%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ezedits.sty %% Copyright 2024 J. A. Smiga % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status ���maintained���. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is J. A. Smiga. % % This work consists of the file ezedits.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This package was written by Joseph A. Smiga <joseph.smiga@rochester.edu> %% Originally developed ca. 2018, this has been refined over the years. %% %% Some useful commands: (not up to date, see documentation) %% Included are a set of commands to generate comments for a LaTeX file. %% %% This package requires the following standard packages: %% ulem: for \sout %% xcolor: for coloring text. %% pdfcomment: if pdfcomment option is used %% %% Options are: %% arrows: add arrows pointing to edits in margins (in captions, a pair of arrows are added, instead). %% accept: accept all edits (arrows still appear). %% pdfcomments: write edits as pdf annotations (arrows still appear). \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{ezedits}[2024/09/12] % \RequirePackage{xcolor} \newif\if@accept\@acceptfalse % accept all comments (does not suppress package warnings) \newif\if@pdfcomm\@pdfcommfalse % write pdf comments \newif\if@showarrows\@showarrowsfalse \newif\if@importulem\@importulemtrue \DeclareOption{accept}{ \@accepttrue } \DeclareOption{pdfcomment}{ % add pdf comments \@pdfcommtrue \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{pdfcomment}} } \DeclareOption{arrows}{ % point to edits with arrows in the margin \@showarrowstrue \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{marginnote}} } \DeclareOption{nosout}{ % do not crossout deleted text \@importulemfalse } \ProcessOptions\relax \if@importulem \RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem}% import ulem (for sout) % update \sout to work better with \cite \let\old@cite\cite% remember original \def\new@cite#1{\mbox{\old@cite{#1}}}% put cite in mbox \def\new@sout#1{\let\cite\new@cite\sout{#1}\let\cite\old@cite}% redefine sout \else \def\new@sout{}% do nothing \fi %% edit record \newcounter{ez@editcount} \newcounter{ez@totalcount} \gdef\ez@editrecord{} \newcommand{\ez@addeditpage}{% \ifx\ez@lastpage\undefined% first edit \xdef\ez@lastpage{\thepage}% initialize "last page" variable % counter starts at 0, so it does not need to be updated \else% 2nd+ edit \if\ez@lastpage\thepage% same page as last edit \relax% handled after if \else% new page % add record \xdef\ez@editrecord{\ez@editrecord \ez@lastpage & \arabic{ez@editcount} \\}% % reset counter/page number \setcounter{ez@editcount}{0}% \xdef\ez@lastpage{\thepage}% \fi% \fi% % Note stepping needs to be "protected" (counters do not always like being changed, since this can mess up, e.g., TOC) \protect\stepcounter{ez@editcount}% update counter \protect\stepcounter{ez@totalcount}% } %TODO there is an issue with \thepage not always being accurate % Possible solution: use \label{} (with generated unique labels) and \pageref{} instead of \thepage. % -> This solution may cause out-of-order problems with floating images. \newcommand{\makeeditreport}{% \begin{tabular}{l|r} %\hline\hline Page & \# edits/notes \\ \hline \ifx\ez@lastpage\undefined \relax% no edits \else% \ez@editrecord \ez@lastpage & \arabic{ez@editcount}% current state \fi \\ \hline Total & \arabic{ez@totalcount} %\hline\hline \end{tabular} } % Style of \draftnote (may be a better way to write this) \newcommand{\@draftstyle}[1]{ {\ttfamily% \ifx\textcolor\undefined% #1% \else% \textcolor{red}{#1}% \fi}% } % let user change the style \newcommand{\setnotestyle}[1]{\let\@draftstyle#1} %% Editing commands \newcommand{\draftnote}[1]{% \PackageWarning{ezedits}{Unresolved note: #1}% \ez@addeditpage{}% update record \if@showarrows% \@ifundefined{@captype}% {\marginnote{\@draftstyle{$\Longleftarrow$}}}% {\@draftstyle{$\Longrightarrow$}}% \fi% \if@accept{}\relax\else% \if@pdfcomm% \pdfmargincomment{#1}% \else% \@draftstyle{[#1]}% \fi% \fi% \if@showarrows% if in caption, draw end arrow \@ifundefined{@captype}{}{\@draftstyle{$\Longleftarrow$}}% \fi% } \newcommand{\defineEdit}[3]{% % "\###Edit" for removing and adding text \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Edit\endcsname[2]{% \PackageWarning{ezedits}{Unresolved modifications by #1: "##1" ---> "##2"}% \ez@addeditpage{}% update record \if@showarrows% \@ifundefined{@captype}% {\marginnote{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}}% {{#3{$\Longrightarrow$}}}% \fi% \if@accept% Display as if accepted ##2% \else% \if@pdfcomm% \pdfmarkupcomment[author=#1,markup=StrikeOut]{##1{$_\wedge$}}{##2}% \else% {#2{\new@sout{##1}}}{#3{##2}}% \fi% \fi% \if@showarrows% if in caption, draw end arrow \@ifundefined{@captype}{}{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}% \fi% }% % "\###Ins" for adding text \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Ins\endcsname[1]{% \ez@addeditpage{}% update record \PackageWarning{ezedits}{Unresolved modifications by #1: "##1" inserted.}% \if@showarrows% \@ifundefined{@captype}% {\marginnote{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}}% {{#3{$\Longrightarrow$}}}% \fi% \if@accept% Display as if accepted ##1% \else% \if@pdfcomm% % \pdfcomment[author=#1,icon=Insert]{##1}% \pdfmarkupcomment[author=#1,markup=Underline]{$_\wedge$}{##1}% \else% {#3{##1}}% \fi% \fi% \if@showarrows% if in caption, draw end arrow \@ifundefined{@captype}{}{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}% \fi% }% % "\###Del" for removing text \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Del\endcsname[1]{% \PackageWarning{ezedits}{Unresolved modifications by #1: "##1" removed.}% \ez@addeditpage{}% update record \if@showarrows% \@ifundefined{@captype}% {\marginnote{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}}% {{#3{$\Longrightarrow$}}}% \fi% \if@accept% Display as if accepted {}% \else% \if@pdfcomm% \pdfmarkupcomment[author=#1,markup=StrikeOut,color=red]{##1}{}% \else% {#2{\new@sout{##1}}}% \fi% \fi% \if@showarrows% if in caption, draw end arrow \@ifundefined{@captype}{}{{#3{$\Longleftarrow$}}}% \fi% }% } \endinput