0.09  2024-05-16  - added option "forget" to create all codes new
0.08  2024-05-14  - fix for color setting of the qrcode
0.07  2024-02-06  - allow active chars in linktext
0.06  2024-02-03  - fix for introduced bug with linktext
0.05a 2024-02-02  - modified documentation
0.05  2024-01-28  - added optional argument for alternative link text
0.04  2024-01-18  - fix for wrong text
0.03  2023-10-29  - fix for # in an url
0.02  2021-05-18  - added optional argument qrreverse to the set
                    the qr code in the opposite margin
0.01a 2019-12-01  - fixes to the documentation
0.01  2019-11-27  - first CTAN version