Installation of the minitoc package.

This package contains a lot of files. The list of all files
is given in minitoc.l.

The files are sorted into ``classes'' below (a file can
appear in more than one class). Each class specifies
the function and the placement of its files.

(0) The files minitoc.ins and minitoc.dtx are the basic source files
    of this package. The (derived) file minitoc-fr.dtx loads minitoc.dtx but
    selects the french documentation. The language selection is done
    by using \ifcase ... \or ... \fi constructs.

(1) The files minitoc.sty, mtcoff.sty, mtcmess.sty, and ALL *.mld and
    *.mlo files are the package itself. They must be all installed
    in a directory where LaTeX finds the .sty files.
    mtcmempatch.sty is a temporary fix for compatibility with
    the memoir class.

(2) INSTALL   is a file describing the installation of the package.
              You are reading it.
    minitoc.l contains the list of all files of the minitoc distribution.
    README    is the usual file briefly describing the minitoc package.
    TODO      lists some suggested developments of the package.
              Comments and suggestions are welcome.
(3) Example documents:
              mtc-2c.tex, mtc-2nd.tex, mtc-3co.tex, mtc-add.tex,
              mtc-ads.tex, mtc-amm.tex, mtc-apx.tex, mtc-art.tex,
              mtc-bk.tex, mtc-bo.tex, mtc-ch0.tex, mtc-cri.tex,
              mtc-fko.tex, mtc-fo1.tex, mtc-fo2.tex, mtc-gap.tex,
              mtc-hi1.tex, mtc-hi2.tex, mtc-hia.tex, mtc-hir.tex,
              mtc-hop.tex, mtc-liv.tex, mtc-mem.tex, mtc-mm1.tex,
              mtc-mu.tex, mtc-nom.tex, mtc-ocf.tex, mtc-ofs.tex,
              mtc-sbf.tex, mtc-scr.tex, mtc-syn.tex, mtc-tbi.tex,
              mtc-tlc.tex, mtc-tlo.tex, mtc-tsf.tex, mtc-vti.tex,
              are example files, to play with. The associated .pdf
              files are provided.
              Another (short) examples are welcome.
(4) minitoc.bug, minitoc.sum
              are plain text documentation: list of problems (faq)
              and summary of commands.
(5) minitoc.dtx, minitoc.ins, minitoc.bib,, minitoc.lan,
              en-mtc.bst, are the source of the documentation
              in (non-perfect) english.
(6) The file lamed3.png 
              is an image to include.
(7) minitoc-fr.dtx, minitoc-fr.bib,, frbib.sty,
              fr-mtc.bst, minitoc-fr.lan are the source (and tools)
              of the documentation in french.
(8) minitoc.pdf
              is the documentation in (non-perfect) english,
              in PDF format.
(9) minitoc-fr.pdf
              is the documentation in french, in PDF format.

(10) pmk      is a shell script to prepare the package and its
              documentation; the pmk script uses the /tmp/`whoami`.imk
              and /tmp/`whoami`.tmk directories to not waste disk space
              under your home directory; there are also six partial
              scripts (to be adapted):
              -- imk, which prepares the package from minitoc.ins and
                 minitoc.dtx; note that imk must be run before emk or
                 fmk; it creates also some .sty files necessary
                 to prepare the documentation but they must be
                 installed with it; the imk script uses the
                 /tmp/`whoami`.imk directory to not waste disk space
                 under your home directory;
              -- emk, which prepares the english documentation from
              -- fmk, which prepares the french documentation from
                 minitoc-fr.dtx and minitoc.dtx;
              -- xmk, which typesets the example files (into PDF).
              -- rmk, which sorts the files into classes (one directory
                 for each class);
              -- tmk, which creates a TDS-conformant hierarchy
                 (to be tailored for your system); this
                 hierarchy is saved in;
              -- cmk, which convert the PDF documentation files into
                 PostScript files.
              These scripts are currently written in C-shell, but there
              are very simple, and should be easy to convert in another
              classic shell. The documentation in PostScript format is
              no more distributed on the CTAN sites, but the cmk script
              prepares it (with recto-verso printing).
(11) is a ZIP-archive file containing a
              TDS-compliant hierarchy with all the files of the
              minitoc package.

Some remarks about the rmk, tmk and pmk scripts (which you should tailor
to your needs):
* with rmk:
   -- the files of (1) must be installed in a directory where LaTeX
      finds .sty files;
   -- the files of (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (9) must be installed
      in a separate directory, but must not be omitted;
   -- the files of (7) and (8) must be installed as on-line
   -- the directories created by the rmk script are under
      /tmp/`whoami`.rmk to not waste disk space under your home
* with tmk:
   -- the hierarchy is TDS-compliant;
   -- each file appears only once in the hierarchy;
   -- the installation is much easier: you only need a .zip or a .tar
      (or .tgz} dump file of the hierarchy to be deployed into the
      installed TDS hierarchy; you should examine VERY CAREFULLY (by
      comparison with you TDS installation) and tailor the tmk script
      before using it;
   -- the directories created by the \texttt{tmk} script are under
      /tmp/`whoami`.tmk to not waste disk space under your home
   -- the file (10) should not be installed;
      it is just a method to help making a TDS-compliant installation.
* with pmk:
   -- the pmk script performs the actions of imk (preparation of the
      basic files), emk and fmk (preparation of the english and french
      documentation), xmk (preparation of the examples of documents),
      rmk and tmk (repartition of files into classes and in a
      TDS-compliant hierarchy);
   -- the directories created by the pmk script are under the
      /tmp/`whoami`.rmk and /tmp/`whoami`.tmk directories to not waste
      disk space under your home directory.
   -- the SAME PRECAUTIONS as for tmk are needed.

A file containing a ZIP archive of a TDS-compliant
hierarchy for minitoc can be prepared by the pmk or tmk scripts.  This
is no longer distributed.

minitoc.dtx and minitoc-fr.dtx are (not so trivial) examples of using
minitoc with hyperref. They show how the combinaison of these two
packages may be useful.

For a more detailed description of the installation of the
minitoc package, see the ``Installation'' chapter in
minitoc.pdf (in english) ou in minitoc-fr.pdf (in french).

Cleaning: making the package creates a lot of files.  You can get back
to just the sources by removing:
  *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.brf *.idx *.ilg1 *.ind *.ist *.lan *.lo? *.log1
  *.maf *.mld *.mlo *.out *.pdf *.pre *.sty *.tex *.toc tmp/

For concreteness: the v61 distribution was made like this:
  rm -rf work; mkdir work
  cp * work  # copy source files to working directory
  cd work
  rm -rf /tmp/*.?mk  # remove last run
  csh -f pmk >&out   # look at out file
  cd ..              # back to source dir
  rm -rf work
  cp /tmp/*.tmk/tds/ .. # to parent
  zip minitoc  # the way ctan wants it
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