# Changelog ## v1.8.0 (2024/09/14) * Added new option `backgroundcolor` (alias `bgcolor`). This provides a basic, `\colorbox`-based implementation of background colors for commands and environments. Added new option `backgroundcolorvphantom` (alias `bgcolorvphantom`) for customizing background height. Added new option `backgroundcolorpadding` (alias `bgcolorpadding`) for customizing padding between text and the edge of the region with background color. * Added option `insertenvname`. This customizes the verbatim environment used by `\VerbatimInsertBuffer`. * When `numberblanklines=false`, `highlightlines` no longer highlights blank lines at the end of a highlighted range (#25, gpoore/minted#226). * An unnecessary line break is no longer inserted before the last "word" of a line when it is preceded by a long "word" that is broken internally as a result of `breakbefore`, `breakafter`, or `breakanywhere` (#26). * Added option `breakpreferspaces` (default `true`). This determines whether line breaks are preferentially inserted at normal spaces rather than at other locations allowed by `breakbefore`, `breakafter`, or `breakanywhere` (#26). * Added option `breakanywhereinlinestretch` (gpoore/minted#387). * `\FVExtraReadVArg` now takes a multi-line (but not multi-paragraph) verbatim argument. The new `\FVExtraReadVArgSingleLine` provides the old functionality of taking an argument restricted to a single line (gpoore/minted#376). * By default, `\Verb` and `\SaveVerb` now take multi-line (but not multi-paragraph) verbatim arguments. The old behavior of requiring verbatim arguments to be on a single line can be restored by setting the new option `vargsingleline` to `true`. * Added documentation for undocumented `fancyvrb` option `listparameters` (gpoore/minted#256). * Expanded `breaklines` documentation with discussion of limitations and alternatives (gpoore/minted#400). ## v1.7.0 (2024/05/16) * Added new command `\VerbatimClearBuffer`. * `VerbatimBuffer` environments with the same buffer name now append to the same buffer, regardless of the value of `globalbuffer`. Previously, `globalbuffer=false` caused any pre-existing buffer to be cleared. Now, `globalbuffer=false` causes anything that is appended to the buffer to be removed at the end of the environment, but the entire buffer is not cleared. * `\FVExtraUnexpandedReadStarOArgMArgBVArg` now checks that the final argument it reads is braced (#22). * Text that immediately follows `\VerbatimInsertBuffer` is no longer indented to start a new paragraph. * Updated `tcblisting` usage in docs for compatibility with the latest `tcolorbox`. ## v1.6.1 (2023/11/28) * Fixed bug from v1.6 that caused a space following a comma to be lost (#21). ## v1.6 (2023/11/19) * Added new environment `VerbatimWrite`. This is similar to `fancyvrb`'s `VerbatimOut`, except that it allows for writing to a file multiple times and guarantees truly verbatim output via `\detokenize`. * Added new environment `VerbatimBuffer`. This stores the contents of an environment verbatim in a "buffer," a sequence of numbered macros each of which contains one line of the environment. The "buffered" lines can then be looped over for further processing or later use. * Added new command `\VerbatimInsertBuffer`. This inserts an existing buffer created by `VerbatimBuffer` as a `Verbatim` environment. * Redefined visible space `\FancyVerbSpace` so that it now has the correct width. It had previously been redefined as `\textvisiblespace`, but that was slightly too narrrow. * Added option `spacebreak`. This determines the line break that is inserted around spaces when `showspaces=true` or `breakcollapsespaces=false`, by defining the new macro `\FancyVerbSpaceBreak`. * `breakbefore`, `breakafter`, and `breakanywhere` now produce plain breaks around spaces when `showspaces=true`, instead of breaks with a break symbol at the end of wrapped lines. `\FancyVerbBreakAnywhereBreak`, `\FancyVerbBreakBeforeBreak`, and `\FancyVerbBreakAfterBreak` are no longer inserted next to spaces. Instead, `\FancyVerbSpaceBreak` is inserted or (depending on options) `\FV@Space` is defined to include `\FancyVerbSpaceBreak`. * Added option `breakcollapsespaces`. When `true` (default), a line break within a run of regular spaces (`showspaces=false`) replaces all spaces with a single break, and the wrapped line after the break starts with a non-space character. When `false`, a line break within a run of regular spaces preserves all spaces, and the wrapped line after the break may start with one or more spaces. This causes regular spaces to behave exactly like the visible spaces produced with `showspaces`; both give identical line breaks, with the only difference being the appearance of spaces. * `breaklines` now automatically enables breaks after space characters when `showspaces=true`. * Reimplemented definition of `\FV@Space` to work with new space options. * Added documentation about how reimplemented commands handle the `codes` option differently compared to `fancyvrb` (#17). * Starred commands such as `\Verb*` now use both visible spaces and visible tabs instead of just visible spaces. This is more similar to the current behavior of `\verb*`, except that `\verb*` converts tabs into visible spaces (#19). * The `mathescape` option now resets the ampersand `&` catcode (#18). ## v1.5 (2022/11/30) * Added `\FancyVerbFormatInline` for customizing the formatting of inline verbatim, such as `\Verb`. This parallels `\FancyVerbFormatLine` and `\FancyVerbFormatText`. * Added line breaking option `breaknonspaceingroup`. When `commandchars` is used to allow macros within verbatim, this inserts breaks within groups `{...}`. * Added `\FVExtraUnexpandedReadStarOArgMArgBVArg` to support reimplementation of `\mintinline` for `minted`. * Added `VerbEnv` environment, which is an environment variant of `\Verb`. This supports reimplementation of `\mintinline` for `minted`. * `breakbefore` and `breakafter` now support the escaped comma `\,` (#15). * Fixed unintended line breaks after hyphens under LuaTeX (#14). * Added documentation on Pandoc compatibility (#11). * Replaced `breakbeforegroup` with `breakbeforeinrun`, and replaced `breakaftergroup` with `breakafterinrun`. With the introduction of `breaknonspaceingroup`, "`group`" is now reserved for referring to TeX groups `{...}`. * Removed dependency on `ifthen` package. * `breakautoindent` now works correctly with Pygments output that treats leading whitespace as a separate token or as part of a token. ## v1.4 (2019/02/04) * Reimplemented `\Verb`. It now works as expected inside other commands (with a few limitations), including in movable arguments, and is compatible with `hyperref` for things like PDF bookmarks. It now supports `breaklines` and relevant line-breaking options. * Reimplemented `\SaveVerb` and `\UseVerb` to be equivalent to the new `\Verb`. The new option `retokenize` allows saved verbatim material to be retokenized under new `commandchars` and `codes` when it is inserted with `\UseVerb`. * New command `\EscVerb` works like the reimplemented `\Verb`, except that special characters can be escaped with a backslash. It works inside other commands without any limitations, including in movable arguments, and is compatible with `hyperref` for things like PDF bookmarks. * Added `extra` option for switching between the reimplemented `\Verb`, `\SaveVerb`, `\UseVerb` and the original `fancyvrb` definitions. Reimplemented versions are used by default. This option will apply to any future reimplemented commands and environments. * New command `\fvinlineset` only applies options to commands related to typesetting verbatim inline, like `\Verb`, `\SaveVerb`, `\UseVerb`. It only works with commands that are defined or reimplemented by `fvextra`. It overrides options from `\fvset`. * Patched `fancyvrb` so that `\Verb` (either reimplemented version or original) can use characters like `%` for delimiters when used outside any commands. * `obeytabs` now works with the `calc` package's redefined `\setcounter`. Since `minted` loads `calc`, this also fixes `minted` compatibility (`minted` #221). * Added new option `fontencoding` (`minted` #208). * `highlightlines` now works correctly with `frame` (#7). ## v1.3.1 (2017/07/08) * `beameroverlays` now works with `VerbatimOut`. ## v1.3 (2017/07/08) * Added `beameroverlays` option, which enables `beamer` overlays using the `<` and `>` characters. * Added options `breakindentnchars`, `breaksymbolsepleftnchars` (alias `breaksymbolsepnchars`), `breaksymbolseprightnchars`, `breaksymbolindentleftnchars` (alias `breaksymbolindentnchars`), and `breaksymbolindentrightnchars`. These are identical to the pre-existing options without the `nchars` suffix, except that they allow indentation to be specified as an integer number of characters rather than as a dimension. As a result of these new options, `\settowidth` is no longer used in the preamble, resolving some font incompatibilities (#4). * Clarified in the docs that `breaksymbolsepright` is a *minimum*, rather than exact, distance. ## v1.2.1 (2016/09/02) * The package is now compatible with classes and packages that redefine `\raggedright`. * Fixed a bug that introduced extra space in inline contexts such as `\mintinline` when `breaklines=true` (#3). ## v1.2 (2016/07/20) * Added support for line breaking when working with Pygments for syntax highlighting. * The default `highlightcolor` is now defined with `rgb` for compatibility with the `color` package. Fixed a bug in the conditional color definition when `color` and `xcolor` are not loaded before `fvextra`. ## v1.1 (2016/07/14) * The options `rulecolor` and `fillcolor` now accept color names directly; using `\color{<color_name>}` is no longer necessary, though it still works. * Added `tabcolor` and `spacecolor` options for use with `showtabs` and `showspaces`. * Added `highlightlines` option that takes a line number or range of line numbers and highlights the corresponding lines. Added `highlightcolor` option that controls highlighting color. * `obeytabs` no longer causes lines to vanish when tabs are inside macro arguments. Tabs and spaces inside a macro argument but otherwise at the beginning of a line are expanded correctly. Tabs inside a macro argument that are preceded by non-whitespace characters (not spaces or tabs) are expanded based on the starting position of the run of whitespace in which they occur. * The line breaking options `breakanywhere`, `breakbefore`, and `breakafter` now work with multi-byte UTF-8 code points under pdfTeX with `inputenc`. They were already fully functional under XeTeX and LuaTeX. * Added `curlyquotes` option, which essentially disables the `uquote` package. ## v1.0 (2016/06/28) * Initial release.