%%%%%%%%%% frletter.cls %%%%%%%%%% % The original beletter class is in the public domain. So is frletter. % % This code is unsupported, and comes with no warranty. % The original beletter class was written by James Kilfiger and Frank Lenaerts, % to meet the specifications for formatting Belgium letters recommended by % Frank's wife. % It can be used in place of the standard LaTeX class % % The frletter class was contributed by Liviu Andronic. It tries to hack further % the letter class and make it conform to the French typesetting conventions. % The frletter class consists of cosmetical modifications applied to the % beletter class, according to what I understand as French conventions for % writing letters. Please consider that I am neither a French native, nor a % LaTeX expert. % % You will also find layout files for both beletter and frletter classes on the Lyx % Wiki. Both are ugly hacks inputting the letter layout, but they work and I'm OK % with it. There you will also find corresponding Lyx templates. % % If you are on the look for a class trully specialized on typesetting French % letters, check the lettre class developed by Denis M��gevand from the % Observatoire de Gen��ve. There is no corresponding Lyx layout (not to the best % of my knowledge). \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{frletter}[22/10/2007 French Letter Class] \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{letter}} \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass{letter} % changed the opening \renewcommand*{\opening}[1]{% \thispagestyle{firstpage}% \ifx\@empty\fromaddress \else %if there is a from address \noindent\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}% \fromaddress \end{tabular}\par% \fi %% My trial and error on the "send to address"; seems to work {\raggedleft\begin{tabular}{l@{}}\ignorespaces \toname\\ \toaddress \\*[2\parskip]% \@date \end{tabular}\par}% \vspace{2\parskip}% #1\par\nobreak \vspace{2\parskip}% } %%% Change these!!, or let babel change them for you. %%% Consider using \usepackage[francais]{babel} in the LaTeX Preamble \renewcommand*{\ccname}{cc} \renewcommand*{\enclname}{} \renewcommand*{\pagename}{} \renewcommand*{\headtoname}{} % reverted to the original letter closing; % uncomment the following lines to use the beletter closing style %\renewcommand{\closing}[1]{\par\nobreak\vspace{\parskip}% % \stopbreaks % \vspace{2\parskip}% % \vspace{2\parskip}% % \noindent % \ifx\@empty\fromaddress\else % \hspace*{\longindentation}\fi % \parbox{\indentedwidth}{\raggedright % \ignorespaces #1\\[6\medskipamount]% % \ifx\@empty\fromsig % \fromname % \else \fromsig \fi\strut}% % \par} \renewcommand*{\cc}[1]{% \par\noindent \parbox[t]{\textwidth}{% \@hangfrom{\normalfont\ccname}% \ignorespaces #1\strut}\par} \endinput