% censor.sty
[\censorversiondate\ \censorversionnumber\
 Provides capability for redaction of sensitive information]
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the 
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Steven B. Segletes.



\censorruledepth=-0.3ex% -0.3ex DEFAULT
\censorruleheight=2.1ex%  2.1ex DEFAULT
\def\censordot{\censor{.}}% versus \def\censordot{.}%
\censortrue% DEFAULT


  \newcommand\@cenlen[1]{\censorrule{#1 ex}}

  \newcommand\un@cenlen[1]{\protect\underline{\hspace{#1 ex}}}

           \renewcommand\censpace{ }%




  \leaders\hrule height \dimexpr\censorruleheight+\censorruledepth\relax
    depth -\censorruledepth
  \hskip\fontdimen2\font plus \fontdimen3\font minus \fontdimen4\font
















1.00 - Initial release
2.00 - Added \blackout
2.10 - Allowed \blackout to cross paragraph boundaries with use of
       \bpar. Stopped censoring periods, in order to preserve
       end-of-sentence spacing, which differs from inter-word spacing.
3.00 - \censorbox introduced to handle figures, tables, etc.
3.10 - Made \blackout work with \par in argument.  Introduced 
3.20 - Specify depth/height of censor rule.  Introduced \def\censordot{}
3.21 - Fixed bug regarding \xblackout rules remaining after a
3.22 - changed `\if to \ifx in definition of \bl@t, to handle macros like \%
4.0  - Recast \blackout and \xblackout in terms of tokcycle environments
     - Introduced \blackoutenv...\endblackoutenv and 
4.1  - Added automatic support for censoring character macros such as \$, 
       etc. and character accents such as \', etc. See \test@chars and 
       \test@accents for details.
     - Fixed bug in which \expanded arguments remained inside a TeX group
4.2  - Extended capability (via switch) to autocensor Greek math (see 
     - In (x)blackout macros/environments, auto-intercepts catcode 3,4,7 
       and 8 characters and passes them through unchanged, to help facilitate 
       general censoring of math and tabular content.
     - Switched \censpace, used in \xblackout, to a leader rather than a
       lapped rule, which allows automatically for glue associated with
     - Made \censor and \censorbox robust, which will allow censoring 
       to occur across, for example, section headers, tocs, etc.
     - Revisited the documentation, bringing it up to date.
4.3  - Introduced \ifcensor condition, default true, set false via
       \StopCensoring and set true via \RestartCensoring.  Thus, the current
       state of censoring can be determined by the user.