\iffalse Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell This file is part of the eurofont distribution. You can distribute it freely provided that you include the rest of the eurofont distribution with this file and make no more than a nominal charge to cover the costs of distributing it. If you would like to change the contents of this file, please make a copy of it under a different name and change that instead. Keep my copyright notice attached, but make it clear that the new file is your responsibility so you get the credit for the improvements and I don't get blamed for the bugs. \fi \ProvidesFile{eurofont.ins} % % fd file for Marvosym: \begin{filecontents}{uzmvs.fd} % Filename: uzmvs.fd % Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell % email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % Fount definitions for Marvosym % % THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY % % The slightly strange name is because Marvosym already has an % official name and I'd like to avoid any conflicts. So make the % Marvosym used by eurofont.sty a bizzare one (z prefix) because % nothing else seems right to me. % % Please don't use this file for anything directly: it's meant to % provide NFSS fount definitions so that the eurofont package can make % a half-decent job of printing euro symbols using the Marvosym % fount. Because of this, it's a bit eccentric to match eurofont's % eccentric way of doing things. % % If you want to modify the code in this file, save the file under a % different name and modify *that*. Please make sure you add a note % indicating that you've changed things. % \ProvidesFile{uzmvs.fd} [1998/10/10 Hacked by RJMM font definitions for U/zmvs.] % \DeclareFontFamily{U}{zmvs}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{m}{n} {<-> fmvr8x}{} % % Extra font defs needed \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{m}{it}{<-> fmvri8x}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{m}{sl}{<-> fmvri8x}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{m}{sc}{<-> fmvr8x}{} % \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{l}{n} {<-> fmvr8x}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{l}{it}{<-> fmvri8x}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{l}{sl}{<-> fmvri8x}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{l}{sc}{<-> fmvr8x}{} % \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{l} {ui} {<->ssub * zmvs/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zmvs}{m} {ui} {<->ssub * zmvs/m/n}{} % \endinput \end{filecontents} % fd file for Adobe Euroserif: \begin{filecontents}{uzpeur.fd} % Filename: uzpeur.fd % Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell % email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % Fount definitions for Adobe Euroserif % %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{uzpeur.fd} [1998/10/10 Eurofont package font definitions for U/zpeur.] \DeclareFontFamily{U}{zpeur}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne}% \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{m}{n} {<->zpeur} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{m}{it}{<->zpeuri}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeur/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{m}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeur/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{b}{n} {<->zpeub} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{b}{it}{<->zpeubi}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeur/b/it} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{b}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeur/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{l}{n} {<->ssub * zpeur/m/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{l}{it}{<->ssub * zpeur/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{l}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeur/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{l}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeur/m/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{bx}{n} {<->ssub * zpeur/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * zpeur/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeur/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeur/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{l} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeur/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{m} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeur/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{b} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeur/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeur}{bx}{ui} {<->ssub * zpeur/b/n}{} % \endinput \end{filecontents} % fd file for Adobe Eurosans: \begin{filecontents}{uzpeuss.fd} % Filename: uzpeuss.fd % Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell % email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % Fount definitions for Adobe Eurosans % %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{uzpeuss.fd} [1998/10/10 Eurofont package font definitions for U/zpeuss.] \DeclareFontFamily{U}{zpeuss}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne}% \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{m}{n} {<->zpeurs} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{m}{it}{<->zpeuris}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeuss/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{m}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeuss/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{b}{n} {<->zpeubs} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{b}{it}{<->zpeubis}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeuss/b/it} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{b}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeuss/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{l}{n} {<->ssub * zpeuss/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{l}{it}{<->ssub * zpeuss/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{l}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeuss/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{l}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeuss/m/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{bx}{n} {<->ssub * zpeuss/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * zpeuss/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeuss/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeuss/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{l} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeuss/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{m} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeuss/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{b} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeuss/m/b}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeuss}{bx}{ui} {<->ssub * zpeuss/m/b}{} % \endinput \end{filecontents} % fd file for Adobe Euromono: \begin{filecontents}{uzpeutt.fd} %Filename: uzpeutt.fd % Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell % email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % Fount definitions for Adobe Euromono % %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{Uzpeutt.fd} [1998/10/10 Eurofont package font definitions for U/zpeutt.] \DeclareFontFamily{U}{zpeutt}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne}% \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{m}{n} {<->zpeurt} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{m}{it}{<->zpeurit}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeutt/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{m}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeutt/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{b}{n} {<->zpeubt} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{b}{it}{<->zpeubit}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeutt/b/it} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{b}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeutt/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{l}{n} {<->ssub * zpeutt/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{l}{it}{<->ssub * zpeutt/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{l}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeutt/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{l}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeutt/m/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{bx}{n} {<->ssub * zpeutt/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * zpeutt/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * zpeutt/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * zpeutt/b/n} {} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{l} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeutt/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{m} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeutt/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{b} {ui} {<->ssub * zpeutt/m/b}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{zpeutt}{bx}{ui} {<->ssub * zpeutt/m/b}{} % \endinput \end{filecontents} % Config file \begin{filecontents}{eurofont.cfg} % Configuration file for the eurofont package % Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell % email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % Please do change this file as much as you like, but don't distribute % modified versions. % % If you change this file, do make sure that you change the date, % version number, and identification note below: % \ProvidesFile{eurofont.cfg}[1998/11/03 v1.0 Default config file for the eurofont package] % % List contents Corresponding command % \EFaddtolist{\userlist}{}% \makeusereuro \EFaddtolist{\texteurolist}{}% \maketexteuro \EFaddtolist{\chinaelist}{}% \makechinaeeuro \EFaddtolist{\cmlist}{cmr,cmss,cmtt}% \makecmeuro \EFaddtolist{\seriflist}{pbk,pnc,ppl,ptm,put}% \makeserifeuro \EFaddtolist{\sanslist}{pag,phv,psy,pzd}% \makesanseuro \EFaddtolist{\monolist}{pcr}% \makemonoeuro \EFaddtolist{\fakemediumlist}{pzc}% \makefakemediumeuro \EFaddtolist{\fakelightlist}{}% \makefakelighteuro \EFaddtolist{\fakeheavylist}{}% \makefakeheavyeuro % \EFaddtolist{\faketexteurolist}{} % % Put all the standard LaTeX weights (and likely extras) % into one of the following lists: % \EFaddtolist{\EFlightserieslist}{ul,el,l,ulc,elc,lc,ulx,elx,lx} \EFaddtolist{\EFmediumserieslist}{m,mb,db,sb,mc,mbc,dbc,sbc,mx,mbx,dbx,sbx} \EFaddtolist{\EFboldserieslist}{b,bx,bc} \EFaddtolist{\EFultraboldserieslist}{eb,ub,ebc,ubc,ebx,ubx} % % And two non-standard weights: % \EFaddtolist{\EFultraboldserieslist}{xb,ebd} % \endinput \end{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{dvidrive.txt} File dvidrive.txt Copyright 1998 Rowland McDonnell email rebecca@astrid.u-net.com This file contains information on how to configure dvips and OzTeX to use Adobe's Eurofonts and the Marvosym fount. I believe that pdfTeX can use dvips entries. If there are any problems with the information below, or if you have information on how to configure other dvi drivers, please let me know by emailing: rebecca@astrid.u-net.com DVI DRIVER CONFIGURATION LINES FOR ADOBE'S EUROFONTS ==================================================== Note that versions of dvips before v5.83 have trouble doing partial fount downloading with Adobe's Eurofonts. Because of this, I have listed the dvips psfont.map entries with `|<<|' and with `|<|': the `|<<|' entries prevent dvips attempting to do partial fount downloading with that particular fount. The `<<' syntax does not work with all versions of dvips; it does work with dvips v5.78, but doesn't work with v5.70. If you're using a pre `<<' dvips, you should use the entries with `<' and don't use partial fount downloading with any document containing Adobe's Eurofonts; passing the -j0 switch to dvips will prevent it from doing partial fount downloading if this is normally turned on. I've asked the author of dvips when the `<<' syntax was first introduced, and he can't remember. I am told that pdftex can do partial fount downloading using Adobe's Eurofonts. Eurofont configuration lines for Windows/Unix/any others? ========================================================= (you need to re-name the *.PFB files *.pfb; thanks to Stefan Ulrich <ulrich@cis.uni-muenchen.de> for this and the following entries) psfonts.map entries for Windows/Unix/other dvips v5.78 or similar zpeurs EuroSans-Regular <<_1______.pfb zpeubs EuroSans-Bold <<_1B_____.pfb zpeuris EuroSans-Italic <<_1I_____.pfb zpeubis EuroSans-BoldItalic <<_1BI____.pfb zpeurt EuroMono-Regular <<_2______.pfb zpeubt EuroMono-Bold <<_2B_____.pfb zpeurit EuroMono-Italic <<_2I_____.pfb zpeubit EuroMono-BoldItalic <<_2BI____.pfb zpeur EuroSerif-Regular <<_3______.pfb zpeub EuroSerif-Bold <<_3B_____.pfb zpeuri EuroSerif-Italic <<_3I_____.pfb zpeubi EuroSerif-BoldItalic <<_3BI____.pfb psfonts.map entries for Windows/Unix/other dvips v5.70 or before, dvips v5.83 and above, and pdftex: (note that I don't use pdftex; this suggestion might not work) zpeurs EuroSans-Regular <_1______.pfb zpeubs EuroSans-Bold <_1B_____.pfb zpeuris EuroSans-Italic <_1I_____.pfb zpeubis EuroSans-BoldItalic <_1BI____.pfb zpeurt EuroMono-Regular <_2______.pfb zpeubt EuroMono-Bold <_2B_____.pfb zpeurit EuroMono-Italic <_2I_____.pfb zpeubit EuroMono-BoldItalic <_2BI____.pfb zpeur EuroSerif-Regular <_3______.pfb zpeub EuroSerif-Bold <_3B_____.pfb zpeuri EuroSerif-Italic <_3I_____.pfb zpeubi EuroSerif-BoldItalic <_3BI____.pfb Eurofont configuration lines for Macs ===================================== Macintosh psfonts.map entries for dvips v5.78 or similar zpeur EuroSerif-Regular <<EuroSerReg zpeuri EuroSerif-Italic <<EuroSerIta zpeub EuroSerif-Bold <<EuroSerBol zpeubi EuroSerif-BoldItalic <<EuroSerBolIta zpeurs EuroSans-Regular <<EuroSanReg zpeuris EuroSans-Italic <<EuroSanIta zpeubs EuroSans-Bold <<EuroSanBol zpeubis EuroSans-BoldItalic <<EuroSanBolIta zpeurt EuroMono-Regular <<EuroMonReg zpeurit EuroMono-Italic <<EuroMonIta zpeubt EuroMono-Bold <<EuroMonBol zpeubit EuroMono-BoldItalic <<EuroMonBolIta Macintosh psfonts.map entries for dvips v5.70 or before, dvips v5.83 and above, and pdftex: (note that I don't use pdftex; this suggestion might not work) zpeur EuroSerif-Regular <EuroSerReg zpeuri EuroSerif-Italic <EuroSerIta zpeub EuroSerif-Bold <EuroSerBol zpeubi EuroSerif-BoldItalic <EuroSerBolIta zpeurs EuroSans-Regular <EuroSanReg zpeuris EuroSans-Italic <EuroSanIta zpeubs EuroSans-Bold <EuroSanBol zpeubis EuroSans-BoldItalic <EuroSanBolIta zpeurt EuroMono-Regular <EuroMonReg zpeurit EuroMono-Italic <EuroMonIta zpeubt EuroMono-Bold <EuroMonBol zpeubit EuroMono-BoldItalic <EuroMonBolIta OzTeX config file entries zpeur EuroSerif-Regular "Euro Serif" nil zpeuri EuroSerif-Italic "Euro Serif" nil i zpeub EuroSerif-Bold "Euro Serif" nil b zpeubi EuroSerif-BoldItalic "Euro Serif" nil bi zpeurs EuroSans-Regular "Euro Sans" nil zpeuris EuroSans-Italic "Euro Sans" nil i zpeubs EuroSans-Bold "Euro Sans" nil b zpeubis EuroSans-BoldItalic "Euro Sans" nil bi zpeurt EuroMono-Regular "Euro Monospace" nil zpeurit EuroMono-Italic "Euro Monospace" nil i zpeubt EuroMono-Bold "Euro Monospace" nil b zpeubit EuroMono-BoldItalic "Euro Monospace" nil bi DVI DRIVER CONFIGURATION LINES FOR MARVOSYM =========================================== Here are some lines to configure dvips to use the Marvosym fount: Dvips psfonts.map entries for the original Marvosym fount: fmvr8x Martin_Vogels_Symbole <marvosym.pfb fmvri8x Martin_Vogels_Symbole " .167 SlantFont" <marvosym.pfb Dvips psfonts.map entries for the Y&Y `ATM compatible' re-worked Marvosym fount: fmvr8x Marvosym <marvosym.pfb fmvri8x Marvosym " .167 SlantFont" <marvosym.pfb I have assumed that all dvi drivers that can use PostScript Type 1 founts can also produce fake italic founts by slanting an upright version. Because of this, I have made no provision for dvi drivers that can't do this. If you have a dvi driver that can't fake an italic, please let me know and I'll modify the eurofont package to take this into account, probably by adding another option and writing a new fd file. Note for Macintosh users A Mac version of the Marvosym fount has been created in PostScript Type 1 and TrueType versions. It uses the Y&Y names as above, and these lines are be needed for dvips's psfonts.map file: fmvr8x Marvosym <Marvo fmvri8x Marvosym " .167 SlantFont" <Marvo And these lines for OzTeX's default config file: fmvr8x Marvosym Marvosym nil fmvri8x Marvosym Marvosym nil i If a version of the original Marvosym fount is ever released for Macs, these lines will be needed for dvips's psfonts.map file: fmvr8x Martin_Vogels_Symbole <MartiVogSym fmvri8x Martin_Vogels_Symbole " .167 SlantFont" <MartiVogSym And these lines for OzTeX's default config file: fmvr8x MartiVogSym "Martin Vogels Symbole" nil fmvri8x MartiVogSym "Martin Vogels Symbole" nil i \end{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{eurofont.tmp} \ProvidesFile{eurofont.tmp} \def\batchfile{eurofont.tmp} \input{docstrip} \keepsilent \generateFile{eurofont.sty}{t}{\from{eurofont.dtx}{package}} \typeout{Finished stripping the comments from eurofont.dtx.} \typeout{} \typeout{To finish the installation, put these files in a sensible place} \typeout{on your system's TeX search path:} \typeout{} \typeout{eurofont.sty, eurofont.cfg, and all the files ending in fd.} \typeout{} \typeout{To produce the documentation, run LaTeX on eurofont.dtx.} \typeout{} \typeout{To find out what to do with the tfm files, read the documentation.} \typeout{} \typeout{You might like to keep the original files safe as a backup, or} \typeout{in case you want to pass on the eurofont package to someone.} \typeout{} \typeout{You can delete:} \typeout{eurofont.dvi, eurofont.aux, eurofont.toc, eurofont.log, and eurofont.tmp} \typeout{} \endinput \end{filecontents} \input{eurofont.tmp} \endinput