% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2019 by Laurence R Taylor % ----------------------------------- % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{bubblesort} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, filecolor=magenta, urlcolor=cyan, } \DisableCrossrefs \CodelineNumbered \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{bubblesort.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \CheckSum{293} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \hfuzz=200pt % \changes{v1.0}{?2019?/?07?/?17?}{Initial version} % \title{bubblesort} % \author{Laurence R Taylor} % \date{2020/06/24} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % This package is a \LaTeX\ port of the sorting function \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_sort}{bubble sort}. % Bubble sort is usually coded using arrays but it can be done without them and % since \LaTeX\ does not support arrays natively, bubble sort seemed like a good routine to port. % It's lack of speed is not really a problem with the data sizes likely to be encountered in most \LaTeX\ applications. % % The objects to be sorted are either a stack or a list. % A \emph{stack} is a sequence of legal \TeX\ code items enclosed in brace pairs, \vskip0pt% % \begin{center}|{|\emph{item 1}|}{|\emph{item 2}|}|\dots|{|\emph{item n}|}|\end{center} % while a \emph{list} is a macro which expands to a stack. Fragile commands in an \emph{item} may not work as expected. % To sort the items one needs a notion of when one \emph{item} is ``less than'' another. % % The macro |\bubblesort| does the bubble sort. It takes three arguments: |\bubblesort[#1]{#2}{#3}|. % The optional argument is a comparator macro telling when one item is smaller than another. % If empty it assumes the stack is a stack of integers or real numbers % and sorts it using the usual $<$. Argument |#2| is the stack or list to be sorted and % argument |#3| a macro which will contain the sorted list in increasing order. % % The only dependency is |etoolbox.sty|. % \end{abstract} % \section{Introduction} % \makeatletter % \newcounter{LineAA} % \def\Label#1{\hypertarget{@bubblesort@ref#1}\relax\setcounter{LineAA}{\value{CodelineNo}}\stepcounter{LineAA} % {\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\gdef\string\@bubblesort@ref#1{\number\value{LineAA}}}}} % \def\codeRef#1{\ifcsdef{@bubblesort@ref#1}{\hyperlink{@bubblesort@ref#1}{\csname @bubblesort@ref#1\endcsname}}{\textbf{??}}} % \def\LabelLine#1{\Label{#1}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode}} % \newbox\ff\setbox\ff=\hbox{\scalebox{0.75}{\hbox{\Large\tt doublebubblesort}}} % \newbox\fff\setbox\fff=\hbox{\scalebox{0.75}{\hbox{\Large\tt doublebubblesortB}}} % \newbox\mm\setbox\mm=\hbox{\rotatebox{114}{\vrule depth0.8pt height 0pt width 9pt}} % \makeatother % \newbox\ff\setbox\ff=\hbox{\scalebox{0.75}{\hbox{\Large\tt doublebubblesort}}} % \newbox\fff\setbox\fff=\hbox{\scalebox{0.75}{\hbox{\Large\tt doublebubblesortB}}} % \newbox\mm\setbox\mm=\hbox{\rotatebox{114}{\vrule depth0.8pt height 0pt width 9pt}} % There are two macros provided which implement the standard bubble sort algorithms % on stacks or lists. See section \ref{SandL} for a discussion of stacks or lists. % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt bubblesort}{bubblesort}} % |\bubblesort[#1]{#2}{#3}|: Argument |#2| is the stack or list to be sorted. Argument |#3| contains the sorted list % after evaluation. Argument |#2| can be the same as argument |#3|. Argument |#3| can also be blank in which % case the output string is inserted into the input stream. % Optional argument |#1| is a comparator macro. % \subsubsection{Comparator macros} % A comparator macro can have any legal \TeX\ name. It must have two arguments. % When in use the comparator macro is evaluated on consecutive pairs of elements in the stack. % If argument |#2| is ``smaller'' than argument |#1| the macro sets |\bubblesortflag| to |1| and sets it % to |-1| otherwise. % Two examples are supplied: |\realSort| on line \codeRef{realSort}\ of the code below and % |\alphSort| on line \codeRef{alphSort}. % % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt doublebubblesort}{bubblesort}}|\doublebubblesort[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}|: % % The macro |\doublebubblesort| sorts two stack/lists. Arguments |#1|, |#2| and |#3| are identical to the corresponding % arguments for |\bubblesort|. Argument |#4| is another stack or list of the same length or longer than stack/list |#2|. % When expanded |\doublebubblesort| sorts |#2| just the same as |\bubblesort| would. However, every move made on % stack |#2| is also done on stack |#4|. Argument |#5| is the name for the output of the result of this ``sort'' on |#4|. % As usual |#5| can be blank or |#4| and |#5| can be the same macro. |#3| and |#5| can also be the same macro, in % which case it contains the result of the sort on argument |#4|, \emph{except} if both |#3| and |#5| are blank, |#3| % is put into the input stream followed by |#5|. % % An example to keep in mind is the following. One way to mimic a hash in \LaTeX\ is to have a list of keys and a second % list of values with the value associated to a key being determined by position in the values list. If the key list is sorted it % will be necessary to do the same interchanges on the values list to maintain the correspondence. % See subsection \ref{permute} for another example using |\doublebubblsort|. % \section{Stacks and lists}\label{SandL} % The lists here closely resemble Knuth's lists in the % \href{http://www.ctex.org/documents/shredder/src/texbook.pdf}{\TeX book}, page 378, Appendix D, % except they lack Knuth's initial |\\| prepended to each item. As discussed by Knuth, the |\\| can be used to process % each item in the list. % Sort algorithms require knowledge of pairs of items from the list % so macros which only know about one item are not needed. % % % Other implementations of lists use a reserved character as a separator. % Separators like commas or semicolons or whatever have the drawback that then the separator can not be used in the item text % without additional coding. % % \TeX's brace-pair mechanism is quite robust. It handles nested brace pairs just fine. One word of \textcolor{red}{warning}: % an empty brace pair |{}| is used as an end of list indicator. They are added to the stack/list arguments % when needed and are not present at the end of lists produced by macros in this package so they rarely trouble the user. % It does mean that % \textcolor{red}{there can be no empty (or even |{white space}|) brace pairs in the input list.} % Given how \TeX\ discards white space, |{white space}| is probably not what is wanted anyway. Using |{{white space}}| will probably % yield results closer to what was intended and this works. % \section{Examples} % Here are a few examples if things that can be done with sorts. % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt refs}{refs}} % Given a stack of references defined from |\label| such as |{ref 1}{ref 2}|\dots|{ref n}| which expand to integers or real numbers % try to define % \begin{center} % \color{red}|\def\refs#1{\bubblesort[\refSort]{#1}{\answers}}|\hskip1in\null \\where |\refSort#1#2{\realSort{\ref{#1}}{\ref{#2}}}|. \color{black} % \end{center} % The above does not work because |\ref| is protected and does not expand to just the number. % Instead, the package |refcount.sty| supplies |\getrefnumber| which is expandable and does what is needed. % Add |\usepackage{refcount}| to the preamble and define % \begin{verbatim} % \def\refSort#1#2{% % \edef\aa{\getrefnumber{#1} pt}\edef\bb{\getrefnumber{#2} pt}% % \ifdimless{\bb}{\aa}{\bubblesortflag=1}{\bubblesortflag=-1}% % } % \end{verbatim} % Then|\def\refs#1{\bubblesort[\refSort]{#1}{\ans}}| sorts the numbers in increasing order and puts the answer in |\ans|. % % \subsection{Use {\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt refs}{refs}}\ twice} % Since |\bubblesort| is a stable sorting algorithm, it can be usefully used more than once on the same data. % Suppose |\refSort| is defined as above and there is a list |\def\LL{{ref 1}{ref 2}|\dots|{ref n}}|. % Then |\bubblesort[\refSort]{\LL}{\LL}| sorts the numbers in increasing order. % % But some of them may be from definitions, others from theorems, or lemmas, etc. % Suppose |\refName#1| is a macro such that |\refName{ref k}| returns |Definition|, |Theorem|, |Lemma|, etc.. % Then % \begin{center} % |\bubblesort[\refSort]{\LL}{\LL} \bubblesort[\alphSort]{\LL}{\LL}| % \end{center} % \noindent returns % |\def\LL{{ref k_1}{ref k_2}|\dots|{ref k_n}}| % where the first set of references are |Definition|'s, the second set of references are |Lemma|'s and % the third set of references are |Theorem|'s. % The set of numbers for the |Definition|'s are increasing, % the set of numbers for the |Lemma|'s are increasing and % the set of numbers for the |Theorem|'s are increasing. % With more complicated coding, the names can be added and the lists compactified to get something line % |Theorems 1-3 and 5, Lemma 9 and Definitions 6, 8 and 12|. % % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt permute}{permute}}\label{permute} % Use |\doublebubblesort| to apply a permutation to a stack/list. % A \emph{permutation} is an ordered stack/list of symbols which also has a natural order. % Popular symbol sets are positive integers and lowercase letters. The comparator macro needs % to sort a list of symbols with no repetitions back to its natural order. % A permutation $\pi$ can be given by listing the values of $\pi$ when applied to the symbols % in their natural order. For example $\pi$|={{5}{1}{2}{3}{4}}| means $\pi$|(1)=5|, $\pi$|(2)=1|, $\pi$|(3)=2|, $\pi$|(4)=3|, $\pi$|(5)=4|. % % At the end of line 2 of the displayed code below, |\ott| contains the symbols in their natural order % so |\permute| does not need to be told the symbols in advance. % At the end of line 3, |\ott| contains the inverse to the original permutation. % At the end of line 4, |#4| contains the permuted version of |#3|. % % \null\hskip0.13\textwidth \vbox{\begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\permute}[4][\realSort]{% % \bubblesort[#1]{#2}{\ott}% % \doublebubblesort[#1]{#2}{\ott}{\ott}{\ott}% % \doublebubblesort[#1]{\ott}{\ott}{#3}{#4}% % } % \end{verbatim}} % If |\def\LL{{${a_1}$}{${a_2}$}{${a_3}$}{${a_4}$}{${a_5}$}}| then\\ % |\permute{{5}{1}{2}{3}{4}}{\LL}{}| yields % % {${\tt a}_5$}\, {${\tt a}_1$}\, {${\tt a}_2$}\, {${\tt a}_3$}\, {${\tt a}_4$}\ , which is % {${\tt a}_{\pi(1)}$}\, {${\tt a}_{\pi(2)}$}\, {${\tt a}_{\pi(3)}$}\, {${\tt a}_{\pi(4)}$}\, {${\tt a}_{\pi(5)}$}\ as desired. % \bigskip % % |\permute| can also be used to multiply permutations: % \begin{itemize} % \item |\permute{\pi_1}{\pi_2}{\ans}| yields |\pi_2|$\circ$|\pi_1| % \item |\permute{\pi_2}{\pi_1}{\ans}| yields |\pi_1|$\circ$|\pi_2|. % \end{itemize} % % \section{Implementation}\label{implementation} % Line numbers refer to the line numbers printed next to the code beginning with |\NeedsTeXFormat| \hyperlink{NeedsTeXFormat}{here}. % There are only four public macros, |\bubblesort| on line \codeRef{bubblesort} % and |\doublebubblesort| on line \codeRef{doublebubblesort} and comparator macros |\realSort| on line \codeRef{realSort}\ and % |\alphSort| on line \codeRef{alphSort}. % Private macros begin with |\@bubblesort@| to minimize the chance of name conflicts with other packages. % This makes reading the code somewhat tedious so % in the descriptions of the code below, the initial |\@bubblesort@| will be replaced by |*|. % % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt bubblesort}{bubblesort}} % |\bubblesort[#1]{#2}{#3}|: % The implementation of |\bubblesort| begins by defining an empty |*rightList| and putting the stack/list to be sorted, |#2|, into |*workingList|. % Note |#2| is now safe - unless |#2| equals |#3|, |#2| will never change. % Then |\bubblesort| removes the leftmost item in |*workingList| % and saves it in |*testItem|. Then it moves on to |\@bubblesort@S| which does the recursion. % % First, |\bubblesort@S| (line \codeRef{bubblesortS}) sets an |etoolbox| boolean, |did a flip|, to false and sets |*leftList| to empty. % Then the macro removes the leftmost element in |*workingList| and saves it in |*nextItem|. % Then it enters the |while| loop (line \codeRef{while}). % The exit condition is that |*nextItem| is empty. % Then the comparator macro is evaluated on the ordered pair $\bigl($|*testItem| , |*nextItem|$\bigr)$. % The smaller of the pair is append to |*leftList| on the right and the larger is set to |*testItem|. % The loop continues until |*workingList| is empty. At this point |*testItem| contains the largest element in the % original |*workingList| and it is added to |*rightList| at the left end. % Hence |*leftList| followed by |*rightList| is the original list. % Next |*leftList| is put into |*workingList| and then the leftmost element is removed and put into |*testItem|. % Finally the |while| loop is reentered. % % After $k$ iterations of the |while| loop, |*rightList| has $k$ elements which are the $k$ largest elements in the original list in increasing order. % When the boolean |did a flip| is false, |*leftList| is also ordered so |*leftList| followed by |*rightList| is the original list sorted % and the |while| loop exits. % The sorted list and macro |#3| from |\bubblesort| are passed on to |\@bubblesort@output| which outputs the list as requested % and |\bubblesort| is finished. % % \noindent\textbf{Remark:} The reader who has worked through the discussion above will have noticed that this implementation of bubble sort % uses about four times the storage as the |C| version which sorts the array in place. % Stacks used in \LaTeX, are probably small enough that this is not a problem. % % Sorting a thousand item list of integers in reverse order (which is the worse case scenario) took less than sixty-five seconds running % |TexShop| |4.44| on a Mac 2013 Powerbook using timing code from % \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/456316/what-is-the-latex-equivalent-of-context-testfeatureonce-to-benchmark-performanc/456322#456322}{tex.stackexchange}. It put no strain on \TeX's memory allocations. % % \bigskip % \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\copy\mm\tt doublebubblesort}{doublebubblesort}} % |\doublebubblesort[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}|: % The |\doublebubblesort| (line \codeRef{doublebubblesort}), |\@doublebubblesort@S| (line \codeRef{doublebubblesortS}), % macros work much like |\bubblesort|, |\@bubblesort@S|. % The code in the |double|'d version contains the identical code from |\bubblesort|, |\@bubblesort@S| except that |A| is added % to the end of each of the internal macros. There is also a parallel copy of macros with |B| added and everything done with the % |A| variables is mimicked with the |B| variables. % % \bigskip % \subsection{The remaining macros} % The macro |\@bubblesort@output#1#2| (line \codeRef{output}) is just to shorten the code % since there are three places a stack or a list is output (lines \codeRef{outputA}, \codeRef{outputB} and \codeRef{outputC}). % % The macro |\@bubblesort@EoS| is the End-of-Stack indicator. % % The remaining macros do the removing items from a list and inserting items at either end of a list. % The shift macro is \\ % \null\hskip1in|\@bubblesort@shift#1#2\@bubblesort@EoS#3#4| (line \codeRef{shiftM})\\ % which is used as \\|\expandafter\@bubblesort@shift{stack/list}\@bubblesort@EoS{\itemA}{\itemB}| which % puts the leftmost item in the stack/list into |\itemA| and the rest of the stack/list into |\itemB|. % % The macros |\@bubblesort@rightappendItem| (line \codeRef{rAi}) \\and % |\@bubblesort@lefttappendItem| (line \codeRef{lAi}) are identical to Knuth's % |\rightappenditem| and |\leftappenditem| except that there are no prepended |\\|'s. % % \StopEventually{} % \color{white} % \setcounter{CodelineNo}{15} % \begin{macro}{blank}\color{black}\textbf{Start of code:} % \hypertarget{NeedsTeXFormat}{} % The rest of the file from the end of this paragraph onward is a copy of the file % generated by \TeX ing the |bubblesort.ins| file except that the standard set of comments % at the start of an |ins| generated file are omitted. And of course the line numbers on the left here are % not present in the |\bubblesort.sty| file. % The comments portion takes 15 lines. % Most editors show line numbers and allow line number navigation so it has been arranged that % the line numbers in the typeset |bubblesort.dtx| file below match the line numbers % in the |ins|-generated |bubblesort.sty| file. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2005/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{bubblesort} [2020/07/01 v1.0 implements a bubble sort] \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \makeatletter \newcount\bubblesortflag \newbool{did a flip} \def\@bubblesort@EoS{}% End-of-Stack indicator % \end{macrocode} \LabelLine{realSort} \def\realSort#1#2{% \ifdimless{#2 pt}{#1 pt}{\bubblesortflag=1}{\bubblesortflag=-1}} % \end{macrocode} \LabelLine{alphSort} \def\alphSort#1#2{\ifnumequal{\pdfstrcmp{#1}{#2}}{1}% {\bubblesortflag=1}{\bubblesortflag=-1}} % \end{macrocode} \LabelLine{bubblesort} \newcommand{\bubblesort}[3][\realSort]{% %% #1 comparator macro, #2 input stack/list, #3 answer list: #2=#3 OK \def\@bubblesort@rightList{}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne#2{}{}{}\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItem}{\@bubblesort@workingList}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@S{#3}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} \LabelLine{bubblesortS} \def\@bubblesort@S#1#2{% #1 is name for answer --- #2 is comparator macro \boolfalse{did a flip}\def\@bubblesort@leftList{}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingList{}{}\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@nextItem}{\@bubblesort@workingList}% % \end{macrocode} \Label{while}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \whileboolexpr{not test{\ifdefvoid{\@bubblesort@nextItem}}}{% #2{\@bubblesort@testItem}{\@bubblesort@nextItem}\relax% \ifnumequal{\bubblesortflag}{1}{% flip \booltrue{did a flip}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@nextItem}% \to\@bubblesort@leftList% }{% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@testItem}% \to\@bubblesort@leftList% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@testItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@nextItem}% }% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingList\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@nextItem}{\@bubblesort@workingList}% }% \expandafter\leftappendItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@testItem}\to\@bubblesort@rightList% \ifbool{did a flip}{% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@workingList\expandafter% {\@bubblesort@leftList{}{}{}}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingList\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItem}{\@bubblesort@workingList}% \def\@bubblesort@leftList{}% \@bubblesort@S{#1}{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} \Label{outputA}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} {\@bubblesort@output{#1}{\@bubblesort@leftList\@bubblesort@rightList}% }} % \end{macrocode} \Label{output}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \def\@bubblesort@output#1#2{% #1 name of output list or empty --- #2 sorted stack \ifstrempty{#1}% {#2}{\expandafter\edef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} \Label{doublebubblesort}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\doublebubblesort}[5][\realSort]{% %% #1 comparator macro %% #2 input stack/list --- #3 output for #2 stack/list; #2=#3 OK %% #4 second stack/list --- #5 answer list for #4; #4=#5 OK \def\@bubblesort@rightListA{}\def\@bubblesort@rightListB{}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne#2{}{}{}\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItemA}{\@bubblesort@workingListA}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne#4{}{}{}\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItemB}{\@bubblesort@workingListB}% \expandafter\@doublebubblesort@S{#3}{#5}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} \Label{doublebubblesortS}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \def\@doublebubblesort@S#1#2#3{% %% #1 output for sorted stack/list --- #2 output for ``sorted'' stack/list %% #3 comparator macro \boolfalse{did a flip}\def\@bubblesort@leftListA{}\def\@bubblesort@leftListB{}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListA{}{}% \@bubblesort@EoS{\@bubblesort@nextItemA}{\@bubblesort@workingListA}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListB{}{}% \@bubblesort@EoS{\@bubblesort@nextItemB}{\@bubblesort@workingListB}% \whileboolexpr{not test{\ifdefvoid{\@bubblesort@nextItemA}}}{% #3{\@bubblesort@testItemA}{\@bubblesort@nextItemA}\relax% \ifnumequal{\bubblesortflag}{1}{% flip \booltrue{did a flip}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@nextItemA}\to\@bubblesort@leftListA% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@nextItemB}\to\@bubblesort@leftListB% }{% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@testItemA}\to\@bubblesort@leftListA% \expandafter\@bubblesort@rightappendItem\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@testItemB}\to\@bubblesort@leftListB% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@testItemA\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@nextItemA}% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@testItemB\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@nextItemB}% }% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListA\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@nextItemA}{\@bubblesort@workingListA}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListB\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@nextItemB}{\@bubblesort@workingListB}% }% \expandafter\leftappendItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@testItemA}\to% \@bubblesort@rightListA% \expandafter\leftappendItem\expandafter{\@bubblesort@testItemB}\to% \@bubblesort@rightListB% \ifbool{did a flip}{% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@workingListA\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@leftListA{}{}{}}% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@bubblesort@workingListB\expandafter{% \@bubblesort@leftListB{}{}{}}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListA\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItemA}{\@bubblesort@workingListA}% \expandafter\@bubblesort@shiftOne\@bubblesort@workingListB\@bubblesort@EoS{% \@bubblesort@testItemB}{\@bubblesort@workingListB}% \def\@bubblesort@leftListA{}% \def\@bubblesort@leftListB{}% \expandafter\@doublebubblesort@S{#1}{#2}{#3}}% % \end{macrocode} \Label{outputB}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} {\@bubblesort@output{#1}{\@bubblesort@leftListA\@bubblesort@rightListA}% % \end{macrocode} \Label{outputC}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \@bubblesort@output{#2}{\@bubblesort@leftListB\@bubblesort@rightListB}}% } % \end{macrocode} \Label{shiftM}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \def\@bubblesort@shiftOne#1#2\@bubblesort@EoS#3#4{% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#3\expandafter{#1}% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#4\expandafter{#2}% } \newtoks\ta\newtoks\tb % \end{macrocode} \Label{rAi}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \long\def\@bubblesort@rightappendItem#1\to#2{\ta={{#1}}\tb=\expandafter{#2}% \edef#2{\the\tb\the\ta}} % \end{macrocode} \Label{lAi}\nointerlineskip\begin{macrocode} \long\def\leftappendItem#1\to#2{\ta={{#1}}\tb=\expandafter{#2}% \edef#2{\the\ta\the\tb}} \makeatother \endinput % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \Finale