\ProvidesPackage{cquthesis}[2016/06/09 The place for your beloved packages and customization.]

\newcommand{\speakyourlove}[1][Mom]{\emph{#1, I Love You!}} 

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% \RequirePackage{miller}
% \pretocmd{\hkl}{{ }}{}{}
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% \RequirePackage{floatflt} % ���������������������
% \RequirePackage{rotating} % ������������������������������

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% ���������������
% The following is a dummy icon command
% If you have actual icon images, use \includegraphics to include them
% If you are generating them, put in the appropriate code for them here
% now we make a command for a folder/file which inserts the icon and its label
% adjust this as needed. If you only have 2 icons, then you could create
% a \myfile and \myfolder command with the icon fixed.
\newcommand{\myfolder}[2]{\myicon{#1}\ {#2}}