% \iffalse
% Copyright 2022 Jiro Senju
% This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% any later version.
% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this package.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% \fi
% \section{Marriage Box (\texttt{ft-marriage.dtx})}
% \DescribeMacro{\mrrgdef}
% \cmd{\mrrgdef
%   \marg{new box name}
%   \marg{spouse list A}
%   \marg{oneself}
%   \marg{spouse list B}
%   \oarg{childline xlength}
% }
% \medskip
% Defines a marriage box with a specified name \meta{new box name}.
% To support remarrying and the concubines, the spouses are specified by
% a list. The element of the list is a box name defined by |\indvdldef|.
% \meta{spouse list A} is placed upper side of \meta{oneself}, and
% \meta{spouse list B} is lower side.
% All box names are NOT \CS{} (no backslash).
% \smallskip
% Aligns them in the same column, and connects them by a double line if the
% marriage is official. If the marriage is not official (|\private|
% attribute), uses a dashed double line.
% Those double line is placed at the center of the length of the name of
% \meta{oneself}.
% \smallskip
% If a spouse has a child (|\haschild| attribute),
% then the line to their child is drawn from the center of the
% double line.
% \smallskip
% Like |\sblngdef|, the interval box can be inserted if you want more
% spaces.
% \bigskip
% Like |\indvdldef|, some connection points are defined. Their origin
% is left-bottom of the box and the unit is |pt|.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \meta{box name}|nameCY|
% the center of the height of the name of \meta{oneself}
% \item \meta{box name}\meta{individual box name}|nameCY|
% the center of the height of the name of who has any child-mark
% \item \meta{box name}\meta{individual box name}|mrrgCY|
% the center of the double line when any spouse has |\haschild| attribute
% \end{itemize}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \subsection{Customization}
% \DescribeMacro{\mrrgboxcfg}
% \cmd{\mrrgboxcfg
%   \marg{space between two lines}
%   \marg{space between name and the line}
%   \marg{line length}
% }
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \clearpage
% \subsection{Example}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item
% \srcfig{fig4Robert}
% \clearpage
% \item
% \srcfig{fig4HenryVIII}
% \end{enumerate}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \subsection{Layout and connecting in a same generation}
% It is not a good idea to put everything in a single family tree.
% For example, see King Henry VIII and his wives. Catherine of Aragon,
% his first wife was actually a wife of Henry's brother, Arthur. If we
% put King's siblings to this tree, how would it be looked? It's just
% ugly and hard to understand in a glance. Let's think more using an
% example from \refnm{sec:Lily1} again.
% How can we represent the Petunia -- Lily sisters tree including their husbands.
% As a first step, define two marriage boxes, and then define the
% sibling box.
% \medskip
% \srcfig{fig4Lily1}
% \medskip
% Why is this tree so ugly? There are three points to consider.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item The position of two double lines differ from each other.
% \item The length of a line to their child differs too.  If we connected
% the child, the ugliness would be improved.
% \item James interrupts into between Petunia and Lily. It makes the
% understandability worse.
% \end{enumerate}
% On fixing the first point, the position of the double line, the second
% point will be fixed automatically.
% The solution is the one already suggested in \refnm{sec:Lily1}, set
% the width of Lily box to Petunia's.
% For the third point, the position of James, how about expanding the
% space as a first step?
% \medskip
% \srcfig{fig4Lily2}
% \medskip
% Even spreading the space wider, James is still interrupting those two
% sisters. Does it look better?
% If we want more, the last way is to switch the position of James and Lily.
% \medskip
% \srcfig{fig4Lily3}
% \medskip
% Moreover spreading the blank is a good option.
% \medskip
% \srcfig{fig4Lily4}
% \medskip
% Is this best looking?
% The easiness of looking is subject to one's opinion or taste.
% Personally I feel resistance in the order of husband and wife. But also I
% admit that as long as the main purpose of this tree is to represent those
% sisters, this position of James is not bad.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \subsectImpl
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \parag{Customization}
% \DescribeMacro{\ftmrrgboxcfg}
% \DescribeMacro{\mrrgboxcfg}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\ftmrrgboxcfg}[3]{% sep space length
%    \end{macrocode}
% \parag{Parsing}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\ft@mrrg@parse}[1]{% spouse-list
      \@ifundefined{\@temptokena ival}{%
        \@ifundefined{\ft@spouse haschild}{}{%
        \ft@dbgmsg{\ft@spouse, W \the\wd\@nameuse{\ft@spouse},%
          H \the\ht\@nameuse{\ft@spouse},%
          D \the\dp\@nameuse{\ft@spouse}}%
        \global\advance\ft@height \dimexpr\ft@mrrgline@length%
          + 2\ft@mrrgline@sp\relax%
        \ft@dbgmsg{\ft@spouse, H \the\ft@height}%
      \global\advance\ft@height \dimexpr\ht\@nameuse{\ft@spouse}%
        + \dp\@nameuse{\ft@spouse}\relax%
      \ft@dbgmsg{\ft@spouse, h H \the\ft@height}%
    \global\advance\ft@width \ft@namebox@maleline@length%
  \global\advance\ft@height \dimexpr -2\ft@mrrgline@sp%
    - \ft@mrrgline@length - \ft@depth\relax%
  \ft@dbgmsg{final H \the\ft@height, D \the\ft@depth}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \parag{The double line}
% \DescribeMacro{\ft@mrrg@line}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\ft@mrrg@line}[5]{% box-name spouse cx sp length
  \global\advance\ft@height -#4%
    \put(\strip@pt\dimexpr\ft@x - \@tempskipb, \@y){\line(0,-1){\@l}}%
    \put(\strip@pt\dimexpr\ft@x + \@tempskipb, \@y){\line(0,-1){\@l}}%
    % this divisor should match the delta_y for multiput
    \ft@len=\dimexpr\ft@len/2 + .5pt\relax%
    \multiput(\strip@pt\dimexpr\ft@x - \@tempskipb, \@y)%
    \multiput(\strip@pt\dimexpr\ft@x + \@tempskipb, \@y)%
    \ft@y=\dimexpr\ft@height - \ft@len/2\relax%
    \put(\strip@pt\dimexpr\ft@x + \@tempskipb,\strip@pt\ft@y)%
  \global\advance\ft@height \dimexpr -\ft@len - \@tempskipa\relax%
  \ft@dbgmsg{line #2 H \the\ft@height}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \parag{Layout the names}
% \DescribeMacro{\ft@mrrg@name}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\ft@mrrg@name}[2]{% box-name individual-name
  \global\advance\ft@height -\ht\@nameuse{#2}%
    \ft@y=\dimexpr\ft@height + \@nameuse{#2nameCY}pt\relax%
    \ft@len=\dimexpr\ft@width - \@nameuse{#2nameX}pt%
      %- \ft@namebox@maleline@sp%
    \ft@len=\dimexpr\ft@height + \@nameuse{#2nameCY}pt\relax%
  \global\advance\ft@height -\dp\@nameuse{#2}%
  \ft@dbgmsg{name #2 H \the\ft@height}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Layout and connect the individuals --- core}
% \DescribeMacro{\ft@mrrg@spouse}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\ft@mrrg@spouse}[2]{% box-name list
    \@ifundefined{\@temptokena ival}{%
      \@tempskipa=\dimexpr\ft@mrrgline@length + \ft@mrrg@ival\relax%
        + \dp\@nameuse{\@temptokena}\relax%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Marriage box --- interface}
% \DescribeMacro{\ftmrrgdef}
% \DescribeMacro{\mrrgdef}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % box-name spouse-listA oneself spouse-listB [xline]
  \advance\ft@width #5%
  \global\ft@mrrg@chlen=\dimexpr\ft@width - \ft@xx%
    - \ft@mrrgline@sep/2\relax%
%    \end{macrocode}