% Change file for BibTeX in C, originally by Howard Trickey, for % Berkeley Unix. % % History: % 05/28/84 Initial implementation, version 0.41 of BibTeX % 07/01/84 Version 0.41a of BibTeX. % 12/17/84 Version 0.97c of BibTeX. % 02/12/85 Version 0.98c of BibTeX. % 02/25/85 Newer version 0.98c of BibTeX. % 03/25/85 Version 0.98f of BibTeX % 05/23/85 Version 0.98i of BibTeX % 02/11/88 Version 0.99b of BibTeX % 04/04/88 Version 0.99c; converted for use with web2c (ETM). % 11/30/89 Use FILENAMESIZE instead of 1024 (KB). % 03/09/90 `int' is a bad variable name. % (more recent changes in ../ChangeLog.W2C) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [1] banner %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @d banner=='This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c' {printed when the program starts} @y @d banner=='This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c' {more is printed later} @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [2] `term_in' and `term_out' are standard input and output. But % there is a complication: BibTeX passes `term_out' to some routines as % a var parameter. web2c turns a var parameter f into &f at the calling % side -- and stdout is sometimes implemented as `&_iob[1]' or some % such. An address of an address is invalid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @d term_out == tty @d term_in == tty @y @d term_out == standard_output @d term_in == standard_input @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [4] Turn debug..gubed et al. into #ifdef's. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @d debug == @{ { remove the `|@{|' when debugging } @d gubed == @t@>@} { remove the `|@}|' when debugging } @f debug == begin @f gubed == end @# @d stat == @{ { remove the `|@{|' when keeping statistics } @d tats == @t@>@} { remove the `|@}|' when keeping statistics } @f stat == begin @f tats == end @# @d trace == @{ { remove the `|@{|' when in |trace| mode } @d ecart == @t@>@} { remove the `|@}|' when in |trace| mode } @f trace == begin @f ecart == end @y @d debug == ifdef('DEBUG') @d gubed == endif('DEBUG') @f debug == begin @f gubed == end @# @d stat == ifdef('STAT') @d tats == endif('STAT') @f stat==begin @f tats==end @# @d trace == ifdef@&('TRACE') @d ecart == endif@&('TRACE') @f trace == begin @f ecart == end @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [10] Don't print the banner unless verbose. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x print_ln(banner);@/ @y if verbose then begin print (banner); print_ln (version_string); end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [10] Possibly exit with bad status. It doesn't seem worth it to move % the definitions of the |history| values to above this module; hence % the 1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x exit_program: end. @y exit_program: if (history > 1) then uexit (history); end. @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [11] Remove compiler directives. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @{@&$C-,A+,D-@} {no range check, catch arithmetic overflow, no debug overhead} @!debug @{@&$C+,D+@}@+ gubed {but turn everything on when debugging} @y @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [13] Remove nonlocal goto. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x goto exit_program; @y uexit (1); @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [14] Increase some constants. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @!buf_size=1000; {maximum number of characters in an input line (or string)} @y @!buf_size=3000; {maximum number of characters in an input line (or string)} @z @x @!max_bib_files=20; {maximum number of \.{.bib} files allowed} @y @!max_bib_files=1000; {maximum number of \.{.bib} files allowed} @z @x @!pool_size=65000; {maximum number of characters in strings} @y @!pool_size=512000; {maximum number of characters in strings} @z @x @!max_strings=4000; {maximum number of strings, including pre-defined; must be |<=hash_size|} @y @!max_strings=20000; {maximum number of strings, including pre-defined; must be |<=hash_size|} @z @x @!max_cites=750; {maximum number of distinct cite keys; must be |<=max_strings|} @y @!max_cites=3000; {maximum number of distinct cite keys; must be |<=max_strings|} @z @x @!min_crossrefs=2; {minimum number of cross-refs required for automatic |cite_list| inclusion} @y {|min_crossrefs| can be set at runtime now.} @z @x @!wiz_fn_space=3000; {maximum amount of |wiz_defined|-function space} @y @!wiz_fn_space=10000; {maximum amount of |wiz_defined|-function space} @z @x @!single_fn_space=100; {maximum amount for a single |wiz_defined|-function} @y @!single_fn_space=200; {maximum amount for a single |wiz_defined|-function} @z @x @!max_ent_ints=3000; {maximum number of |int_entry_var|s (entries $\times$ |int_entry_var|s)} @y @!max_ent_ints=25000; {maximum number of |int_entry_var|s (entries $\times$ |int_entry_var|s)} @z @x @!max_ent_strs=3000; {maximum number of |str_entry_var|s (entries $\times$ |str_entry_var|s)} @y @!max_ent_strs=10000; {maximum number of |str_entry_var|s (entries $\times$ |str_entry_var|s)} @z @x @!max_fields=17250; {maximum number of fields (entries $\times$ fields, about |23*max_cites| for consistency)} @y @!max_fields=69000; {maximum number of fields (entries $\times$ fields, about |23*max_cites| for consistency)} @z @x @d hash_size=5000 {must be |>= max_strings| and |>= hash_prime|} @y @d hash_size=21000 {must be |>= max_strings| and |>= hash_prime|} @z @x @d hash_prime=4253 {a prime number about 85\% of |hash_size| and |>= 128| and |< @t$2^{14}-2^6$@>|} @y @d hash_prime=16319 {a prime number about 85\% of |hash_size| and |>= 128| and |< @t$2^{14}-2^6$@>|} @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [15] Use the system constant. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @d file_name_size=40 {file names shouldn't be longer than this} @y @d file_name_size == PATH_MAX @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [22, 23, 27, 28] Allow any character as input. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x [22] @!ASCII_code=0..127; {seven-bit numbers} @y @!ASCII_code=0..255; {eight-bit numbers} @z @x [23] @d text_char == char {the data type of characters in text files} @d first_text_char=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |text_char|} @d last_text_char=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @<Local variables for initialization@>= i:0..last_text_char; {this is the first one declared} @y @d text_char == ASCII_code {the data type of characters in text files} @d first_text_char=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |text_char|} @d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @<Local variables for initialization@>= i:integer; @z @x [27] for i:=1 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' '; xchr[tab]:=chr(tab); @y for i:=0 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=chr(i); for i:=@'177 to @'377 do xchr[i]:=chr(i); @z @x [28] for i:=first_text_char to last_text_char do xord[chr(i)]:=invalid_code; for i:=1 to @'176 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; @y for i:=first_text_char to last_text_char do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [32] Make RET a `white_space' character, so we won't choke on DOS % files, which end in a CR/LF pair. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x lex_class[tab] := white_space; @y lex_class[tab] := white_space; lex_class[13] := white_space; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [36] Define `alpha_file' in C. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @!alpha_file=packed file of text_char; {files that contain textual data} @y @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [37] Can't do arithmetic with |file_name_size| any longer, sigh. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @!name_ptr:0..file_name_size+1; {index variable into |name_of_file|} @y @!name_ptr:integer; {index variable into |name_of_file|} @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [38] File opening. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x The \ph\ compiler with which the present version of \TeX\ was prepared has extended the rules of \PASCAL\ in a very convenient way. To open file~|f|, we can write $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfil\qquad&#\hfil\cr |reset(f,@t\\{name}@>,'/O')|&for input;\cr |rewrite(f,@t\\{name}@>,'/O')|&for output.\cr}}$$ The `\\{name}' parameter, which is of type `\ignorespaces|packed array[@t\<\\{any}>@>] of text_char|', stands for the name of the external file that is being opened for input or output. Blank spaces that might appear in \\{name} are ignored. The `\.{/O}' parameter tells the operating system not to issue its own error messages if something goes wrong. If a file of the specified name cannot be found, or if such a file cannot be opened for some other reason (e.g., someone may already be trying to write the same file), we will have |@!erstat(f)<>0| after an unsuccessful |reset| or |rewrite|. This allows \TeX\ to undertake appropriate corrective action. \TeX's file-opening procedures return |false| if no file identified by |name_of_file| could be opened. @d reset_OK(#)==erstat(#)=0 @d rewrite_OK(#)==erstat(#)=0 @<Procedures and functions for file-system interacting@>= function erstat(var f:file):integer; extern; {in the runtime library} @#@t\2@> function a_open_in(var f:alpha_file):boolean; {open a text file for input} begin reset(f,name_of_file,'/O'); a_open_in:=reset_OK(f); end; @# function a_open_out(var f:alpha_file):boolean; {open a text file for output} begin rewrite(f,name_of_file,'/O'); a_open_out:=rewrite_OK(f); end; @y @ File opening will be done in C. @d no_file_path = -1 @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [39] Do file closing in C. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @<Procedures and functions for file-system interacting@>= procedure a_close(var f:alpha_file); {close a text file} begin close(f); end; @y File closing will be done in C, too. @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [47] web2c doesn't understand f^. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x buffer[last]:=xord[f^]; get(f); incr(last); end; get(f); @y buffer[last] := xord[getc (f)]; incr (last); end; vgetc (f); {skip the eol} @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [77] The predefined string array starts at zero instead of one. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x for i:=1 to len do buffer[i] := xord[pds[i]]; @y for i:=1 to len do buffer[i] := xord[pds[i-1]]; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [97] Can't do this tangle-time arithmetic. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @!aux_name_length : 0..file_name_size+1; {\.{.aux} name sans extension} @y @!aux_name_length : integer; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [100] Reading the aux file name and command-line processing. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x This procedure consists of a loop that reads and processes a (nonnull) \.{.aux} file name. It's this module and the next two that must be changed on those systems using command-line arguments. Note: The |term_out| and |term_in| files are system dependent. @<Procedures and functions for the reading and processing of input files@>= procedure get_the_top_level_aux_file_name; label aux_found,@!aux_not_found; var @<Variables for possible command-line processing@>@/ begin check_cmnd_line := false; {many systems will change this} loop begin if (check_cmnd_line) then @<Process a possible command line@> else begin write (term_out,'Please type input file name (no extension)--'); if (eoln(term_in)) then {so the first |read| works} read_ln (term_in); aux_name_length := 0; while (not eoln(term_in)) do begin if (aux_name_length = file_name_size) then begin while (not eoln(term_in)) do {discard the rest of the line} get(term_in); sam_you_made_the_file_name_too_long; end; incr(aux_name_length); name_of_file[aux_name_length] := term_in^; get(term_in); end; end; @<Handle this \.{.aux} name@>; aux_not_found: check_cmnd_line := false; end; aux_found: {now we're ready to read the \.{.aux} file} end; @y @<Procedures and functions for the reading and processing of input files@>= procedure get_the_top_level_aux_file_name; label aux_found,@!aux_not_found; var @<Variables for possible command-line processing@>@/ begin loop begin {initialize the path variables} set_paths (BIB_INPUT_PATH_BIT + BST_INPUT_PATH_BIT); if (argc > 1) then @<Process a possible command line@> else begin write (term_out,'Please type input file name (no extension)--'); aux_name_length := 0; while (not eoln(term_in)) do begin if (aux_name_length = file_name_size) then begin readln(term_in); sam_you_made_the_file_name_too_long; end; name_of_file[aux_name_length+1] := getc(term_in); incr(aux_name_length); end; if (eof(term_in)) then begin writeln(term_out); writeln(term_out, 'Unexpected end of file on terminal---giving up!'); uexit(1); end; readln(term_in); end; @<Handle this \.{.aux} name@>; aux_not_found: argc := 0; end; aux_found: {now we're ready to read the \.{.aux} file} end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [101] Don't need this variable; we use argc to check if we have a % command line. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @<Variables for possible command-line processing@>= @!check_cmnd_line : boolean; {|true| if we're to check the command line} @y @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [102] Get the aux file name from the command line. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @<Process a possible command line@>= begin do_nothing; {the ``default system'' doesn't use the command line} end @y @<Process a possible command line@>= begin if argc > n_options + arg_options + 3 then begin print ('Usage: bibtex '); print ('[-verbose] '); print ('[-min-crossrefs=<number>] '); print_ln ('[<aux file>].'); @.Usage: ...@> uexit (1); end; @<Initialize the option variables@>; @<Parse arguments@>; argv (optind, name_of_file); aux_name_length := 1; while name_of_file[aux_name_length] <> ' ' do incr (aux_name_length); decr (aux_name_length); end @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [106] Don't use a path to find the aux file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x if (not a_open_in(cur_aux_file)) then sam_you_made_the_file_name_wrong; @y if (not a_open_in(cur_aux_file,no_file_path)) then sam_you_made_the_file_name_wrong; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [110] Be silent unless verbose. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x print ('The top-level auxiliary file: '); print_aux_name; @y if verbose then begin print ('The top-level auxiliary file: '); print_aux_name; end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [123] Use BIBINPUTS to search for the .bib file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x if (not a_open_in(cur_bib_file)) then begin add_area (s_bib_area); if (not a_open_in(cur_bib_file)) then open_bibdata_aux_err ('I couldn''t open database file '); end; @y if (not a_open_in(cur_bib_file,BIB_INPUT_PATH)) then open_bibdata_aux_err ('I couldn''t open database file '); @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [127] Use BSTINPUTS/TEXINPUTS to search for .bst files. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x add_extension (s_bst_extension); if (not a_open_in(bst_file)) then begin add_area (s_bst_area); if (not a_open_in(bst_file)) then begin print ('I couldn''t open style file '); print_bst_name;@/ bst_str := 0; {mark as unused again} aux_err_return; end; end; @y add_extension (s_bst_extension); if (not a_open_in(bst_file,BST_INPUT_PATH)) then begin print ('I couldn''t open style file '); print_bst_name;@/ bst_str := 0; {mark as unused again} aux_err_return; end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [127] Be silent unless verbose. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x print ('The style file: '); print_bst_name; @y if verbose then begin print ('The style file: '); print_bst_name; end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [141] Don't use a path to search for subsidiary aux files, either. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x if (not a_open_in(cur_aux_file)) then @y if (not a_open_in(cur_aux_file, no_file_path)) then @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [151] This goto gets turned into a setjmp/longjmp by ./convert -- % unfortunately, it is a nonlocal goto. ekrell@ulysses@att.com % implemented the conversion. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x buf_ptr2 := last; {to get the first input line} loop begin if (not eat_bst_white_space) then {the end of the \.{.bst} file} goto bst_done; get_bst_command_and_process; end; bst_done: a_close (bst_file); @y buf_ptr2 := last; {to get the first input line} hack1; begin if (not eat_bst_white_space) then {the end of the \.{.bst} file} hack2; get_bst_command_and_process; end; bst_done: a_close (bst_file); @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [198] A variable named `int' is no good in C. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @<Procedures and functions for handling numbers, characters, and strings@>= @y @d int == the_int @<Procedures and functions for handling numbers, characters, and strings@>= @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [223] Be silent unless verbose. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x print ('Database file #',bib_ptr+1:0,': '); print_bib_name;@/ @y if verbose then begin print ('Database file #',bib_ptr+1:0,': '); print_bib_name; end; @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [388] bibtex.web has mutually exclusive tests here; Oren said he % doesn't want to fix it until 1.0, since it's obviously of no practical % import (or someone would have found it before GCC 2 did). Changing % the second `and' to an `or' makes all but the last of multiple authors % be omitted in the bbl file, so I simply removed the statement. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x while ((ex_buf_xptr < ex_buf_ptr) and (lex_class[ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr]] = white_space) and (lex_class[ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr]] = sep_char)) do incr(ex_buf_xptr); {this removes leading stuff} @y @z %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [467] System-dependent changes: option handling. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @x @* System-dependent changes. @^system dependencies@> This section should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program that are necessary to make \BibTeX\ work at a particular installation. It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to previous sections preserve the section numbering; then everybody's version will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes, which introduce new sections, can be inserted here; then only the index itself will get a new section number. @y @* System-dependent changes. We want to parse a Unix-style command line. @^system dependencies@> This macro tests if its argument is the current option, as represented by the index variable |option_index|. @d argument_is (#) == (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, #) = 0) @<Parse arguments@> = begin @<Define the option table@>; repeat getopt_return_val := getopt_long_only (argc, gargv, '', long_options, address_of_int (option_index)); if getopt_return_val <> -1 then begin if getopt_return_val = "?" then uexit (1); {|getopt| has already given an error message.} if argument_is ('min-crossrefs') then begin min_crossrefs := atoi (optarg); end else {It was just a flag; |getopt| has already done the assignment.} do_nothing; end; until getopt_return_val = -1; {Now |optind| is the index of first non-option on the command line.} end @ The array of information we pass in. The type |getopt_struct| is defined in C, to avoid type clashes. We also need to know the return value from getopt, and the index of the current option. @<Variables for possible command-line...@> = @!long_options: array[0..n_options] of getopt_struct; @!getopt_return_val: integer; @!option_index: c_int_type; @!current_option: 0..n_options; @ Here is the first of the options we allow. @.-verbose@> @<Define the option...@> = current_option := 0; long_options[0].name := 'verbose'; long_options[0].has_arg := 0; long_options[0].flag := address_of_int (verbose); long_options[0].val := 1; incr (current_option); @ The global variable |verbose| determines whether or not we print progress information. @<Glob...@> = @!verbose: c_int_type; @ It starts off |false|. @<Initialize the option...@> = verbose := false; @ Here is an option to change the minimum number of cross-refs required for automatic |cite_list| inclusion. @.-min-crossrefs@> @<Define the option...@> = long_options[current_option].name := 'min-crossrefs'; long_options[current_option].has_arg := 1; long_options[current_option].flag := 0; long_options[current_option].val := 0; incr (current_option); @ @<Glob...@> = @!min_crossrefs: integer; @ Set |min_crossrefs| to two by default, so we match the documentation (\.{btxdoc.tex}). @<Initialize the option...@> = min_crossrefs := 2; @ An element with all zeros always ends the list. @<Define the option...@> = long_options[current_option].name := 0; long_options[current_option].has_arg := 0; long_options[current_option].flag := 0; long_options[current_option].val := 0; @ Pascal compilers won't count the number of elements in an array constant for us. This doesn't include the zero-element at the end, because this array starts at index zero. @<Constants...@> = @!n_options = 2; @!arg_options = 1; @z