2017-12-11 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * 1.5.2 release. * Fix accidental 12pt override of user-specified font-size options. 2017-09-20 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * 1.5.1 release. * Disable deprecated \thesis... commands -- as promised for 1.5.0! * Change hepthesis.tex class to basic article, since fancyvrb still generates \tt macros and scrartcl bans them. * Replace \sf -> \sffamily and \bf -> \bfseries for proper NFSS/modern LaTeX compatibility. Thanks to William Fawcett for highlighting the problem. * Fix a typo (extra 'g') in the \setfrontmatterextramargins command definition. Thanks to Clement Dallard. 2014-12-02 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * 1.5.0 release. * Minor tweaks to Makefile, adding a \thispagestyle{empty} tweak to the example, bump version date. 2014-08-27 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Changing example doc font, and removing mythesis.sty/cls files in favour of a preamble.tex * Tweaking use of frontmatter, mainmatter, backmatter etc. environments and using afterpage to ensure that page numbering and header styling works more consistently. Apologies that this took so long, cf. http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/170231/page-numbering-transition-from-frontmatter-to-mainmatter-going-wrong/ 2012-08-02 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Make \frontquote/\pagequote set the "empty" page style, and minor updates in the example document, including forcing the first page of the first main chapter to be page 1, via judicious use of \pagenumbering{arabic}. * Remove dependence on siunitx in the example -- this needs to be sorted out properly in hepunits. 2011-01-01 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Fix too-early page numbering: thanks to Steven te Brinke. 2010-05-27 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * 1.4.3 release. * Upgrading to use changepage in place of deprecated chngpage package, and a few other fixes. Also tidying some of the example document, improving the example makefile, and demonstrating sub-figure references with continued captions. Thanks to Ben Wynne for the heads-up. 2009-02-12 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Fixed Makefile to put all the relevant files from example into the tarball. 2008-07-10 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Ready for *real* 1.4.2 release (more than a month after the first attempt!) * Added lots of TODOs and merges for the next version; removed mention in the manual of "cite" as a mandatory package. 2008-07-03 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Recursive make is used (warnings about incomplete DAGs be damned) and SCons has been ditched for now. * Bundled style files are now hidden by a zip file rather than the weirdo "*.hidden" renaming thing. 2008-05-23 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Hiding style files bundled with the example, since they can get accidentally picked up in recursive kpathsea lookups if *TEXINPUTS is set that way. * Fixes to makefile etc. SConstruct now works for building LaTeX documents... use it for building future versions. 2007-12-05 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Fixed serif headers --- the sfheaders package is no longer needed, since sfheaders are the default in scrbook. 2007-09-12 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Updated documentation about changed mandatory packages, some package clashes, and improved example formatting with framed boxes. * Added a couple of required earliest release dates to the \RequirePackage lines. * Added subfig/continued caption example chapter to the example thesis. * Removed subfig reqirement. 2007-07-03 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added command arguments etc. to the documentation. * Improved dedication command alignment as for \pagequote. 2007-07-02 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Removed "Appendix" label from the colophon page (copied from the book class thebibliography environment). 2007-06-30 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Improved the positioning of the \pagequote using the varwidth package - getting csquotes to work with the likes of fancybox was a nightmare. * Sorted out some extra \cleardoublepage effects that resulted from re-using the frontmatter and mainmatter definitions. 2007-06-28 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Improved the horizonal and vertical centering of the page quote. * Restricted the width of the document in the page and chapter quotes. * The front quote is now implemented with the name \pagequote and \frontquote is an alias via \let. This is just to give a better name, should someone decide to use it somewhere other than at the front (not that I'm recommending that!) * Added 1.5 cm to each margin in the abstract and declaration pages - I think this looks better since they are likely to be short sections. * Added the chngpage mechanism for adding extra margin widths on section by section bases. 2007-06-27 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added the \set...spacing commands and the variables that they influence. 2007-06-25 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added optional language argument to \frontquote and \chapterquote. These use the csquotes commands \enquote and \foreignquote if csquotes is loaded. 2007-06-11 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added definite v1.5 to \thesis... command deprecation notices. * Tidied up, and removed a few obsolete references to \thesis... commands in the user guide. 2007-06-10 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added the "plainpages=false" fix to hyperref package loading to stop the pdfTeX "destination with the same identifier" warning. * Incorporated a variety of improvements from Albert Neum��ller: + Babel integration and \enquote + Using subfig rather than subfigure + Introduced penalties to stop enumeration breaking across pages + Using KOMA-script base classes to fix some errors with onepage mode + Avoiding fancyhdr warnings in onepage mode. * Fix to make sfheaders.sty only be loaded if the sftitles option is in force. Thanks to Stuart Cook for the bug report and fix. 2006-09-28 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Updated date to today, ready for release 1.3. 2006-09-25 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Updated example document to demonstrate the bold math in titles and sans-serif titles. 2006-09-21 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Made frontmatter centered titles have \LARGE size rather than \Large. * Added \boldmath to the definition of \bfseries so that maths in titles etc. will automatically go bold. Thanks to Donald Arsenau for supplying this neat trick! 2006-09-18 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Fixed a bug in the definition of \definethesis (argument #2 was never used). * Added sftitles option, using the sfheaders package and some changes to the hepthesis-specific sectioning commands. Updated documentation to reflect this. 2006-06-12 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Updated the documentation to reflect the recent changes. * Removed some lingering \thesis-prefixed commands from the examples. * Aliased \maketitle to \titlepage{} (see below). * Changed behaviour of \titlepage slightly: the first argument will no longer be presented prefixed with "of" (so you should include "of\\ " in the argument if you want the original, non-internationalised behaviour). Also, the first argument is now optional, so should be wrapped with square brackets rather than curly braces. \thesistitlepage has been similarly updated. * Deprecated \definethesis command: it is now just a thin wrapper for \title and \author. * Added titling option to use the titling package if available. Otherwise, redefine \title and \author to save their arguments in \thetitle and \theauthor, as well as in \@title, \@author, so that they are available in the document body, in particular for building the title page. 2006-06-06 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Prompted by a request from Claudia Strabel, the table, figure, figure* and sidewaysfigure environments now use standard [!htbp] placement specifiers. 2006-02-23 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Ready for version 1.2 release (no changes since 2006-01-26 and no reported bugs from beta testing) 2006-01-26 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Added appendices and colophon environments and updated the manual and example accordingly. * Changed mainmatter environment to a special comment so that it doesn't remove the section numbering until the backmatter starts: I don't understand what it is about \renewenvironment that was doing this. * Fixed typo in backmatter definition which made it treat the backmatter as mainmatter. 2005-12-13 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Removed pdfpagemode=FullScreen option from hyperref. Maybe re-introduce this sort of thing via an option. 2005-12-09 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Fixed typo ("latex" -> "pdflatex") in the documentation of how to use a Makefile to ease the PS/PDF conditional compilation issues. * Moved frontquote text up by 1.5 cm to balance the page a bit better. This is still quite A4-specific: maybe this should be specified in terms of \textheight? * Added dedication page command and added some \cleardoublepage and page style commands to the quote page command to ensure that it doesn't overlap with the contents pages. 2005-11-01 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Hacked the example files into much better shape and updated the documentation to mention the new features and the pre-defined figure widths. * Added the "deprecated" typeout into the thesis-prefixed commands and environments. * Added a sidewaysfigure environment, which introduces a dependency on the rotating package. It's very standard, so I'm not bothered. Maybe add an option to disable the rotating dependency later... * Added the hide{front,back,frontback} options. 2005-09-26 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Finished off the first version of the documentation. Example files could do with some work which I'm too lazy to do right now :-) * Added the \Chapter, \ChapterRef etc. commands from a personal style file. 2005-09-02 Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> * Changed \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin settings to use the \@bindextramargin length. * Added bindnopdf option. * Started ChangeLog entries. Oops, I should have started a bit earlier, eh?