemiNorm}[1]{% \@ifnextchar[{\@SemiNorma{#1}}{\ensuremath{\left|#1\right|}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Scalar} % The command |\Scalar| requires two arguments; a third optional % argument (which is used as a whole subscript) may follow inside % square brackets. % The output consists of the two arguments separated by a comma and % enclosed in a pair of adjustable-size brackets, with the optional % argument placed as a subscript. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\@ProdottoScalare#1#2[#3]{\ensuremath{\left(#1,#2\right)_{#3}}} \newcommand\Scalar[2]{% \@ifnextchar[{\@ProdottoScalare{#1}{#2}}{\ensuremath{\left(#1,#2\right)}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Crochet} % The command |\Crochet| requires two arguments; a third optional % argument (which is used as a whole subscript) may follow inside % square brackets. % The output consists of the two arguments separated by a comma and % enclosed in a pair of adjustable-size angular-parenthesys, with % the optional argument placed as a subscript. % \begin{macrocode} %% \def\Inner@Crochet#1#2[#3]{\ensuremath{\left\langle#1,#2\right\rangle_{#3}}} \newcommand\Crochet[2]{% \@ifnextchar[{\Inner@Crochet{#1}{#2}}{% \ensuremath{\left\langle#1,#2\right\rangle}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \CheckSum{179} % \Finale % \endinput