% \iffalse meta-comment % % Hebrew language font encodings and definitions. % Copyright (C) 1997 -- 2005 Boris Lavva and Johannes Braams. % % Copyright (C) 2023 Udi Fogiel. % All rights reserved. % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Udi Fogiel. % % % The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution % and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with % extension .ins) which are part of the distribution. % \fi % % \iffalse %<LHEenc>\ProvidesFile{lheenc.def} %<LHEcmr>\ProvidesFile{lhecmr.fd} %<LHEcmss>\ProvidesFile{lhecmss.fd} %<LHEcmtt>\ProvidesFile{lhecmtt.fd} %<LHEclas>\ProvidesFile{lheclas.fd} %<LHEshold>\ProvidesFile{lheshold.fd} %<LHEshscr>\ProvidesFile{lheshscr.fd} %<LHEshstk>\ProvidesFile{lheshstk.fd} %<LHEfr>\ProvidesFile{lhefr.fd} %<LHEcrml>\ProvidesFile{lhecrml.fd} %<LHEredis>\ProvidesFile{lheredis.fd} %<HE8enc>\ProvidesFile{he8enc.def} %<NHE8enc>\ProvidesFile{nhe8enc.def} % The recoded Omega font (only Hebrew glyphs. Lacks other glyphs) %<HE8OmegaHebrew>\ProvidesFile{he8omegahebrew.fd} %<hebfont>\ProvidesPackage{hebfont} %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{hebfontenc.drv} %</driver> % \fi % \ProvidesFile{hebfontenc.fdd} [2023/08/21 v1.3 % % \iffalse %<LHEenc> 7-bit Hebrew font encoding %<LHEcmr> Hebrew default font %<LHEcmss> Hebrew sans-serif font %<LHEcmtt> Hebrew typewriter font %<LHEclas> Hebrew classic font (by Joel M. Hoffman) %<LHEshold> Hebrew shalom old font (by Jonathan Brecher) %<LHEshscr> Hebrew shalom script font (by Jonathan Brecher) %<LHEshstk> Hebrew shalom stick font (by Jonathan Brecher) %<LHEfr> Hebrew frank-ruehl font %<LHEcrml> Hebrew carmel font (by Dr. Samy Zafrany) %<LHEredis> Hebrew redis font (by Prof. Jacques J. Goldberg) %<HE8enc> 8-bit Hebrew font encoding %<NHE8enc> 8-bit Hebrew font encoding %<HE8OmegaHebrew> Hebrew font from the Omega project (by ???) %<hebfont> Hebrew font switching commands %<driver> Driver file for hebfontenc.fdd file % \fi % Hebrew font encodings support (test version: still liable to change)] % % \font\manual=logo10 % \providecommand\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}} % \providecommand\PS{\textsc{PostScript}} % \providecommand\dst{\textsc{docstrip}} % \providecommand\LHE{\texttt{LHE}} % \providecommand\HEH{\texttt{HE8}} % \providecommand\NHE{\texttt{NHE8}} % \providecommand\file[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \providecommand\pkg[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \GetFileInfo{hebfontenc.fdd} % % \changes{hebfdd-1.0a}{1998/01/01}{% % Initial version. Supports only 7-bit LHE font encoding and all % available Hebrew \TeX\ fonts (by Boris Lavva)} % \changes{hebfdd-1.0b}{2001/08/16}{% % fixed lhecmr.fd to use oldjaf10 for a slanted font % available Hebrew \TeX\ fonts (by Tzafrir Cohen)} % \changes{hebfdd-1.1a}{2001/08/16}{% % Adding 8-bit HE8 fonts. Note that most of them cannot be distributed % with heb\LaTeX\ (by Tzafrir Cohen)} % \changes{hebfdd-1.2a}{2003/08/19}{% % Adding configurations for the Culmus fonts, currently 0.90 % (by Tzafrir Cohen)} % \changes{hebfdd-1.2b}{2004/02/20}{Reinstated the test whether LHE or % HE8 is to be used} % % \changes{hebrew-1.2c}{2005/05/18}{Typo's in the docstrip guards made % HE8nachlieli.fd unusable} % % \changes{hebrew-1.3}{2023/08/16}{made file name in providesfile lowercase, % moved the culmus definition files to the culmus package} % % \section{Hebrew font encodings}\label{sec:hebfdd} % % The file \file{\filename}\footnote{The files described in this % section have version number \fileversion{} and were last revised % on \filedate.} contains the Local Hebrew Encoding (\LHE) % definition, the external font information needed to use the % Hebrew 7-bit fonts (old code fonts) and \pkg{hebfont} package % that provides Hebrew font switching commands. % % Using this file as an input, |lheenc.def| encoding definition % file, all |.fd| files (font definition files) and font switching % package for available Hebrew fonts are generated. We chose to use % 7-bit encoding as default font encoding, because: % \begin{enumerate} % \item There are many 7-bit encoded Hebrew fonts available, more % then for any other encoding. % \item Available \TeX{} Hebrew fonts do not include latin % alphabet, and we can safely map Hebrew glyphs to the % \texttt{ASCII} positions (0 -- 127). % \end{enumerate} % % Current definition of the \LHE{} encoding supports only Hebrew % letters (|\hebalef|--|\hebtav|), but not Hebrew points, such as % |\dagesh|, |\qamats|, |\patah|, |\shindot|, etc. We % are working now on such addition. % % \StopEventually{} % % \iffalse % \section{A driver for this document} % % The next bit of code contains the documentation driver file for % \TeX{}, i.e., the file that will produce the documentation you are % currently reading. It will be extracted from this file by the \dst{} % program. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \title{Hebrew font encodings for use with \LaTeXe} \author{Boris Lavva\and Udi Fogiel} \date{Printed \today} \begin{document} \maketitle \DocInput{hebfontenc.fdd} \end{document} %</driver> % \end{macrocode} % \fi % % \section{The {\normalfont\dst{}} modules} % % The following modules are used in the implementation to direct % \dst{} in generating external files: % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} % driver & produce a documentation driver file \\[4pt] % HE8enc & produce the encoding definition for CodePage 1255 % (\HEH)\\[4pt] % HE8OmegaHebrew & Hebrew font from the Omega project (by ???)\\ % HE8CourierShalom & Hebrew Shalom (Courier) font (by IBM)\\ % HE8HelveticaNarkissTam &Hebrew NarkisTam (Helvetica) (by Zvi Narkis)\\ % HE8TimesNarkissim & Hebrew Narkissim (Times) (by Zvi Narkis) \\ % HE8mfdavid & Hebrew David font (by ???)\\ % HE8mffrank & Hebrew Frank-Ruehl font (by ??)\\ % HE8mffrankthick & Hebrew Frank-Ruehl (thick) font (by ??)\\ % HE8mffrankthin & Hebrew Frank-Ruehl (thin) font (by ??)\\ % HE8mfmiriam & Hebrew Miriam font (by ???)\\ % HE8mfmiriamwide & Hebrew Miriam (wide) font (by ???)\\ % HE8mfnarkistam & Hebrew Narkis Tam font (by ???)\\ % LHEenc & produce the encoding definition for Local Hebrew % Encoding (\LHE)\\[4pt] % LHEcmr & make Hebrew default font in \LHE\\ % LHEcmss & make Hebrew sans-serif font in \LHE\\ % LHEcmtt & make Hebrew typewriter font in \LHE\\ % LHEclas & make Hebrew classic font (by Joel M.~Hoffman) in \LHE\\ % LHEshold & make Hebrew shalom old font (by Jonathan Brecher) % in \LHE\\ % LHEshscr & make Hebrew shalom script font (by Jonathan Brecher) % in \LHE\\ % LHEshstk & make Hebrew shalom stick font (by Jonathan Brecher) % in \LHE\\ % LHEfr & make Hebrew frank-ruehl font in \LHE\\ % LHEcrml & make Hebrew carmel font (by Dr. Samy Zafrany) in \LHE\\ % LHEredis & make Hebrew redis font (by Prof. Jacques J.~Goldberg) % in \LHE\\[4pt] % nowarn & option for font definition files, that used\\ % & to produce ``silent'' font substitutions without % giving warnings\\[4pt] % hebfont & create Hebrew font switching commands package % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % A typical \dst{} command file would then have entries like: %\begin{verbatim} %\generateFile{lhecmr.fd}{t}{\from{hebfontenc.fdd}{LHEcmr,nowarn}} %\end{verbatim} % % \section{The \LHE encoding definition file} % % The Hebrew font encoding \LHE{} is based upon the old-code encoding % also known as the Israeli Standard SI-960. Many Hebrew \TeX{} % fonts from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are encoded % in this encoding. It only uses the lower 128 positions of the font % table. As local encoding its name start with the letter `L'. % % First we define the Local Hebrew Encoding and specify a default % for the font substitution process for the \LHE{} encoding. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEenc> \DeclareFontEncoding{LHE}{}{} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LHE}{cmr}{m}{n} %</LHEenc> % \end{macrocode} % Then we define a few commands in the \LHE{} encoding. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEenc> \ProvideTextCommand{\textcopyright}{LHE}{\textcircled{\@latin{c}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\textregistered}{LHE}{\textcircled{\scshape% \@latin{r}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\texttrademark}{LHE}{\textsuperscript{\@latin{TM}}} %</LHEenc> % \end{macrocode} % % Because not everyone can input Hebrew input text directly from % the keyboard we need to define control sequences for all the % Hebrew glyphs in the fonts. In addition, we want to support % many input encodings for Hebrew and to keep the language % definition file (|hebrew.ldf|) independent of the % encoding. Therefore, we exploit the standard \LaTeXe{} font % encoding mechanism to define control sequences for all the Hebrew % glyphs in the fonts in encoding-specific way. The language % definition file uses only the control sequences and doesn't need % to check the current font or input encoding. % % In the \LHE{} encoding (7-bit encoding) all the Hebrew glyphes % reside in the \emph{lower} half of the font. Currently, only the % Hebrew letters are supported. They use the same positions as the % latin small letters in |ASCII| encoding and the position of |`|. % % The symbol |`| (glyph 96) is used by Hebrew letter \emph{Alef}, % so we need to define its |lccode| to allow hyphenation. All other % letters retain the same |lccode|s as their latin counterparts. % \begin{macrocode} %<+LHEenc>\lccode``=`` % \end{macrocode} % Hebrew letters occupy the positions 96--122 in \LHE{} encoding: % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEenc> \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebalef}{LHE}{96} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebbet}{LHE}{97} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgimel}{LHE}{98} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebdalet}{LHE}{99} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhe}{LHE}{100} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebvav}{LHE}{101} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebzayin}{LHE}{102} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhet}{LHE}{103} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtet}{LHE}{104} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebyod}{LHE}{105} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalkaf}{LHE}{106} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebkaf}{LHE}{107} \DeclareTextSymbol{\heblamed}{LHE}{108} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalmem}{LHE}{109} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebmem}{LHE}{110} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalnun}{LHE}{111} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebnun}{LHE}{112} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebsamekh}{LHE}{113} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebayin}{LHE}{114} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalpe}{LHE}{115} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebpe}{LHE}{116} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinaltsadi}{LHE}{117} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtsadi}{LHE}{118} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebqof}{LHE}{119} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebresh}{LHE}{120} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebshin}{LHE}{121} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtav}{LHE}{122} %</LHEenc> % \end{macrocode} % Letter |\hebsin| is defined as a synonym of |\hebshin|: % \begin{macrocode} %<+LHEenc>\let\hebsin=\hebshin % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The font definition files (in \LHE{} encoding)} % % \subsection{Hebrew default font} % % It uses \emph{Jerusalem} font for regular font, \emph{Old % Jaffa} font for italic shape and small-caps, \emph{Dead Sea} % font for bold face, and \emph{Tel-Aviv} for bold-italic % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEcmr> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{cmr}{\hyphenchar\font45} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{m}{n} {<-> jerus10 }{} %%%%%%% Italicized shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{m}{it} {<-> oldjaf10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{m}{sl} {<-> oldjaf10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{m}{sc} {<-> oldjaf10 }{} %%%%%%% Bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{bx}{n} {<-> deads10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{b}{n} {<-> deads10 }{} %%%%%%% Bold extended (Italic) series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{bx}{sl} {<-> telav10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmr}{bx}{it} {<-> telav10 }{} %</LHEcmr> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew sans-serif font} % % We use \emph{Tel Aviv} font for the Sans family. \emph{Old % Jaffa} font is used for italic shape and \emph{Dead Sea} % used for bold face. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEcmss> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{cmss}{\hyphenchar\font45} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{m}{n} {<-> telav10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmss/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmss/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Italicized shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{m}{it} {<-> oldjaf10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{m}{sl} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmss/m/it}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmss/m/it}{} %%%%%%% Bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{bx}{n} {<-> deads10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{b}{n} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmss/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmss/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{bx}{sl} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmss/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmss/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmss}{bx}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmss/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmss/bx/n}{} %</LHEcmss> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew typewriter font} % % We use \emph{Tel Aviv} font as the typewriter font. \emph{Old % Jaffa} font is used for italic shape and \emph{Dead Sea} % used for bold face. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEcmtt> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{cmtt}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{m}{n} {<-> telav10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmtt/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmtt/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Italicized shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{m}{it} {<-> oldjaf10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{m}{sl} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmtt/m/it}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmtt/m/it}{} %%%%%%% Bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{bx}{n} {<-> deads10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{cmtt}{bx}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * cmtt/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * cmtt/bx/n}{} %</LHEcmtt> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew classic font} % % \emph{Hclassic} and \emph{hcaption} fonts are distributed freely % from |CTAN| sites and copyrighted by Joel M.~Hoffman, of 19 % Hillcrest Lane, Rye, NY 10580 USA, e-mail: % |72700.402@compuserve.com|. % % Hclassic is a modernized Classical Hebrew font (in the same way % that Knuth's |cmr| family is a modernized Roman font --- but his % fonts are much nicer). Hcaption is a slanted version of hclassic % font. Both fonts contain all of the Hebrew consonants, % the (rarely used) ligature \emph{alef-lamed} and two versions of % the letter \emph{ayin} for use with and without % vowels. Hclassic also contains all of the vowels found in Hebrew, % a symbol for \emph{meteg}, and dots for use as a \emph{dagesh} % and for differentiating \emph{shin} and \emph{sin} letters. % % Currently, only the Hebrew consonants (\emph{hebalef} -- \emph{hebtav}) % from these fonts are supported by \LaTeXe{}, however one can use % vowels and dots directly with \PlainTeX{} macros. We are working % on generic vowels and dots support for \LaTeXe. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEclas> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{clas}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{clas}{m}{n} {<-> s * [0.83345] hclassic }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{clas}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * clas/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * clas/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Slanted shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{clas}{m}{sl} {<-> s * [0.69389] hcaption }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{clas}{m}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * clas/m/sl}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * clas/m/sl}{} %</LHEclas> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew shalom fonts} % % All three shalom fonts (\emph{ShalomScript10}, % \emph{ShalomStick10} and \emph{ShalomOldStyle10}) have been % created by Jonathan Brecher, of 9 Skyview Road, Lexington, MA % 02173-1112 USA, e-mail: |brecher@husc.harvard.edu|. % % All shalom fonts have been written in \PS{} via Fontographer on a % Mac. The fonts have been converted to \MF{} by Rama Porrat % (e-mail: |rama@cc.huji.ac.il|), using % the utility typo, a font editor + converter between font formats % (a commercial product). |ShalomScript10.mf| is the \MF{} % equivalent of |ShalomScript.ps|, |ShalomStick10.mf| came from % |ShalomStick.ps| and |ShalomOldStyle10.mf| originated in % |ShalomOldStyle.ps|. % % The fonts differ in the letters' style. ShalomScript10 contains % hand writing Hebrew letters; ShalomStick10 contains sans-serif % letters, and ShalomOldStyle10 contains old style letters. All % three fonts contain vowels and dots (nikud). While converting to % \MF{}, letters and symbols within the fonts have been arranged % so as to get a usable font for writing Hebrew documents in \TeX{} % or \LaTeX{}, with as well as without vowels. % % Currently, only the Hebrew consonants (\emph{hebalef} -- \emph{hebtav}) % from these fonts are supported by \LaTeXe{}, however one can use % vowels and dots directly with \PlainTeX{} macros. We are working % on generic vowels and dots support for \LaTeXe. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEshold> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{shold}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{shold}{m}{n} {<-> shold10 }{} %</LHEshold> %<*LHEshscr> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{shscr}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{shscr}{m}{n} {<-> shscr10 }{} %</LHEshscr> %<*LHEshstk> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{shstk}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{shstk}{m}{n} {<-> shstk10 }{} %</LHEshstk> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew frank-ruehl font} % % \emph{Frank Ruehl} font was written in \MF{} and includes three % shapes: regular, bold extaneded and slanted. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEfr> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{fr}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{m}{n} {<-> fr }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * fr/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * fr/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Slanted shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{m}{sl} {<-> frsl }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{m}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * fr/m/sl}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * fr/m/sl}{} %%%%%%% Bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{bx}{n} {<-> frbx }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{b}{n} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * fr/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * fr/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{bx}{sl} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * fr/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * fr/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{fr}{bx}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * fr/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * fr/bx/n}{} %</LHEfr> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew carmel font} % % \emph{Carmel} font includes regular and slanted shapes. It was % created by Dr.~Samy Zafrany of the Technion, Haifa, Israel with % the intention of making nice fonts for headers and emphasized % text. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEcrml> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{crml}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{crml}{m}{n} {<-> crml10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{crml}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * crml/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * crml/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Slanted shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{crml}{m}{sl} {<-> crmlsl10 }{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{crml}{m}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * crml/m/sl}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * crml/m/sl}{} %</LHEcrml> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Hebrew redis font} % % \emph{Redis} font has been created by Prof.~Jacques J.~Goldberg % of the Technion. Haifa, Israel. The font is available in regular, % slanted and bold extanded shapes. This font contains a full set % of Hebrew letters in a ``sans-serif vectorized'' style, and % selected punctuation. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LHEredis> \DeclareFontFamily{LHE}{redis}{} \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{m}{n}{% <5> <6> redis7 <7> <8> <9> <10> <12> gen * redis <10.95> redis10 <14.4> redis12 <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> redis17}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{m}{sc} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * redis/m/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * redis/m/n}{} %%%%%%% Slanted shape \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{m}{sl}{% <5> <6> <7> rediss8 <8> <9> <10> <12> gen * rediss <10.95> rediss10 <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> rediss12}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{m}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * redis/m/sl}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * redis/m/sl}{} %%%%%%% Bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{bx}{n}{% <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> redisb10}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{b}{n} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * redis/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * redis/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{bx}{sl} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * redis/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * redis/bx/n}{} %%%%%%% Font/shape undefined, therefore substituted \DeclareFontShape{LHE}{redis}{bx}{it} %<-nowarn> {<->sub * redis/bx/n}{} %<+nowarn> {<->ssub * redis/bx/n}{} %</LHEredis> % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The \HEH encoding definition file} % % The Hebrew font encodings \HEH{} and \NHE{} are based upon an extention by % Microsoft to the ISO-8859-8 standard. This is an 8bit encoding. The % extentions include hebrew points (``Nikud''). % % First we define the \NHE{} encoding; % % \begin{macrocode} %<*NHE8enc> \DeclareFontEncoding{NHE8}{}{} \DeclareFontSubstitution{NHE8}{cmr}{m}{n} \DeclareTextSymbol{\quotesinglbase}{NHE8}{13} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteleft}{NHE8}{14} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteright}{NHE8}{39} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedblleft}{NHE8}{16} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedblright}{NHE8}{17} \DeclareTextSymbol{\quotedblbase}{NHE8}{18} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedbl}{NHE8}{34} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotesingle}{NHE8}{39} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdollar}{NHE8}{36} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textgreater}{NHE8}{60} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textless}{NHE8}{62} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbackslash}{NHE8}{92} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textasciicircum}{NHE8}{94} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceleft}{NHE8}{123} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceright}{NHE8}{125} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textasciitilde}{NHE8}{126} \DeclareTextSymbol{\shekel}{NHE8}{165} \DeclareTextSymbol{\pounds}{NHE8}{191} \DeclareTextSymbol{\sheva}{NHE8}{192} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafsegol}{NHE8}{193} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafpatah}{NHE8}{194} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafqamats}{NHE8}{195} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hiriq}{NHE8}{196} \DeclareTextSymbol{\tsere}{NHE8}{197} \DeclareTextSymbol{\segol}{NHE8}{198} \DeclareTextSymbol{\patah}{NHE8}{199} \DeclareTextSymbol{\qamats}{NHE8}{200} \DeclareTextSymbol{\holam}{NHE8}{201} \DeclareTextSymbol{\qubuts}{NHE8}{203} \DeclareTextSymbol{\dagesh}{NHE8}{204} \DeclareTextSymbol{\meteg}{NHE8}{205} \DeclareTextSymbol{\maqaf}{NHE8}{206} \DeclareTextSymbol{\rafe}{NHE8}{207} \DeclareTextSymbol{\paseq}{NHE8}{208} \DeclareTextSymbol{\shindot}{NHE8}{209} \DeclareTextSymbol{\sindot}{NHE8}{210} \DeclareTextSymbol{\sofpasuq}{NHE8}{211} \DeclareTextSymbol{\doublevav}{NHE8}{212} \DeclareTextSymbol{\vavyod}{NHE8}{213} \DeclareTextSymbol{\doubleyod}{NHE8}{214} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgeresh}{NHE8}{215} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgershayim}{NHE8}{216} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebalef}{NHE8}{224} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebbet}{NHE8}{225} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgimel}{NHE8}{226} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebdalet}{NHE8}{227} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhe}{NHE8}{228} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebvav}{NHE8}{229} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebzayin}{NHE8}{230} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhet}{NHE8}{231} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtet}{NHE8}{232} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebyod}{NHE8}{233} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalkaf}{NHE8}{234} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebkaf}{NHE8}{235} \DeclareTextSymbol{\heblamed}{NHE8}{236} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalmem}{NHE8}{237} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebmem}{NHE8}{238} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalnun}{NHE8}{239} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebnun}{NHE8}{240} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebsamekh}{NHE8}{241} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebayin}{NHE8}{242} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalpe}{NHE8}{243} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebpe}{NHE8}{244} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinaltsadi}{NHE8}{245} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtsadi}{NHE8}{246} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebqof}{NHE8}{247} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebresh}{NHE8}{248} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebshin}{NHE8}{249} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtav}{NHE8}{250} \let\hebsin=\hebshin %</NHE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % % Now the definition of \HEH; % % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8enc> \DeclareFontEncoding{HE8}{}{} \DeclareFontSubstitution{HE8}{cmr}{m}{n} %</HE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % Then we define a few commands in the \HEH{} encoding. % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8enc> \ProvideTextCommand{\textcopyright}{HE8}{\textcircled{\@latin{c}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\textregistered}{HE8}{\textcircled{\scshape% \@latin{r}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\texttrademark}{HE8}{\textsuperscript{\@latin{TM}}} %</HE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{CHECK HERE FOR HE8 UPDATES} % % Because not everyone can input Hebrew input text directly from % the keyboard we need to define control sequences for all the % Hebrew glyphs in the fonts. In addition, we want to support % many input encodings for Hebrew and to keep the language % definition file (|hebrew.ldf|) independent of the % encoding. Therefore, we exploit the standard \LaTeXe{} font % encoding mechanism to define control sequences for all the Hebrew % glyphs in the fonts in encoding-specific way. The language % definition file uses only the control sequences and doesn't need % to check the current font or input encoding. % % % In the \LHE{} encoding (7-bit encoding) all the Hebrew glyphes % % reside in the \emph{lower} half of the font. Currently, only the % % Hebrew letters are supported. They use the same positions as the % % latin small letters in |ASCII| encoding and the position of |`|. % % Some general symbols: % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8enc> \ProvideTextCommand{\textcopyright}{HE8}{\textcircled{\@latin{c}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\textregistered}{HE8}{\textcircled{\scshape% \@latin{r}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\texttrademark}{HE8}{\textsuperscript{\@latin{TM}}} %</HE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % % The hebrew points: % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8enc> \DeclareTextSymbol{\sheva}{HE8}{192} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafsegol}{HE8}{193} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafpatah}{HE8}{194} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hatafqamats}{HE8}{195} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hiriq}{HE8}{196} \DeclareTextSymbol{\tsere}{HE8}{197} \DeclareTextSymbol{\segol}{HE8}{198} \DeclareTextSymbol{\patah}{HE8}{199} \DeclareTextSymbol{\qamats}{HE8}{200} \DeclareTextSymbol{\holam}{HE8}{201} \DeclareTextSymbol{\qubuts}{HE8}{203} \DeclareTextSymbol{\dagesh}{HE8}{204} \DeclareTextSymbol{\meteg}{HE8}{205} \DeclareTextSymbol{\maqaf}{HE8}{206} \DeclareTextSymbol{\rafe}{HE8}{207} \DeclareTextSymbol{\paseq}{HE8}{208} \DeclareTextSymbol{\shindot}{HE8}{209} \DeclareTextSymbol{\sindot}{HE8}{210} \DeclareTextSymbol{\sofpasuq}{HE8}{211} \DeclareTextSymbol{\doublevav}{HE8}{212} \DeclareTextSymbol{\vavyod}{HE8}{213} \DeclareTextSymbol{\doubleyod}{HE8}{214} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgeresh}{HE8}{215} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgershayim}{HE8}{216} %</HE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % % Hebrew letters occupy the positions 224--250 in \HEH{} encoding [WHAT % ABOUT OTHER MARKS]: % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8enc> \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebalef}{HE8}{224} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebbet}{HE8}{225} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebgimel}{HE8}{226} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebdalet}{HE8}{227} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhe}{HE8}{228} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebvav}{HE8}{229} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebzayin}{HE8}{230} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebhet}{HE8}{231} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtet}{HE8}{232} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebyod}{HE8}{233} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalkaf}{HE8}{234} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebkaf}{HE8}{235} \DeclareTextSymbol{\heblamed}{HE8}{236} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalmem}{HE8}{237} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebmem}{HE8}{238} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalnun}{HE8}{239} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebnun}{HE8}{240} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebsamekh}{HE8}{241} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebayin}{HE8}{242} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinalpe}{HE8}{243} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebpe}{HE8}{244} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebfinaltsadi}{HE8}{245} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtsadi}{HE8}{246} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebqof}{HE8}{247} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebresh}{HE8}{248} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebshin}{HE8}{249} \DeclareTextSymbol{\hebtav}{HE8}{250} %</HE8enc> % \end{macrocode} % Letter |\hebsin| is defined as a synonym of |\hebshin|: % \begin{macrocode} %<+HE8enc>\let\hebsin=\hebshin % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The font definition files (in \HEH{} encoding)} % % more definition files can be found in the culmus package % % \subsection{8Bit OmegaHebrew font} % % \emph{OmegaHebrew} is a serif hebrew font created by the omega project % [FILL IN CREDITS] % [FILL IN GENERAL SHAPE DESCRIPTION] % shapes: [FILL IN] % % \begin{macrocode} %<*HE8OmegaHebrew> \def\OmegaHebrewscale{0.9} \DeclareFontFamily{HE8}{OmegaHebrew}{\hyphenchar\font45} \DeclareFontShape{HE8}{OmegaHebrew}{m}{n}{<-> [\OmegaHebrewscale] OmegaHebrew }{} %</HE8OmegaHebrew> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Hebrew font switching commands} % % The \pkg{hebfont} package defines a number of high-level commands % (all starting with |\text..| similar to the standard \LaTeXe{} % font-change commands, for example |\textbf|) that have one % argument and typeset this argument in the requested way. These % commands are defined for all available Hebrew fonts defined above % and change only font parameters but not direction. % % For example, to use Hebrew Classic font family, the following % sequence of commands should be included in a \LaTeXe{} document: % \begin{quote} % |\sethebrew|\\ % |\textclas{Hebrew text printed with Classic fonts}| % \end{quote} % or to use Hebrew with Classic fonts locally: % \begin{quote} % |\R{\textclas{Hebrew text printed with Classic fonts}}| % \end{quote} % % \begin{table}[t] % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % \textit{Command} & \textit{Corresponds to} & % \textit{Font family} \\[4pt] % |\textjm{..}| & |\rmfamily| & Jerusalem font \\ % |\textds{..}| & |\bfseries| & Dead Sea font \\ % |\textoj{..}| & |\itshape| & Old Jaffa font \\ % & |\slshape| & \\ % & |\emph| & \\ % |\textta{..}| & |\sffamily| & Tel-Aviv font \\ % & |\ttfamily| & \\[2pt] % |\textcrml{..}| & |\fontfamily{crml}| & Carmel fonts \\[2pt] % |\textfr{..}| & |\fontfamily{fr}| & Frank-Ruehl fonts \\[2pt] % |\textredis{..}| & |\fontfamily{redis}| & Redis fonts \\[2pt] % |\textclas{..}| & |\fontfamily{redis}| & Classic fonts \\[2pt] % |\textshold{..}| & |\fontfamily{shold}| & Shalom Old Style font \\ % |\textshscr{..}| & |\fontfamily{shscr}| & Shalom Script font \\ % |\textshstk{..}| & |\fontfamily{shstk}| & Shalom Stick font % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % \caption{Hebrew font-change commands with arguments} % \label{tab:fntcmds} % \begin{quote} % The font change commands provided here all start with |\text..| % to emphasize that they are for use in normal text and to be % easily memorable. % \end{quote} % \end{table} % % We declare \LaTeXe{} font commands, e.g.\ |\textjm{|\ldots|}| % for all available fonts. Table~\ref{tab:fntcmds} shows the % meanings of all these new high-level commands. % % \begin{macro}{\textjm} % Switches to \emph{Jerusalem} font which is default regular Hebrew % font (``roman'' family). Commands |\textrm{|\ldots|}| and % old-style |{\rm |\ldots|}| will produce the same result. % \begin{macrocode} %<*hebfont> \def\ivritex@tmp{HE8} \ifx\ivritex@tmp\HeblatexEncoding % % compatibility with hebfonts: \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textjm}{\rmfamily\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textds}{\bfseries\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textoj}{\itshape\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textta}{\sffamily\selectfont} % an attempt to give some replacements to the original hebfonts: % \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textcrml}{\fontfamily{david}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textfr}{\fontfamily{frank}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textredis}{\fontfamily{aharoni}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textclas}{\fontfamily{drugulin}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshold}{\fontfamily{frank}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshscr}{\fontfamily{yad}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshstk}{\fontfamily{aharoni}\selectfont} % note that redis is larger than shstk \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textaha}{\fontfamily{aharoni}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textdav}{\fontfamily{david}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textdru}{\fontfamily{drugulin}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textel} {\fontfamily{ellinia}\selectfont} % \textfr is already declared above \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textmir}{\fontfamily{miriam}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textna} {\fontfamily{nachlieli}\selectfont} % is this necessary: \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textyad} {\fontfamily{yad}\selectfont} \else% \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textjm}{\rmfamily\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textds} % Switches to \emph{Dead Sea} font which is default bold font in % Hebrew. Commands |\textbf{|\ldots|}| and old-style % |{\bf |\ldots|}| will produce the same result. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textds}{\bfseries\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textoj} % Switches to \emph{Old Jaffa} font which is default italic font in % Hebrew. Commands |\textit{|\ldots|}|, |\textsl{|\ldots|}|, % |\emph{|\ldots|}| and old-style |{\it |\ldots|}| or % |{\em |\ldots|}| will produce the same result. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textoj}{\itshape\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textta} % Switches to \emph{Tel-Aviv} font which is default sans-serif font % in Hebrew. Commands |\textsf{|\ldots|}|, |\texttt{|\ldots|}| and % old-style |{\sf |\ldots|}| or |{\tt |\ldots|}| will produce the % same result (because sans-serif is used as typewriter font when % in Hebrew mode). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textta}{\sffamily\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textcrml} % Switches to \emph{Carmel} font. Regular and slanted variants of % carmel font will be used.. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textcrml}{\fontfamily{crml}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textfr} % Switches to \emph{Frank-Ruehl} font family. Regular, bold and % slanted frank ruehl fonts will be used. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textfr}{\fontfamily{fr}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textredis} % Switches to \emph{Redis} font family. Regular, bold and slanted % redis fonts of various sizes will be used. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textredis}{\fontfamily{redis}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textclas} % Switches to \emph{Classic} font family. The normal font will be % hclassic and slanted --- hcaption. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textclas}{\fontfamily{clas}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textshold} % Switches to \emph{Shalom Old Style} font. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshold}{\fontfamily{shold}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textshscr} % Switches to \emph{Shalom Script} font. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshscr}{\fontfamily{shscr}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\textshstk} % Switches to \emph{Shalom Stick} font. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textshstk}{\fontfamily{shstk}\selectfont} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Finally, for backward compatibility with \LaTeX2.09. four old % font commands, e.g.\ |{\jm |\ldots|}| are defined too (see % Table~\ref{tab:oldcmds}). % \begin{table}[t] % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % \textit{Old font command} & \textit{Font name} & % \textit{Comment}\\[4pt] % |{\jm ..}| & Jerusalem & default regular (roman) font \\ % |{\ds ..}| & Dead Sea & default bold font \\ % |{\oj ..}| & Old Jaffa & default italic and slanted font \\ % & & used also to emphasize text \\ % |{\ta ..}| & Tel-Aviv & default sans-serif and typewriter font\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % \caption{Hebrew old font-change commands for compatibility mode} % \label{tab:oldcmds} % \end{table} % \begin{macrocode} \if@compatibility \DeclareOldFontCommand{\jm}{\normalfont\rmfamily\selectfont}% {\@nomath\jm} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\ds}{\normalfont\bfseries\selectfont}% {\@nomath\ds} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\oj}{\normalfont\itshape\selectfont}% {\@nomath\oj} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\ta}{\normalfont\sffamily\selectfont}% {\@nomath\ta} \fi %</hebfont> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale %% %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} %% \endinput