% latin1jk.def
% (c) Copyright 1995, 1996, 2000, 2003 J"org Knappen.
% Licence GNU licence Version 2
% see after \endinput for further information
\ProvidesFile{latin1jk.def}[2003/10/02 latin-1 input encoding file 1.3 (JKn)]
%%% \RequirePackage{textcomp}    % text companion symbols (tc fonts)
\DeclareInputText{"0B8}{\c{\ }}
\DeclareInputText{"0C7}{\c C}
\DeclareInputText{"0E7}{\c c}


\usepackage{textcomp} % this package is required!

I decided to make \emph{all} characters text, even times and divide, in
order to make it work in verbatim style environments. A number of control
sequences refers to the textcomp package of Sebastian Rahtz. The text
companion fonts are needed to display those characters.

 \textcurrency, \textdegree, \texttwosuperior, \textthreesuperior, 
 \textmu, \textonehalf, \texttimes, and \textdiv are defined in 
 the textcomp package using the text companion font (TS1 coding).

This file is supported by

J\"org Knappen, Dieselstra\ss e 13, D-66123 Saarbr\"ucken, Allemagne. 
Author of the Book: Schnell ans Ziel mit LaTeX2e, Oldenbourg-Verlag
M\"unchen, 1997, ISBN 3-486-24199-0. 2nd, extended printing 2003.


Version 1.3: Get rid of old definitions requiring tccompat.sty
%% End of file `latin1jk.def'.