# diabetes-logbook 2018-07-22 Initally a logbook for me, a person w/ type one diabetes mellitus, this evolved over time into a TeX project- making it prettier and/or easier to use. I've made it simple to use, while not forgoing the document's beauty or the speed of input. The logbook, with slight commenting out and editting, could be used as a journal by anybody, although the template and graphing functionality are set up for people using insulin injections and blood glucose teststrips, as well as counting/estimating carbs, protein, and fat. ## Usage Most of the code in `dmlb.sty`, `dmlb-template.tex`,and `graphme.tex`. Otherwise the main use case is as follows: - preamble: customization - to be used fonts serif and sans fonts; - colors (black-white-grey is defined in the sty, comment out or edit defs in .tex); - page geometry; - for graphing: auxiliary file destination ; y-axis (blood sugar) scale compression by `\mya` units starting at `\myb`; `\myc` unused currently; - main - before first entry or input file(s), set the date accordingly using `\dmlbsetdate`, otherwise it'll be `0-00-00`; - if you skip days, months, years, i.e., no entries for a period, end last entry with `*` to not append entries to new date, and set new date (has to be in chron. order). files are input from rel. path named in `yy-mm.tex` form, in sequentially in chron. order (mm going from 1 to 12, ultimately incrementing yy), i.e., name files appropriately or edit the .sty; - also, if data are missing, be it days, months or years, use `\dmlbsetdate` to keep date proper; - if you're gonna use two headers, such that the first takes up more rows than the second, adjust `\global\advance\row ...\relax` with the difference. Not configured for no headers yet, I think; default as provided works fine; - the main cmd is `\QQQ`; it inputs new entry; preferrably use a snippet along the lines of the one provided to facilitate data entry, and error reduction- one extra or missing brace, it doesn't compile; - an optional eighth arg of a star, `*`, on the last entry of each *astronomical* (00:00--23:59) day is **mandatory** for correct time/date calculation, collection, representation in the .dat files and in the compilation of the pdf; - data is paritioned in `\myd`-day chunks, from each of which one graph is realized, of which there fit 5 per page w/ default settings; - run main without `[graph]` option to get `.dat`s (error, but should compile, if run with graph opt and no pdfs exist); - graphics - having compiled once wihout the `[graph]` opt, thru a terminal run `<tex engine> -shell-escape graphme.tex`, where the tex engine is either pdflatex or xelatex; - delete any previous pdfs of same name, if the graph period or the data have changed (or uncomment `force remake` in the .sty); rebuild main w/ `[graph]` option. As long as the .pdfs are to be found they'll get inserted; - labels for each next day, i.e., before the actual entry, and pdfbookmarks for all years, months, and graphs- anchors being `yyyy-mm-dd` resp. `gr:#`, starting from 1; If you require additional help, hit me up at the provided email in the github repo. ## examples [".tex commented out"](../blob/master/templateGRAY.pdf) [".tex color"](../blob/master/template.pdf) ## FIXME: - migrate from tikz/pgf to matplotlib, or sth else; interalized graphics necessary at all? - reduce user overhead; - Fix issue with date vertical positioning with different hmargins, page size, and/or m-column width;