% \CheckSum{115} % \iffalse % % concmath.dtx --- LaTeX package for Concrete Math fonts. % % Copyright (C) 1995--99 Ulrik Vieth % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License % as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution; either % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass[fleqn]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[amssymb]{concmath} \usepackage{mflogo} \renewcommand\baselinestretch{1.1} \begin{document} \DocInput{concmath.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % % \title{The \texttt{concmath} package} % \author{Ulrik Vieth} % \date{1999-03-10 v2.0} % % \maketitle % % \section{About this package} % % The \texttt{concmath} package for \LaTeXe{} provides access to % the Concrete Math fonts that were derived from the Concrete Roman % fonts designed by Don Knuth \cite{DEK:Concrete,DEK:TUB-Concrete}. % While the Concrete Roman fonts were originally developed as a % text fonts to be used in combination with the AMS Euler fonts in % math mode, the Concrete Math fonts provides a complementary set % of math fonts, so that the Concrete typefaces may be used as a % complete replacement for Computer Modern \cite{DEK:VolumeE}. % % Loading the \texttt{concmath} package without any options has the % effect of switching the default text font family to Concrete % Roman and redeclaring the default math symbol fonts and math % alphabets to use Concrete Math. In addition, the % \texttt{concmath} package also provides the following package % options that may be used to activate some extra features: % % \textbf{The `\textsf{exscale}' option:} This option provides % the functionality of the `\textsf{exscale}' package from the % \LaTeX{} base distribution, but using scaled sizes of the % Concrete version of the math extension font instead of Computer % Modern. % % \textbf{The `\textsf{amsfonts}' and `\textsf{amssymb}' options:} % These options provide the functionality of the standard % `\textsf{amsfonts}' and `\textsf{amssymb}' packages, but using % the Concrete versions of the AMS symbol fonts and math alphabets. % % \textbf{The `\textsf{sansbold}' option:} This option redefines % the default bold series to use semibold condensed, thereby % replacing the bold extended version of Computer Modern Roman by % the semibold condensed version of Computer Modern Sans Serif in % bold material such as titles and section headings. Since there % are different opinions among package writers as to which of these % choices is better suited for use in combination with Concrete % Roman, both have been used in various \LaTeX{} packages % \cite{latex-beton, latex-euler, latex-ccfonts} and both are % supported in this package as well. % % Before we eventually get to the implementation of the % \texttt{concmath} package and the corresponding font definition % files, we shall first review the history of the Concrete Roman % and Concrete Math font families. In particular, we shall discuss % the procedure how the Concrete Math fonts were derived from the % Concrete Roman fonts by applying systematic changes to the \MF{} % parameter files. % % % \section{History of the `Concrete Roman' fonts} % % When Don Knuth and his co-authors wrote \textit{Concrete % Mathematics} \cite{DEK:Concrete,DEK:TUB-Concrete}, they decided % to make their book typographically interesting by making it the % first one to use a new family of typefaces. The book was to be % set using the AMS Euler fonts designed by Hermann Zapf, replacing % the usual Computer Modern fonts in math mode. As for the text % font, the original intention was to use Computer Modern Roman as % usual. However, the combination of Computer Modern in text mode % and Euler in math mode soon turned out to be unsatisfactory, and % Don Knuth eventually set out to develop a heavier variant of % Computer Modern Roman that was better suited to match the % somewhat darker color of the Euler fonts. % % The result was a square-serif style typeface named Concrete % Roman, along with \textit{italics}, \textsl{slanted}, and % \textsc{small-caps} variants for emphasis and various mark-up % elements. Unlike Computer Modern Roman, Concrete Roman features % a relatively uniform stroke thickness and does not exhibit strong % contrasts between hairlines and stems, making it particularly % robust for use in low-resolution printing, but also in % display-oriented applications such as transparencies or posters. % % The original distribution of Knuth's Concrete fonts consisted % exclusively of text fonts. There was no bold series, nor were % there any math fonts, since the latter were to be taken from the % Euler fonts (or Computer Modern for the geometric math symbols). % While there does exists a Concrete Math Italics font shape, % \texttt{ccmi10}, this does not actually represent a math font and % was not designed to be used as such. It only serves as an extra % text font that provides access to the oldstyle numerals % \oldstylenums{0123456789} and miscellaneous text symbols, such as % the tie accent. However, given the meta-ness inherent in the % designs of the Computer Modern typefaces \cite{DEK:VolumeE}, it % is relatively easy to develop a complete set of Concrete math % fonts by applying some simple heuristics, as we shall see in the % following section. % % % \section{Design of the `Concrete Math' fonts} % % The Concrete Math fonts (also known as `\texttt{concmath}' fonts) % were developed by the author in early 1995, originally for use in % a poster presentation. When the use of magnified sizes of % Computer Modern math fonts printed at low resolution turned out % to be unsatisfactory for comfortable reading in poster sizes, the % need for a somewhat darker alternative became apparent. Since % the only existing alternative would have been to use the AMS % Euler fonts in math mode, which were deemed a little too exotic % for the intended application, the author set out to investigate % the possibilities of generating a complete set of Concrete Math % fonts by applying systematic changes to the \MF{} parameter % files. % % An initial comparison of the existing parameter files for % \texttt{ccr10} and \texttt{ccmi10} revealed that they were almost % identical except for the font identifier, the slant parameter, % several boolean variables, and the call to the \MF{} driver file. % Unlike in the case of \texttt{cmr10} and \texttt{cmmi10}, there % were no differences in the design parameters governing the % appearance of the character shapes, so it became almost trivial % to generate a full set of Concrete Math Italics fonts in the % usual range of sizes between 5\,pt and 10\,pt by starting from % the \texttt{ccr} parameter files and applying the necessary % systematic changes listed in Table~\ref{tab:cc-parameters} to % produce a math font. % % \begin{table}[tb] % \small % \begin{tabular}{lllllll} % font encoding: % & OT1 & OML & OMS & OMX % & U+msa & U+msb \\ % font name: % & \texttt{ccr10} & \texttt{xccmi10} & \texttt{xccsy10} & \texttt{xccex10} % & \texttt{xccam10} & \texttt{xccbm10} \\ % font identifier: % & \texttt{"CCR"} & \texttt{"CCMI"} & \texttt{"CCSY"} & \texttt{"CCEX"} % & \texttt{"CCAM"} & \texttt{"CCBM"} \\ % parameters: % & --- & \texttt{ccr10} & \texttt{ccr10} & \texttt{ccr10} % & \texttt{ccr10} & \texttt{ccr10} \\ % fontdimens: % & --- & --- & \texttt{cmsy10} & \texttt{cmex10} % & \texttt{cmsy10} & \texttt{cmsy10} \\ % \textit{slant}: & 0 & 0.25 & 0.25 & 0 & 0 & 0.25 \\ % \textit{variant\_g}: % & \textbf{false} & \textbf{true} & irrelevant & irrelevant % & irrelevant & irrelevant \\ % \textit{math\_fitting}: % & \textbf{false} & \textbf{true} & \textbf{true} & \textbf{false} % & \textbf{true} & \textbf{true} \\ % \textbf{generate}: % & \texttt{roman} & \texttt{mathit} & \texttt{mathsy} & \texttt{mathex} % & \texttt{amsya} & \texttt{amsyb} \\ % \end{tabular} % \bigskip % \caption{\label{tab:cc-parameters} % Comparison of the parameters for the Concrete Math typefaces.} % \end{table} % % The resulting font shapes were called \texttt{xccmi} where the % prefix `\texttt{x}' was used to avoid any potential name % conflicts with font shapes from Don Knuth's distribution of the % Concrete fonts, particularly in the case of \texttt{ccmi10}, % which despite its name is not a real math font, as discussed % earlier. % % After the Concrete Math Italics fonts were in place, the next % step was to create suitable math symbol and math extension fonts. % Once again, the author started with a comparison of the parameter % files of the corresponding Computer Modern fonts, which revealed % that \texttt{cmmi} and \texttt{cmsy} were identical except for % the font identifier, the driver file, and the extra |\fontdimen| % parameters in \texttt{cmsy} that are required for use as a math % symbol font in |\textfont2|. Similarly, the parameters of % \texttt{cmex} matched those of \texttt{cmr} except for the font % identifier, the driver file, and the |\fontdimen|s in % \texttt{cmex} for a math extension font in |\textfont3|. % % In both cases, the corresponding Concrete versions, named % \texttt{xccsy} and \texttt{xccex}, could be derived easily by % starting from \texttt{xccmi}, applying some systematic changes, % and merging in the code for the |\fontdimen| parameters from % \texttt{cmsy} or~\texttt{cmex}. Since the details of these % parameter calculations weren't documented anywhere, not even in % Knuth's \textit{Computer Modern Typefaces} \cite{DEK:VolumeE}, % the author unfortunately had to rely on adapting whatever was % there and hoping that it would somehow work for Concrete Math % just as well. % % Finally, to round off the collection, the author also generated % Concrete versions of the AMS math symbol fonts \texttt{msam} and % \texttt{msbm}, which were called \texttt{xccam} and % \texttt{xccbm}. As in the previous cases, the \MF{} parameter % files of the fonts in question were compared to those of the % Computer Modern math fonts, and it was found that both AMS symbol % fonts were based on the \texttt{cmsy} parameters. The % corresponding Concrete versions were then generated by starting % from \texttt{xccsy} and applying the usual systematic changes. % In the case of \texttt{xccam}, which also contains some text % symbols `$\circledR$' and `$\circledS$' based on small-caps % parameters, the ``lower'' parameters were taken from % \texttt{cccsc10} in the 10\,pt version, but from \texttt{msam} % in the smaller sizes for lack of any other alternatives. While % this may not give optimal results for the circled letters, it % shouldn't have any adverse effect on the math symbols. % % % \StopEventually { % \section*{Acknowledgement} % % Many features implemented in this package have been influenced by % several other \LaTeX{} packages \cite{latex-beton, latex-euler, % latex-ccfonts} that provide a more or less similar functionality. % The author has tried to remain compatible with these packages % wherever possible, although some design decisions have been taken % that may lead to subtle differences. Potential users are invited % to analyze and compare these packages, and to choose whatever % suits them best. We hope that even if you found that another % package provides a better solution for your needs, you may have % still learned something interesting about the background of the % Concrete Roman and Concrete Math fonts from reading this % documentation. % % \begin{thebibliography}{1} % \bibitem{DEK:Concrete} % \textsc{Ronald L. Graham}, \textsc{Donald E. Knuth}, and % \textsc{Oren Patashnik}. % \newblock \textit{Concrete Mathematics}. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1989. % \bibitem{DEK:TUB-Concrete} % \textsc{Donald E. Knuth}. % \newblock \textit{Typesetting Concrete Mathematics}. % \newblock \textsl{TUGboat} 10\#1, 31--36, 1989. % \bibitem{DEK:VolumeE} % \textsc{Donald E. Knuth}. % \newblock \textit{Computer Mordern Typefaces}. % \newblock Volume~E of \textit{Computers \& Typesetting}. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1986. % \bibitem{latex-beton} % \textsc{Frank Jensen}. % \newblock The \texttt{beton} package.\\ % \newblock \texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/beton/}. % \bibitem{latex-euler} % \textsc{Frank Jensen}. % \newblock The \texttt{euler} package.\\ % \newblock \texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/euler/}. % \bibitem{latex-ccfonts} % \textsc{Walter Schmidt}. % \newblock The \texttt{ccfonts} package.\\ % \newblock \texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/ccfonts/}. % \end{thebibliography} % } % % % \section{The implementation} % % After having reviewed the history of the Concrete Roman and % Concrete Math fonts, we now turn to the implementation of the % \texttt{concmath} \LaTeX{} package and the corresponding font % definition files. % % % \subsection{Hello, World!} % % First, we announce the package and the font definition files. % % \begin{macrocode} %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/12/01] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{concmath} %<OT1ccr>\ProvidesFile{ot1ccr.fd} %<OMLccr>\ProvidesFile{omlccr.fd} %<OMSccr>\ProvidesFile{omsccr.fd} %<OMLccm>\ProvidesFile{omlccm.fd} %<OMSccsy>\ProvidesFile{omsccsy.fd} %<OMXccex>\ProvidesFile{omxccex.fd} %<Ucca>\ProvidesFile{ucca.fd} %<Uccb>\ProvidesFile{uccb.fd} %<+package>[1999/03/10 v2.0b LaTeX package for Concrete math fonts] %<-package>[1999/03/10 v2.0b LaTeX font defs for Concrete math fonts] % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Font definition files} % % \subsubsection{Concrete Roman} % % Here are the standard font definitions for Concrete Roman, % including the \textit{italics}, \textsl{slanted}, and % \textsc{small-caps} variants, which are usually only available % in~10\,pt size. While it would be a trivial exercise to create a % full set of slanted fonts by taking the \texttt{ccr} parameter % files and setting the slant parameter to~$1/6$ in the % \texttt{ccsl} parameter files, we shall only use the sizes % provided in Knuth's official distribution. As for the italics % and small-caps versions, there is no way to generate appropriate % smaller sizes without extensive tuning and testing to derive new % parameter sets. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*OT1ccr> \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{ccr}{\hyphenchar\font45 } \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{m}{n}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> gen * ccr <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> ccr10}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{m}{sl}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> ccsl9 <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> ccsl10}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{m}{it}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> ccti10}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{m}{sc}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> cccsc10}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Next, here are the font substitutions for the bold series. Since % there is no bold series in Concrete, we will use the % corresponding Computer Modern fonts. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{bx}{n} {<-> ssub * cmr/bx/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{bx}{sl}{<-> ssub * cmr/bx/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{bx}{it}{<-> ssub * cmr/bx/it}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Next, here are the font substitutions for the semibold series. % As we shall see below, the \texttt{concmath} package provides a % `\textsf{boldsans}' option which redefines |\bfdefault| and thus % turns all bold material into semibold condensed (which will then % be substituted by semibold condensed sans serif). Since some % people prefer to use semibold condensed Computer Modern Sans % Serif in combination with Concrete Roman, this unusual % substitution allows to switch between both choices by selecting % or omitting a package option. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{sbc}{n} {<-> ssub * cmss/sbc/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{sbc}{sl}{<-> ssub * cmss/sbc/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{sbc}{it}{<-> ssub * cmss/sbc/n}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, here is the font shape declaration for the special % purpose condensed slanted font that was used in \textit{Concrete % Mathematics} for so-called `graffiti'. The \texttt{concmath} % package does not bother to provide macros for such kinds of % marginal notes, thus users who want to use this feature will have % to develop their own. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{ccr}{c}{sl}{<9> ccslc9}{} %</OT1ccr> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Concrete Roman Font Substitutions} % % For technical reasons it necessary to provide font substitutions % for Concrete Roman text symbols in the `OML' and `OMS' encodings. % Any references to \texttt{ccr} in these encodings will be % substituted by references to the corresponding Concrete math % italics and math symbol fonts. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*OMLccr> \DeclareFontFamily{OML}{ccr}{\skewchar\font127 } \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccr}{m}{it} {<->ssub * ccm/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccr}{bx}{it} {<->ssub * ccm/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccr}{sbc}{it}{<->ssub * ccm/m/it}{} %</OMLccr> % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %<*OMSccr> \DeclareFontFamily{OMS}{ccr}{\skewchar\font48 } \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{ccr}{m}{n} {<->ssub * ccsy/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{ccr}{bx}{n} {<->ssub * ccsy/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{ccr}{sbc}{n}{<->ssub * ccsy/m/n}{} %</OMSccr> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Concrete Math Italics} % % Now, we turn to the font definitions for Concrete Math Italics. % Since the \texttt{xccmi} parameters were derived from % \texttt{ccr} with some systematic changes, these fonts are % available in the same range of sizes, i.e.\ between 5\,pt and % 10\,pt. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*OMLccm> \DeclareFontFamily{OML}{ccm}{\skewchar\font127 } \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccm}{m}{it}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> gen * xccmi <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> xccmi10}{} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccm}{b}{it}{<-> ssub * cmm/b/it}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Similar to the 9\,pt slanted condensed text font for use in % `graffiti', there also exists a 9\,pt slanted condensed version % of Concrete Math Italics, stripped down to the oldstyle numerals % only. This font shape is included here only for completeness, % and users should be aware that it won't be usable as a math font. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{ccm}{c}{it}{<9> ccmic9}{} %</OMLccm> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Concrete Math Symbols} % % Here are the font definitions for the Concrete Math Symbol fonts. % Since the \texttt{xccsy} parameters are identical to those of % \texttt{xccmi} except for the extra |\fontdimen| parameters % (which were adapted from \texttt{cmsy}), these fonts are % available in the same range of sizes as Concrete Roman and % Concrete Math Italics. % % Most of the geometric math symbols that depend only on the rule % thickness will probably turn out to be identical to their % Computer Modern counterparts. However, since the `OMS' encoding % also contains a few greek-like symbols such as `$\nabla$' and % `$\amalg$' that are clearly affected by the parameter changes, a % Concrete version of the math symbol font is obviously necessary. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*OMSccsy> \DeclareFontFamily{OMS}{ccsy}{\skewchar\font48 } \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{ccsy}{m}{n}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> gen * xccsy <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> xccsy10}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{ccsy}{b}{n}{<-> ssub * cmsy/b/n}{} %</OMSccsy> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Concrete Math Extension} % % Here are the font definitions for the Concrete Math Extension % fonts. Since the \texttt{xccex} parameters are identical to % those of \texttt{ccr} except for the extra |\fontdimen| % parameters (which are adapted from \texttt{cmex}), these fonts % are available in the same range of sizes as Computer Modern Math % Extension, i.e.\ between 7\,pt and 10\,pt. By default, the math % extension font is loaded only in a fixed size at 10\,pt. % However, the \texttt{concmath} package also provides an % `\textsf{exscale}' option to load the math extension font in % scaled sizes. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*OMXccex> \DeclareFontFamily{OMX}{ccex}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{ccex}{m}{n}{<-> sfixed * xccex10}{} %</OMXccex> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Concrete AMS Symbols} % % Finally, here are the font definitions for the Concrete versions % of the AMS symbol fonts, \texttt{msam} and \texttt{msbm}. Since % the parameters of \texttt{xccam} and \texttt{xccbm} are directly % derived from \texttt{xccsy}, these fonts are provided in the full % range of sizes between 5\,pt and 10\,pt. % % As in the case of the Concrete Math Symbol font, most of the % geometric math symbols will probably remain unchanged from the % Computer Modern version, but letter-like symbols such as % `$\yen$', `$\mho$', `$\eth$' or `$\backepsilon$' will obviously % be subject to the parameter changes in the Concrete version, % making it necessary to have Concrete versions of the AMS symbol % fonts in the first place. % % Unfortunately, it appears that some of the characters in the AMS % symbol fonts do not work out very well in the Concrete version or % suffer from undesirable side-effects. One such problem is that % wide accents are getting much heavier than usual: % $$ \tilde{i} \quad \widetilde{ii} \quad \widetilde{iii} % \quad \widetilde{iiii} \quad \widetilde{iiiiii} % \quad \widetilde{iiiiiiii} % $$ % Another problem is that some characters, such as `$\varkappa$' or % `$\digamma$', do not reflect the parameter changes for a Concrete % version and still exhibit noticeable contrasts between stems and % hairlines typical of Computer Modern fonts. It is possible that % this behavior may be due to sub-optimal or inappropriate \MF{} % coding. However, the author decided to refrain from changes to % the AMS font sources for the sake of compatibility. % % % \begin{macrocode} %<*Ucca> \DeclareFontFamily{U}{cca}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{cca}{m}{n}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> gen * xccam <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> xccam10}{} %</Ucca> % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %<*Uccb> \DeclareFontFamily{U}{ccb}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{ccb}{m}{n}{ <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> gen * xccbm <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> xccbm10}{} %</Uccb> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{The \texttt{concmath} package} % % After we have discussed the font definition files, we now turn to % the \texttt{concmath} package itself, starting with the % declaration of package options. % % % \subsubsection{Declaring package options} % % As mentioned in the introduction, the \texttt{concmath} package % provides an `\textsf{exscale}' option that provides the % functionality of the `\textsf{exscale}' package from the \LaTeX{} % base distribution, but using the Concrete version of the math % extension font. % % Since it doesn't seem to be possible to nest a % |\DeclareFontShape| declaration within the |\AtBeginDocument| % hook, we have to make use of a global switch |\ifcc@exscale| and % put the relevant code directly into the package file to be % executed immediately after |\ProcessOptions|. Apart from this % minor complication, the code for this option is relatively % simple. We just load the default \LaTeX{} `\textsf{exscale}' % package and redeclare the |largesymbols| symbol font afterwards. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \newif\ifcc@exscale \cc@exscalefalse \DeclareOption{exscale}{% \cc@exscaletrue % something to do after \ProcessOptions \AtBeginDocument{\RequirePackage{exscale} \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{OMX}{ccex}{m}{n}}} % \end{macrocode} % % The declaration of `\textsf{amsfonts}' and `\textsf{amssymb}' % options is similar, but slightly easier. Here, wee simply load % the relevant \LaTeX{} package files and redeclare the AMS Symbol % fonts afterwards using the Concrete versions. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{amsfonts}{% \AtBeginDocument{\RequirePackage{amsfonts} \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSa}{U}{cca}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSb}{U}{ccb}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathbb}{AMSb}}} \DeclareOption{amssymb}{% \AtBeginDocument{\RequirePackage{amssymb} \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSa}{U}{cca}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSb}{U}{ccb}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathbb}{AMSb}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, here is the declaration of the `\textsf{boldsans}' % option that allows to globally turn bold titles and headings into % sans serif semibold condensed, if that is what you prefer to use % in combination with a Concrete Roman text font. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{boldsans}{% \renewcommand{\bfdefault}{sbc}} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Setting up defaults for text and math mode} % % Now, let's finish off the package file with the code to set up % the defaults to use Concrete Roman and Concrete Math. For the % text, we begin by setting the default text font family to % Concrete Roman. % % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ccr} % \end{macrocode} % % For the math, we redeclare all the standard symbol fonts using % the Concrete versions. Since the encodings of these fonts are % exactly the same as those of their Computer Modern counterparts, % there is fortunately no need to repeat all the tedious % |\DeclareMathSymbol| commands from \texttt{fontmath.ltx}. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSymbolFont{operators} {OT1}{ccr} {m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{letters} {OML}{ccm} {m}{it} \DeclareSymbolFont{symbols} {OMS}{ccsy}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{OMX}{ccex}{m}{n} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \SetSymbolFont{operators} {bold}{OT1}{ccr} {bx}{n} \SetSymbolFont{letters} {bold}{OML}{ccm} {b}{it} \SetSymbolFont{symbols} {bold}{OMS}{ccsy}{b}{n} % \end{macrocode} % % After the math symbol fonts have been set up, we also have to % redeclare the math alphabets to use the newly defined Concrete % versions. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathrm} {operators} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathnormal}{letters} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathcal} {symbols} \DeclareMathAlphabet {\mathbf}{OT1}{ccr}{bx}{n} \DeclareMathAlphabet {\mathit}{OT1}{ccr}{m}{it} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, we have to adapt the definition of |\oldstylenums| from % the \LaTeX{} format to use the Concrete version of the oldstyle % numerals \oldstylenums{0123456789}. It is a little unfortunate % that there is still one last remaining hard-wired reference to % Computer Modern fonts in \texttt{latex.ltx}, making it necessary % to repeat the whole definition with trivial changes, but there's % little we can do about it. % % Since this package does not try to imitate the look and feel of % Knuth's \textit{Concrete Mathematics}, we don't bother about % setting up equation numbers to be printed using oldstyle numbers. % The latter is a design decision independent of the choice of % fonts that's probably better left to the individual application. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\oldstylenums#1{% \begingroup \spaceskip\fontdimen\tw@\font \usefont{OML}{ccm}{\f@series}{it}% \mathgroup\symletters #1% \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Executing options} % % After all the default values have been set up for Concrete Roman % and Concrete Math, all that's left to do is to process the % options and take special care of the `\textsf{exscale}' option. % The font shape declarations for the scaled version of the % Concrete Math Extension font are embedded directly in the package % file rather than an external font definition file, but they will % be executed only if the |\ifcc@exscale| flag has been set true % during the option processing. % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions \ifcc@exscale \DeclareFontFamily{OMX}{ccex}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{ccex}{m}{n}{ <-8> sfixed * xccex7 <8> xccex8 <9> xccex9 <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> xccex10}{} \fi %</package> % \end{macrocode} % This concludes the implementation of the \texttt{concmath} package. % % \Finale \endinput