# # Makefile for ionumbers package # # Copyright 2008,2011,2012 Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu> # # This file is part of ionumbers. # # ionumbers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation, not any later version. # # ionumbers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ionumbers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # WARNING: THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE AND MAY CONTAIN SERIOUS BUGS! # PACKAGE := ionumbers TESTFILE := ionumbers_test PDFLATEX := pdflatex MAKEINDEX := makeindex # installation directories DESTDIR := $(HOME)/.texmf DOCDIR := $(DESTDIR)/doc/latex/$(PACKAGE) SRCDIR := $(DESTDIR)/source/latex/$(PACKAGE) TEXDIR := $(DESTDIR)/tex/latex/$(PACKAGE) .PHONY: all pkg doc test install clean distclean mrproper force all: pkg doc test %.sty: %.ins %.dtx $(RM) $@ $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< %.idx %.glo: %.dtx %.sty $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< %.ind: %.idx $(MAKEINDEX) -s gind.ist -o $@ $< %.gls: %.glo $(MAKEINDEX) -s gglo.ist -o $@ $< $(PACKAGE).pdf: %.pdf: %.dtx %.sty %.ind %.gls $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< $(TESTFILE).pdf: %.pdf: %.tex $(PACKAGE).sty $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< $(PDFLATEX) -interaction=nonstopmode $< pkg: $(PACKAGE).sty test: $(TESTFILE).pdf doc: $(PACKAGE).pdf install: mkdir -p $(DOCDIR) $(SRCDIR) $(TEXDIR) install -m 644 README COPYING $(PACKAGE).pdf $(TESTFILE).pdf $(DOCDIR) install -m 644 $(PACKAGE).ins $(PACKAGE).dtx $(TESTFILE).tex Makefile \ $(SRCDIR) install -m 644 $(PACKAGE).sty $(TEXDIR) mktexlsr $(DESTDIR) clean: $(RM) *.aux *.glo *.gls *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.log *.toc *.out *~ distclean: clean $(RM) $(PACKAGE).sty mrproper: distclean $(RM) $(PACKAGE).pdf $(TESTFILE).pdf