% latin2jk.def
% (c) Copyright 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003 J"org Knappen.
% Licence GNU licence Version 2
% see after \endinput for further information
\ProvidesFile{latin1jk.def}[2003/10/024 latin-2 input encoding file v1.3 (jk)]
%%% \RequirePackage{textcomp}    % text companion symbols (tc fonts)
\DeclareInputText{"0A1}{\k A}
\DeclareInputText{"0B1}{\k a}
\DeclareInputText{"0B2}{\k\ }
\DeclareInputText{"0A5}{\v L}
\DeclareInputText{"0B5}{\v l}
\DeclareInputText{"0B8}{\c\ }
\DeclareInputText{"0A9}{\v S}
\DeclareInputText{"0B9}{\v s}
\DeclareInputText{"0AA}{\c S}
\DeclareInputText{"0BA}{\c s}
\DeclareInputText{"0AB}{\v T}
\DeclareInputText{"0BB}{\v t}
\DeclareInputText{"0AE}{\v Z}
\DeclareInputText{"0BE}{\v z}
\DeclareInputText{"0D2}{\v N}
\DeclareInputText{"0C3}{\u A}
\DeclareInputText{"0D5}{\H O}
\DeclareInputText{"0C7}{\c C}
\DeclareInputText{"0C8}{\v C}
\DeclareInputText{"0D8}{\v R}
\DeclareInputText{"0D9}{\r U}
\DeclareInputText{"0CA}{\k E}
\DeclareInputText{"0DB}{\H U}
\DeclareInputText{"0CC}{\v E}
\DeclareInputText{"0DE}{\c T}
\DeclareInputText{"0CF}{\v D}
\DeclareInputText{"0F2}{\v n}
\DeclareInputText{"0E3}{\u a}
\DeclareInputText{"0F5}{\H o}
\DeclareInputText{"0E7}{\c c}
\DeclareInputText{"0E8}{\v c}
\DeclareInputText{"0F8}{\v r}
\DeclareInputText{"0F9}{\r u}
\DeclareInputText{"0EA}{\k e}
\DeclareInputText{"0FB}{\H u}
\DeclareInputText{"0EC}{\v e}
\DeclareInputText{"0FE}{\c t}
\DeclareInputText{"0EF}{\v d}
% Usage:
% \documentclass{...}
% \usepackage{textcomp} % this package is required!
% \usepackage[latin2jk]{inputenc}
% ...
% \begin{document}
% I decided to make \emph{all} characters text, even times and divide, in
% order to make it work in verbatim style environments. A number of control
% sequences refers to the textcomp package of Sebastian Rahtz. The text
% companion fonts are needed to display those characters.
% \textcurrency, \texttimes, and \textdiv are defined in 
% the textcomp package using the text companion font (TS1 coding).
% Changes:
% Version 1.3:
% Get rid of  old definitions requiring tccompat.sty
% Author:
% J\"org Knappen, Dieselstra{\ss}e 13, 66123 Saarbr\"ucken, Allemagne. 
% Author of the Book: Schnell ans Ziel mit LaTeX2e, Oldenbourg-Verlag
% M\"unchen, 1997, ISBN 3-486-24199-0. 2nd, extended printing 2003.
%% End of file `latin2jk.def'.