%                                                                          %
% This is file 'keyval2e.sty', version 0.0.2, August 2011                  %
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% Copyright (c) 2011 Ahmed Musa (a.musa@rocketmail.com).                   %
%                                                                          %

\StyleFilePurpose{Lightweight and robust key-value parser (AM)}
$Id: keyval2e.sty,v 0.0.2 2011/08/24 09:00:00 Ahmed Musa Exp $
      \@nameuse{@\ifloopbreak second\else first\fi oftwo}%
% \kve@definekeys[<pref>]{<fam>}[<mp>]{keya/defa/callback,...}
      \expandafter\newif\csname if#3\currkey\endcsname
      \expandafter\edef\csname#1@#2@\currkey @default\endcsname{%
% \kve@setkeys[pref]{<fam>}[na]{<keyval>}
    \kve@err{Maximum re-entrance limit of 4 exceeded
      \MsgBrk by \string\kve@setkeys}\@ehc
      \ifcsndefTF{#1@#2@\currkey @default}{%
        \kve@err{No user value and no default value
          \MsgBrk for key '\currkey'}\@ehc
      \csname#1@#2@\currkey @default\endcsname
    \kve@err{Key '\currkey' not defined}
      {Key '\currpref,\currfam,\currkey' is undefined}%
% \kve@setdefaults[<pref>]{<fam>}[<na>]
    \kve@err{No initial key values for family '#2'}
      {No initial key-value pairs saved for '#1,#2'.}%
% \kve@setafterdefaults[<pref>]{<fam>}[<na>]{<keyval>}
    \kve@err{No initial key values for family '#2'}
      {No initial key-value pairs saved for '#1,#2'.}%
  \kve@err{Invalid value '\innoval' for key '\currkey'}
    {Key '\currkey' has an inadmissible value '\innoval'.}%
    \advance\@tempcnta by1
