% \GetFileInfo{gmoldcomm.sty}
% \title{The \pk{gmoldcomm} Package\thfileinfo}
% \author{Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski)}
% \date{\today}
% \maketitle
% This is a~package
% for handling the old comments in \LaTeXe\ Source Files when \LaTeX^^B
% ing them with the \pk{gmdoc} package. 
% Written by Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski) 2007/11/10.
% It's a~part of the \pk{gmdoc} bundle and as such a~subject to the
% \LaTeX\ Project Public License.
% \stanza
% Scan \acro{CS}s and put them in tt. If at beginning of line, precede them
% with |%|. Obey lines in the commentary.
% \FileInfo

         [2007/11/10 v0.99 LaTeX old comments handling (GM)]

  \do\$% Not only \acro{CS}s but also special chars occur in the old
  % comments. 



  \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2
  \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 }
      \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
        % ^^A        \typeout[**** detected environment [#1]]%
        % ^^A  \show\relax

% \CodeEscapeChar\/
% \CodeEscapeChar\\

