# The `mcmthesis` Class
This class is designed for the MCM/ICM.

This work is released under the [LaTeX Project Public
License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), v1.3c or later.

## Installation

This work consists of the file mcmthesis.dtx,
                               figures/, and
and the derived files          mcmthesis.cls,
                               mcmthesis.pdf and

To install this class, you should
    compile mcmthesis.dtx      with xetex mcmthesis.dtx,
    compile mcmthesis.dtx      with xelatex mcmthesis.dtx twice,
    compile mcmthesis-demo.tex with xelatex mcmthesis-demo.tex twice,
    rename README.tex and LICENSE.tex respectively to README and LICENSE,
    move mcmthesis.cls         to TEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/,
    move mcmthesis.dtx         to TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/,
    move other files           to TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/ and then
    run texhash.

## Authors

* [latexstudio][latexstudio]: latexstudio@qq.com
* [Liam Huang][liam-ctan]: liamhuang0205+mcmthesis@gmail.com

## Project Page

If you are interested in the process of development you may observe


[latexstudio]: http://www.latexstudio.net/
[liam-ctan]: http://www.ctan.org/author/huang-l