%%% LaTeX support for TeXplorators / M. Spivak dvipaste program %%% Copyright 1997 David Carlisle % This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% Usage notes in the file dvipaste.txt \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{grfpaste} [1997/07/18 v0.2 dvipaste LaTeX graphics style (DPC)] % 1997/07/17 v0.1 % 1997/07/18 v0.2 add ref system. % To include previously prepared dvi fragments, use % \usepackage{grfpaste} % and include the graphics with \includegraphics{file.dvi} % or \includegraphics[num=5]{file.dvi} % % To make a file that produces suitable fragments, use % \usepackage[write]{grfpaste} % and mark each fragment with \sendout{....} % \DeclareOption{write}{\let\sendout\relax} \DeclareOption{writepages}{\let\sendout\relax\let\GP@sendout\@empty} \DeclareOption{include}{% \def\sendout#1{\PackageError{grfpaste}{Use write option}{}}} \DeclareOption{defpaste}{\def\paste#1#2{\includegraphics[num=#2]{#1}}} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{graphicx}} \ExecuteOptions{include} \ProcessOptions \RequirePackage{graphicx} \ifx\sendout\relax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Marking DVI Sections For Inclusion In Other Files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Size information will be written in to a file filename.dat % which is opened now and closed at the end of the run. \newwrite\writedata@ \immediate\openout\writedata@=\jobname.dat %\AtEndDocument{\immediate\closeout\writedata@} % The format of the .dat file is identical to that written by % dvipaste.tex, the format of the dvi file is compatible. % dvipaste uses a more complicated scheme that uses a custom output % routine and then \eject each section, however I can't see why % \sendout can not just \shipout the box directly, so that is what % this version does. \def\sendout{\@testopt\GP@sendout{}} \ifx\GP@sendout\@empty \def\GP@sendout[#1]#2{\PackageError{grfpaste}{write pages only}{}} \let\GP@shipout\shipout \def\shipout{\global\setbox\xxx} \newbox\xxx \let\GP@outputpage\@outputpage \def\@outputpage{% \GP@outputpage \immediate\write\writedata@ {\the\ht\xxx\space\the\dp\xxx\space\the\wd\xxx}% {\let\protect\noexpand \advance\c@page\m@ne \GP@shipout\hbox{% \special{beginpaste:}% \wd\xxx\z@ \box\xxx \special{endpaste:}% }% }} \else \long\def\GP@sendout[#1]#2{% \sbox\z@{#2}% \immediate\write\writedata@ {\the\ht\z@\space\the\dp\z@\space\the\wd\z@ \ifx\box#1\box\else\space\@percentchar#1\fi}% \shipout\vbox{% \vskip\ht\z@ \special{beginpaste:}% \ht\z@\z@\dp\z@\z@\wd\z@\z@ \noindent\box\z@ \special{endpaste:}% % the original had this rule, but seems not to be needed. % \smash{\vrule \@height1sp\@width1sp\@depth\z@}% \@@par \vskip2pc% \hbox{\normalfont File [\jobname], \#\number\c@page}}% \stepcounter{page}} \fi \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Including DVI Sections Into The Current File %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Graphics will be able to include dvi file segments, reading size % info from .dat files (compatible with dvipast.tex for plain tex) \DeclareGraphicsRule{.dvi}{dvi}{.dat}{} % Add .dvi to the default list of extensions. \g@addto@macro\Gin@extensions{,.dvi} % dvipaste allows multiple dvi fragments to be included from the % same file. Add a new key num= (defaulting to 1) which says % which bit to include. Maintaining numbers if you have a lot of % fragments is inconvenient so may use symbolic references % instead of number. % ref=xxx refers to a fragment marked with the label xxx by use % of an optional argument \sendout[xxx]{......} to \sendout. % If \sendout is used with such an optional argument % the fragment may be included either by number or by label. % (The numeric form must be used if the fragment is included using % dvipaste.tex's \paste command.) \define@key{Gin}{num}{\def\Gin@num{#1}} \define@key{Gin}{ref}{\def\Gin@ref{#1 }} \setkeys{Gin}{num=1,ref=} % Unlike other graphics formats, which only have natural height and % width, dvipaste fragments are TeX boxes, with depth as well. % add a new key to set the depth (for cases where you don't want to % use a .dat file). \define@key{Gin}{natdepth}{% \Gin@defaultbp\@tempaa{#1}% \Gin@nat@depth\@tempaa bp\relax} % Ah. Don't look too carefully. The internal command \Gin@setfile % in the kernel of the graphics package was not expecting this, and % explicitly sets the depth of the graphic box to zero, so patch that % to make it set it to the new \Gin@req@depth macro. % % pulls apart the macro at \dp\z@\z@ and then puts it all back together % again. \def\@tempa#1\dp\z@\z@#2!{% \def\Gin@setfile##1##2##3{% #1% \dp\z@\Gin@req@depth #2}} \expandafter\@tempa\Gin@setfile{#1}{#2}{#3}! % Scaling is not currently supported, so natural depth and % required depth are the same. \def\Gin@req@depth{\Gin@nat@depth} \newdimen\Gin@nat@depth % For each new file type the graphics package needs two functions. % \Gread@<type> defines how to read the size information. % \Ginclude@type defines how to set the actual box and specials. % These functions are pretty similar to the code in dvipaste.tex % as in the dvipaste.tex version, the size information for % all the fragments in a single dvi file is saved in a macro % so the file only needs to be read once. \def\Gread@dvi#1{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempb\csname Gread@#1\endcsname \ifx\@tempb\relax \let\@tempb\@empty \let\do\relax \immediate\openin\@inputcheck#1 % \catcode`\%9\relax \ifeof\@inputcheck \@latex@error{File `#1' not found}\@ehc \else \Gread@true \loop \read\@inputcheck to\@tempa \ifeof\@inputcheck \Gread@false \else \xdef\@tempb{\@tempb\do\@tempa\relax}% \fi \ifGread@ \repeat \immediate\closein\@inputcheck \fi \global\expandafter\let\csname Gread@#1\endcsname\@tempb \fi % % Temporarily set \do to count up to the required fragment number % and then grab the size info. Then execute the list (in \@tempb). \count@\z@ \Gread@false \def\do##1 ##2 ##3 ##4\relax{% \advance\count@\@ne \def\@tempa{##4}% \ifx\@tempa\Gin@ref \edef\Gin@num{\the\count@}% \fi \ifnum\Gin@num=\count@ \Gread@true \def\Gin@llx{0}% \let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx{##3}% \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury{##1}% \Gin@nat@depth##2\relax \fi}% \@tempb \let\do\noexpand} \def\Ginclude@dvi#1{% \ifGread@ \dimen@\Gin@nat@height \advance\dimen@\Gin@nat@depth \hbox{\special{dvipaste: \Gin@base\space\Gin@num}% \lower\Gin@nat@depth\vbox to\dimen@{\hbox to\Gin@nat@width{}\vfil}}% \else \Gin@nosize{\Gin@base[\Gin@num]}% \fi} \fi