%                                                                          %
% This is file 'ltxtools-base.sty', version 0.0.1, December 2011.          %
%                                                                          %
% This package and accompanying files may be distributed and/or            %
% modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,       %
% either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest      %
% version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt      %
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX           %
% version 2005/12/01 or later.                                             %
%                                                                          %
% The LPPL maintenance status of this software is 'author-maintained'.     %
%                                                                          %
% This software is provided 'as it is', without warranty of any kind,      %
% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the          %
% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular       %
% purpose.                                                                 %
%                                                                          %
% Copyright (c) 2011 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com).                       %
%                                                                          %

    \@latex@error{Loaded version of catoptions package is
      not current}\@ehc
\StyleFilePurpose{The base/core of ltxtools packages (AM)}
$Id: ltxtools-base.sty,v 0.0.1 2011/12/12 09:00:00 Ahmed Musa Exp $
    '\ltsdetoktrim{#1}' isn't one token%
% Eg, \toks@\expandafter\expandafter
%   \expandafter{\ltssupergobble 3ab11cd}:
  \csname LTS@superg@bble#1\LTS@supergobble

\catcode`\^^M=12 %
          {Bad end for \string\newcomment}\@ehc}%

% \advancenr <nr> <optional 'by'> <no> <spr>
% <nr> can be \chardef'd, \countdef'd, or a macro.
% <spr> = space or \relax if 'no' is a literal number.
% Eg, \chardef\elt=1
%     \advancenr\elt by 12 %
% This isn't meant for dimensions.
      \LTS@err{'b##1' not a number or 'by'}\@ehc
      \LTS@err{No number after 'by'}\@ehc
% Eg,
% \ltsmultido[counter=\ncolr,start=1,step=1,for=2]{%
%   \csn@edef{x@\romannumeral\ncolr}{\number\ncolr}}
    \LTS@err{\noexpand\ltsmultido counter must be escaped}\@ehc

    \raise\@ydim\hb@xt@\z@pt{\kern\@xdim #4\hss}%
% Call \ltssetupstrcmp to define \ifstrcmpTF if \pdfstrcmp or
% \pdf@strcmp didn't exist:
      \ifnullTF{##2}{ ##3}{ ##4}%
      \ifnullTF{##2}{ ##4}{%
            }{ ##4}%
          }{ ##4}%
          \ifbracedTF{##2}{ ##4}{%
              }{ ##4}%
              \ifleadspaceTF{##2}{ ##4}{%
                }{ ##4}%
% \ltspushcmds<idcmd>{<cmda>,<cmdb>,...}<counter>
% \ltspopcmds<idcmd>
% Eg, \ltspushcmds\x{\y,\z}\cnta (down)
%     \ltspushcmds\x{\y,\z}\cnta (down)
%     \ltspopcmds\x (up)
%     \ltspopcmds\x (up)
      0\expandafter\catcode\number\@tempcnta=12 %
    \advance\@tempcnta 1
% File transfer:
% #1: receiving filename
    \LTS@err{File '#1' already exists}\@ehc
  \immediate\openout\LTS@outfile=#1 %
  \edef\endcopy{\@backslashchar endcopy}%
\newcsndef*{LTS@copytoend@gobblespace} {\LTS@copytofile}

% User: don't reposition left brace or put comment
% sign at end of next line:
  \catcode`\|=12 %
  \obeylines %
      \LTS@err{File '#2' already exists}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{File '#1' doesn't exist}\@ehc
  \immediate\openin\LTS@infile=#1 %
  \immediate\openout\LTS@outfile=#2 %
    \read\LTS@infile to\data%

% */' -> don't define, otherwise attempt to define:
% Get the default optional argument of a LaTeX command:
% Eg, \edef\x{\ltsifcase{4}{1{X}2{Y}3{Z}}[No match]}
% #3 is not optional because of the need for expandability,
% and we don't want to use expandable \@testopt (unlike
% in \cptifstreqcase of catoptions package). If #3 is nil, then
% submit it as '[]'.
% Eg, \ltsifincase[,](\def\x{No match})
%     {4}{{a,1,b}{\def\x{X}}{c,2,d}{\def\x{Y}}}
    \LTS@err{Invalid blank suffix for \string\ltstrimsuffix}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Invalid blank prefix for \string\ltstrimprefix}\@ehc
% If one of the listed files is already loaded, do #2:
% \ifx ... \LTS@texdie{I am exiting now}\stop\fi
  \immediate\write\sixt@@n{OK, I'm exiting now.}%
% \let assignment, including subsidiaries of commands
% with optional arguments:
    \LTS@err{Multiple or blank arguments '\detokenize{#1}'}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Multiple or blank arguments '\detokenize{#2}'}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Invalid suffix '#1' to command '\string#3'}\@ehc
  \LTS@err{Invalid blank/empty argument to command
% Get the last element of a csv list:
% #1: parser, #2: csv list
% Get the last element of a tsv list:
% Putting > or < before =
      \ifstrcmpTF{#2}>{0>=#3}{0 #1#2#3}%
  }{0 #1#2#3}%
    \ifdim#1pt#2pt %
% Eg,
% \edef\foo{%
%   \ltsifnumcasse{5}% <- number to test
%     {<=1}{less than or equal to 1}
%     {<=3}{less than or equal to 3}
%     {=4}{equal 4}
%     {=>5}{greater than or equal to 5}
%   \elseif
%     no match%
%   \endif
% }
% Eg,
% \edef\x{%
%   \ltsifcasse\ltsifcassenumcmp{3.14}% <- number to test
%     {<=2}{less than or equal to 2}
%     {=<3}{less than or equal to 3}
%     {=>4}{greater than or equal to 4}
%     {<10}{less than 10}
%   \elseif
%     no match
%   \endif
% }
% Comparator commands are \ltsifcassenumcmp, \ltsifcassecmdcmp
% and \ltsifcassestrcmp.
% #1=comparator command, #2=testtoken1
% \dkreplicate <nr>{<callback>}
  \csname LTS@repl\expandafter\LTS@replicate
\long\def\LTS@replm#1#2{#1\csname LTS@repl#2\endcsname{#1}}

\reserved@a{ }

% \ltsinputfiles[x]{a,b}[tex]{if file exists}:
      \LTS@err{Unknown expansion type '\string#1' for
        \string\ltsexpandargs}{I expected your first argument
        '\string#1' to \string\ltsexpandargs\MsgBrk to be
        in the interval [0,3].}%
%% Ulrich Diez:
  0\csname @space\expandafter\LTS@stepexpandarg
    \csname endcsname\expandafter\LTS@stepexpandarg\fi

    }}{\endcsname #3}%
  }{0 #1}%

% Reverse condition. Eg, turn \iffoundTF into \iffoundFT,
% \iffoundFT into \iffoundTF, \iffoundT to \iffoundF, etc.
% If there is no 'TF' (or 'T' or 'F') at end of csname,
% then use \unless:
    \LTS@err{More than one token in '\detokenize{#1}'}\@ehc
  \usename{@\ifvoid#1\@empty first\else second\fi ftwo}%
    \ifdefined#11\else2\fi\fi of2}%
% Eg,
%   \ifmoduloTF{4}{6}{true}{false}
%   \ifmoduloTF{4}{20}{true}{false}
  \usename{LTS@\LTS@ifinteger#1\then1\else2\fi of2}%

    \usename{if\ifLTS@pl csn\fi defFT}{##1}{}{%
  \csnendgroup{LTS@\next\ifcpt@choicefd\else{\fi of}}%
    {Command '\@backslashchar\LTS@rsvda' or
      '\@backslashchar\@qend\LTS@rsvda' already defined}%
    {Command '\@backslashchar\LTS@rsvda' already defined,
      or name '\@backslashchar\@qend\LTS@rsvda' illegal.}%
    \nullfont{select font nullfont}%
    \@latex@error{Command \noexpand#1 no longer a primitive}\@ehc
  \LTS@err{Bad '\string#2' argument for command '\string#1'}{%
    Bad '\string#2' argument for command '\string#1'.\MsgBrk
    You need to look again at user instruction\MsgBrk
    for command '\string#1'.
    \@parse@version#3//00\@nil2\else1\fi of2}%
      \LTS@err{Loaded version of #2 package is not current}%
        {You need a higher version of #2 package:\MsgBrk
        The version of #2 package available on your TeX\MsgBrk
        installation is lower than you require.}%
    \LTS@err{No date given for package '#1'}\@ehc
    \ifcase0\ifnum##1<1983 1 \fi\ifnum##2<1 1 \fi\ifnum##3<1 1\fi
      \LTS@err{Invalid package date '#2'}\@ehc
  \ifnullTF{#1}{0 #2}{%
      }{0 #2}%
    }{0 #2}%
    }{0 #1}%
  }{0 #1}%

% Eg, \stripbracesinarg{St\"o{\ss}er}
  {0 #1#2}{\LTS@stripbracesinarg#1#2\strip@nil#3\strip@nil}%

  \csname LTS@\if\detokenize{#1#4}1\else2\fi of2\endcsname
\newcsndef{LTS@ifnextch} {\futurelet\next\LTS@ifn@@tchar}
    \afterassignment\LTS@ifnextchars@a\let\next= %
% Eg, \ltstypeoutaligned[;]{xx,aa;yy,bb}
  \def\\{ }%
          \typeout{\LTS@tempb ####2}%
      \def\\{ }\@tempcnta\z@pt
    \typeout{^^J *** Package List ***}%
    \typeout{ **************^^J}%
% Eg,
% \begingroup
% \catcode`\;=13
% \catcode`\,=13
% \gdef\y{a , ,b, c, ,}
% \gdef\z{x ; ;y; z; ;}
% \endgroup
% \ltsdeclarelistparser\alistparser{,}
% \ltsdeclarelistparser\blistparser{;}
% ! -> expand and execute the processor.
% \def\do#1{#1}
% \edef\x{\cptexpandbracenext{\alistparser!}{\y}\do}
% Nesting is possible:
% \def\@do#1{#1}
% \def\do#1{|#1|\cptexpandbracenext{\blistparser!}\z\@do}
% \edef\x{\cptexpandbracenext{\alistparser!}\y\do}
% Dynamic, arbitrary parser, list normalizer:
        {\usename{\cptgobblescape#1@spaceparser}##1 #2\LTS@nil}
  \csn@def{\cptgobblescape#1@spaceparser}##1 #2##2\LTS@nil{%
      {\usename{\cptgobblescape#1@parserspace}##1#2 \LTS@nil}
  \csn@def{\cptgobblescape#1@parserspace}##1#2 ##2\LTS@nil{%
% \ltsforcsvlist[<parser>]{<list>}{<callback>}
% \ltsforcsvlist*[<parser>]<listcmd>{<callback>}
% \ltsdocsvlist[<parser>]{<list>}
% \ltsdocsvlist*[<parser>]<listcmd>
% For \ltsdocsvlist, first define \def\ltsdo<param>\ltsdo{<dfn>}.
% General list parsers. Preserve braces and accept arbitrary parser.
% Use '#1' in <callback> for current item on horizontal level 1,
% ##1 on horizontal level 2, etc. Nesting of the loops
% gives rise to vertical levels. Use \csvbreak or \loopbreak
% to break out of the loop on any level. Loop breaks are vertical
% level dependent: eg, breaking level 1 doesn't affect other
% active levels. An empty list is executed once.
% \foxloop[<parser>]{<list>}{<callback>}
% \foxloop*[<parser>]{<listcmd>}{<callback>}
% 1.  You can use \currfox<level>, \nextfox<level>, and
%     \currfoxnr<level> within <callback> to access the current
%     element of <list>, the next element of <list>, and
%     the serial number of the current item, respectively, at
%     various levels of nesting. <level> is given in roman numerals,
%     eg, \currfoxi, \currfoxii.
% 2.  You can use \foxlevel to access the level/depth of nesting.
% 3.  You can inset \csvbreak as an element of <list> to break
%     out of the loop. Similarly, you can use \loopbreak within
%     <callback> to break out of the loop.
% 4.  You can insert \csvpause as an element of <list> to pause
%     the loop.
  \usename{LTS@fox@\ifLTS@st b\else a\fi}[#1]%
            \message{^^J! List pause:
            ^^JType x or X to quit, or <RETURN> to proceed^^J}%
            {\endlinechar-1\global\read-1 to\@gtempa}%
% For use with comma-lists, where nesting isn't needed:
% \cfoxloop{<commalist>}<fn>
    \LTS@err{\noexpand\cfoxloop shouldn't be nested}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Non-escaped command name '\detokenize{#1}'}\@ehc
% Eg, \CreateTwinNumberCommands\StrictCheck\strict.
% This gives two commands:
%   \StrictCheck -> \strict=1
%   \NoStrictCheck -> \strict=0
  \lccode`\Z=`\# %
    \cpttfor Z!"$&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[]^_`|~\dofor{%
  \lccode`\Z=`\# %
% Create a delimiter for command 'Rabfe' (which means 'remove all but
% first undelimited element'):
% One advantage of \removeallbutfirstelement is that delimiters
% (ie, sentinels) can be replicated in its argument.
% Eg, #1 with two delimiters:
%     \LTS@DeclareRabfeDelimiter\LTS@nil
%     \edef\x{\removeallbutfirstelement{xyz\LTS@nil\LTS@nil}}
  \@namedef{reserved@b} {\reserved@a#1}%
% We re-implement xkeyval's \@selective@sanitize to admit
% even \bgroup in the token list, and to remove some trivial
% steps:
        \lowercase{\def\cmd} {\LTS@i}%
    [\LTS@err{No match for \string\ltsfiltermergecsva}\@ehc]%
    \LTS@err{Invalid blank first argument of
      \LTS@err{Command \noexpand\ltsfiltermergetsv expects
        no parser}\@ehc
  \LTS@err{Use \noexpand\ltspurgeelements instead}\@ehc
		\LTS@err{Verbatim delimiter isn't a single token}\@ehc
      \expandafter\ltsensuremacro\csname ##1\endcsname
    \catcode`\noexpand\ =\the\catcode`\ \relax
    \LTS@err{Command \LTS@tempa\@space doesn't accept list}%
      {Please submit only one boolean to \LTS@tempa\MsgBrk
      at a time. You may consider using\LTS@tempb\MsgBrk
      if you really want to define a set of booleans.}%
      \LTS@verbosewarn{Boolean '\@backslashchar if#1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Boolean '\@backslashchar if#1##1'
  \LTS@err{Boolean/switch '\string#1' is undefined}%
  {You need to first define the boolean/switch '\string#1'.}%
  \LTS@err{'\string\if#1' not valid as a boolean/switch}%
  {Invalid boolean/switch name '\string#1'.}%
  \LTS@err{Invalid boolean/switch value '#2' in \string#1}%
    {Valid boolean/switch values are \LTS@validboolvalues.}%
    \reserved@a ,x,on,off,tog,bool,switch,#1,\LTS@nil
    \LTS@err{Command \LTS@tempa\@space doesn't accept list}%
      {Please submit only one switch to \LTS@tempa\MsgBrk
      at a time. You may consider using\LTS@tempb\MsgBrk
      if you really want to define a set of switches.}%
      \LTS@verbosewarn{Switch '\@backslashchar#1' redefined}%
      \LTS@err{Switch '#1##1' already exists}\@ehc
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Switch '\@backslashchar#1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Token register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Counter register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1#3' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Counter register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1#3' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Dimension register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Box register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Skip register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{\noexpand\muskip register '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Write stream '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
        \LTS@verbosewarn{Read stream '\@backslashchar
          #1##1' redefined}%
    \usename{ifcs\ifLTS@pl n\fi definable}{##1}\relax
  \LTS@err{Bad prefixes for command '\string#1'}
    {You have wrongly prefixed command '\string#1'\MsgBrk
    with both star sign and exclamation mark.\MsgBrk
    You have to choose one of them. The star expands\MsgBrk
    the arguments once, while the exclamation mark\MsgBrk
    expands the arguments fully.}%
    \LTS@verboseinfo{Command '\string#2' already defined:
      \MsgBrk Not redefined}%
    Previously 'provided' definition of '\string#1'\MsgBrk
    is retained. Your new definition was ignored\MsgBrk
% #1: list of comma-separated command pairs:
  {\string\if}=\z@pt1\else2\fi of2}%
      \LTS@err{'\@backslashchar if' not valid}\@ehc
      \LTS@err{Command '\string#1' is undefined}{Command
      '\string\LTS@detokdespace' doesn't accept undefined
        \MsgBrk commands when submitted without the '+' prefix.}%
      \LTS@err{Invalid argument '\string#1' for command\MsgBrk
        '\string\LTS@detokdespace'}{Command '\string\LTS@detokdespace'
        doesn't accept '\@backslashchar if'\MsgBrk when submitted
        without the '+' prefix.}%
    \LTS@err{Star (*) isn't valid as suffix to
      \noexpand\ltsaddtolist or \string\ltslistadd}%
    \ifnum\LTS@addnr=\z@pt\else\ifnum\LTS@addnr=\@ne o\else x\fi\fi
      \usename{protected@\ifLTS@cl x\else e\fi def}%
      \usename{protected@\ifLTS@cl x\else e\fi def}#2{#3}%
  \LTS@err{You have issued a preamble command here}%
    {Move shown command to document preamble.}%
  \LTS@err{You've called an \noexpand\enddocument
    command\MsgBrk at the wrong place}{%
    Move command to before \string\enddocument.
        \LTS@warn{Package '#1' was never loaded}%
        \LTS@warn{Command '\@after\string\LTS@tempa' undefined:
        \MsgBrk ignored by \expandcsonce\@cmd}%
  \gdef#1{\LTS@err{'\string#1' is a preamble command}%
    {Move command '\string#1' to document preamble.}}%
    \LTS@err{Command '\detokenize{#1}' issued outside style file}%
      {The command '\detokenize{#1}' is available only
        in style files.}%
      \edef\LTS@tempc{\expandafter\LTS@car\LTS@tempb x\car@nil}%
        \LTS@verboseinfo{Command '\string#1' redefined}%
        \LTS@err{Command '\string#2' undefined}%
          {I can't let '\string#1' to undefined '\string#2'.}%
      \LTS@err{Command '\string#1' already defined}%
        {I can't assign defined '\string#1' to '\string#2'.}%
      \LTS@err{Command '\string#2' undefined}%
        {I can't let '\string#1' to undefined '\string#2'.}%
    Command '\LTS@tempa' is already defined
    Command '\LTS@tempa' is defined: You may use the starred
    \MsgBrk version of \noexpand#1 for this type of assignment.
    Command '\string\newletcstocs' is undefined
    Command '\string\newletcstocs' is undefined. You can use
    \string\newletcs,\MsgBrk but this can't assign control
    sequence names.\MsgBrk Perhaps you meant to use
    \string\newletcsntocs, or\MsgBrk\noexpand\newletcstocsn
    or \string\newletcsntocsn.
  \LTS@err{'\string\provideletcstocs' is undefined}%
    {Command '\string\provideletcstocs' is undefined.
     Perhaps you meant \MsgBrk to use \string\provideletcsntocs,
     or \noexpand\provideletcstocsn or \string\provideletcsntocsn.}%
    \LTS@err{Invalid suffix to '\string\ltsdimexpr' or
      '\string\ltsnumexpr'}{Star (*) not valid as suffix to
      '\string\ltsdimexpr' and '\string\ltsnumexpr'.}%
      count\or dimen\or skip\or muskip\fi}%
    \LTS@err{Invalid suffix to '\string\ltsdimdef' or
      '\string\ltsnumdef'}{Star (*) not valid as suffix to
      '\string\ltsdimdef' and '\string\ltsnumdef'.}%
    \LTS@err{Argument '\string#2' is empty}%
      {Empty argument '\string#2' is invalid.\MsgBrk
      I expected a nonempty argument here.}%
    \csnendgroup{@\ifcpt@in first\else second\fi oftwo}%
    \csnendgroup{@\ifcpt@in first\else second\fi oftwo}%
      \LTS@err{Double comma in sentinel while defining
      \LTS@verboseinfo{Command '\expandafter\string\cmd' redefined
      \LTS@warn{Command '\expandafter\string\cmd' was previously
        undefined\MsgBrk but now defined with \string\renewfunction}%
    \LTS@err{Illegal prefixes '\expandcsonce\LTS@rsvda'
      for command '\expandcsonce\cmd'}\@ehc
          \LTS@err{Number of delimiters exceeds
            number of parameters}\@ehc
          \LTS@err{Invalid delimiter syntax:
            \MsgBrk no digit [1-9] found before delimiter}\@ehc
    \expandafter\ifx\csname d1\endcsname\@empty\else
      \LTS@err{Argument one of command \string#2 is
        \MsgBrk already delimited by '[]'}\@ehc
    \LTS@warn{Command '\string#1' was previously undefined
      \MsgBrk but now defined with \string\ltsrenewcommand}%
      Previous definition of '\string#1'\MsgBrk
      doesn't match your new definition.\MsgBrk
      I haven't redefined '\string#1'}%
    \LTS@info{Command '\string#1' is defined in one of
      \MsgBrk the previously loaded packages;
      \MsgBrk I will still try to find it among the
      \MsgBrk suggested packages}%
    \typeout{** Command '\string#1' is not defined in
      ^^Jone of the suggested packages}%
    \typeout{** Command '\string#1' is defined in package(s):
    Value '\expandcsonce{#1}' is not in list ^^J'\expandcsonce{#2}'
    You have submitted an invalid value '\expandcsonce{#1}'\MsgBrk
    for your key or test parameter. Value '\expandcsonce{#1}'\MsgBrk
    is not in list:^^J'\expandcsonce{#2}'.
  \usename{cpt@choicefd\ifcpt@in true\else false\fi}%
  \LTS@verboseinfo{None of the tokens '\detokenize{#1}'
    is found in '\detokenize{#2}'}%
% \ifmanyincsvlistTF[parser](no.){sublist}{mainlist}
% Check if the no. of elements of parser-separated list
% '#3' found in #4 is equal or greater than '#2'. #4
% is the main list. If the test is true, \itemspresent returns
% all the elements found and \noofitems returns the number
% of elements found:
% \ifmanyintsvlistTF(no){sublist}{mainlist}
% Check if the no. of elements of tsv list #2
% found in #3 is equal or greater than '#1'. #3
% is the main list. If the test is true, \itemspresent returns
% all the elements found and \noofitems returns the number
% of elements found:
  \LTS@err{Toggle '#1' undefined}%
    {You need to first define toggle '#1' before use.}%
    \LTS@err{Command \x doesn't accept list}{%
      Please submit only one toggle to \x at a time.
      \MsgBrk You can use \y to define a set of togs.
      \LTS@err{Toggle '#1' already defined}%
        {Please provide a new toggle or use '\string\deftog'.}%
      \LTS@verbosewarn{Toggle '#1' redefined}%
    \LTS@verboseinfo{Toggle '#1' already defined.\MsgBrk
      Not redefined}%
    \LTS@err{\noexpand#1 already saved. You've to restore
      \MsgBrk it or undefine '\noexpandcsn{saved\cptgobblescape#1}'
      before\MsgBrk you can save \noexpand#1 again}\@ehc
      \LTS@err{Undefined '\string#1' couldn't be saved\on@line}%
        {You can't restore undefined commands. So why save\MsgBrk
        undefined '\string#1' here?}%
    \LTS@err{No saved version of '\string#1' is available:\MsgBrk
      '\string#1' couldn't be restored\on@line
      Unsaved '\string#1' can't be restored.\MsgBrk
      Note that each call to \noexpand\ltsrestorecs
      undefines the saved command.
        \LTS@info{File '#2' already read:\MsgBrk
          File '#2' wasn't read again}%
    \typein[\@gtempa]{^^J! File '\string#1' does not exist.
      ^^JEnter filename or 'x' and <return> to continue.}%
\ltsxcounttokens{ }
\ltscountalltokens{ }
	  \let\@let@token= %
\ltscountargs{ }
      \afterassignment\LTS@countargs@a\let\next= %
    \LTS@err{I can't macronize unscannable tokens:
    \LTS@err{Illegal nested parameters in:
      \csnendgroup{LTS@\if##1\@backslashchar1\else2\fi of2}%
    \LTS@err{Delimiter '\detokenize{#2}' is more than
      one token}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Your \noexpand#1 isn't scannable}{%
      Sorry, I can't delimit the last parameter of your\MsgBrk
      command \noexpand#1: it isn't scannable.
          {Protected command '\string#2' not re-protected}%
            \LTS@err{Command '\string#2' can't be made robust}%
              {Command '\string#2' isn't retokenizable.}%
      \LTS@err{Command '\string#2' isn't a macro}%
        {Command '\string#2' can't be made robust.}%
  \LTS@warn{Hooking to command '\string#1' failed:\MsgBrk#2}%
% [<prefix>]{<cmd1>}{<cmd2>}{<success>}{<failure>}
    \LTS@hookfail{#2}{Command isn't defined or is relaxed}%
            \LTS@hookfail{#2}{Nested commands or parameters}%
          \LTS@hookfail{#2}{Macro can't be retokenized\MsgBrk
            safely after patching}%
          \LTS@verboseinfo{Macro '\string#2' patched successfully}%
          \LTS@verboseinfo{Macro '\string#2' patched successfully}%
          \LTS@hookfail{#2}{Command is a parameterless macro
            \MsgBrk but you're hooking with a parametered macro}%
      \LTS@hookfail{#2}{Command isn't a macro}%
% [<prefix>]{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}
    \typeout{^^J** Debugging patches: command '\string#2'}%
% [<prefix>]{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<success>}{<failure>}
  % If \LTS@testopt uses a different definition of
  % \@ifnextchar, the number of hash characters here
  % would have to change; it will most likely become 8:
    \LTS@err{Patching failed: you can't use the star (*)
      \MsgBrk variant while strict hash check is in force.
      \MsgBrk Relax strict hash check with
    \typeout{^^J** Debugging patches: command '\string#2'}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Nested parameters}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{++}{Command is patchable}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{==}{Patching has begun}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{==}{Patching completed successfully}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Patching couldn't be completed}%
    \typeout{[debug] #1 #2}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{==}{'stricthashcheck' set true}%
    % If #3 is macronizable, then it is scannable.
    % Macronizing doesn't accept nested hash, but
    % we're already in strict mode here.
    \LTS@patchdebug{++}{No illegal nested parameters in command}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Command not defined}%
    \LTS@patchdebug{++}{Command is defined}%
      \LTS@patchdebug{++}{Command is a macro}%
        \LTS@patchdebug{++}{Macro can be retokenized safely
          after patching}%
          \LTS@patchdebug{++}{No nested parameters in command
            or 'stricthashcheck' is false}%
            \LTS@patchdebug{++}{Requested search pattern found}%
            \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Requested search pattern not found}%
          \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Nested commands or parameters}%
        \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Macro can't be retokenized
          safely after patching}%
      \LTS@patchdebug{--}{Command isn't a macro}%
    \LTS@err{Invalid expansion order '\string#2' for
      '\string\reverseexpansion'}{Why not just use
      '\string\expandafter' here instead\MsgBrk of
    \LTS@err{Invalid expansion order \string#2}
      {Number '\string#2' of '\string\reverseexpansion'
      is too large.}%
  \def\LTS@ii{\afterassignment\LTS@i\let\next= }%
        \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ \expandafter\@space}%
        \csn@def{cmd} {\LTS@i}%
\new@def*\LTS@parsedate#1/#2/#3 v#4\LTS@nil{#1/#2/#3}
    \LTS@err{Package '#1' wasn't loaded}
      {Document has begun and package '#1' wasn't loaded.
        \MsgBrk You wanted package '#1' loaded.}%
        \LTS@err{Unbalanced quotation marks '#1'}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{I can't find comma in quotation marks '#1'}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{You haven't called '\string\ApplyNilToQuotes'\MsgBrk
      since you last called '\string\ApplyToQuotes'}\@ehc
    \LTS@err{Empty abbreviation for name '\noexpandcsn{#1}'}\@ehc
  \},.'/?;:!~-)\ \/\bgroup\egroup\sspace\nobreak\penalty
% Verbatim \sspace:
  \ifnum\catcode`\ =\active\else\expandafter\sspace\fi

  \lccode`\ `\^^S\relax
    \toks1\expandafter{\detokenize{ }}%
    \expandafter\LTS@tempa\detokenize{#1 }\@nil
  \typeout{Number of spaces,
    #2 end-of-line characters: \the\@tempcnta.}%
% Eg,
% \ifboolevalTF{%
%   not ( eval { \ifdefFT\xa } and eval { \ifcsemptyTF\xa } )
%   or ( eval { \ifdefFT\xb } or eval { \ifxTF\xa\xb } )
% }{%
%   \def\x{T}%
% }{%
%   \def\x{F}%
% }
  \csnendgroup{LTS@\ifnum\LTS@evalcnt<\z@pt2\else1\fi of2}%
    \LTS@err{Invalid 'eval' test expression}
      {The invalid test part is: '\detokenize{#1}'}%
% Eg,
% \@tempcnta\z@pt\@tempswatrue
% \ltswhileexpr{\if@tempswa}{%
%   \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
%   \ifnum\@tempcnta>3\relax\@tempswafalse\fi
% }
% or
% \ltswhileexpr{eval{\ifboolTF{@tempswa}}}{%
%   \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
%   \ifnum\@tempcnta>3\relax\@tempswafalse\fi
% }
  #1 \expandafter\iofii\else\expandafter\iiofii\fi


%%% End of file ltxtools-base.sty %%%