% YOUNG.STY by J"org Knappen 7-feb-1992
% Licence: GNU licence version 2
% based on YOUNG.TEX
% macro to make Young tableaux
% by:  Paul E. S. Wormer  <U644301@HNYKUN11>
% \magnification=\magstep1
\newdimen\hoogte    \hoogte=12pt    % hoogte  van hokje
\newdimen\breedte   \breedte=14pt   % breedte van hokje
\newdimen\dikte     \dikte=0.5pt    % dikte lijn
       \def\vr{\vrule height0.8\hoogte width\dikte depth 0.2\hoogte}
                    \hrule height\dikte
                    \hbox to \breedte{\vr\hfill##1\hfill\vr}
                    \hrule height\dikte}}
       \vbox\bgroup \offinterlineskip \tabskip=-\dikte \lineskip=-\dikte
            \halign\bgroup &\fbox{##\unskip}\unskip  \crcr }
example of use of the macro to make Young tableaux
     This is a Young tableau:
     1  &  2 &  3\cr
     4  &  5     \cr
     6  &  7     \cr
     8           \cr