#! /bin/sh eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;PATH="$PATH:.";export PERL_BADLANG\ ;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0;eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x\ ;setenv PATH "$PATH":.;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q #!perl -w +push@INC,'.';$0=~/(.*)/s;do(index($1,"/")<0?"./$1":$1);die$@if$@__END__+if 0 ;#Don't touch/remove lines 1--7: http://www.inf.bme.hu/~pts/Magic.Perl.Header # # wrfiles.pl -- write single example files # by pts@fazekas.hu at Mon Mar 15 17:01:41 CET 2004 # use integer; use strict; #** @param $_[0] "config.ps", "config" or "pdftex.cfg" etc. #** @param $_[1] argument of --progname #** @param $_[2] argument of --format #** @return the absoulte version of $_[0] -- or relative if in current dir sub get_absname($$$) { my $confrel=$_[0]; $confrel=~y@\\@/@; my $confabs=$confrel; if (substr($confrel,0,1)ne'/') { if (index($confrel,'/')==-1 and (-f $confrel)) { # in current dir return "./$confrel"; } # Dat: need to append $PWD to: 0>index($confrel,'/') and (-f$confrel # vvv $confrel and $_[1] are assumed not to contain weird characters my $cmd="kpsewhich --must-exist --progname=$_[1] --format=\"$_[2]\" -- \"$confrel\" 2>&1"; $confabs=qx($cmd); chomp $confabs; } # Dat: $confabs might begin with `./' (length($confabs)<length($confrel)-1 # or substr($confabs,-length($confrel)-1,1) ne "/" # or substr($confabs,-length($confrel)) ne $confrel # $confrel may contain `..' or !-f $confabs) ? undef : $confabs } sub romannumeral($) { my $N=$_[0]+0; my $ret=""; if ($N>0) { if ($N>=1000) { $ret="m"x($N%1000); $N=$N%1000 } if ($N>=900) { $ret.="cm"; $N-=900 } if ($N>=500) { $ret.="d"; $N-=500 } if ($N>=400) { $ret.="cd"; $N-=400 } while ($N>=100) { $ret.="c"; $N-=100 } if ($N>=90) { $ret.="xc"; $N-=90 } if ($N>=50) { $ret.="l"; $N-=50 } if ($N>=40) { $ret.="xl"; $N-=40 } while ($N>=10) { $ret.="x"; $N-=10 } if ($N>=9) { $ret.="ix"; $N-=9 } if ($N>=5) { $ret.="v"; $N-=5 } if ($N>=4) { $ret.="iv"; $N-=4 } while ($N>=1) { $ret.="i"; $N-=1 } } $ret } my $destdir='CDfiles'; my $default_D="\\documentclass{article}\n\n"; my $default_L="\\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[magyar]{babel}\n"; my $default_B="\n\\begin{document}\n\n"; my $default_E="\n\\end{document}\n"; my %to_coco=('0 '=>'p ','c '=>'< ','o '=>'> ','2 '=>' '); my %to_class=('f '=>'F','v '=>'F','f!'=>'F','v!'=>'F','d '=>'D', 'l '=>'L','p '=>'P','t '=>'P','b '=>'B','< '=>'C','> '=>'C','x '=>'C', ' '=>'C','e '=>'E',"\n\n"=>'Z','w '=>'C','% '=>'C','s '=>'C'); my %cleanup_files; sub cleanup() { while (my($k,$v)=each%cleanup_files) { unlink $k if $v!=0 } } $SIG{INT}=$SIG{TERM}=$SIG{HUP}=sub { cleanup; exit 1 }; END { cleanup } my %had_files; # $had_files{$filename}++ sub do_code($$$) { my($texfn,$lineno,$destfn)=@_; die if $lineno<1; my $texabs=get_absname($texfn,"latex","tex"); # adds .tex extension (but not needed) die "$0: .tex file not found: $texfn\n" if !defined $texabs; die unless open F, "< $texabs"; if (exists $had_files{$destfn}) { if ($destfn=~s@^((?:(?:\d+|[a-zA-Z])_)?(?:\d+|[a-zA-Z]{1,5}))([_.])@$2@) { # vvv change `1_2_foo.tex' to `1_2ii_foo.tex'. It won't conflict with # test (1) $destfn=$1.romannumeral(++$had_files{$1.$destfn}).$destfn; die if exists $had_files{$destfn}; } else { die "$0: multiple target file: $destfn ($texfn:$.)\n"; } } else { $had_files{$destfn}=1 } $cleanup_files{"$destdir/$destfn"}++; die unless open KI, "> $destdir/$destfn"; my $S; my $L=$lineno; while ($L-->0) { die "$0: file too short\n" if !defined($S=<F>) } # Dat: now $S is the line of the original $lineno chomp $S; die "$0: not a code environment ($S) at $texfn:$lineno.\nMaybe wrong \\input{} or \\include{}?\n" if $S!~m@\\begin{(pelda|peldak|kod|code)}(.*)@; my $currenvir=$1; $S=$2; $S=~s@[ \t\r\n]+\Z(?!\n)@@; # Dat: LaTeX also ignores this my $going_p=1; my %had_from_class; print "Dumping env $currenvir from $texfn:$lineno to $destdir/$destfn\n"; if ($currenvir eq 'kod' or $currenvir eq 'pelda') { # Dat: kod, pelda and peldak are legacy environments from lakk die if !print KI $default_D.$default_L.$default_B; while ($going_p) { if (0==length$S) { die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>); $going_p=$currenvir eq 'kod' ? $S!~s@\\end\{kod\}.*@@s : $S!~s@\\end\{pelda\}.*@@s; last if !$going_p and 0==length($S); chomp $S; } die if !print KI "$S\n"; $S=""; } die if !print KI $default_E; } elsif ($currenvir eq 'code') { my $oldclass='F'; while (1) { if (0==length$S) { die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>); chomp $S; $going_p=$S!~s@\\end\{code\}.*@@s; $S="\n\n" if !$going_p and 0==length($S); } if (length($S)==0) { $S=" " } elsif (length($S)==1) { $S.=" " } do_end: my $coco=substr($S,0,2); # code command $S=substr($S,2); ## print"[$coco][$S]\n"; $coco=$to_coco{$coco} if exists $to_coco{$coco}; my $curclass; die "$0: unknown code command `$coco'\n" if !defined($curclass=$to_class{$coco}); my $oldclass0=$oldclass; while ($oldclass ne $curclass) { if ($oldclass eq 'F') { $oldclass='G'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'G') { $oldclass='D'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'D') { die if !exists $had_from_class{'D'} and !print KI $default_D; $oldclass='L'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'L') { die if !exists $had_from_class{'L'} and !print KI $default_L; $oldclass='P'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'P') { $oldclass='B'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'B') { die if !exists $had_from_class{'B'} and !print KI $default_B; $oldclass='C'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'C') { $oldclass='E'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'E') { die if !exists $had_from_class{'E'} and !print KI $default_E; $oldclass='Z'; } elsif ($oldclass eq 'Z') { die "cannot move from class $oldclass0 to $curclass\n"; } } ## print "($curclass)($coco)($S)\n"; if ($curclass eq 'F') { die "$0: inconsistent filename: $destfn\n" if length($destfn)<length($S) or substr($destfn,length($destfn)-length$S) ne $S; # test (1) if ($coco eq 'v!' or $coco eq 'v ') { $oldclass='C'; $had_from_class{'E'}=1 } } elsif ($coco eq '> ' or $coco eq '% ' or $coco eq 's ') { } elsif ($curclass eq 'D' or $curclass eq 'L' or $curclass eq 'P' or $curclass eq 'B' or $curclass eq 'E' or $curclass eq 'C') { die if !print KI "$S\n"; $had_from_class{$curclass}=1; } elsif ($curclass eq 'Z') { last } else { die } if (!$going_p) { $S="\n\n"; goto do_end } $S=""; } } elsif ($currenvir eq 'peldak') { die if !print KI $default_D.$default_L.$default_B; if (!length$S) { $S="" if !defined($S=<F>) } die "$0: opening brace expected, got: $S ($.)\n" if substr($S,0,1) ne '{'; $S=substr($S,1); my $depth=1; while (1) { ##print "A$depth($S)\n"; if ($depth!=0) { # skip to-document-Sample part $S="" if substr($S,0,1)eq'%'; my $T=$S; $S=""; my $C; while ($T=~m@\G(\\.?|[%{}]|[^\\%{}]+)@sg) { if ($depth==0) { $S.=$1 } elsif ('%'eq($C=substr$1,0,1)) { last } elsif ($C eq '{') { $depth++ } elsif ($C eq '}') { $depth-- } } if ($depth==0 and 0!=length$S) { die if !print KI "$S\n"; } } else { die if !print KI "$S\n"; } last if !$going_p; die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>); chomp $S; $going_p=$S!~s@\\end\{peldak\}.*@@s; last if !$going_p and 0==length($S); } die if !print KI $default_E; } else { die } die unless close KI; die unless close F; $cleanup_files{"$destdir/$destfn"}--; } my $gendepth=0; #** @param #_[1] bool: must exist? sub do_aux($$); sub do_aux($$) { no strict 'refs'; my $auxfn=$_[0]; my $auxabs=get_absname($auxfn,"latex","tex"); if (!defined $auxabs) { die "$0: .aux file not found: $auxfn\n" if $_[1]; return } my $F=\*{'FILE'.$gendepth++}; die unless open $F, "< $auxfn"; print "Processing $auxfn\n"; while (<$F>) { if (/^\\\@gobble\{code:.*\}/) { die "$0: syntax error ($.)\n" if !/^\\\@gobble\{code:([^:\}]+):(\d+):([^:\}]+)\}$/; do_code($1,$2+0,$3); } elsif (/^\\\@gobble\{(cd[dlbe]):(.*)\}/) { my $ftype=uc($1); die "$0: cannot open $ftype file: $2: $!\n" unless open CDL, "< $2"; print "Using $ftype file: $2\n"; my $S=join('',<CDL>); $S=~s@\A[\n\r]+@@; $S=~s@\s+\Z(?!\n)@\n@; ## die $S; if ($ftype eq 'CDD') { $default_D="$S\n" } elsif ($ftype eq 'CDL') { $default_L=$S } elsif ($ftype eq 'CDB') { $default_B="$S\n" } elsif ($ftype eq 'CDE') { $default_E=$S } else { die } die unless close CDL; } elsif (/^\\\@input\{/) { die "$0: syntax error ($.)\n" if !/^\\\@input\{([^}]+)\}$/; do_aux($1,0); } } die unless close $F; $gendepth--; } die "Usage: $0 <jobname>[.tex|.aux]\n" if @ARGV!=1; my $fn=$ARGV[0]; $fn=~s@[.](tex|aux)\Z(?!\n)@@; # Imp: foo.bar.log? select STDERR; $|=1; select STDOUT; $|=1; if (-e $destdir) { print STDERR "warning: destination dir exists: $destdir\n" } mkdir $destdir; die unless -d $destdir; do_aux "$ARGV[0].aux", 1; __END__