%% HeVeA support for checklistings.
%% Limitations / caveats
%% * checklistings.hva requires all the intermediate generated by latex and
%%   checklistings.sh (*.<ext>, *.tex, *.msg, *.err).
%% * The options 'codestyle', 'msgstyle', 'errstyle', 'codelst', 'msglst',
%%   and 'errlst' cannot be set as in LaTeX, e.g.,
%%	\checklistings{codelst={language=caml}}
%%   Since HeVeA eliminates the grouping braces and passes 'language' to
%%   the handler for 'codelst' (rather than 'language=caml').
%%   One workaround is to \usepackage{hevea} and use \ifhevea to select
%%   the most appropriate of the two forms.
%% * fancyvrb and the package options codestyle, msgstyle, and errstyle are
%%   not supported.
%%   Alternative 1: use the codelst, msglst, and errlst options.
%%   Alternative 2: use css for formatting code, messages, and errors.
%% * Non-empty labels in the arguments of \chklistingmsg and
%%   \chklistingerr are not supported.



% % % Declare Options % % %





% Unused options

% % % Process Options % % %

% Work around the lack of \DeclareOption* in package.hva


% % % Macros used in files generated by checklistings.sh % % %




% % % Checklistings user macros % % %


% Work around the lack of \edef and \expandafter

  \setenvclass{lstlisting}{lstlisting chklistingmsg}%

  \setenvclass{lstlisting}{lstlisting chklistingerr}%

    \setenvclass{lstlisting}{lstlisting chklisting}%
	    Unexpected success: \chklistingmsg{}
	    Unexpected failure: \chklistingerr{}