\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{edfnotes}[2011/02/16 v0.6b annotations to footnote lines (UL)] %% Copyright (C) 2010 2011 Uwe Lueck, %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below -- %% %% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under %% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either %% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. %% %% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via %% %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% %% {\it This work has been supported %% rm. `partially' 2011/02/14 %% by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), %% organized %% 2010/12/18 TODO!? %% by Prof.~Dr.\ Dr.\ Christian Tapp %% at Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany.} %% %% 2011/01/14: %% Christian also participated immensely in development %% by creating really small failure examples for debugging. %% %% 2011/01/17: %% Completing the work was possible thanks to a loan %% from my mother, Mrs.~Renate L\"uck. %% %% === Known Issues === %% Please note the following difficulties you may experience %% with 'edfnotes', and what to do about them: %% \begin{enumerate} %% \item In certain situations, ``\strong{hanging}" of the `latex' %% run has been observed. %% As to \emph{implementation}, %% 2011/02/14 %% it has not been analysed completely yet (TODO), %% but it occurred with `\marginpar' and printing the second %% part of a footnote before its first part---a well-known %% \LaTeX\ bug, %% ``\strong{footnote placement disaster}." %% However, this situation usually does not %% lead into ``hanging," rather replacing `=' by \verb+>+ %% in the definition of `\EFN@annot' with package version %% v0.6 (to keep ``displaced" annotations from wandering %% to the last page) seems to cause the hang when a %% ``footnote placement disaster" occurs %% (where the footnote has annotations). %% %% \strong{You must be careful with marginals anyway}---with %% critical editions. There also is the problem with %% placement in the wrong margin. Mistakes of the named kinds %% occur rather \emph{usually} in critical editions. %% With \emph{annotations to footnotes} things may become %% even worse, since placement restrictions %% (``start note on same page as target") %% may become difficult or impossible to %% satisfy.\footnote{These advices should appear in %% 'ednotes' already---TODO!}%% 2011/02/10 %% %% Often, just manual `\pagebreak's (in the last line of a %% page---when near completion of the work) help. %% %% The \ctanpkgref{mparhack} package\urlpkgfoot{mparhack} at least %% ensures that marginals appear in the appropriate margin. %% %% ``Footnote placement disasters" can be avoided (at some cost) %% by the \ctanpkgref{tamefloats} package\urlpkgfoot{tamefloats} %% (helped sometimes, did not help with %% \textit{Paradoxien des Unendlichen}). %% Another possibility for avoiding footnote placement disasters %% due to `\marginpar' is using `\marginnote' from the %% \ctanpkgref{marginnote} package\urlpkgfoot{marginnote} %% instead. %% %% However, `\marginnote' behaves badly when, e.g., page breaks %% in two sources appear in the same line of the edition. %% On the other hand, `\marginpar' ``moves" the second marginal, %% which is not much better. I would prefer a ``manual" %% solution: inserting the page break symbols within the %% line manually and produce a single `\marginpar' or %% `\marginnote' entry for both of them. %% (Actually, this could be automated within 'lineno'.) %% %% \item \strong{Page break oscillations:} \ %% 'ednotes.sty' provides a message about page break %% oscillations that gives advice how to fix them. %% With annotations to footnotes, that advice may help only %% little. Besides fixing the page break in main text, %% it may be needed to place `\pagebreak' %% (or `\warningpagebreak') commands in footnotes too. %% While the oscillation of main text lines is fixed %% (for the page about the message reports), %% page breaks of footnotes may keep oscillating. %% I was successful in a test case %% (that giant footnote in \textit{Paradoxien des Unendlichen}) %% by placing a `\pagebreak' in the footnote text quite %% early first and then moved it down line by line, %% until the result became bad. At that point, I chose %% the previous position of `\pagebreak'. %% The result is presented as `PdUsample.pdf'. %% % (part of documentation, `docint/' directory). %% rm. 2011/02/16 %% %% \item For \strong{other Limitations}, please see the section %% in 'fnlineno.pdf' of this title. %% \end{enumerate} %% %% === Installing and Calling === %% The file 'edfnotes.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires %% putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it %% (which may need updating the filename data %% base).\footnote{\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=inst-wlcf}} %% %% As usually, 'edfnotes.sty' is loaded by %% % \begin{verbatim} %% `\usepackage{edfnotes}' %% % \end{verbatim} %% below the `\documentclass' line %% 2011/01/13 %% (after loading 'ednotes') %% and before `\begin{document}'. %% 'edfnotes' does not offer any package options. %% %% This should suffice just to get the advertised functionality. %% There are \emph{two} user commands |\ForceFootnoteAnnotations| %% and |\clearfootnoteannotations| %% described in section~\ref{sec:enddoc}. %% %% %% 2011/02/16: %% Minimum functionality of 'edfnotes' requires that %% \CtanPkgRef{ednotes}{ednotes.sty}, %% \CtanPkgRef{lineno}{fnlineno.sty}, and %% \CtanPkgRef{lineno}{lineno.sty} are installed and ``visible." %% For more functionality, see the descriptions of both %% bundles.\urlpkgfoot{ednotes}\urlpkgfoot{lineno}. %% %% %% \pagebreak %% 2011/02/16 %% == Implementation == %% === Loading Required Package === %% The package builds on 'fnlineno''s ability to %% number footnote lines and processing `\linelabel' there. %% So we load it. %%% (TODO or `\AtBeginDocument'?): %% We need a version without earlier tries at supporting %% 'edfnotes.sty' v0.2: \RequirePackage{fnlineno}[2011/01/07] %% %% === Overview of Processing Levels === %% %% new 2011/01/18 %% 'ednotes'' and 'edfnotes'' apparatus entries %% are handled by the 'manyfoot' package. %% An entry <insert> for apparatus level <note-fam> %% is passed to 'manyfoot' by 'manyfoot''s command %% |\Footnotetext<note-fam>\@empty{<insert>}|. %% %% In terms of \TeX's hard-wired mechanisms, %% such a `\Foonotetext' command issues an `\insert' %% command. `\insert' is a so-called ``primitive," %% hard-wired command. It typesets the entry <insert> %% and stores the result internally, and in choosing %% the next page break, \TeX\ will try to start %% the typesetting result of <insert> on the ``current" page. %% %% \TeX\ is not so well-prepared (\strong{hard-wired}) %% for placing a footnote <ff> (its beginning) %% intended to refer to a passage %% in another footnote <f> on the same page as that passage %% (starts). %% Our \strong{hard-weird} macros build an own mechanism %% using the `.aux' file in order to manage this. %% A footnote <ff> to a footnote <f> is not directly passed to %% 'manyfoot', such ``secondary" footnotes <ff> are rather %% withhold and collected in a list <list> from which %% 'edfnotes' will later decide what to do with them. %% The goal is to find a good point for finally passing %% <ff> to 'manyfoot' such that \TeX\ will be able to place %% <f> and <ff> appropriately. %% %% In the most basic application of 'edfnotes', %% there is \emph{one} critical apparatus referring both %% to the main text and to the footnotes of an edited text. %% We want that, in the apparatus, %% annotations to \emph{main text} lines %% precede annotations to \emph{footnote} lines. %% To achieve this, the idea is to issue the %% `\Footnotetext' commands for annotations to footnotes %% only at \emph{last main text lines} of pages. %% %% Unfortunately, sometimes the `.aux' file provides %% either \emph{no} or \emph{wrong} information for %% identifying that last line. Therefore, we sometimes %% \emph{skip} the item-by-item procedure that tries to pair %% <ff> with <f>, and instead somewhere pass \emph{all} the %% <ff> items in that list <list> to 'manyfoot' %% and \TeX's primitive `\insert' command. %% This will be just a kind of ``emergency" routine, %% considered necessary temporarily, while hoping that %% the required and correct information will appear %% in the `.aux' file some runs later. %% %% \pagebreak %% 2011/02/16 %% === Postponing Annotations === %% ==== Goal and Strategy ==== %% Version v0.2 of 'edfnotes' used %% `\@EN@hookfn{<insert>}'---that is called from 'ednotes'' %% `\@EN@putdown'---in order to intercept %%% and collect %% 'manyfoot''s `\FootnotetextA' etc. commands that %% execute \TeX's `\insert' commands for 'ednotes'' annotations. %% `\@EN@hookfn' has the trivial meaning `\@firstofone' in 'ednotes' %% and is only activated by 'edtable.sty' ('lineno' bundle) %% in order to collect annotations to a tabular environment %% at the latter's ``footnote hook" that finally executes %% the `\insert' commands. These annotations %% are inserted to the \emph{current} page, i.e., %% all the annotations collected there %% start on the same page. %% %% This behaviour (starting on the same page) %% is in general not adequate with annotations to footnotes %% when the latter are split and continued at later pages. %% If a footnote starts at page~$p$, is continued on %% page~$p+1$, and a passage of it on page~$p+1$ gets a %% critical annotation, that annotation should start on %% page~$p+1$, not on page~$p$. The footnote may also get %% an annotation to its page~$p$ part, that one should start %% at page $p$ indeed. The mechanism we have to introduce here %% must be able to tell these two cases apart. %% For each annotation to a footnote, it must retrieve the %% page which the annotation refers to. %% %% Interception at 'ednotes'' `\@EN@hookfn' now becomes too clumsy. %% We redefine %% \[|\@EN@putdown{<id>}{<note-fam>}{<lemma-tag>}{<note>}|\] %% entirely, replacing its former `\@EN@hookfn' section %% by a new macro %% \[|\@EN@appentry{<id>}{<note-fam>}{<lemma-tag>}{<note>}|\] %% i.e., taking the same arguments as `\@EN@putdown'. %% <id> is a string that is used to write commands %% `\newlabel{-<id>}{<l/p-b>}', `\newlabel{+<id>}{<l/p-e>}', %% and `\newlabel{<id>}{<note-page>}' to the `.aux' file. %% From these commands, the next run builds a macro containing %% placement informations for that annotation with ID <id>. %% <l/p-b> contains the page on which the annotated passage %% starts. This is where the annotation \emph{should} start %% as well. It just contains the ``public" (``relative") page number, %% as opposed to ``absolute" page numbers that 'lineno.sty' %% traces through `\c@LN@truepage'. Well, the minute chance %% of failure arising from this difference should be %% acceptable for the present attempt at equipping 'edfnotes' %% with functionality adequate for real life. %% %% ==== Re-implementation of \cs{@EN@putdown} ==== %% |\@EN@putdown| ... \long\def\@EN@putdown#1#2#3#4{% % #1 label, #2 note family, #3 lemma tag, #4 note. % \long note/lemma!? \linelabel{-#1}% Ensures hmode. %% `\insert' apparatus entry: \@EN@appentry{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}% %% Lemma in main text: \nobreak \hskip\z@skip %% 2006/01/12 cf. german.sty: \allowhyphens \@EN@lemmaarg %% Should not end with space so \linelabel... %% \allowhyphens not needed here (tested) 2006/01/12 \linelabel{+#1}% % \csname #1rightmark\endcsname %% Suggested. } %% |\@EN@appentry| ... \def \@EN@appentry #1#2#3#4{% \csname Footnotetext#2\endcsname\@empty{% \csname#2notefmt\endcsname \let\@currentlabel\@empty \label{#1}% Need page number of note. \let\nopunct\@gobble % or by \if... %% Print line numbers: \@ifundefined{r@#1}% {\differentlines\@EN@unknown\@EN@unknown}% {\let\@EN@incomplete@ref\relax \@EN@xpxpxp \@EN@extract\csname r@#1\endcsname \@EN@incomplete@ref\@EN@incomplete@ref \@EN@incomplete@ref\@EN@incomplete@ref \ifx\@EN@elemp\@EN@Incomplete \G@refundefinedtrue \let\@EN@incomplete@ref\@EN@unknown \fi \@tempswatrue \ifx\@EN@bleml\@EN@eleml \else \@tempswafalse \fi %% Restart of line numbers / different page!? \ifx\@EN@blemp\@EN@elemp \else \@tempswafalse \fi \if@tempswa \sameline{\@EN@plref\@EN@blemp\@EN@bleml}% \else \@EN@lastline@z@ \differentlines{\@EN@plref\@EN@blemp\@EN@bleml}% {\ifx\@EN@blemp\@EN@elemp \@EN@eleml \else \pageandline\@EN@elemp\@EN@eleml \fi}% \@EN@lastline@z@ \fi}% \lemmafmt{{\@EN@lemmaexpands#3}}% \notefmt{#4}% }% }% %% A copy |\EFN@@appentry| for the case that %% `\@EN@appentry' is redefined by `\FNLN@text': \let \EFN@@appentry \@EN@appentry %% %% ==== Basic Changes ==== %% We patch the patch of `\@footnotetext' again ... %% |\EFN@@text| stores 'fnlineno''s variant |\FNLN@text| %% of \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext': \let \EFN@@text \FNLN@text %% A hook |\EFN@annot@hook| will collect and %% handle annotations to the footnotes of a page. %% It will be changed globally: \global\let \EFN@annot@hook \@empty %% |\EFN@move{<id>}{<note-fam>}{<lemma-tag>}{<note>}| %% will move an annotation into the (next ...\,) hook: \def \EFN@move #1#2#3#4{% \g@addto@macro\EFN@annot@hook{\EFN@annot{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}} %% The new |\FNLN@text| will redefine `\@EN@appentry' %% in order to redirect the annotation: \renewcommand\FNLN@text[1]{\EFN@@text{\let\@EN@appentry\EFN@move #1}} %% %% === Inserting Annotations to Footnotes === %% ==== Strategy ==== %% Version v0.2 of 'edfnotes.sty' aims at proper \strong{sorting} %% of the annotations, in the sense that in the critical apparatus, %% notes on \emph{main text} lines appear before all notes %% to \emph{footnote} lines. %% %% David Kastrup's 'bigfoot' and 'perpage' packages %% seem to deal with this task %% (however, the documentation doesn't help much in %% making use of it); on the other hand, %% 'lineno.sty' offers its own nice tools ... %% %% Our idea is inserting all the \emph{annotations to footnotes} %% right after the \emph{last main text line of the page}---this %% way they should appear \emph{after} all annotations to main text lines. %% (This idea grew with v0.2, and with v0.3 it became clear %% this hook can be used for passing certain annotations %% to the next page.) %% % ; `samepage@hook' then turned into `annot@hook'.) %% %% <- indeed 2011/01/17 %% %% For version v0.3, this is refined a little. %% The hook will not actually `\insert' all annotations, %% it will rather choose some for immediate insertion %% and collect the remaining annotations %% in the hook for the next page. %% %% We use |\MakeLineNo| from 'lineno.sty' for hooking in here %% (you may find the context relevant here in `fnlineno.pdf'). %% `\MakeLineNo'---in ``pagewise" mode %% that we assume here---has access to the absolute number %% of the last numbered line of the current page, %% involving 'lineno.sty''s |\testLastNumberedPage|. %% We modify the latter so that it records that number as %% |\theLastLineNumber|. %% % (I tried more efficient things %% % involving a switch, failed terribly, %% % no idea what was going on.) %% 2011/01/07 %% ==== Deciding ==== %% |\EFN@run@annot@hook| first expands `\EFN@annot@hook', %% then empties it, %% and while the version for the recent page runs, %% the version of |\EFN@annot@hook| for the \emph{next} page %% may be built, containing annotations to footnote passages %% on later pages: \def \EFN@run@annot@hook {% \expandafter \global \expandafter \let \expandafter \EFN@annot@hook \expandafter \@empty \EFN@annot@hook} %% |\EFN@annot@hook| (unless empty) is a list of commands %% \[|\EFN@annot{<id>}{<note-fam>}{<lemma-tag>}{<note>}|\] %% that were issued either by `\@EN@putdown' or by the previous %% version of `\EFN@run@annot@hook' using `\EFN@move'. %% `\EFN@annot' uses <id> to determine the page number where %% the footnote passage the annotation refers to starts. %% There are \emph{three} cases deciding about immediate `\insert'ion %% vs.\ postponing. The annotation is `\insert'ed immediately %% if \emph{either} <id> has not been used in the previous run %% (it contains an annotation number exceeding the earlier %% number of annotations---minus one) \emph{or} %% if the annotation was placed on the ``current" page %% in the run before. In these cases, the four arguments of %% `\EFN@annot' are run by |\EFN@@appentry|. \emph{Otherwise} %% the annotation is deferred by running the four arguments %% with |\EFN@move|. \def \EFN@annot #1{% \let \EFN@next \EFN@@appentry %% I.e., immediate `\insert'ion is the ``default." %% `undefined' in the next line means there is no placement %% information from the previous run %% (stored as `\r@<id>'). If there is, it is %% extracted by `\@EN@extract', `\@EN@blemp' will carry the %% ``public" (relative) page number. \@ifundefined{r@#1}\relax{% \@EN@xpxpxp \@EN@extract \csname r@#1\endcsname \relax \relax \relax \relax %% somewhat lazier than ednotes %% If the page numbers don't match, we `move'. %% With v0.6 however, we don't `move' when we have %% ``missed" the (according to `.aux') %% matching page. This happens when %% the passage we are referring to moves to later pages. % \ifnum \@EN@blemp=\c@page %% TODO \ifx\relax!? \c@page OK? % \else \ifnum \@EN@blemp>\c@page %% v0.6 \let \EFN@next \EFN@move \fi }% \EFN@next{#1}% } %% %% ==== Normal Insertion ==== %% The ``normal" way of inserting annotations to footnotes %% is a call from the extended `\MakeLineNo' %% involving testing whether the line is the last %% numbered one on the page. It seems not to have been %% easily accessible with 'lineno.sty', we are extending %% the latter's |\testLastNumberedPage| so it stores %% that number as |\theLastLineNumber|. %% Indeed, calculating the ``pagewise" line number %% in `\MakeLineNo' invokes a series of tests %% that finally calls \[`\testLastNumberedPage{<int>}'\] %% where <int> is the least ``last" line number of a %% page with numbered lines that is greater than or %% equal to the current absolute line number. \def\testLastNumberedPage#1{\ifnum#1<\c@linenumber \let\firstLN\@gobble \fi %% both tests new 2011/01/15, %% not sure about efficiency TODO: % \if@FNLN@sw@ \else % <- don't run with \getfoot...! 2011/01/19 -> \ifx\c@linenumber\c@pagewiselinenumber \ifnum\theLastLineNumber=#1\relax \else \gdef\theLastLineNumber{#1}% %% mod. 2011/01/07! \fi \fi } %% 'lineno''s |\MakeLineNo| is extended using that %% `add' macro from 'ednotes'. It will %% test if the line just numbered is a main text line and %% the last numbered one on the page, and only then %% call the `\insert's from 'manyfoot' for the critical %% apparatus.---With v0.5, we actually extend %% 2011/01/19 %% |\stepLineNumber| that `\MakeLineNo' invokes. %% Appending `\insert'ions to `\MakeLineNo' creates %% a strong risk that it is executed on the \emph{next} %% page. (So this requires a certain version of 'lineno.sty', %% and the latter might better provide an ``official" hook. %% \emph{Prepending} to `\MakeLineNo' in v0.34 failed %% because `\theLastLineNumber' may be wrong there.) \@EN@addtomacro \stepLineNumber {% \if@FNLN@sw@ \else \ifx\EFN@annot@hook\@empty \else %% 2011/01/14 efficient!? TODO \advance\c@linenumber\m@ne %% local to \output 2011/01/16 \ifnum\theLastLineNumber=\c@pagewiselinenumber \EFN@run@annot@hook \fi \fi \fi } %% %% ==== Forced Insertion ==== %% \paragraph{1.} At an \strong{initial run} %% of the document (no `.aux' present), %% there isn't any information about line number ranges for pages. %% We then `\insert' everything immediately so that an initial run %% at least produces page breaks that are useful for ordering %% annotations in the next run. This is achieved by choosing %% a default definition for |\theLastLineNumber| that %% trivially renders the `\ifnum' test in `\MakeLineNo' `\iftrue'. \@ifdefinable \theLastLineNumber {% \let \theLastLineNumber \c@pagewiselinenumber} %% \paragraph{2.} Another problem may occur with the %% \strong{very last line} of an edition. %% When between two \LaTeX\ runs the number of %% main text lines is reduced (e.g., one has removed %% wrong text or has improved line breaking by a manual %% change of hyphenation), the annotations for the last %% page may get lost because the line number that the %% insertions wait for doesn't occur any more. They will %% then get lost, and their `\newlabel' entries in the %% `.aux' file will be missing, perhaps resulting in %% other errors. We provide a command %% |\ForceFootnoteAnnotations| for manual use by authors %% or for being added to certain hooks. It might be %% added to `\nolinenumbers' and `\endlinenumbers', %% but I am not sure ... %% %% v0.5 allows a much cleaner implementation of %% `\ForceFootnoteAnnotations' than we had in v0.35 and v0.4: \newcommand* \ForceFootnoteAnnotations {{% \let\EFN@annot\EFN@@appentry \EFN@run@annot@hook}} %% \paragraph{3.} Finally it may occur that a %% %% \strong 2011/01/19: %% \strong{chapter ends} with a very %% \strong{long footnote} with annotations %% to all of its pages, and the editor decides %% that the footnotes should fill the final pages %% of the chapter without main text on their pages. %% Then the annotations have problem with our %% approach of v0.3. %% % %% A similar problem could be that a short end %% of the last footnote of a chapter %% gets remarks of several pages that the editor %% doesn't want to see in the following chapter %% (e.g., when there isn't any following chapter). %% %% We therefore provide a command %% |\clearfootnoteannotations| %% that creates dummy page entries for those final pages. %% Of course, these dummy page entries must not be %% numbered like lines ... %% %% The first version of the macro worked fine with a %% two-page footnote, but crashed as soon as a main text line %% was removed. (Infinitly many pages are created then ...\,) \ %% This is just the problem that was addressed by %% |\ForceFootnoteAnnotations|. But it would be very wrong to use %% `\ForceFootnoteAnnotations' for the present problem, %% because this would move the annotations for the next %% footnote-only pages to the next page with numbered %% main text, or to the end of the entire document. %% tested 2011/01/17 %% %% The problem has then been %% `en' 2011/01/19 %% solved by inserting `\EFN@run@annot@hook'; %% `;' 2011/01/19 %% however, %% in reasoning about it, about former failures, about the `\par', %% it seems to become clear that this is a solution for Christian's %% `Test13.tex' as of 2011/01/16 after a footnote that closes a %% paragraph and a main text page at the same time---only, %% while ... \newcommand* \clearfootnoteannotations {% \par %% TODO!? the whole only via \MakeLineNo!? %% doesn't work without \par \EFN@run@annot@hook \loop \ifx\EFN@annot@hook\@empty \else \pagebreak %% TODO!? \newpage? \clearpage? %% leave to user before? \write\m@ne{}\vbox{}%% TODO!? from \clearpage \EFN@run@annot@hook \repeat %% TODO: \clearpage!? may come from \chapter } %% TODO: What if pages are removed? What if annotations are inserted %% or removed? So far, ... %% %% === 'ednotes'' &\newlabel\ variant === %% 'ednotes' changes \LaTeX's `\newlabel' so that three %% `\newlabel' entries in the `.aux' file build only %% \emph{one} macro containing the information needed %% for typesetting \emph{one} annotation in the apparatus. %% %% 2011/01/11: %% Both that building mechanism and the change testing %% at the final run of the new `.aux' file %% don't work with 'edfnotes.sty'. %% To repair this, I needed much time to understand %% those mechanisms again. I found that they were quite %% redundant and now am re-implementing them almost %% entirely. %% %% ==== Suppressing the ``&\get\,..." Commands ==== %% %% reworded 2011/01/11: %% 'lineno' must suppress expansion of |\getpagewiselinenumber| %% when the `.aux' file is read. %% With 'fnlineno.sty', |\getfootnotelinenumber| %% must be prevented from expansion as well. Both macros are %% activated at `\begin{document}' only %% when reading the `.aux' has been finished. %% %% With 'fnlineno.sty', both macros are accessed as %% |\getwiselinenumber<cs>|, %% 2011/01/03 %% so we just need to switch `\getwiselinenumber': % \let\EFN@getlineno\getwiselinenumber % \let\getwiselinenumber\@gobble % \AtBeginDocument{\let\getwiselinenumber\EFN@getlineno} %% %% 2011/01/03: %% On the other hand, 'ednotes' deals with %% `\getpagewiselinenumbers' already, so we only ... %% saves one expansion for each footnote line! \let \EFN@getfnlineno \getfootnotelinenumber \let \getfootnotelinenumber \relax \AtBeginDocument{\let \getfootnotelinenumber \EFN@getfnlineno} %% By analogy to 'ednotes'' `\AtEnd'\,...\,: \AtEndDocument{\let\getfootnotelinenumber\relax} %% ==== &\newlabel\ Building Info Macros ==== %% %% 2011/01/10: %% For version v0.3 of 'edfnotes', it turns out that %% 'ednotes'' (v1.1--1.3) mechanism for building the %% note info macros `\r@EN@l<id>' assumes that %% \[`\newlabel{-EN@l<id>}{<start-lemma-place>}'\] %% will appear before %% \[`\newlabel{+EN@l<id>}{<end-lemma-place>}'\] %% and %% \[`\newlabel{EN@l<id>}{<note-place>}'\] %% in the `.aux' file. %% With 'edfnotes' v0.3, an annotation to the second page %% of a long footnote will be `\insert'ed on the previous %% page in a ``first" run (no `.aux' present) due to the %% missing placement information. %% 'ednotes'' `\newlabel' mechanism then looses the %% note placement information, and a ``missing number" %% error occurs. %% %% To fix this, we modify 'ednotes'' %% |\@EN@addtolabeldef| so that at the first step of %% the recursive building of `\r@EN@l<number>', %% the latter is not used as input (as a part). %% Then the tricky `\@gobble' in the first case of 'ednotes'' %% redefinition of |\newlabel| (see the recent presentation %% of the code---currently [2011/01/10] `ednotesc.pdf') %% can be replaced by the obvious empty argument. %% %% With the former implementation in 'ednotes', %% I had already wondered if I couldn't postpone %% reading the second argument of %% |\newlabel{<label>}{<info>}|. %% Now this is what I am doing indeed. %% 2011/01/11 %% 'ednotes' stores the original `\newlabel' as %% `\@EN@newlabel', and this will be called for the default %% treatment of <label> and <info>: %% For re-implementing the `\newlabel' mechanisms, %% first we don't use \LaTeX's `\in@', but our own test %% whether `EN@l' is part of a `\newlabel' <label>: \renewcommand* \newlabel [1] {% \def\@EN@next{\@EN@newlabel{#1}}% \@EN@test@noteid #1\@empty EN@l\@empty\@nil \@EN@next} %% Here are macros that `\newlabel' invokes: %% %% |\@EN@labels| chooses a ``name space" for labels. %% The intention is that an `.aux' entry %% `\newlabel{<label>}{<info>}' contributes note placement %% information \emph{iff} <label> has form %% `<sign>EN@l<digits>' where <sign> is nothing, `-', or `+'. %% However, we won't really (soon) check if we have digits indeed ... \newcommand* \@EN@labels {EN@l} %% The next line defines a macro |\EN@l| calling %% `\@EN@addtolabeldef' one way ... \@namedef {\@EN@labels}{\@EN@addtolabeldef{{\@EN@blemp}}{}} %% The next two lines define a macro |\-EN@l| calling %% `\@EN@addtolabeldef' another way ... \@namedef{-\@EN@labels}{% \@EN@addtolabeldef{}{{\@EN@bleml}{\@EN@blemp}}} %% The next two lines render |\+EN@l| an alias for `\-EN@l' ... \expandafter \let \csname +\@EN@labels \expandafter\endcsname \csname -\@EN@labels\endcsname %% |\@EN@test@noteid<split1>EN@l<split2>\@empty<split3>\@nil| \ %% is meant for application as %% `\@EN@test@noteid<label>\@empty EN@l\@empty\@nil'. %% (I \emph{think} other control sequences than `\@empty' %% would do as well.) %% When the macro considers <label> belonging to the note info system, %% `\@tempa' equals one out of `\EN@l', `\-EN@l', and `\+EN@l', %% and `\@EN@tempa' expands to `\r@<split1>EN@l<split2>'. \def \@EN@test@noteid #1EN@l#2\@empty#3\@nil{% \ifx\\#2\\\else %% This should mean that #2 is \emph{not} %% corr. 2011/01/12 %% empty (I \emph{think} the control sequence `\\' %% can't appear in a label ...\,), %% TODO %% and this is the case \emph{iff} <label> contains %% `EN@l' and something more to the \emph{right.} %% #1 (=~<split1>) then is the part of <label> to the %% \emph{left} %% right %% corr. 2011/01/12 %% of that occurrence of `EN@l'. Further conditions for <label> %% belonging to a note are %% (\textit{i})~#1 is empty, `-', or `+'---we check this by comparing %% `\<split1>EN@l' to `\EN@l', `\-EN@l', and `\+EN@l'---, and %% (\textit{ii})~#2 is some <digits>---that we won't check (soon) ... \expandafter \let \expandafter \@tempa \csname #1\@EN@labels\endcsname \ifx\@tempa\relax \else \let \@EN@next \@tempa %% This should be the same `\@EN@tempa' as %% `\@EN@extractcslp' from 'ednotes' v1.3 produced it: \edef \@EN@tempa {\expandafter\noexpand \csname r@\@EN@labels#2\endcsname}% \expandafter %% The remaining part of former `\@EN@extractcslp' %% should be called by the new version of %% `\@EN@addtolabeldef'. The following hook will be %% used in testing for cross-reference changes: \@EN@testnote@hook \fi \fi } %% 'ednotes'' `\@EN@addtolabeldef' even gets a new syntax: %% \[|\@EN@addtolabeldef{<prepend>}{<append>}{<line/page>}|\] \renewcommand* \@EN@addtolabeldef [3] {% \@EN@extract@lp#3\@nil \expandafter \xdef \@EN@tempa {% #1% \expandafter \ifx\@EN@tempa\relax \else \@EN@tempa \fi #2}% \@EN@testnote@h@@k} %% ... considering 'ednotes'' `\protected'\,... irrelevant. %% 'ednotes'' `\@EN@extractcslp' is replaced by %% |\@EN@extract@lp<line/page>\@nil|: \let \@EN@extractcslp \@undefined %% must be renamed: \def \@EN@extract@lp #1#2#3\@nil {% \def\@EN@bleml{#1}\def\@EN@blemp{#2}} %% The |\@EN@testnote@hook| and |\@EN@testnote@h@@k| %% will only be used at `\end{document}': \let \@EN@testnote@hook \relax \let \@EN@testnote@h@@k \relax %% %% ==== &\newlabel\ Testing Cross-reference Changes ==== %% We won't use |\@EN@testlabel| and must override 'ednotes'' %% command to use it in the testing run of the `.aux' %% (maybe we should care that 'ednotes' has been loaded before!?). %% %% <- TODO!? 2011/01/12 %% Instead, the hook |\@EN@testnote@hook| will be activated. %% For the overriding, we need to store our present redefinition %% of `\newlabel'. %% (When our re-implementation of `\newlabel' is merged into %% 'ednotes', there simply shouldn't any change of `\newlabel' %% at `\end{document}'.) \@onlypreamble\@EN@testlabel \let \EFN@newlabel \newlabel \AtEndDocument{% \let \newlabel \EFN@newlabel \def \@EN@testnote@hook {% %% From 'ednotes'' `\@EN@testlabel': \expandafter \ifx\@EN@tempa\relax %% 2011/01/13: %% This means that the note info macro that `\@EN@tempa' %% expands to---call it <id> for the discussion---has been used %% in the present run of the document, but not in the run before %% (provided ...\,---see below). %% So certainly this ``label has changed," and \@tempswatrue %% should issue \LaTeX's according final warning. %% Moreover, the <info> argument of the current %% `\newlabel' entry should now simply be ignored %% (and this way the same `\@EN@tempa' will expand %% to a `\relax' alias next time again): \let\@EN@next\@gobble \else %% This means that the note info macro <id> %% has been used both in the present run %% and in the run before, so we want to find out %% whether the info changed or not. %% We will find three `\newlabel' entries for the same %% annotation and must build its new info macro---the string %% <new-info> that <id> will expand to after reading the `.aux' %% in the next document run---, %% we must store the old one---<id> still expands to %% <old-info>---for comparing, %% we must be able to detect if we have collected %% all the three entries that we need for <new-info>, %% and we must not increase the number of control %% sequences much. In 'ednotes' we used \emph{one} separate %% ``testing list" for all the info macros to be tested. %% The situation is now quite different %% and we try a new way: We collect all the relevant %% informations in that info macro <id> and take them %% apart when we have all of them. %% %% We are building <new-info>, at first it is empty. %% We will insert %% \[|\@EN@record<count>{<old-info>}|,\] %% together with the contribution from the first `\newlabel'. %% Let us see if the <new-info> from the current <id> %% already contains such a `\@EN@record', %% using |\@EN@test@record|: \@EN@xpxpxp \@EN@test@record \@EN@tempa \@EN@record0\@nil \fi}% } \def \@EN@test@record #1\@EN@record#2#3\@nil{% \if #20% %% `record' is missing (this conclusion is justified by the rest %% of the macro), this is the first contribution to a note %% info macro. We are preparing the insertion that %% `\@EN@addtolabeldef' will execute---`record 1{<old-info>}': \let\@EN@record\relax \expandafter\edef\@EN@tempa{\@EN@record 1{\@EN@tempa}}% \else \if #21% %% Here we have found a \emph{second} contribution. \def\@EN@record##1{\noexpand\@EN@record 2}% \else %% This is the case where the \emph{third} `\newlabel' for the same %% annotation has been encountered. When its <info> argument %% has been processed, we can compare the resulting %% <new-info> to the <old-info> that we are now putting %% from #3 into `\@tempa': \@EN@xpxpxp \@EN@extract@record \@EN@tempa \@nil %% Now `\@tempa' should expand to <old-info>. \let\@EN@record\@gobbletwo \fi \fi } %% |\@EN@extract@record| prepares comparison of <old-info> and %% <new-info>: %% doc. completed 2011/01/17 \def \@EN@extract@record #1\@EN@record 2#2#3\@nil {\def\@tempa{#2}} %% This is the active |\@EN@testnote@h@@k| providing %% testing and warning about annotation placement changes: \AtEndDocument{% \def \@EN@testnote@h@@k {% %% When another reference has changed, we may omit this info %% (probably different to 'ednotes'~v1.3). \if@tempswa \else \ifx\@EN@record\@gobbletwo \expandafter \ifx \@EN@tempa \@tempa \else \@tempswatrue %% for LaTeX's warning TODO!? \@EN@linechange@warning \fi \fi \fi}% } \newcommand* \@EN@linechange@warning{% %% Now copying 'ednotes' v1.3 (with different code line breaks): \expandafter\@EN@takepagesto\@tempa\@tempa \@EN@xpxpxp \@EN@takepagesto\@EN@tempa\@EN@tempa %% The message may come when line numbers have changed, not page %% numbers. This may puzzle some users, but should be harmless. \typeout{^^JPackage `ednotes.sty':^^J% *** A lemma or note moved. Page numbers \@tempa\space turned into \@EN@tempa.^^J*** Rerun and watch whether they come to rest and references get right.^^J*** If they don't, use \string\pagebreak\space or \string\warningpagebreak\space to force^^J*** the earlier of oscillating page breaks.^^J*** (Cf. package documentation on `oscillating page breaks'.)}% \let\newlabel\@EN@newlabel \def\@newl@bel{\@gobblefour\relax}% Cf. `lblchng1.sty'. } %% |\@EN@prepare@fromtl| is obsolete: \@onlypreamble \@EN@prepare@fromtl %% %% ==== Finish Typesetting before Testing ==== %% \label{sec:enddoc} %% When the numbering macros are disabled for testing before %% finishing typesetting, absolute line numbers instead of %% relative ones are printed. The disabling commands are %% issued using `\AtEndDocument' which appends the commands %% to the `\@enddocumenthook'. We \emph{prepend} a `\par' %% token to this hook so typesetting the numbered paragraph %% happens early enough, likewise we may force final %% annotations whose ``last" line numbers have been lost: \toks@\expandafter{\@enddocumenthook} \edef\@enddocumenthook{% \noexpand\par \noexpand\ForceFootnoteAnnotations \the\toks@} %% We might have used Heiko Oberdiek's 'atveryend' instead %% of `\AtEndDocument'; and I thought of adding another %% `\clearpage', but this may conflict with other packages. %% These matters are described comprehensively in the %% documentation of the 'lastpage' package. %% %% === Leaving the Package File === \endinput %% %% === VERSION HISTORY === v0.1 2010/01/01 starting, trying to change \FootnotetextA 2011/01/01 discovered \@EN@hookfn, exploited 2011/01/02 another task: ednotes' \newlabel 2011/01/03 disabling \getfoot... for .aux already; added \par to \enddocument; extended `Limitations', add-macros -> cs; removed debugging code TO CHRISTIAN as part of EDFN-r0.4 v0.2 2011/01/04 simplified hook stuff, moving to fnlineno 2011/01/07 <- moving back, insert annotations at last line of page, restructuring; \theLastLineNumber TO CHRISTIAN as part of EDFN-r0.5 night to 2011/01/08 v0.3 2011/01/08 concept 2011/01/09 samepage -> page@end; details for concept, implementation 2011/01/10 correction of ednotes' \newlabel v0.31 2011/01/10 JUST STORING: first approach at repairing \newlabel v0.32 2011/01/11 restructuring and explanation for re-implementation of \newlabel, implementation of building JUST STORING -- seems to work so far, but there is old code that just is overridden v0.33 2011/01/12 corr. doc. mistakes on test@noteid; hard work at both versions of \newlabel ... 2011/01/13 untidy, but seems to work perfectly v0.34 2011/01/14 rough and ready fix: \insert at *start* of \MakeLineNo TO CHRISTIAN without any other files v0.35 2011/01/14 acc. Christian debugging 2011/01/15 assignment of \theLastLineNumber conditional, another change of \MakeLineNo: insertion hook *after* \makeLineNumber as in v0.33, \c@linenumber stepped back 2011/01/16 rm. some \show...; \if@FNLN@sw@ replaces \ifx, \EFN@insert@try, \ForceFootnoteAnnotations; \par before \newlabel tests, note on \clearpage and related packages; restructured inserting section; tidied \newlabel section TO CHRISTIAN as part of EDFN r0.55 v0.4 2011/01/17 \EFN@page@end -> annot, \fi \fi ...; \EFN@insert@try merged into \MakeLineNo again, new \EFN@run@annot@hook, rm. \EFN@trivialize@last; \paragraph's in "Forced", compl. doc. \EFN@extract@record; \clearfootnoteannotations v0.5 2011/01/18 re-impl. \@EN@putdown etc. entirely, much new doc. 2011/01/19 \testLastNumberedPage uses \ifx\c@linenumber...; appended hook run to \stepLineNumber; \ForceFootnoteAnnotations re-implemented; doc. fixes \paragraph{3.} v0.6 2011/02/02 \EFN@move in \EFN@annot only *before* lemma page, copyright updated, DFG reduced, user command*s* v0.6a 2011/02/10 "Known Issues" v0.6b 2011/02/14 modifications for Christian's 2011/02/11; mention `PdUsample.pdf'; history *sub*section; `tamefloats' link corrected 2011/02/16 install: required files, \pagebreaks