% Copyleft \textcopyleft 1997--2003 J\"org Knappen

\ProvidesPackage{tccompat}[2003/09/25 v 1.2 (JKn)]

% This style defines some names for the text companion symbols which have
% been replaced by newer ones in ts1enc.def. In special, all names from the
% old (pre-1997/12/01) textcomp package are saved. It also contains all the 
% names given in 1st printing of the book >>Schnell ans Ziel mit \LaTeXe<< 
% by J"org Knappen (Oldenbourg, M\"unchen and Wien 1997, ISBN 3-486-24199-0)
% The 2nd printing (2003, in preparation) will have the new standard names.
% Version 1.2: Added \Orb from new versions of plain TeX
% Names from the old textcomp package ...
% The following two rare ones were missing in V 1.1
% Older names used in my book (Schnell ans Ziel mit \LaTeXe)
% Plain TeX introduced \Orb some time ago. So it's also here 
% (since version 1.2). It works both in text mode and in math mode.