First and foremost: this package is looking for a maintainer.
The original author, Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert,
passed away in 2009.

Jean-Pierre's todo list:
Problem FAQ 34: should this strategy for fonts be implemented?
Problem of allowing secttocs for the book and report classes:
   needs a lot of rewrite. Is it important? Delayed.
Mini-table entries in ``paragraph'' format:
   not a minitoc problem, but a problem of the \l@... commands.
Problem of ``numwidth'' (width of the section number)
   in \mtcsetformat. Use the tocloft package.
Compatibility with the fltpage package.
Review the formatting of the mini-tables to use
   `booktabs' rules and color. Complex.
Dynamic depth in mini-tables (like mtchideinmain...
   but for the mini-tables). No idea how to do that strange thing...
Markboth in the mini-tables: yes or not? uppercase or not?