%% BEGIN fancybox.sty
%% COPYRIGHT 1993-2010, by Timothy Van Zandt, Timothy.VAN-ZANDT@insead.edu
%%   fancybox.sty is a LaTeX style option, consisting of:
%%   * Variants of \fbox: \shadowbox, \doublebox, \ovalbox, \Ovalbox.
%%   * Helpful tools for using box macros.
%%   * Extensive documentation about how to use box macros.
%%   * Flexible verbatim macros.
%%   Put this file where your TeX looks for inputs.
%%  See fancybox.doc, which might be appended to this file.
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 1999/12/01 or later.
% DG/SR modification begin - September 19, 2000
% (suggested by Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>)
% DG/SR modification end
% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
\providecommand\@begindvi{} % For rather old versions of LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end
% DG/SR modification begin - Feb. 27, 1997
% Now defined only in latex209.def
% DG/SR modification end
%% CODE:
\expandafter\ifx\csname fb@framepage\endcsname\relax\else
\typeout{Style option: `fancybox' v\fileversion \space  <\filedate> (tvz)}


%% \shadowbox

\shadowsize 4pt

    \advance\dimen@ .5\fboxrule
      \vrule \@height\ht\@fancybox \@depth\dp\@fancybox \@width\dimen@}}%
      \hrule \@width\wd\@fancybox \@height\dimen@}}}

% \fancyoval

  \edef\the@cornersize{\number\@tempdima sp}}

% This is just a simple change to \oval, making use of the \cornersize
% parameter instead of making the corner arcs are large as possible.



  \boxmaxdepth \maxdimen
  \@ovttrue \@ovbtrue \@ovltrue \@ovrtrue
  \@tfor\@tempa :=#3\do{\csname @ov\@tempa false\endcsname}%
  \@tempdimb \ifdim \@ovyy >\@ovxx \@ovxx\else \@ovyy \fi
  \@ovro\ht\@tempboxa \@ovri\dp\@tempboxa
  \@ovdx\@ovxx \advance\@ovdx-\@tempdima \divide\@ovdx \tw@
  \@ovdy\@ovyy \advance\@ovdy-\@tempdima \divide\@ovdy \tw@
    \if@ovr \@ovvert32\kern -\@tempdima \fi
    \if@ovl \kern \@ovxx \@ovvert01\kern -\@tempdima \kern -\@ovxx \fi
    \if@ovt \@ovhorz \kern -\@ovxx \fi
    \if@ovb \raise \@ovyy \@ovhorz \fi}%

% \ovalbox

    \@tempdimc\fboxsep \advance\@tempdimc\@wholewidth
    \@tempdima\ht\@fancybox \advance\@tempdima\dp\@fancybox
    \@tempdimb\wd\@fancybox \advance\@tempdimb2\@tempdimc
    \@tempdima\dp\@fancybox \advance\@tempdima\@tempdimc

% \doublebox

    \advance\fboxsep .5pt

% Frames for seminar.sty:


% Sbox environment



  \if@test\@latexerr{Misplaced \string\endSbox! Should be in LR mode}\@ehd\fi

    \@latexerr{\string\TheSbox\space is empty!}\@ehd



% \VerbBox



% \Btrivlist

  \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
  \lineskip\normallineskip \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip}


    \ifmmode\vcenter\else\@pboxswtrue$\vcenter\fi%    $

\def\@@Btrivlistcr[#1]{\cr\noalign{\vskip #1}}




% \Blist


  \csname @list\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname





\def\Bitem@skip(#1){\noalign{\vskip #1}\@Bitem}



    \expandafter\advance\csname c@\@listctr\endcsname1 \fi


\def\@@Blistcr[#1]{\cr\noalign{\vskip #1}&}

% \Bitemize


% \Bdescription


% \Benumerate

  \Blist{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}%

% Beqnarray

  \def\@eqnnum{{\csname reset@font\endcsname\rm (\theequation)}}%
        \hskip 2\arraycolsep
        \hskip 2\arraycolsep
      &\if@eqnsw\hskip 1em\fi



% \fb@outputage

% Here we insert various hooks for rotating or framing the page.
% Otherwise, it is the usual \@outputpage

    \catcode`\ =10
    \csname reset@font\endcsname
      \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox to\@tempdima{%
      \hbox to\@tempdima{%
      \ifnum\fancyput@flag>-1 \do@fancyput\fi
% DG/SR modification begin - September 19, 2000
% (suggested by Marcin Wolinski <wolinski@melkor.mimuw.edu.pl> and
%  Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>)
% DG/SR modification end

% \fancypage


% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end

% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end

% \fancyput

% Token registers used to make it easier to put definitions in argument.
% Boxes not processed until output so that contents can depend, e.g., on
% current page or marks or whatever. This makes everything slightly more
% complicated than one would expect.


% \fancyput@flag=-1 if no fancyput, 0 if regular fancyput, 1 if thisfancyput.

% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end

% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end

  \def\do##1##2##3{\raise##2\hbox to\z@{\kern##1\relax##3\hss}}%
  \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox to\z@{%
  \ht\@tempboxa=\z@ \dp\@tempboxa=\z@

% \Landscape



% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end
    \edef\fb@theoffsets{{\voffset}{\hoffset}{\number\@tempdima sp}}%
    \edef\fb@theoffsets{{\hoffset}{\voffset}{\number\@tempdimb sp}}%



% \LandScape


% DG/SR modification begin - May 16, 1997
  \@begindvi                    % Need today by LaTeX 2e
% DG/SR modification end

% \GenericCaption

    \vskip 10\p@
      \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%

% \landfloat


% \boxput

  \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox to\z@{\vss\hbox to\z@{\hss{#3}\hss}\vss}%
  \divide\@tempdima 2
  \ifcat a#2\relax
  \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox to \z@{%
  \ht\@tempboxa=\z@ \dp\@tempboxa=\z@

% \Vfootnotes


  \csname reset@font\endcsname
  \floatingpenalty \@MM
  \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}%

% Verbatim

% The main idea is to separate the reading and formatting of the
% verbatim listing. It's pretty simple.



% \Verbatim is redefined temporarilly in \Get@Verbatim to scan the
% verbatim text. \Verbatim is used so that error messages are more
% enlightening. \next checks whether \Verbatim found its argument,
% and attempts to recover if not.
% Heuristically, if current environment is `foo' and argument of
% \Get@Verbatim is \The@Verbatim, then definition of \Verbatim is
% \def\Verbatim#1^^M#2^^M\the\EndVerbatimTokens\end{foo}{%
%  \xdef\The@Verbatim{\noexpand\Every@VerbatimLine#2}%
%  \endgroup\end{foo}}
% \The@Verbatim is then equal to the verbatim text, with spaces
% replaced by \Verbatim@Space, tabs replaced by \Verbatim@Tab,
% and ` replaced by \@lquote. In addition, each line begins with
% \Every@VerbatimLine, and each line but the last ends with
% \Verbatim@Par. It is then possible to redefine these when formatting
% the verbatim text. To insert each line as an argument to \foo, use
%   \def\Every@VerbatimLine#1\Verbatim@Par{\foo{#1}}
%   \The@Verbatim\Verbatim@Par
      |def|next[|@ifnextchar|@nil[|@gobble]%     If \@nil is there, then
        [|gdef#1[]|endVerbatim|end[document]]]%  \Verbatim found its argument.
      |expandafter|next|Verbatim]%               Otherwise, try to recover.

% It is enough to not use \begin or \end when defining new verbatim
% environments, as the default is for \Get@Verbatim to look for the
% end of the current environment, but using \VerbatimEnvironment
% is easier to explain to users.



  \gdef\The@Verbatim{\@latexerr{Misplaced \string\end{Verbatim}}\@ehd}}

\catcode`\ =\active%
\catcode`\ =\active%
\def {\noexpand\Verbatim@Space}%



{\catcode``13 \gdef\Verbatim@NoLigs{\def`{\noexpand\@lquote}}}




% Parameter initialization:

\def\VerbatimSpace{\ }

{\catcode`\ =12\gdef\ttspace{{\tt }}}
\def\VerbSpace{\ }
\def\VerbatimTab{\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }
\def\VerbTab{\ }
  \@rightskip\@flushglue \rightskip\@rightskip
  \global\@inlabelfalse  %Prevents vspace from being inserted when
  \Verbatim@Prep         %first line exceeds \hsize.







    \immediate\openout\Verbatim@Outfile #1\relax

% This one is a little tricky because:
% * we want to ignore the ^^M at the end of the last line,
% * we want to handle files that end with newline and files that don't
% * we want comment characters to work properly,
% * we want to expand each line before inserting \Every@VerbatimLine and
%     \Verbatim@Par,
% \The@GVerbatim is used as scratch with global redefinition.
    \immediate\openin\Verbatim@Infile #1\relax
      \@latexerr{No verbatim file #1}\@ehd
        \@latexerr{Verbatim file #1 is empty}\@ehd
    \immediate\read\Verbatim@Infile to\@tempa%
% #2 is empty if line ends in ^^M, #2=\relax otherwise.









%% END fancybox.sty