footnpag/History				10 Nov 95

Please note: The version numbers listed here are those of the bundle.
The macro file(s) itself have different revision numbers. In your
mails to me you can mention any number, either of a file or of the
bundle, that won't matter.

Version 3.1	10 Nov 95

	\footnotetext can be used in minipage environment.

Version 3.0	04 Aug 95

	LaTeX2e package.

	Supports optional arguments.
	\footnotemark may be used.
	Footnotes in minipages and title matter (e.g., \thanks) are
	handled correctly.

	Discarded spurious messages on pages before the first footnote.

Version 2.1	02 Feb 93

	Allows the first footnote to be in a group.

Version 2.0	07 Nov 91

	LaTeX-oriented distribution, changed the name to footnpag.
	Added usage & problems description.

	Could be used with two-column mode in LaTeX.
	Code cleanup as proposed by CET.

Version 1.0	August 1987

	Posted plain macros to TeXhax, somebody bragged there about
	`impossible to implement'... ;-)