% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright 2006-2010 Will Robertson <wspr81@gmail.com>
% Copyright 2009-2010 Elie Roux <elie.roux@telecom-bretagne.eu>
% Copyright 2009-2010 Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny@eglug.org>
% Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License,
% version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of
% this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status)
% by Will Robertson.
% This work consists of the file  euenc.dtx and various derived files.
    [2010/05/27 v0.1h Experimental Unicode font encodings]
\input docstrip.tex

  The EUENC bundle
  Will Robertson, Elie Roux, Khaled Hosny

  License information appended.


Copyright 2006-2010 Will Robertson <wspr81@gmail.com>
Copyright 2009-2010 Elie Roux <elie.roux@telecom-bretagne.eu>
Copyright 2009-2010 Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny@eglug.org>

Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License,
version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of
this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status)
by Will Robertson.

This work consists of the file  \jobname.dtx and various derived files.

% \fi
% \CheckSum{0}
% \errorcontextlines=999                ^^A% Show up all my mistakes
% \GetFileInfo{euenc.dtx}
% \title{The Experimental Unicode `\EUx' Encodings}
% \author{Will Robertson \and Elie Roux \and Khaled Hosny}
% \date{\filedate \qquad \fileversion}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}\noindent
% This file documents some experimental Unicode font encodings,
% used for \XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX. Includes Latin Modern font definitions for version 1.6 and later of those fonts.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Introduction}
% \LaTeX's font encoding system provides a method for ensuring that
% characters in a document can be rendered properly by glyphs in the output.
% It is also a sensible system for typesetting multilingual documents
% while remaining within \TeX's restrictions of 8-bit fonts.
% When \XeTeX\ came along, no work had been done on using
% this infrastructure for Unicode fonts. For one thing, the notion of a well-defined
% font encoding --- which neatly pigeonholes a font into a category of containing
% a specific set of glyphs --- doesn't work so well when designers have 
% an essentially unrestricted selection of glyphs they may add to their fonts.
% Both technical advantages of \LaTeX's font encodings --- error checking, and
% multilingual typesetting --- were no longer relevant with \XeTeX, due to
% impracticality for the former and redundancy in the latter; \XeTeX's support
% of OpenType fonts obviates the need for font switching (for glyph coverage only) by necessity when changing 
% languages, although multiple fonts will often be used for stylistic purposes.
% Nonetheless, font encodings are tied inextricably into \LaTeX's font selection
% mechanisms. For the first couple of years of \XeTeX's life, defined font families
% were placed in the |U| encoding; appropriate, given the Unicode initial, but 
% \emph{inappropriate} within the framework of \LaTeX\ itself. The |U| encoding
% stands for `undefined', to be used for fonts that contain glyphs that are essentially
% arbitrary; for example, a Dingbats font.
% Since \XeLaTeX\ documents didn't interact with the `regular' world so much,
% this overloading of the encoding didn't really matter in the long run. But eventually,
% it became apparent that it would be appropriate to use font encodings to represent 
% Unicode subsets and/or different methods of font loading. With the advent of Lua\TeX,
% this latter use has justified the approach originally taken here.
% \section{The \EU1 encoding}
% The \EU1 encoding represents the first attempt of providing a
% standard \LaTeX\ encoding for Unicode fonts.
% At present, it loads and defines nothing in terms of declaring text
% glyphs and accents. That r\^{o}le is played for now by Ross Moore's \pkg{xunicode}
% package; in the future I hope some of that package will migrate here.
% Because we can assume that all current \TeX\ distributions will
% contain the Latin Modern OpenType fonts (\path{fonts/opentype/public/lm}),
% these are selected as the default fonts. More details on this later.
% I am now defining the convention that \EU1 encoded fonts have no
% necessary subsets of Unicode. Perhaps in the future this will be restricted
% to fonts that support Unicode accent characters.
% Furthermore, no restrictions are made on the method used to load the font.
% \XeTeX\ allows fonts of two types: system installed fonts (also accessible
% via regular applications or programs); and `local' fonts, which are specified
% by filename to be found either in a |texmf| tree of the local directory.
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The |:| character needs to be sanitised in case \pkg{babel} makes it active:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \changes{v0.1d}{2008/03/08}{Bug fix for French babel.}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{The \EU2 encoding}
% The \EU2 encoding is to be used with Lua\TeX. It is the same as
% \EU1 for now; the actual difference is in the font definition files.
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The |:| character needs to be sanitised in case \pkg{babel} makes it active:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{The Latin Modern OpenType fonts}
% Version 0.1g of \pkg{euenc} supports version~1.6 of the LM fonts, released in October 2009.
% \subsection{Conversion scripts}
% The |.fd| files are converted from the \enc{T1} encoding
% with the following shell script.
% Only the package maintainers need to be able to run this script and those following.
% \subsubsection{Encoding conversion shell script}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmr.fd`   > eu1lmr.fd
sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmdh.fd`  > eu1lmdh.fd
sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmss.fd`  > eu1lmss.fd
sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmssq.fd` > eu1lmssq.fd
sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmvtt.fd` > eu1lmvtt.fd

sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmr.fd`   > eu2lmr.fd
sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmdh.fd`  > eu2lmdh.fd
sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmss.fd`  > eu2lmss.fd
sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmssq.fd` > eu2lmssq.fd
sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed `kpsewhich t1lmvtt.fd` > eu2lmvtt.fd

sed -f sed-eu1lm.sed -e \
    's/:mapping=tex-text//g' `kpsewhich t1lmtt.fd` > eu1lmtt.fd
sed -f sed-eu2lm.sed -e \
    's/;.trep;.tlig;//g' `kpsewhich t1lmtt.fd` > eu2lmtt.fd
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \subsubsection{Encoding conversion \texttt{sed} scripts}
% The shell script above requires the following |sed| scripts.
% \paragraph{Sed scripts}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}














%<eu1sedlm>s/\(>.[ ]*\)\(lm[a-z0-9\-]\{1,\}\)/\1"[\2]:mapping=tex-text"/g
%<eu2sedlm>s/\(>.[ ]*\)\(lm[a-z0-9\-]\{1,\}\)/\1file:\2:script=latn;+trep;+tlig;/g
%    \end{macrocode}
% \changes{v0.1}{2007/01/18}{`ssdc' and `ssdo' were switched with the upright for some reason.}
% \changes{v0.1d}{2008/03/08}{Missed typewriter italic somehow.}
% \changes{v0.1e}{2008/05/14}{Oblique mono was wrong (?!).}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Latin Modern test file}
% Adapted and improved from my Prac\TeX\ Journal article on the Latin Modern fonts.
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}


\title{Testing the Latin Modern \texttt{\EU} encoding}
\author{Will Robertson}


|\rmdefault| & {\selectfont Latin Modern Roman} \\
|   \itshape| & {\itshape Latin Modern Roman Italic} \\
|   \slshape| & {\slshape Latin Modern Roman Oblique} \\
|   \scshape| & {\scshape Latin Modern Roman Small Caps} \\
|     \slshape| & {\scshape\slshape Latin Modern Roman Oblique Small Caps} \\
|   \bfseries| & {\bfseries Latin Modern Roman Bold Extended} \\
|      \itshape| & {\bfseries\itshape Latin Modern Roman Bold Italic Extended} \\
|      \slshape| & {\bfseries\slshape Latin Modern Roman Bold Oblique Extended} \\
|   \fontseries{b}| & {\fontseries{b}\selectfont Latin Modern Roman Bold} \\
|   \fontseries{b}\slshape| & {\fontseries{b}\slshape Latin Modern Roman Bold Oblique} \\


|\fontfamily{lmdh}\selectfont| & {Latin Modern Dunhill} \\
|   \slshape| & {\slshape Latin Modern Dunhill Oblique} \\


|\sffamily| & {\selectfont Latin Modern Sans} \\
|   \slshape| & {\slshape Latin Modern Sans Oblique} \\
|   \bfseries| & {\bfseries Latin Modern Sans Bold} \\
|      \slshape| & {\bfseries\slshape Latin Modern Sans Bold Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{sbc}\selectfont| & {\fontseries{sbc}\selectfont Latin Modern Sans Demi Condensed} \\
|      \slshape| & {\fontseries{sbc}\selectfont\slshape Latin Modern Sans Demi Condensed Oblique} \\

\section*{Sans Quotation}

|\renewcommand\sfdefault{lmssq}| \\
|\sffamily      | & {\selectfont Latin Modern Sans Extended} \\
|   \slshape    | & {\slshape Latin Modern Sans Extended Oblique} \\
|   \bfseries   | & {\bfseries Latin Modern Sans Bold Extended} \\
|      \slshape | & {\bfseries\slshape Latin Modern Sans Bold Extended Oblique} \\


|\ttfamily      | & {\selectfont Latin Modern Typewriter} \\
|   \itshape    | & {\itshape Latin Modern Typewriter Italic} \\
|   \slshape    | & {\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Oblique} \\
|   \scshape    | & {\scshape Latin Modern Typewriter Small Caps} \\
|   \scshape\slshape | & {\scshape\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Oblique Small Caps} \\
|   \bfseries   | & {\bfseries Latin Modern Typewriter Dark} \\
|      \slshape | & {\bfseries\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Dark Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{b}\selectfont | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{b}\selectfont Latin Modern Typewriter Dark} \\
|   \fontseries{b}\slshape    | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{b}\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Dark Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{l}\selectfont | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{l}\selectfont Latin Modern Typewriter Light} \\
|   \fontseries{l}\slshape    | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{l}\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Light Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{lc}\selectfont | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{lc}\selectfont Latin Modern Typewriter Light Condensed} \\
|   \fontseries{lc}\slshape    | & {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{lc}\slshape Latin Modern Typewriter Light Condensed Oblique} \\

\section*{Variable-width Typewriter}

|\renewcommand\ttdefault{lmvtt}| \\
|\ttfamily                     | & {\selectfont \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional} \\
|   \slshape                   | & {\slshape \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{l}\selectfont | & {\fontseries{l}\selectfont \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional Light} \\
|   \fontseries{l}\slshape    | & \mbox{\fontseries{l}\slshape \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional Light Oblique} \\
|   \fontseries{b}\selectfont | & {\fontseries{b}\selectfont \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional Dark} \\
|   \fontseries{b}\slshape    | & \mbox{\fontseries{b}\slshape \fixedspacing Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional Dark Oblique} \\

%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \clearpage
% \PrintChanges
% \clearpage
% \PrintIndex
% \Finale
%    \begin{macrocode}


     \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces 

  pdftitle={The Experimental Unicode 'EUx' Encodings},
  pdfsubject={Experimental Unicode font encodings for Unicode TeX engines},
  pdfauthor={Will Robertson},
  pdfkeywords={xetex, xelatex, luatex, lualatex, unicode, fontenc}


\newlength\exoutdent   \newlength\exverbgap





%% LOGOS, tuned for Pagella:



%% (La)TeX font-related declarations:
\linespread{1.05}      % Pagella needs more space between lines
\frenchspacing         % Remove ugly extra space after punctuation

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% \typeout{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
% \typeout{* files into a directory searched by LaTeX:}
% \typeout{*}
% \typeout{* \space\space\space eu1enc.def, \space eu2enc.def, \space eu*.fd, }
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