% Author: Rok Kukovec and Iztok Fister Jr.
% CC-BY-SA-4.0 license 

\ProvidesClass{exam-lite}[2023/02/06 Very simple Latex template for exams]

% include dependencies
\RequirePackage[skip=10pt plus1pt, indent=40pt]{parskip}

% global class options

% Path to logo image

% Language of the exam

% Name of the subject

% Academic year

% Date of the exam

% Study program

% Location of the exam (usually classroom label)

% Exam period

% Exam period, usually number (one subject has one or more exams)

% Subacronym of the subject

% Name and Surname of the student

% ID  of the student

% Instructions

% Question (translation)

% Question (translation)

% Points (translation)






% use declared options

% language of the exam
    \def\examtype{1} % 1: izpit-exam, 2: kolokvij-midterm
% language of the midterm
    \def\examtype{2} % 1: izpit-exam, 2: kolokvij-midterm   


% Slovene version
    \if\examtype2\typeexam{VMESNI IZPIT}\fi
    \if\examtype1\examperiod{Vmesni izpit: }\fi
    \if\examtype2\examperiod{Izpitni rok: }\fi
    \namesurname{Ime in Priimek:}
    \studentid{ID ��tudenta:}
    \sumpts{��tevilo to��k: }
    \writingtime{��as pisanja: }
    \grade{Ocena: }

    % Define a command for the logo of institution and exam information
            % Show logo of author's institution on the left side
            \fancyhead[L]{\raisebox{\dimexpr-\height+\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]{\includegraphics[width=5cm, height=4cm, keepaspectratio]{\pImagePath}}}
            % Show exam information on right side

    \aboutexamheader{\aboutexam{Predmet: \psubject \\
			   ��tudijsko leto: \pacademicyear \\
			   ��tudijski program: \pstudyprogram \\
			   \pexamperiod \pexamid \\
			   Prostor: \plocation \\
			   Datum: \displaydate{examdate}}}
                e)% Due to only 1 "all-"else option - this entry is duplicated
% English version
    \if\examtype1\examperiod{Exam period: }\fi
    \if\examtype2\examperiod{Midterm: }\fi
    \namesurname{Name and Surname:}
    \studentid{Student ID:}
    \sumpts{Number of points: }
    \writingtime{Writing time: }
    \grade{Grade: }

    % Define a command for the logo of institution and exam information
           % show logo of author's institution on the left side
          \fancyhead[L]{\raisebox{\dimexpr-\height+\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]{\includegraphics[width=6cm, height=3.5cm, keepaspectratio]{\pImagePath}}}
          % show exam information on right side

    \aboutexamheader{\aboutexam{Subject: \psubject \\
			   Study year: \pacademicyear \\
			   Study program: \pstudyprogram \\
			   \pexamperiod \pexamid \\
			   Place: \plocation \\
			   Date: \displaydate{examdate}}}

% Process options
% Load class
% Set page margins

% Set a little indendation for paragraphs

% Space between paragraphs
% First page
    \psumpts\:\:\:\:\:\:\:/\total{sum_pts} \hfill \pwritingtime \pwritingtimeminutes min

% Header of all pages but first
    \newpage % put question in a new page
    % space between head and first question (text)
% Commands for questions

% Question counter command - Question i
\newcommand{\qncounter}[1]{\paragraph{\underline{\pquestiontext{ #1}}}\hfill\\\vspace{2mm}\\}

% Basic Question command - #1 What is ...? #2 No. pts #3 vspace in cm (points next to question)
\newcommand{\question}[3]{{\parbox{14cm}{#1}} {\Conjugation{#2} \addtocounter{sum_pts}{#2}\hfill\textsc{(#2~\ppointstext\Apply@Conjugation}}{\vspace{#3 cm}}}

% Long Question command - #1 What is ...? #2 No. pts #3 vspace in cm (points under question)
\newcommand{\longquestion}[3]{{\parbox{16.5cm}{#1}} {\Conjugation{#2} \addtocounter{sum_pts}{#2}\hfill\\\hspace*{\fill}\textsc{(#2~\ppointstext\Apply@Conjugation}}{\vspace{#3 cm}}}

% Alinea command - \item #1 What is ...? #2 No. pts #3 vspace in cm
\newcommand{\alinea}[3]{\item \!\!)\:{\parbox{12cm}{#1}} {\Conjugation{#2} \addtocounter{sum_pts}{#2}\hfill\textsc{(#2~\ppointstext\Apply@Conjugation}{\vspace{#3 cm}}}}