% $Id: exceltex.sty 155 2006-04-30 11:25:16Z pez $
% get data from excel files into LaTeX
% (c) 2004-2006 by Hans-Peter Doerr <doerr@cip.physik.uni-freiburg.de>
% exceltex is free software. you can redistribute or modify it under
% the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. See COPYING for
% details.
\ProvidesPackage{exceltex}[2006/04/30 v.\exceltexVersion]
\typeout{This is exceltex  v\exceltexVersion}
% ulem needs option normalem for not breaking \em and \emph
\immediate\openout 10=\jobname.excltx
% write index header
\immediate\write 10{;cellrefs}
\immediate\write 10{;created by exceltex v. \exceltexVersion}
  \immediate\write 10{c:\theexceltexCounterC:#1}%
  \immediate\write 10{c:#1}%
  \immediate\write 10{t:\theexceltexCounterT:#1}%
  \immediate\write 10{t:#1}%