%% hepparticles --- flexible elementary particle symbols
%% Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>
%% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%% for the details of that license.
%% The macros provided are:
%% For generic particle names e.g. all positively charged leptons:
%%   \HepGenParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepGenAntiParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%% For concrete particle names:
%%   \HepParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepAntiParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%% For supersymmetric "sparticles":
%%   \HepSusyParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepGenSusyParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepSusyAntiParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepGenSusyAntiParticle{main}{subscript}{superscript}
%% For resonance specifiers (just the extra terms):
%%   \HepResonanceMassTerm{mainTermInParenths}{subscript}{superscript}
%%   \HepResonanceSpecTerm{mainSpecTerm}{subscript}{superscript}
%% For the total particle name and resonance specifications: the
%% ``formal'' definitions include the spectroscopic term and the
%% ``full'' versions pf each require the main particle name to be
%% explicitly specified rather than just pass a \HepParticle as the first arg:
%%   \HepParticleResonance{name}{mass}{massSub}{massSup}
%%   \HepParticleResonanceFormal{name}{mass}{massSub}\
%%                              {massSup}{spec}{specSub}{specSup}
%%   \HepParticleResonanceFull{name}{sub}{sup}{mass}{massSub}{massSup}
%%   \HepParticleResonanceFormalFull{name}{sub}{sup}\
%%                                  {mass}{massSub}{massSup}\
%%                                  {spec}{specSub}{specSup}
%% And finally, for containing processes describing the evolution
%% of these particles:
%%   \HepProcess{iParticles \to fParticles}
%% where \to is re-defined to have a bit of extra space.
%% There are probably some missing cases but they can be handled
%% as explicit exceptions. You might also be interested in the
%% ``hepnames'' package, which updates the "pennames" set of
%% typeset concrete particle names to use this more flexible scheme.

%% TODO:
%%  * Make the bold math only occur within particle macros
%%  * Distinction between italic main symbol and italic main+scripts
%%  * Optionally include Greek letters (lower and upper) in upright/italic
%%    forcing (and sans/bold context sensitivity)
%%  * Use maybemath again? (A new version, using NFSS properly)

%% Admin
\ProvidesPackage{hepparticles}[\filedate\space HEP particle typesetting (v\fileversion)]

% \RequirePackage{xspace}
% \RequirePackage{etoolbox}

%% Package options

%% Use italic particle symbols
% %% Force particle symbols to behave as for italic math mode
% % TODO: clarify... means that text super/sub scripts are italic not rm?
% \DeclareOption{itforce}{%
%   \def\@italicNames{yes}%
%   \def\@forceItalic{yes}%
% }
% %% Force upright particle names (default)
% \DeclareOption{notitalic}{%
%   \def\@italicNames{}%
%   \def\@forceItalic{}%
% }
% %% Allow particle names to be sans-serif in context (no italics, even for generic particles)
% \DeclareOption{maybess}{%
%   \def\@maybeSansSerif{yes}%
% }
% \DeclareOption{noss}{%
%   \def\@maybeSansSerif{}%
% }

% TODO: Add options to force upright Greek lower-case / italic Greek upper-case?


%% Force all sub/superscripts to the same height

%% Automatically bolden math mode symbols in a bold text context
% TODO: only apply to particles? Redefine \bfseries inside hepparticles macros and restore at end? Or is there a simpler scoping?




% \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbfsfit}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{bx}{sl} % why doesn't this work (no italic)?
% \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbfsf}  {\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{bx}{sl}

% TODO: Use fixmath to force italic/upright upper/lower Greek characters -- only in particles

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Styling commands
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%% Generic particle style (normal style with optional forced italics)
      % \ifx\f@shape\@itcode%
      %   \ifx\f@series\@bfcode\bm{\mathsfit{#1}}\else\mathsfit{#1}\fi%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@shape\@slcode%
      %   \mathsfit{#1}%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@shape\@upcode%
      %   \mathsfup{#1}%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@series\@bfcode\mathbfsf{#1}\else\mathsfit{#1}\fi%
      % \ifx\f@shape\@itcode%
      %   \mathit{#1}%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@shape\@slcode%
      %   \mathit{#1}%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@shape\@upcode%
      %   {#1}%
      % \fi%
      % \ifx\f@series\@bfcode\bm{\mathit{#1}}\else\mathit{#1}\fi%

%% Concrete particle style (normal style with upright and forced italic handling)
        \mathsfup{#1}% <--- difference from gen style
        \mathup{#1}% <--- difference from gen style

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Conditional horizontal shifting and kerning for sub/superscripts
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------




%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Public commands for particle typesetting
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

%% For generic particles like "lepton", "quark" etc (no upright font)

%% For generic antiparticles

%% For generic SUSY particles e.g. slepton, squark
% cm/lmodern
% mathpazo
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@gen@til{2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@gen@rmsub{-1.5mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@gen@sfsub{-2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@gen@rmsup{0.5mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@gen@sfsup{0mu}

%% For generic SUSY anti-particles e.g. slepton, squark
% cm/lmodern
% mathpazo
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@bar{3.5mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@til{2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@rmsub{-2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@sfsub{-3mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@rmsup{0.7mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@gen@sfsup{0mu}

%% For concrete HEP particle names like "B", "J/psi" etc
% cm/lmodern
% mathpazo
% \def\@shiftlen@norm@con@rmsub{-3mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@norm@con@sfsub{-2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@norm@con@rmsup{-1mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@norm@con@sfsup{0mu}

%% For concrete antiparticles

%% For SUSY particles
% cm/lmodern
% mathpazo
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@con@til{2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@con@rmsub{-1mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@con@sfsub{-2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@con@rmsup{1mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@susy@con@sfsup{0.5mu}

%% For SUSY anti-particles
% cm/lmodern
% mathpazo
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@bar{3.5mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@til{2mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@rmsub{-2.5mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@sfsub{-3mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@rmsup{0mu}
% \def\@shiftlen@antisusy@con@sfsup{0mu}

%% Resonances and other such structures. These are actually pretty
%% complicated since the most general structure has a main particle
%% term, a mass term and a spectroscopic term: in total 9 possible arguments
%% if we let each main term have optional following sub- and super-scripts!
%% The mass and spectroscopic terms seem to be mixed up quite often... *sigh*
%% Apologies for the interface changing yet again as I learn how general
%% these terms can be! Hopefully stable now (touch wood)...

%% For resonance mass specifications like the bracket in "J/psi(1S)"

%% For resonance spectroscopic specifications like the P_11 in "N(1440)P_11"

%% For resonances like "J/psi(1S)" (first arg is a whole \HepParticle)

%% For resonances like "N(1440)P_11" (first arg is a whole \HepParticle)

%% For resonances like "J/psi(1S)" (all arguments ``spelled out'')

%% For resonances like "N(1440)P_11" (all arguments ``spelled out'')

%% For typesetting HEP processes with these particle names.
%% TODO: Help on how to widen the math spacing would be nice: I always
%% find myself putting \, between particle names to make it look good.

%% Typesetting tweaks (-> becomes "to", remove mspace) from hyperref labels in PDFTeX
%% Thanks to Heiko Oberdiek and Donald Arseneau for assistance via comp.text.tex
      \def\to{to }%