# coop-writing LaTeX package v. 1.2.4

Copyright (c) 2022 Geraldo Xex��o

This package supports editorial comments and gives some extra support for writing papers, or any document that involves more than one author or editor.

Please read the manual in file [coop-writing.pdf](coop-writing.pdf).

## Folders

The root folder is the newer and unstable version, while the dist folder should always contain a stable version. The current CTAN version is also in its own folder.

## How to use it

You need coop-writing.sty to use the package and [coop-writing.pdf](coop-writing.pdf) to understand it.

This package is in active evolution.

# Contact

Owner: Geraldo Xex��o

Contact: xexeo at cos.ufrj.br

or via GitHub


Please use issues to complain, suggest or to request features:




# License

This package is distributed under MIT License.