% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2019-2024 by Antoine Missier <antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr> % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license % or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this % license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version % 2005/12/01 or later. % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{mismath.dtx} %</driver> %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2005/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{mismath} [2024/06/16 v3.1 .dtx Miscellaneous mathematical macros] %</package> %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % run through XeLaTeX \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} %\usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{fourier} % in case of font change, modify 2.1 (3rd ��) \usepackage[ibrackets,decimalcomma,otherReIm]{mismath} %\usepackage{amssymb} % unnecessary with fourier \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{sectsty} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[pifont]{spacingtricks} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{metalogo} % for logos of XeLaTeX et LuaLaTeX \definecolor{darkbrown}{rgb}{0.5,0.1,0.1} \allsectionsfont{\color{darkbrown}} % Next command is used for showing original Latin Modern \i and \j in text mode: %\DeclareTextFontCommand{\extrafont}{\fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont} % useless with fourier % The following commands provide several shapes for pi \DeclareFontEncoding{LGR}{}{} \def\pilmr{\text{\usefont{LGR}{lmr}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\piAlegreya{\text{\usefont{LGR}{Alegreya-LF}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\piCochineal{\text{\usefont{LGR}{Cochineal-LF}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\piLibSerif{\text{\usefont{LGR}{LibertinusSerif-LF}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\piLibSans{\text{\usefont{LGR}{LibertinusSans-LF}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\pilmss{\text{\usefont{LGR}{lmss}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\pigentium{\text{\usefont{LGR}{gentium}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \def\pilato{\text{\usefont{LGR}{lato-LF}{m}{n}\symbol{112}}} \DeclareFontFamily{U}{eur}{\skewchar\font'177} \DeclareFontShape{U}{eur}{m}{n}{% <-6> eurm5 <6-8> eurm7 <8-> eurm10}{} \def\piEuler{\text{\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\symbol{"19}}} \def\piSymbol{\text{\usefont{U}{psy}{m}{n}\symbol{`p}}} \def\piCharter{\text{\usefont{OML}{mdbch}{m}{n}\symbol{"19}}} \def\pikp{\text{\usefont{U}{jkpmia}{m}{it}\symbol{"19}}} \pinumber[otherpi] % fourier \def\pipx{\text{\usefont{U}{pxmia}{m}{it}\symbol{"19}}} \def\pitx{\text{\usefont{U}{txmia}{m}{it}\symbol{"19}}} \let\updelta\otherdelta \DisableCrossrefs %\CodelineIndex %\RecordChanges \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{% colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=red, pdftitle={mismath}, pdfsubject={LaTeX package}, pdfauthor={Antoine Missier} } \begin{document} \DocInput{mismath.dtx} %\PrintChanges %\PrintIndex \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \CheckSum{854} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \GetFileInfo{mismath.sty} % % \title{Miscellaneous mathematical macros \\The \textsf{mismath} package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{mismath}~\fileversion, dated \filedate. % Thanks to Fran��ois Bastouil for initial help in English translation.}} % \author{Antoine Missier \\ \texttt{antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr}} % \date{June 16, 2024} % % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % According to the International Standards ISO~31-0:1992 to ISO~31-13:1992 % (superseded by ISO~80000-2:2009), mathematical \emph{constants} $\e$, $\i$, $\pi$ % should be typeset in roman (upright shape) and not in italic like % variables (see~\cite{TYPMA}~\cite{NIST}~\cite{SI}~\cite{ICTNS}). % This package provides some tools to achieve this automatically. % % \medskip % Even though it is recommended to typeset vectors names % in bold italic style~\cite{NIST}~\cite{ICTNS}, % they are often represented with arrows, % especially in school documents or in physics. % To draw nice arrows above vectors, we use the \textsf{esvect} package % by Eddie Saudrais~\cite{VECT}. % Additionally we provide a few more macros related to vectors with arrows, % particularly to improve the typesetting of the norm: $\norm{\vect{AB}}$ % instead of the \LaTeX\ version $\lVert\vect{AB}\rVert$, which is not vertically adjusted, % or worse $\left\Vert \vect{AB} \right\Vert$ (when using |\left|\ldots |\right|). % % \smallskip % The package also offers other macros to typeset: % \begin{itemize} % \item tensors in sans serif bold italic shape % (ISO recommendation~\cite{TYPMA}~\cite{NIST}~\cite{SI}), % \item some standard operator names, % \item several commands with useful aliases, % \item improved spacings in mathematical formulas, % \item systems of equations and small matrices, % \item displaymath in double columns for lengthy calculations with short expressions. % \end{itemize} % % To avoid compatibility issues, most of our macros will only be defined % if there isn't already a command with the same name in the packages loaded % before \textsf{mismath}. If a macro is already defined, % a warning message will be displayed and the \textsf{mismath} definition % will be ignored. If you wish to keep the \textsf{mismath} or the existing command, % you can use |\let\|\meta{command}|\relax|, before loading \textsf{mismath}, or after. % % \medskip % \DescribeEnv{\oarg{options}} % The \textsf{mismath} package loads the \textsf{mleftright} % \footnote{The \textsf{mleftright} package defines variants \texttt{\string \mleft} % and \texttt{\string \mright} of \texttt{\string left} and \texttt{\string \right}.} % package by Heiko Oberdiek~\cite{MLR} and also \textsf{mathtools} % \footnote{The \textsf{mathtools} package offers numerous helpful macros and improvements % of the \textsf{amsmath} package.} % by Morten H��gholm and Lars Madsen~\cite{TOOL} which in turn loads % the \mbox{\textsf{amsmath}} package~\cite{AMS}. % If you want to use \mbox{\textsf{amsmath}} or \textsf{mathtools} with specific options, % you can include these options as options of \mbox{\textsf{mismath}}, or % you can load \textsf{amsmath} or \textsf{mathtools} % with the desired options before loading \mbox{\textsf{mismath}}. % When using the package \mbox{\textsf{unicode-math}}~\cite{UNIC}, \textsf{mismath} % should be loaded before \textsf{unicode-math}, just like \textsf{amsmath}. % % \medskip % An ISO recommendation, although rarely followed, is to typeset uppercase % Greek letters in italic shape, % as for other variables~\cite{ICTNS}. This is automatically achieved, % for some particular fonts, with packages % such as \textsf{fixmath} by Walter Schmidt~\cite{FIXM}, % \mbox{\textsf{isomath}} by G��nter Milde~\cite{ISOM} % or \textsf{pm-isomath} by Claudio Beccari~\cite{PMISO} and optionally with many others % (such as \textsf{mathpazo} or \textsf{mathptmx} with the option \texttt{slantedGreek}). % When running through \LuaLaTeX\ or \XeLaTeX\ you can also get this result % with the option \mbox{\texttt{math-style=ISO}} provided % by the \textsf{unicode-math} package. % We also have the new \mbox{\textsf{mathgreeks}} package~\cite{MGREEK} which offers % a wide range of fonts and different settings with Greek letters. % However this feature is not implemented here due to a conflicting rule in France, % where all capital letters in mathematics % are required to be typeset in upright shape % \footnote{The \textsf{frenchmath} package~\cite{FR} % ensures to follow the recommended French rules.}. % The user is free to choose loading one of these packages or not. % % % \section{Usage} % % \subsection{Mathematical constants} % % \DescribeMacro{\mathup} % As for classic functions identifiers, \emph{predefined} mathematical constants % should be typeset in upright shape (typically in roman family), % but this practice is not sufficiently respected, probably because it's a bit tedious. % A first solution is to use the |\mathup| macro, % which is preferable to |\mathrm| % \footnote{The \texttt{\string \mathup} macro is based on \texttt{\string \operatorfont}, % which comes from the % \textsf{amsopn} package, automatically loaded by \textsf{amsmath}. % In \textsf{beamer}, the default math font is sans serif, % but \texttt{\string \mathrm} produces a font with serifs, which might not match the % overall style of the presentation. Hence, using \texttt{\string \mathup} is indeed % a better choice in \textsf{beamer} presentations to ensure that mathematical % constants are typeset in upright shape and consistent % with the default sans serif math font.}, % for setting any group of letters in roman. For example you can use % |\mathup{e}| to get the Euler's number. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\e} \DescribeMacro{\i} \DescribeMacro{\j} % To avoid cluttering a document that contains many occurrences of Euler's number $\e$, % or imaginary number $\i$, with |\mathup{e}| or |\mathup{i}|, % the package provides the |\e| command for Euler's number % and |\i| or |\j| for imaginary numbers. % Let us notice that |\i| and |\j| already exist in \LaTeX. In LR (left-to-right) mode, % they produce \mbox{`\i,\ \j'} without the dot, % allowing you to place accents on them. % However, in mathematical mode, they produce the warning % ``\texttt{LaTeX Warning: Command \string \i\space invalid in math mode on input line} % \meta{line}''. % With the new definition provided by the package, |\i| and |\j| will be redefined % specifically for mathematical mode. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\MathUp} % Indeed, typing a lot of backslashes for constants like $\e$, $\i$, or $\j$ % in a document with numerous formulas using them can become tiresome. % To alleviate this, the package proposes another solution % with the macro |\MathUp|\marg{char}. % For example, when |\MathUp{e}| is called, any subsequent occurrence of $\e$ % will automatically be set in roman (upright shape), % without the need to type |\e| explicitly. The effect of this macro % can be either global or local, depending on whether it is used outside or inside an % environment or braces. % Furthermore, you can also call this macro in the preamble, then the change will apply % from the beginning of the document. This powerful command allows you % to bring a document up to the standards effortlessly and without changing anything % in your mathematical formulas. % In fact, |\MathUp| can be applied to any valid single character, % offering flexibility for various use cases % \footnote{Another use of it with probability % will be presented in section \ref{operators}.}. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\MathIt} % When there are other occurrences of $e$, $i$ or $j$ as variables, % you can still obtain italicized $e$, $i$ or $j$ using \LaTeX\ % commands |\mathit| or |\mathnormal|, which are useful for a single use. % However, you also have the option to use the inverse switch |\MathIt|\marg{char}, % which has a global effect when used outside environments or braces, % or a local effect when used inside them. % Similar to |\MathUp|, |\MathIt| can be applied to any single character. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\MathNumbers} \DescribeMacro{\MathNormal} % These macros enable you to set upright or normal (italic) typesetting % for multiple letters in a single command. % For instance, |\MathNumbers{e,i}| is equivalent to |\MathUp{e}\MathUp{i}|. % In |\MathNumbers|, the comma separator between letters can be modified % or removed as needed. In fact, this macro only affects the letters e, i, or j; % it has no effect on other characters. % On the other hand, |\MathNormal| accepts any comma-separated list of arguments. % This means you can apply the normal italic math mode typesetting to various letters % at once using |\MathNormal|. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\enumber}\DescribeMacro{\inumber}\DescribeMacro{\jnumber} % These three commands, used until version 2.2 but only functioning within the preamble, % serve now as aliases for the commands |\MathUp{e}|, |\MathUp{i}| or |\MathUp{j}|, % so they can be used anywhere % in the document or preamble and has an inverse switch with |\MathIt|. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\pinumber[\meta{option}]} % The constant $\pi$ should also be typeset in upright shape % (see~\cite{TYPMA}, \cite{NIST}, \cite{ICTNS}), which is different from italicized $\itpi$. % However, this recommendation is even less commonly followed compared to the one % concerning $\e$ and $\i$~\cite{TYPMA}. % Thanks to the |\pinumber| command, the italic $\itpi$ will be replaced % with an upright $\pi$ % each time |\pi| is called. Thus |\pinumber| makes your document compliant with standards % without changing the source code of your mathematical formulas. % It functions in two different ways. % % \begin{enumerate} % \item You can load a Greek letters package that provides the glyphs in upright shape. % There are many available. % Notably, let us mention \textsf{upgreek}~\cite{GREEK}, % \mbox{\textsf{mathdesign}}~\cite{DESIGN}, % \mbox{\textsf{kpfonts}}~\cite{KPF}, % \mbox{\textsf{fourier}}~\cite{FOUR} (used in the present document), but also % \mbox{\textsf{pxgreeks}} (using \textsf{pxfonts}~\cite{PX}), \mbox{\textsf{txgreeks}} % (using \textsf{txfonts}~\cite{TX}) % \footnote{When using \textsf{pxgreeks} or \textsf{txgreeks}, % they should be loaded \emph{after} \textsf{mismath} to avoid an error % due to conflict with the existing macros \texttt{\string\iint}, \texttt{\string\iiint}, % \texttt{\string\iiiint}, \texttt{\string\idotsint} in \textsf{amsmath}.}, % \mbox{\textsf{libertinust1math}}~\cite{LIB}, \textsf{libgreek}, etc. % A special mention goes to \textsf{lgrmath} of Jean-Fran��ois Burnol~\cite{LGR} % which allows the use of any Greek LGR-encoded font in math mode, % an idea taken up in \textsf{mathgreeks}~\cite{MGREEK}. % Also note \textsf{newtxmath}~\cite{NTX} which has several font options. % These packages provide commands like |\uppi| (\textsf{upgreek}, \textsf{mathgreeks}), % |\piup| (\textsf{mathdesign}, \textsf{kpfonts}, \textsf{lgrmath}), % |\otherpi| (\textsf{fourier}), etc. % \footnote{They have also options to typeset all the Greek lowercase % letters in upright shape by default, but this in not our goal here.} % % In this case, |\pinumber| must be called in the preamble % with an optional argument being the name of the command, \emph{without the backslash}, % giving access to the upright pi: % \texttt{piup}, \texttt{uppi}, \texttt{otherpi}\ldots % However, installing such a Greek letters package will modify % all the other Greek letter glyphs. % ^^A even if, except for pi, they will be in italics. % % By calling in the preamble |\MathNumbers{ei}\pinumber[otherpi]| % (assuming the \textsf{fourier} package is loaded), % you can achieve the following result: % \begin{center} % |$e^{i\pi} = -1$| \quad yields \quad $\e^{\i\pi}=-1$. % \end{center} % % \item Without installing a package, it is possible to change only the glyph of pi % without altering the other Greek letters, % which are typically in italics. % % In this case, |\pinumber| must be called in the preamble with an optional argument % of the \texttt{key=value} type. The key name corresponds to a package % providing the same glyph. % The following table summarizes the available options. % When a key is given without a value, |\pinumber| will choose a default value % specified in the text list following the table. % % \begin{center} % \setlength{\extrarowheight}{1pt} % \begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}l>{$}c<{$}} % \hline % {\normalfont Option} lgrmath=... & \mbox{Result} \\ % \hline % Alegreya-LF & \piAlegreya \\ % Cochineal-LF & \piCochineal \\ % LibertinusSerif-LF & \piLibSerif \\ % LibertinusSans-LF & \piLibSans \\ % lmr & \pilmr \\ % lmss & \pilmss \\ % gentium & \pigentium\\ % lato-LF & \pilato \\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % \qquad % \begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}l>{$}c<{$}} % \hline % \normalfont Other options & \mbox{Result} \\ % \hline % fontspec=\ldots & \ldots \\ % upgreek=Euler & \piEuler \\ % upgreek=Symbol & \piSymbol \\ % mathdesign & \piCharter \\ % kpfonts & \pikp \\ % fourier & \pi\\ % pxfonts & \pipx \\ % txfonts & \pitx \\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % % \medskip % \begin{itemize} % % \item With the \texttt{lgrmath} key, we actually have numerous possibilities % for values (any Greek letters math font in LGR encoding). % The documentation of the \textsf{lgrmath} % package explains how to check an visualize all available fonts on your distribution. % We have only presented seven of them. The default value is \texttt{lmr}. % Other interesting values are \texttt{NotoSerif-LF}, \texttt{Clara-TLF}, % \texttt{droidserif}, \texttt{fct}, \texttt{llcmss}. % % \item When |\pinumber| is called without an argument in the preamble, % it corresponds to the option \texttt{lgrmath=lmr}. % This $\pilmr$ character is well-suited % for use with the Latin Modern font family % \footnote{It will look the same as the one provided by \texttt{lgrmath=cmr} or by % G��nter Milde's \textsf{textalpha} package~\cite{ALPHA}.}. % % \item With the \texttt{fontspec} key, there are also many possible values, % corresponding to the TrueType or OpenType fonts installed on your system % (works with \LuaLaTeX\ or \XeLaTeX). % See the \textsf{mathgreeks} documentation for examples. % \item With the \texttt{upgreek} key, the default value is \texttt{Symbol}. % There is a third possible value, \texttt{Symbolsmallscale}, % which provides the same character as \texttt{Symbol} but reduced in size by 10\,\%. % % \item With the \texttt{mathdesign} key, there are actually 3 possible values: % \texttt{Utopia}, \texttt{Garamond} or \texttt{Charter} (the default value), % but the glyphs obtained for pi look quite similar. % % \item With the \texttt{kpfonts} key, we have two possible values: % \texttt{normal} (default) and \texttt{light}. The option \texttt{kpfonts=light} % provides a slightly less bold character. % % \item The last keys, \texttt{fourier} (based on Utopia), \texttt{pxfonts} % (based on Palatino), % \texttt{txfonts} (based on Times) % are booleans whose default value is \texttt{true} (when called). % The \texttt{txfonts} key yields the same glyph than \texttt{lgrmath=txr}. % % \end{itemize} % \end{enumerate} % % The \textsf{unicode-math} package~\cite{UNIC} provides |\uppi|, so you can use % |\pinumber[uppi]| to produce automatic upright pi in the selected math font, % but a math font must have been explicitly chosen with |\setmathfont|. % You can also use the \texttt{fontspec} key option, % \eg |\pinumber[fontspec=STIX Two Math]|, % to obtain pi in any font % that is supported by \textsf{unicode-math}. % % For other fonts, it can be quite complicated to make Greek letters packages % work with \textsf{unicode-math}. In any case, such a package must be loaded % after \textsf{unicode-math} and in |\AtBeginDocument|. % However, |\pinumber| supports \textsf{unicode-math} very well with any previous % \texttt{key=value} option, by calling |\pinumber|\oarg{option} % after \textsf{unicode-math}. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\itpi} % When you activate |\pinumber|, the original italic $\itpi$ % is still accessible using |\itpi|. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\pinormal} % In fact, |\pinumber| is a toggle, with its inverse toggle being |\pinormal|. % The latter restores the |\pi| command to its default behavior. % Thus, |\pinumber| can be used anywhere in the document (like |\pinormal|), % but then without arguments and provided it has been initially called in the preamble, % according to the procedures outlined above. % % \subsection{Vectors (and tensors)} % % \DescribeMacro{\vect} % By default, the |\vect| command % \footnote{The definition of most macros in this package, % will only take effect if the macro has not been previously % defined by another package. This ensures compatibility and avoids conflicts % when using the \textsf{mismath} package with other \LaTeX\ packages.}, % produces vectors with arrows % (thanks to the \textsf{esvect} package by Eddie Saudrais % \footnote{\textsf{esvect} provides the \texttt{\string \vv} macro % used by \texttt{\string \vect}.}) % which are more elegant than those produced by \LaTeX's |\overrightarrow| command. % The \textsf{esvect} package has an optional argument % (a single letter between \texttt{a} and \texttt{h}) to define % the desired type of arrow (see~\cite{VECT}). % In \textsf{mismath}, \textsf{esvect} is loaded with the option \texttt{b}: % |\vect{AB}| gives $\vect{AB}$. % If you wish to use a different type of arrow, you must call \textsf{esvect} % with the appropriate option \emph{before} loading \textsf{mismath}. % For example, using |\usepackage[d]{esvect}| % will provide the same arrows that are used by default in~\cite{VECT}. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\boldvect} % The |\vect| macro allows vector names to be typeset using bold italic font, % as recommended by ISO~\cite{NIST}~\cite{SI}, instead of using arrows. % To achieve this, call the |\boldvect| command, it will modify the behavior of |\vect| % locally or globally, depending on its placement in the document (inside or outside % a group or an environment):\\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{8cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \boldvect \vect{v} % =\lambda\vect{e}_x+\mu\vect{e}_y \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{4cm}\vspace{-2ex} % $\boldvect \vect{v}=\lambda\vect{e}_x +\mu\vect{e}_y$ % \end{minipage} % % \DescribeMacro{\boldvectcommand} % By default |\boldvect| uses the |\boldsymbol| command % \footnote{\texttt{\string \mathbf} produces upright bold font, % even when used in combination with \texttt{\string \mathit}.} % from the \textsf{amsbsy} package, which is automatically loaded by \textsf{amsmath}. % However, you may prefer other packages that produce bold italic fonts, % such as \textsf{fixmath} with the |\mathbold| command, % \textsf{isomath} with |\mathbfit| % or \textsf{bm} with the |\bm| command; % \textsf{unicode-math} provides the |\symbfit| command. % To use an alternative command instead of |\boldsymbol| in \mbox{\textsf{mismath}}, % redefine |\boldvectcommand|, % for instance if \textsf{fixmath} is loaded: % % \medskip % \centeredline{|\renewcommand\boldvectcommand{\mathbold}|} % % \medskip % According to ISO rules, symbols for matrices are also in bold italic. % Therefore you can also use |\vect| with |\boldvect| for matrices, or create another alias. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\arrowvect} % At any moment, you can revert to the default behavior using the inverse switch % |\arrowvect|. % These switches can be placed anywhere, whether % inside mathematical mode or within an environment (with a local effect) or outside % (with a global effect). % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\hvect} % When vectors with arrows are typeset side by side, % the arrows can be set up slightly higher using |\hvect| % (which places a vertical phantom box containing `$A$') % to prevent inelegant effects. For example, writing % \begin{itemize} % \item $\vect{AB}=\hvect{u} + \vect{AC}$, obtained with |\hvect{u}|, % looks better than $\vect{AB}=\vect{u}+ \vect{AC}$; % \item $\hvect{a} \cdot \vect{b}=0$, obtained with |\hvect{a}|, % looks better than $\vect{a} \cdot \vect{b}=0$. % \end{itemize} % This adjustment ensures a nicer appearance when vectors % with arrows are combined in an equation % \footnote{For a fine tuning you can also use the \texttt{\string\vstrut} or % \texttt{\string\cstrut} macros from the \textsf{spacingtricks} package~\cite{SPA}.}. % The |\boldvect| and |\arrowvect| switches have the same effect on |\hvect| % as they do on |\vect|. % % \DescribeMacro{\hvec} % In a similar way, |\hvec| raises the little arrow produced by % the \LaTeX\ command |\vec|, to the height of the letter `$A$' % (but |\boldvect| have no effect on |\vec| nor |\hvec|): % \begin{itemize} % \item $\mathcal{P}=\vec{f}\cdot\hvec{v}$, obtained with |\hvec{v}|, % seems better than $\mathcal{P}=\vec{f}\cdot\vec{v}$; % ^^A (the result of |\vec| with \textsf{fourier} may be bad with high letters, \eg $\vec{h}$) % \item $\vec{f} =m \hvec{a}$, obtained with |\hvec{a}|, % seems better than $\vec{f} =m \vec{a}$. % \end{itemize} % % \DescribeMacro{\norm} % The norm of a vector is conventionally represented using the delimiters |\lVert| and |\rVert| % (or |\|$\mid$ unless a plus (+) or minus (-) sign follows the opening delimiter) % or |\left\Vert| and |\right\Vert| % for adaptive delimiters. Unfortunately, these delimiters % are always vertically centered, relatively to the mathematical center line, % whereas vectors with arrows are asymmetric objects. % The code |$\norm{\vec{h}}$| raises the double bar to produce $\norm{\vec{h}}$ % instead of $\Vert\vec{h}\Vert$ or $\left\Vert \vec{h} \right\Vert$. % Let's notice that the height of the bars don't adjust to content, % but however to context: main text, subscripts or exponents, % \eg $X^{\norm{\vec{h}}}$. % This macro is useful only for arguments of special height, such as $\vec{h}$ or $\vect{AB}$ % and may give bad results in other situations. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\mathbfsfit}\DescribeMacro{\tensor} % For tensors symbols, ISO rules recommend using % sans serif bold italic, but there % is no such math alphabet in the default \LaTeX\ mathematical style. % However, the \mbox{\textsf{mismath}} package defines this alphabet % (assuming the font encoding and package you use permits it) % and provides the macro |\mathbfsfit| or its alias |\tensor|. % By writing |\tensor{S}\otimes\tensor{T}|, you get $\tensor{S}\otimes\tensor{T}$. % % \subsection{Standard operator names}\label{operators} % % \DescribeMacro{\di} % The \emph{differential} operator should be typeset in upright shape, not in % italics, to distinguish it from variables % (as mentioned in \cite{TYPMA}~\cite{NIST}~\cite{ICTNS}~\cite{LSHORT}). % To achieve this, we provide the |\di| command. % Take a look at the following examples (notice the thin spaces before the d, % just like with classic function's names): \\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{7cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \iint xy\di x\di y \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm} % \[ \iint xy\di x\di y \] % \end{minipage} % \\[0.5ex] % \begin{minipage}{7cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ m\frac{\di^2x}{\di t^2} % + h\frac{\di x}{\di t} + kx = 0 \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm} % \[m\frac{\di^2x}{\di t^2}+h\frac{\di x}{\di t}+kx=0\] % \end{minipage} % % The command |\di| can also represent the \emph{distance}, hence its name: % \[\di(u, \cmmathcal{H}) = \frac{\abs{\langle u,v\rangle}}{\lVert v \rVert}.\] % % \DescribeMacro{\opDelta} \DescribeMacro{\opdelta} % Two other `difference' operators allow for expressing variations ($\opDelta$) % or small variations ($\opdelta$). % They are obtained using the |\opDelta| and |\opdelta| commands. % \begin{align*} % \opDelta f \approx \opDelta h = f'(x_0) \opDelta x && % \frac{\opdelta T}{T}=\frac{1}{2}\frac{\opdelta l}{l} && % h= \opdelta x\opdelta y % \end{align*} % % Like |\di|, these operators use specific spacing and are typeset using % the upright Greek letters given by |\updelta| and |\upDelta|. % By default |\upDelta| is an alias for |\Delta| (which is supposed to be in upright shape); % |\updelta| is not provided by \textsf{mismath} but can be obtained with % other packages such as \textsf{mathgreeks}~\cite{MGREEK}, % \mbox{\textsf{unicode-math}}~\cite{UNIC}, % or as an alias for the upright delta provided by other fonts % \footnote{With \textsf{fourier} (without the \texttt{upright} option) we have used % \texttt{\string\let\string\updelta\string\otherdelta}.}. % % \pagebreak % \DescribeMacro{\P} \DescribeMacro{\E} % To refer to probability % \footnote{\LaTeX\ provides also \texttt{\string \Pr} which gives $\Pr$.} % and expectation the proper use is to typeset the capital letters $\P$, $\E$ % in roman just like any standard function identifier. % This can be achieved with |\P| and |\E| commands. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\Par} % The |\P| command already existed to refer to the `end of paragraph' symbol (\Par) % and has been redefined, but this symbol can still be obtained with |\Par|. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\V} % Variance is generally denoted by $\var$ or $\Var$ (see the following table), % but some authors prefer to use $\V$, which can be produced using |\V|. % % \DescribeMacro{\MathProba}\DescribeMacro{\MathNormal} % As for $\e$, $\i$ or $\j$, you can use |\MathUp{P}|, |\MathUp{E}| % or |\MathUp{V}| to avoid typing many |\P|, |\E| or |\V|. % However you can also achieve this in a single command with |\MathProba|, % for example |\MathProba{PE}|. We get the inverse toggle with % |\MathIt| for any individual letter or |\MathNormal| for a comma-separated list. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\probastyle} % Some authors use double-struck font shape to represent probability, expectation % and variance: $\mathbb{P}, \mathbb{E}, \mathbb{V}$. % The |\probastyle| macro sets the appearance of |\P|, |\E| and |\V|. % For instance |\renewcommand\probastyle{\mathbb}| % \footnote{The effect of this redefinition is global or local to the container environment % in which it is used.} % brings the double-struck letters. % The |\mathbb| command is provided by \textsf{amsfonts} package % (which needs to be loaded in the preamble), but also by other complete math font % packages such as \textsf{mathdesign}, \textsf{kpfonts}, \textsf{fourier}, % \textsf{unicode-math}\ldots % \hypertarget{nofunction}{} % % \medskip % The following standard operator names are defined in \textsf{mismath}: % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{rlrlrl} % |\adj| & $\adj$ \qquad\mbox{} & |\End| & $\End$ \qquad\mbox{} & |\Res| & $\Res$ \\ % |\Aut| & $\Aut$ & |\erf| & $\erf$ & |\rot| & $\rot$ \\ % |\codim| & $\codim$ & |\grad| & $\grad$ & |\sgn| & $\sgn$ \\ % |\coker| & $\coker$ & |\id| & $\id$ & |\sinc| & $\sinc$ \\ % |\Conv| & $\Conv$ & |\Id| & $\Id$ & |\spa| & $\spa$ \\ % |\Cov| & $\Cov$ & |\im| & $\im$ & |\tr| & $\tr$ \\ % |\cov| & $\cov$ & |\lb| & $\lb$ & |\var| & $\var$ \\ % |\curl| & $\curl$ & |\lcm| & $ \lcm$ & |\Var| & $\Var$ \\ % |\divg| & $\divg$ & |\rank| & $\rank$ & |\Zu| & $\Zu$ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % % By default, operators returning vectors, |\grad| and |\curl| (or its synonym |\rot| % rather used in Europe), are written with an arrow on the top. % When |\boldvect| is activated, they are typeset in bold style: % $\boldvect \grad, \curl, \rot$. % For the variance, the covariance and the identity function, % two notations are proposed, with or without a first capital letter, % because both are very common. % Please note that |\div| already exists ($\div$) and |\span| is a \TeX\ primitive; % they haven't been redefined. Therefore the provided macros are called |\divg| (divergence) % and |\spa| (span of a set of vectors). % Furthermore |\Z| is used to denote the set of integers (see \ref{aliases}), % which is why we propose |\Zu|, % to designate the center of a group: $\Zu(G)$ (from German Zentrum). % % \medskip % The \textsf{mismath} package also provides some (inverse) circular or hyperbolic functions, % that are missing in \LaTeX: % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{rlrlrl} % |\arccot| & $\arccot$\qquad\mbox{} & |\arsinh| & $\arsinh$\qquad\mbox{} % & |\arcoth| & $\arcoth$ \\ % |\sech| & $\sech$ & |\arcosh| & $\arcosh$ & |\arsech| & $\arsech$ \\ % |\csch| & $\csch$ & |\artanh| & $\artanh$ & |\arcsch| & $\arcsch$ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{[nofunction]} % Some may find that the definition of all these operators and functions is not useful % for their needs. So, the definitions of standard operators and functions in both % previous tables can be disabled with the \texttt{nofunction} option. % \hypertarget{classicReIm}{} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\Re} \DescribeMacro{\Im} % The |\Re| and |\Im| macros refer to real and imaginary part % of a complex number. They have been redefined to produce $\mathup{Re}$ and $\mathup{Im}$, % in place of outdated symbols $\oldRe$ and $\oldIm$. % Nevertheless, it is still possible to obtain the old symbols % with |\oldRe| and |\oldIm|. % % \DescribeMacro{[otherReIm]} % An alternative notation $\Re$, $\Im$ is provided by invoking the \texttt{otherReIm} % package option, % \DescribeMacro{[classicReIm]} % whereas the \texttt{classicReIm} option deactivates these redefinitions. % % \DescribeMacro{\bigO} \DescribeMacro{\bigo} \DescribeMacro{\lito} % Asymptotic comparison operators (in Bachmann-Landau notation) are obtained with % |\bigO| or |\bigo| and |\lito| commands. The first one uses % the |\cmmathcal| alphabet and the last two compose the letters `O' and `o' in % roman, as for any operator: % \[ n^2+\bigO(n\log n) \txt{or} n^2+\bigo(n\log n)\txt{and} % \e^x=1+x+\frac{x^2}{2}+\lito\bigl(x^2\bigr).\] % % \subsection{A few useful aliases} \label{aliases} % % In the tradition of Bourbaki and D.~Knuth, proper use requires % that classic sets of numbers are typeset in bold roman: % $\R, \C, \Z, \N, \Q$, % whereas double-struck letters % ($\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Q}$) % are reserved for writing at the blackboard~\cite{LSHORT}. % Similarly, to designate a field we use $\F$ or $\K$ (K��rper in German). % We obtain these symbols with the following macros: % \begin{center} % |\R|, |\C|, |\Z|, |\N|, |\Q|, |\F|, |\K|. % \end{center} % % \smallskip % \DescribeMacro{\mathset} % The |\mathset| command enables you to change the behavior % of all these macros in a global way. % By default, |\mathset| is an alias for |\mathbf|, but if you prefer double-struck letters, % you can simply use |\renewcommand\mathset{\mathbb}| (with local effect within % an environment or a pair of curly braces). % % \smallskip % \DescribeMacro{\onlymathC} % The macro |\onlymathC| is designed for cases when |\C| is already defined, % but only in text mode (usually with the Russian language). Then you get the message: % ``\texttt{Command \string\C\space invalid in math mode}''. % This macro preserves the original definition for text mode % and allows you to use |\C| for the complex number set in math mode. % Simply call |\onlymathC| once in the preamble or anywhere in the document. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\ds} % The |\displaystyle| command is very common, so the |\ds| alias is provided. % Not only it eases typing but also it makes source code more readable. % % \medskip % Symbols with limits behave differently for in-line formulas or for displayed equations. % In the latter case, `limits' are placed under or above the symbol % whereas for in-line math mode, % they are placed on the right, as a subscript or exponent. Compare: % $\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty }\frac{1}{n^s}$ with % \[\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s}.\] % % \DescribeMacro{\dlim} \DescribeMacro{\dsum} \DescribeMacro{\dprod} % \DescribeMacro{\dcup} \DescribeMacro{\dcap} % With in-line math mode, displaymath can be forced with |\displaystyle| % or its alias |\ds|. However, when using these commands, all the rest of the current % mathematical environment will be set in displaymath mode % (as shown in the previous example, where the fraction is expanded). % To limit the display style effect to the affected symbol only, % similar to the \textsf{amsmath} command |\dfrac|, % we can use the following macros: % |\dlim|, |\dsum|, |\dprod|, |\dcup|, |\dcap|. % So % \begin{center} % |$\dlim_{x\to +\infty}\frac{1}{x}$| \quad yields \quad $\dlim_{x \to +\infty}\frac{1}{x}$. % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{\lbar} \DescribeMacro{\hlbar} % Large bars over expressions are obtained with |\overline| % or its alias |\lbar|, to get for instance $\lbar{z_1z_2}$. % Similar to vectors, you can raise the bar (from the height of `$A$') with % the |\hlbar| command, to correct uneven bars heights. % \begin{center} % $\lbar{z+z'}=\hlbar{z}+\lbar{z'}$, obtained with |\hlbar{z}|, % looks better than $\lbar{z+z'}=\lbar{z}+\lbar{z'}$. % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{\eqdef} \DescribeMacro{\eqdef*} % The |\eqdef| macro writes the equality symbol topped with `def', % or with `$\scriptstyle \Delta$' for |\eqdef*| % (thanks to the \LaTeX\ command |\stackrel|):\\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{7cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \e^{\i\theta} \eqdef % \cos\theta + \i\sin\theta \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm}\vspace{-3ex} % \[\e^{\i\theta}\eqdef\cos\theta + \i\sin\theta\] % \end{minipage} % % \noindent\begin{minipage}{7cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \e^{\i\theta} \eqdef* % \cos\theta + \i\sin\theta \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm}\vspace{-3ex} % \[\e^{\i\theta}\eqdef*\cos\theta + \i\sin\theta\] % \end{minipage} % % \DescribeMacro{\unbr} % |\unbr| is an alias for |\underbrace| % \footnote{The \textsf{mathtools} package by Morten H��gholm % and Lars Madsen~\cite{TOOL} provides a new and improved version % of the \texttt{\string \underbrace} command, along with many other useful macros. % It is loaded by \textsf{mismath}.}, % making source code more compact.\\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{6.4cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ (QAP)^n = \unbr{QAP\mul QAP\mul % \cdots\mul QAP}_{n\text{ times}} \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{6cm}\vspace{-3ex} % \[ (QAP)^n = \unbr{QAP\mul QAP\mul\cdots\mul QAP}_{n\text{ times}} \] % \end{minipage} % % \DescribeMacro{\iif} % |\iif| is an alias for ``\iif'', to be used in text mode. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\then} % This macro produces the symbol $\Longrightarrow$ surrounded by large spaces, % like the standard macro |\iff| does it with $\Longleftrightarrow$. % It's just an alias for the \textsf{amsmath} |\implies| macro. % % \subsection{Improved spacing in mathematical formulas} % % \DescribeMacro{\txt} % The |\txt| macro, based on |\text| from the \textsf{amstext} package % (loaded by \textsf{amsmath}), % leaves em quad spaces (|\quad|) around the text. See the following example: % \begin{center} % |\[ \ln x=a \then x=\e^a, \txt{rather than}| \\ % | \ln x=a \Longrightarrow x=\e^a \]| \\[1ex] % $ \ln x=a \then x=\e^a, \txt{rather than} \ln x=a \Longrightarrow x=\e^a$ % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{\mul} % The multiplication symbol obtained with |\times| produces the same spacing as addition % or subtraction operators, whereas division obtained with $/$ is closer to its operands. % This actually hides the priority of multiplication over $+$ and $-$. % That's why we provide the |\mul| macro, to avoid the large space surrounding |\times|: % \begin{center} % $\lambda+\alpha \mul b-\beta \mul c$, obtained with |\mul|, % looks better than $\lambda+\alpha \times b-\beta \times c$. % \end{center} % % Using |\mul| before a function name works also fine (since v3.1) without the need % of curly braces to avoid the additional space before the operator name: % |$x\mul\sin x$| yields $x\mul{\sin x}$. % % \medskip % When using a |\left| \ldots |\right| structure, % \TeX\ sets additional surrounding space in some situations. % The \textsf{mleftright}~\cite{MLR} package, loaded by \textsf{mismath}, % offers the variants |\mleft| and |\mright| % to address these spacing issues of inner formulas. % It also provides the |\mleftright| macro that redefines |\left| as |\mleft| % and |\right| as |\mright|. % % \begin{center} % Compare $\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{3}\right)\mul 2$ with % $\sin\mleft(\frac{\pi}{3}\mright)\mul 2$ obtained with % |$\sin\mleft(\frac{\pi}{3}\mright)}\mul 2$|. % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{\pow} % In the same way, when typesetting an exponent after a closing \emph{big} % parenthesis produced by |\right)|, % the exponent appears to be a little to far from the parenthesis. % To address this issue, the |\pow|\marg{expr}\marg{pow} command is provided % \footnote{This macro gives bad results with \emph{normal-sized} parenthesis.}, % which places \meta{expr} in a pair of parenthesis and % sets the positioning of the exponent \meta{pow} % slightly closer to the right parenthesis. % Compare: % \[ \e^a =\lim_{n \to +\infty}\pow{1+\frac{a}{n}}{n} % \txt{obtained with \texttt{\string \pow}, rather than} % \e^a =\lim_{n \to +\infty}\left(1+\frac{a}{n}\right)^{n}.\] % % \DescribeMacro{\abs} \DeleteShortVerb{\|} % The \cs{abs} command typesets the absolute value while properly managing the spacing, % which \texttt{|}\ldots\texttt{|} does not. Compare $\abs{-x}$, % obtained with \cs{abs}, to $|-x|$ without. % Using the delimiters \cs{lvert} and \cs{rvert} presents another issue when % the absolute value follows a function name; \eg \verb@\ln\lvert x\rvert@ yields % $\ln \lvert x\rvert$ % instead of $\ln\abs{x}$ (with \verb@\ln\abs{x}@). % Moreover, with \cs{abs}, the size of the delimiters adapts to the content % \footnote{We could also define \texttt{\string \abs} % using \texttt{\string \DeclarePairedDelimiter} % from the \mbox{\textsf{mathtools}} package~\cite{TOOL}.}. % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\lfrac} % The |\lfrac| macro behaves like |\frac| % but with additional spacing around the arguments, % making the corresponding fraction bar slightly longer. % This macro has an optional parameter |\lfrac|\oarg{space}\marg{num}\marg{denom} % to adjust the length of the fraction bar. The optional \meta{space} argument must be given % with \emph{math units} (\texttt{mu}); % the default value is \texttt{7mu} (equivalent to |\:\,|). % See the following examples; % the last one is obtained with |\lfrac[4mu]{1}{\sqrt{x}}|. % \[ \lbar{Z} = \lfrac{\lbar{z_1-z_2}}{\lbar{z_1+z_2}} \qquad % u(x)= \lfrac{\frac{1-2x}{5}}{x^2+1} \qquad % y'+xy=\lfrac[4mu]{1}{\sqrt{x}} % \] % \hypertarget{ibrackets}{} % % \DescribeMacro{[ibrackets]} % Open intervals are commonly represented with parenthesis, \eg $(0, +\infty)$, % but sometimes square brackets are used, especially in French mathematics: $]0, +\infty[$. % In that case, the space around the square brackets is generally inappropriate, % as in the expression $x \in \mathclose{]} 0, +\infty[$. % To address this issue, we have redefined the brackets in the \mbox{\textsf{ibrackets}} % package~\cite{BRACKET}. % This one can be optionally % loaded by \textsf{mismath} using the \texttt{ibrackets} package option. % Thus |$x\in ]-\pi,0[ \cup ]2\pi,3\pi[$| % \begin{align*} % \mbox{yields \ } % x\in ]-\pi, 0[ \cup ]2\pi, 3\pi[ & \mbox{\ with \textsf{ibrackets}}, \\ % \mbox{instead of \ } % x\in \mathclose{]}-\pi, 0 \mathopen{[} \cup % \mathclose{]} 2\pi, 3\pi \mathopen{[} % &\mbox{\ without \textsf{ibrackets}}. % \end{align*} % % In our code, the symbols $[$ and $]$ are set as `active' characters, % behaving like ordinary characters and not as delimiters in most cases. % Therefore, a line break could occur between the two brackets, but % it is always possible to transform them % into delimiters using |\left| and |\right|. % % However, when a bracket is \emph{immediately} followed by a + or - character, % it becomes an open delimiter. % Therefore, when the left bound contains an operator sign, % \emph{you don't have to leave a space between the first bracket and the sign}, % otherwise, the spaces surrounding the operator will be too large. % For example if you write |$x \in ] -\infty, 0]$|, it yields $x \in ] -\infty, 0]$ % instead of $x \in ]-\infty, 0]$. % Conversely, when dealing with algebraic expressions involving intervals, % \emph{you must leave a blank space between the second bracket and the} +/- % \emph{operation}. % For instance |$[a,b] +[c,d]$| yields $[a,b] +[c,d]$ % but |$[a,b]+ [c,d]$| yields $[a, b]+ [c, d]$. % % \medskip % Note that there are other ways to proceed, % for example with |\interval|, % from the \textsf{interval} package~\cite{INT}, % or with |\DeclarePairedDelimiter| % \footnote{You cannot use \texttt{\string\DeclarePairedDelimiter} with square brackets % when \textsf{ibrackets} is loaded.} % from \mbox{\textsf{mathtools}}~\cite{TOOL}. % \hypertarget{decimalcomma}{} % % \medskip %\DescribeMacro{[decimalcomma]} % In many countries, except notably in English-speaking countries, % the comma is used as a decimal separator for numbers. % However, in the math mode of \LaTeX, the comma is always, by default, % treated as a punctuation symbol and therefore is followed by a space. % This is appropriate in intervals: |$[a,b]$| results in $[a,b]$, % but not for numbers where the comma represents the decimal separator. % For example, |$12,5$| is displayed as $12, 5$ instead of $12{,}5$. % % Two very convenient packages allow handling the decimal comma in math mode: % \textsf{icomma} by Walter Schmidt~\cite{ICOMMA} and % \textsf{ncccomma} by Alexander I.~Rozhenko~\cite{NCC}. % The second package takes a more generic approach, % however it poses several compatibility issues, % in particular when running through Lua\LaTeX, using \textsf{unicode-math} % and calling |\setmathfont|. % Therefore we propose the \textsf{decimalcomma} package~\cite{DEC}, % functionally identical to that of \textsf{ncccomma} but % without the aforementioned incompatibility. % It can be loaded by \textsf{mismath} using the \texttt{decimalcomma} % package option. % % \subsection{Environments for systems of equations and small matrices} % % \DescribeEnv{system} % The \texttt{system} environment, defined in the \textsf{mismath} package, % is used to represent a system of equations:\\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{6.5cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \begin{system} % x=1+2t \\ y=2-t \\ z=-3-t % \end{system} \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm} \vspace{-3ex} % \[ \begin{system} x=1+2t \\ y=2-t \\z=-3-t \end{system} \] % \end{minipage} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\systemsep} % This first example could also have been achieved using the \texttt{cases} environment % from the \textsf{amsmath} package, although \texttt{cases} places mathematical expressions % closer to the curly brace. % The |\systemsep| length allows to adjust the gap between % the bracket and the math expressions. % By default, the gap is set to |\medspace|. You can reduce this gap by redefining % the command, \eg |\renewcommand{\systemsep}{\thinspace}|. % Alternatively you can increase the gap using |\thickspace|; % the same spacing as of the \texttt{cases} environment % being obtained with |\renewcommand\systemsep}{}|. % So the |\systemsep| command allows for greater flexibility in adjusting the spacing % within the \texttt{system} environment. % % \medskip % \DescribeEnv{system\oarg{coldef}} % By default, a system is written like an \texttt{array} environment with only one column, % left aligned. However the \texttt{system} environment has an optional % argument that allows to create systems with multiple columns, % specifying their alignment using the same syntax as the \texttt{array} environment in % \LaTeX. For instance, using |\begin{system}[cl]| will produce a two-column system, % with the first column centered and % the second column left-aligned, as shown in the following example:\\[2ex] % \begin{minipage}{7cm} % \begin{verbatim} %\[ \begin{system}[cl] % y & =\dfrac{1}{2}x-2 \\[1ex] % (x,y) & \neq (0,-2) % \end{system} \] % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{5cm}\vspace{-2ex} % \[ \begin{system}[cl] y&=\dfrac{1}{2}x-2 \\[1ex] (x,y)&\neq (0,-2) \end{system}\] % \end{minipage} % % \DescribeMacro{\systemstretch} % The default spacing between the lines of a \texttt{system} environment has been slightly % enlarged compared to the one used in \texttt{array} environments (using a factor of 1.2). % This can be adjusted by using % |\renewcommand{\systemstretch}|\marg{stretch}, where \meta{stretch} is the desired factor % for the spacing. You can place this command % inside the current mathematical environment for a local change, or outside % for a global change. The default value for is 1.2. % Furthermore you can also use the end of the line with a spacing option, as % demonstrated above with |\\[1ex]|, to control the spacing between specific lines in % the system. % % Another example with |\begin{system}[rl@{\quad}l]| % \footnote{\texttt{@\{\ldots\}} sets inter-column space.}: % \begin{equation*} % \begin{system}[rl@{\quad}l] % x+3y+5z&=0 & R_1\\ 2x+2y-z&=3 & R_2\\ 3x-y+z&=2 & R_3 % \end{system} % \iff % \begin{system}[rl@{\quad}l] % x+3y+5z&=0 & R_1\\ % 4y+11z&=3 & R_2 \gets 2R_1-R_2 \\ % 5y+7z&=-1 & R_3 \gets \frac{1}{2}\left(3R_1-R_3\right) % \end{system} % \end{equation*} % % Let's also mention the \textsf{systeme} package~\cite{SYST} which provides % a lighter syntax and automatic alignments for linear systems. % Additionally, there is the \textsf{spalign} package~\cite{SPAL}, % which offers a convenient and easy syntax for systems and matrices with % visually appealing alignments. % % \medskip % \DescribeEnv{spmatrix} % The \textsf{amsmath} package offers several environments to typeset matrices : % For example, the \texttt{pmatrix} environment surrounds the matrix with parenthesis, % and the \texttt{smallmatrix} environment creates a smaller matrix suitable for insertion % within a text line. We provide a combination of the these both % functionalities with the \texttt{spmatrix} environment: % |$\vec{u}\begin{spmatrix}-1\\2\end{spmatrix}$| yielding % $\vec{u}\begin{spmatrix}-1\\2\end{spmatrix}$. % % The \textsf{mathtools} package enhances the \textsf{amsmath} matrix environments % and also provides a small matrix environment with parenthesis: \texttt{psmallmatrix}. % Moreover, with the starred version |\begin{psmallmatrix*}|\oarg{col}, % you can choose the alignment inside the columns (\texttt{c}, \texttt{l} or \texttt{r}). % However, the space before the left parenthesis is unfortunately too narrow % compared to the space inside the parenthesis. % To illustrate this, consider the following comparison: % $\vec{u}\begin{spmatrix}-1\\2\end{spmatrix}$ (using \textsf{mismath}'s \texttt{spmatrix}) % vs.\@ $\vec{u}\begin{psmallmatrix}-1\\2\end{psmallmatrix}$ % (using \textsf{mathtools} \texttt{psmallmatrix}). % % \medskip % For typesetting various kinds of matrices, let's mention the excellent % \textsf{nicematrix} package by Fran��ois Pantigny~\cite{NMATX}. % % \subsection{Displaymath in double columns} % % \DescribeEnv{mathcols} % The \texttt{mathcols} environment allows you to arrange % lengthy calculations with short expressions across two columns % separated by a vertical line, % as shown in the following example. % However, to use this feature, the \textsf{multicol} package must be loaded in the preamble. % The \texttt{mathcols} environment activates mathematical mode % in display style and uses the \texttt{aligned} environment (from \textsf{amsmath}). % \begin{mathcols} % & \frac{1}{2 \mul {\pow{\frac{1}{4}}{n}} + 1} \geq 0.999 \\ % \iff\ & 1 \geq 1.998 \pow{\frac{1}{4}}{n} + 0.999 \\ % \iff\ & 0.001 \geq \frac{1.998}{4^n} \\ % \changecol % & \iff 4^n \geq 1998 \\ % & \iff n \ln 4 \geq \ln(1998) \\ % & \iff n \geq \frac{\ln(1998)}{\ln 4} \approx 5.4 \\ % & \iff n \geq 6 % \end{mathcols} % % \DescribeMacro{\changecol} % The |\changecol| macro is used to switch to the next column, % and alignments within the columns is done using the classic delimiters % |&|, to separate entries, and |\\|, to start a new row. % % \begin{verbatim} %\begin{mathcols} % & \frac{1}{2 \mul {\pow{\frac{1}{4}}{n}} + 1} \geq 0.999 \\ % \iff\ & 1 \geq 1.998 \pow{\frac{1}{4}}{n} + 0.999 \\ % \iff\ & 0.001 \geq \frac{1.998}{4^n} \\ %\changecol % & \iff 4^n \geq 1998 \\ % & \iff n \ln 4 \geq \ln(1998) \\ % & \iff n \geq \frac{\ln(1998)}{\ln 4} \approx 5.4 \\ % & \iff n \geq 6 %\end{mathcols} % \end{verbatim} % % \vspace{-4ex} % \subsection{Summary of the package options} % % The following table summarizes the possible package options. % You can add to them any option you want to pass to \textsf{amsmath} or \textsf{mathtools}. % The hyperlinks (in blue) redirect to the paragraphs in the documentation % where these options are described. % \begin{center} % \setlength{\extrarowheight}{1pt} % \begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}ll} % \hline % \normalfont Option & \mbox{Effect} \\ % \hline % \hyperlink{nofunction}{nofunction} & don't load some additional function definitions \\ % \hyperlink{classicReIm}{otherReIm} & typesets |\Re| and |\Im| as $\Re$ and $\Im$ \\ % \hyperlink{classicReIm}{classicReIm} & preserves |\Re| and |\Im| as $\oldRe$ and $\oldIm$ \\ % \hyperlink{ibrackets}{ibrackets} & loads the \textsf{ibrackets} package\\ % \hyperlink{decimalcomma}{decimalcomma} & loads the \textsf{decimalcomma} package \\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % \StopEventually{} % % \section{Implementation} % % We load certain packages conditionally to avoid 'option clash' errors in cases % where these packages have been previously loaded with other options. % The \textsf{amsmath} package is loaded by \textsf{mathtools}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifmm@ibrackets % initialized to false \DeclareOption{ibrackets}{\mm@ibracketstrue} \newif\ifmm@decimalcomma \DeclareOption{decimalcomma}{\mm@decimalcommatrue} \newif\ifmm@nofunction \DeclareOption{nofunction}{\mm@nofunctiontrue} \newif\ifmm@otherReIm \DeclareOption{otherReIm}{\mm@otherReImtrue} \newif\ifmm@classicReIm \DeclareOption{classicReIm}{\mm@classicReImtrue} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{mathtools}} \ProcessOptions \relax %\@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}{}{\RequirePackage{amsmath}} \@ifpackageloaded{mathtools}{}{\RequirePackage{mathtools}} \@ifpackageloaded{esvect}{}{\RequirePackage[b]{esvect}} \RequirePackage{mleftright} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{xparse} % provides \NewDocumentCommand, now in LaTeX3 \RequirePackage{xspace} % for \iif command \RequirePackage{iftex} \RequirePackage{etoolbox} % provides \AtEndPreamble \RequirePackage{xkeyval} % for \pinumber options % \end{macrocode} % % The package \textsf{unicode-math} causes some compatibility issues % with \textsf{ibrackets} and \textsf{decimalcomma}: theses packages % must be loaded \emph{after} \textsf{unicode-math}, % but \textsf{mismath} (like \textsf{amsmath}) should be loaded \emph{before} % \textsf{unicode-math}. % And to complicate matters, \mbox{\textsf{unicode-math}} defines all its commands % by |\AtBeginDocument|. % Therefore we used the command |\AtEndPreamble|, from the \textsf{etoolbox} package, % which makes the job (because both \textsf{ibrackets} and \textsf{decimalcomma} % work also in |\AtBeginDocument|). % % Moreover the command |\mathbfsfit| (used for tensors) is already defined % in \textsf{unicode-math} and will not be redefined if \textsf{unicode-math} % is loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{unicode-math}{ \PackageWarningNoLine{mismath}{The package unicode-math\MessageBreak should be loaded after mismath} }{} \newif\ifmm@unicodemath \newif\ifmm@multicol \AtEndPreamble{% necessary to work with unicode-math \ifmm@decimalcomma\RequirePackage{decimalcomma}\fi \ifmm@ibrackets\RequirePackage{ibrackets}\fi \@ifpackageloaded{multicol}{\mm@multicoltrue}{} \@ifpackageloaded{unicode-math}{\mm@unicodemathtrue}{ \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbfsfit}{\encodingdefault}% {\sfdefault}{bx}{it}} } % \end{macrocode} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\bslash} % The |\bslash| macro originates from Frank Mittelbach's \textsf{doc.sty} package. % It can be employed in other documents as an alternative to |\textbackslash|, % especially in situations where |\textbackslash| does not work correctly, such as % inside warning messages. % \begin{macrocode} {\catcode`\|=\z@ \catcode`\\=12 |gdef|bslash{\}} % \bslash command % \end{macrocode} % % \DescribeMacro{\mm@warning} \DescribeMacro{\mm@macro} \DescribeMacro{\mm@operator} % The next three internal macros serve as meta commands for % conditionally defining macros while providing a warning message if the macro already exists. % % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\mm@warning[1]{ \PackageWarningNoLine{mismath}{Command \bslash #1 already exist \MessageBreak and will not be redefined} } \newcommand\mm@macro[2]{ \@ifundefined{#1}{ \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{#2} }{\mm@warning{#1}} } \NewDocumentCommand\mm@operator{O{#3}mm}{% \@ifundefined{#1}{ \DeclareMathOperator{#2}{#3} }{\mm@warning{#1}} } % \end{macrocode} % % To produce the correct upright shape font when working % with the \textsf{beamer} package, you don't have to use |\mathrm| % but rather |\mathup| (based on |\operatorfont| from the \textsf{amsopn} package). % This command also works fine with other sans serif fonts like \textsf{cmbright}. % % Moreover for \textsf{beamer}, which changes the default font family (to sans serif), % |\e|, |\i|, |\j| have no effect without |\AtBeginDocument| and % |\AtBeginDocument| is also necessary to redefine |\i| when calling % the \textsf{hyperref} package which overwrites the |\i| definition. % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{mathup}{ \providecommand*{\mathup}[1]{{\operatorfont #1}} }{\mm@warning{mathup} } % also in kpfonts and unicode-math \mm@macro{e}{\mathup{e}} \AtBeginDocument{\let\oldi\i \let\oldj\j \renewcommand{\i}{\TextOrMath{\oldi}{\mathup{i}}} \renewcommand{\j}{\TextOrMath{\oldj}{\mathup{j}}} } % \end{macrocode} % % \DescribeMacro{\MathFamily} % The following macros |\MathUp| and |\MathIt| are toggles that transform % any chosen letter in math mode to roman or italic style. % These switches can be used anywhere in the document or the preamble. % They are based on the generic macro |\MathFamily|. % To obtain a letter in roman style instead of italic, we need to change the % mathcode digit that represents the font family: 1 to 0. % % For example, except for \LuaLaTeX, mathcode of the `e' letter is: % e="7165 (decimal 29029), with the second digit `1' indicating ``italic'' style. % To get a roman `e', we need to change its mathcode to "7065. % % When used in the preamble, we call |\MathFamily| by |\AtBeginDocument| % for working with the \textsf{beamer} package. % Let's notice that |\MathFamily| has an erratic behavior when \textsf{unicode-math} % is loaded, but fortunately, in that case, the |\DeclareMathSymbol| can be % used instead, even outside the preamble. % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\mm@charcode \newcount\mm@charclass \newcount\mm@charfam \newcount\mm@charslot \newcommand*\MathFamily[2]{% \mm@charfam=#2 \ifluatex \mm@charclass=\Umathcharclass`#1 %\mm@charfam=\Umathcharfam`#1 \mm@charslot=\Umathcharslot`#1 \Umathcode`#1= \mm@charclass \mm@charfam \mm@charslot \else \mm@charcode=\mathcode`#1 % extract charclass \@tempcnta=\mm@charcode \divide\@tempcnta by "1000 \multiply\@tempcnta by "1000 % charclass \mm@charclass=\@tempcnta % extract charslot \@tempcnta=\mm@charcode \@tempcntb=\mm@charcode \divide\@tempcnta by "100 \multiply\@tempcnta by "100 % charclass + charfam \advance\@tempcntb by -\@tempcnta % charslot \mm@charslot=\@tempcntb % construct charcode \mm@charcode=\mm@charclass \multiply\mm@charfam by "100 \advance\mm@charcode by \mm@charfam \advance\mm@charcode by \mm@charslot \mathcode`#1=\mm@charcode \fi } \newcommand*\MathUp[1]{% \ifx\@onlypreamble\@notprerr % not in preamble \ifmm@unicodemath \DeclareMathSymbol{#1}{\mathalpha}{operators}{`#1} \else \MathFamily{#1}{0} \fi \else % in preamble \AtBeginDocument{ \ifmm@unicodemath \DeclareMathSymbol{#1}{\mathalpha}{operators}{`#1} \else \MathFamily{#1}{0} \fi } \fi } \newcommand*\MathIt[1]{% \ifx\@onlypreamble\@notprerr % not in preamble \ifmm@unicodemath \DeclareMathSymbol{#1}{\mathalpha}{letters}{`#1} \else \MathFamily{#1}{1} \fi \else % in preamble \AtBeginDocument{ \ifmm@unicodemath \DeclareMathSymbol{#1}{\mathalpha}{letters}{`#1} \else \MathFamily{#1}{1} \fi } \fi } % \end{macrocode} % With a similar approach we could also create additional macros to set any letter % in bold or sans serif. However, there is no default family number associated % with these typefaces. The family number depends on the font package being loaded and % may vary depending on specific |\DeclareSymbolFont| used. % Therefore, setting letters in bold or sans serif requires additional consideration % and may not have a straightforward solution. % % \medskip % In addition to |\MathUp| and |\MathIt|, we also offer the following command % to set a group of letters, among `e, i, j', in roman typeface. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\MathNumbers[1]{% \in@{e}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{e} \fi \in@{i}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{i} \fi \in@{j}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{j} \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\apply} % With the inverse switch |\MathNormal|, you can apply the normal (italic) style % on any comma-separated list of characters. This is achieved using % the |\apply| macro, \eg |\apply\macro{arg1,arg2}| % expands to |\macro{arg1}\macro{arg2}|. % Thus |\apply\MathUp{e,i,j}| is equivalent to |\MathUp{e}\MathUp{i}\MathUp{j}|. % I discovered this powerfull macro on \texttt{iterate190.rssing.com} by searching for % ``TeX How to iterate over a comma separated list''. % The answer was posted under the pseudonym `wipet' on 2021/02/26. % Let its author, Petr Ol\v{s}��k, be thanked. % This macro allows to accomplish tasks that % usual loop instructions like |\@for| or |\foreach| cannot achieve due to % errors like ``\texttt{!~Improper alphabetic constant}''. % For instance, if you try |\def\letter{A} \MathUp{\letter}| it will fail % because the control sequence |\letter| is not strictly % equivalent here to the single character `A'. % % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \def\apply#1#2{\apply@#1#2,\apply@,} \def\apply@#1#2,{\ifx\apply@#2\empty \else #1{#2}\afterfi@{\apply@#1}\fi} \def\afterfi@#1#2\fi{\fi#1} \newcommand*\MathNormal[1]{% list argument \apply\MathIt{#1} } % \end{macrocode} % % The following commands were used originally (until version 2.2) % to set the math letters e, i or j in upright shape, % but only worked in the preamble. % This is now managed by the more powerful |\MathUp| command, but % the old commands are maintained as alias for |\MathUp|. % \medskip % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\enumber}{\MathUp{e}} \newcommand{\inumber}{\MathUp{i}} \newcommand{\jnumber}{\MathUp{j}} % \end{macrocode} % % Obtaining an upright Greek letter $\pi$ must be handled differently. % The toggles are called |\pinumber| and |\pinormal| % and can be used anywhere in the document. % % But |\pinumber| must be called first in the preamble with an optional argument. % This argument can be a valid command name that produces an upright pi letter % (after having loading an appropriate package). % Compatibility with \textsf{unicode-math} is a bit tricky! % When given without an argument in the preamble, % |\pinumber| uses an LGR font encoding called \texttt{lmr}. % A new feature (v2.11) for |\pinumber| is provided with keyval options to % use many other Greek pi letters without loading % a whole package, thus without altering the other (italic) Greek letters. % We achieve this with |\DeclareSymbolFont| and |\DeclareMathSymbol|. % We just have to know the `name' of the desired symbol font. % % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifmm@lgr \define@cmdkey{pifonts}[mm@]{lgrmath}[lmr]{\mm@lgrtrue} \newif\ifmm@upgreek \define@choicekey{pifonts}{upgreek}[\mm@upgreek@option]% {Euler,Symbol,Symbolsmallscale}[Symbol]{\mm@upgreektrue} \newif\ifmm@mathdesign \define@choicekey{pifonts}{mathdesign}[\mm@mathdesign@option]% {Utopia,Garamond,Charter}[Charter]{\mm@mathdesigntrue} \newif\ifmm@kpfonts \define@choicekey{pifonts}{kpfonts}[\mm@kp@option]% {normal,light}[normal]{\mm@kpfontstrue} \define@boolkeys{pifonts}[mm@]{fourier,pxfonts,txfonts}[true] \newif\ifmm@fontspec \define@cmdkey{pifonts}[mm@]{fontspec}[GFS Didot]{\mm@fontspectrue} \newcommand*\pifonts[1]{% \setkeys{pifonts}{#1} \let\pi\relax \ifmm@lgr \DeclareFontEncoding{LGR}{}{} \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{LGR}{\mm@lgrmath}{m}{n} % may work with bold (b) instead of m \DeclareMathSymbol{\pi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{112} \else\ifmm@fontspec \@ifpackageloaded{fontspec}{}{ \PackageError{mismath}{\string\pinumber\space with the `fontspec' option\MessageBreak needs the fontspec package,\MessageBreak which must be run with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX}{} } \newfontfamily\mismathgreekfont{\mm@fontspec}[NFSSFamily=mgr] \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{TU}{mgr}{m}{n} \Umathchardef\pi="7 \symmmupgr "03C0 \else\ifmm@upgreek \ifdefstring{\mm@upgreek@option}{Euler}{ \DeclareFontFamily{U}{eur}{\skewchar\font'177} \DeclareFontShape{U}{eur}{m}{n}{% <-6> eurm5 <6-8> eurm7 <8-> eurm10}{} \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{eur}{m}{n} \DeclareMathSymbol{\pi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{"19} }{ \ifdefstring{\mm@upgreek@option}{Symbol}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{psy}{m}{n} \DeclareMathSymbol{\pi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{`p} }{ \ifdefstring{\mm@upgreek@option}{Symbolsmallscale}{ \DeclareFontFamily{U}{fsy}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{fsy}{m}{n}{<->s*[.9]psyr}{} \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{fsy}{m}{n} \DeclareMathSymbol{\pi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{`p} }{}}} \else\ifmm@mathdesign \ifdefstring{\mm@mathdesign@option}{Utopia}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{OML}{mdput}{m}{n} }{ \ifdefstring{\mm@mathdesign@option}{Garamond}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{OML}{mdugm}{m}{n} }{ \ifdefstring{\mm@mathdesign@option}{Charter}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{OML}{mdbch}{m}{n} }{}}} \else\ifmm@fourier \DeclareFontEncoding{FML}{}{} \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{FML}{futm}{m}{it} \else\ifmm@kpfonts \ifdefstring{\mm@kp@option}{normal}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{jkpmia}{m}{it} }{ \ifdefstring{\mm@kp@option}{light}{ \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{jkplmia}{m}{it} }{}} \else\ifmm@pxfonts \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{pxmia}{m}{it} \else\ifmm@txfonts \DeclareSymbolFont{mmupgr}{U}{txmia}{m}{it} \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \DeclareMathSymbol{\pi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{"19} \fi\fi\fi } \newcommand*\pinumber[1][]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{% no argument given \ifx\@onlypreamble\@notprerr % not in preamble \@ifundefined{savedpi}{ \PackageWarning{mismath}{% \string\pinumber\space must be used in the preamble first} }{\let\pi\savedpi} \else % in the preamble \AtBeginDocument{ \let\itpi\pi \pifonts{lgrmath} \let\savedpi\pi } \fi }{% command name or keyval options, necessarily in the preamble \AtBeginDocument{% must be here with unicode-math \let\itpi\pi \@ifundefined{#1}{% \pifonts{#1} }{ \ifmm@unicodemath \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{uppi}}{% or "1D70B \renewcommand\pi{\symup{\symbol{"03C0}}} \renewcommand\itpi{\symit{\symbol{"03C0}}} }{\renewcommand{\pi}{\csname #1\endcsname}} \else \renewcommand{\pi}{\csname #1\endcsname} \fi } \let\savedpi\pi} } } \newcommand{\pinormal}{% \@ifundefined{itpi}{ \PackageWarning{mismath}{Command \string\itpi\space undefined, \MessageBreak use \string\pinumber\space in the preamble first} }{ \ifmm@unicodemath \@ifundefined{savedpi}{ \PackageError{mismath}{Before using \string \pinormal, \MessageBreak you must call \string\pinumber\space in the preamble}{}} \fi \let\pi\itpi } } % \end{macrocode} % When |\pinumber|\oarg{keyval} has been called, you can also get % some other mathematical constants using Greek letters in the same font (\texttt{mmupgr}) % \eg $\othergamma$, the Euler-Mascheroni constant: % \begin{verbatim} % \let\gamma\relax % \DeclareMathSymbol{\gamma}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{"0D} % \end{verbatim} % \vspace{-2ex} % If \textsf{unicode-math} is used, you must put these commands inside % |\AtBeginDocument|. % The hexadecimal code |"0D| depends on the option passed to |\pinumber| % in the preamble (see the command |\pifonts| above and search in package docs). % And to get the golden ratio $\othervarphi$: % \begin{verbatim} % \let\varphi\relax % \DeclareMathSymbol{\varphi}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{"27} % \end{verbatim} % \vspace{-2ex} % I you want to preserve the original $\gamma$ or $\varphi$, % you can define |\upgamma| or |\upvarphi| instead. % % \medskip % Commands for vectors and tensors follow. % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{arrowvect} \setboolean{arrowvect}{true} \newcommand{\arrowvect}{\setboolean{arrowvect}{true}} \newcommand{\boldvect}{\setboolean{arrowvect}{false}} \newcommand{\boldvectcommand}{\boldsymbol} % from amsbsy package \mm@macro{vect}{\ifthenelse{\boolean{arrowvect}}{ \vv}{\boldvectcommand}} % doesn't work well with \if... \fi \newcommand*{\hvect}[1]{\vect{\vphantom{A}#1}} \newcommand*{\hvec}[1]{\vec{\vphantom{A}#1}} \newcommand*{\@norm}[1]{ \mbox{\raisebox{1.75pt}{\small$\bigl\Vert$}} #1 \mbox{\raisebox{1.75pt}{\small$\bigr\Vert$}} } % works better than with relative length \newcommand*{\@@norm}[1]{ \mbox{\footnotesize\raisebox{1pt}{$\Vert$}} #1 \mbox{\footnotesize\raisebox{1pt}{$\Vert$}} } \newcommand*{\@@@norm}[1]{ \mbox{\tiny\raisebox{1pt}{$\Vert$}} #1 \mbox{\tiny\raisebox{1pt}{$\Vert$}} } \@ifundefined{norm}{\providecommand*{\norm}[1]{ \mathchoice{\@norm{#1}}{\@norm{#1}}{\@@norm{#1}}{\@@@norm{#1}} } }{\mm@warning{norm}} % bad result with libertinust1math \newcommand{\tensor}{\mathbfsfit} % isomath uses \mathsfbfit % \end{macrocode} % % `Operators', as for example common function names, are generally defined % using the |\DeclareMathOperator| command or |\operatorname| for occasional use. % Operators are then typeset in roman (upright) shape and with appropriate thin space % before and after the operator name. % However, for the `differential' operator d, no space should be left after it % to obtain, for example, `$\di x$' instead of `$\operatorname{d} x$'. % % \medskip % Two other operators, suggested by `quark67', representing differences % or variations are defined by the macros |\opDelta| and |\opdelta|. % They use the Greek letters $\upDelta$ and $\updelta$ with appropriate spacing, % similar to |\di|. % By default |\upDelta| will be an alias for |\Delta|. % Generally, the uppercase Delta is upright % unless a package is loaded to change this, but the lowercase delta % is italic by default. % % To use the |\opdelta| macro, it is therefore necessary % to load a package that provides the lowercase delta in upright shape, % such as \textsf{mathgreeks} or \textsf{unicode-math}, % or you can use the same symbol font \texttt{mmupgr} as seen above for the upright pi % (if |\pinumber|\oarg{keyval} has been called previously). % So you could get the upright delta with: % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\updelta}{\mathord}{mmupgr}{"0E} % \end{verbatim} \vspace{-2ex} % The hexadecimal code |"0E| depends on the option passed to |\pinumber|. % If you have loaded a package that provides upright shapes of Delta and delta, % it may be necessary to create new aliases for |\upDelta| or |\updelta|, % \eg |\let\updelta\|\meta{mydelta}. % \begin{macrocode} \mm@macro{di}{\operatorname{d}\mathopen{}} \mm@macro{upDelta}{\Delta} \mm@macro{opDelta}{\operatorname{\upDelta}\mathopen{}} \mm@macro{opdelta}{\operatorname{\updelta}\mathopen{}} % \end{macrocode} % For the field of probability, we provide the macros |\P|, |\E|, and |\V|, % which are defined as operators. They are typeset in normal roman font, % but can be changed to double-struck style (or another style) if desired. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\probastyle{} \let\Par\P % end of paragraph symbol \renewcommand{\P}{\operatorname{\probastyle{P}}} \mm@macro{E}{\operatorname{\probastyle{E}}} \mm@macro{V}{\operatorname{\probastyle{V}}} \newcommand*\MathProba[1]{% \in@{P}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{P} \fi \in@{E}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{E} \fi \in@{V}{#1} \ifin@ \MathUp{V} \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Classic operators or function identifiers are presented below. They will be defined only % if the option \texttt{nofunction} has not been activated. % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \ifmm@nofunction\else \mm@operator{\adj}{adj} \mm@operator{\Aut}{Aut} \mm@operator{\codim}{codim} \mm@operator{\coker}{coker} \mm@operator{\Conv}{Conv} \mm@operator{\cov}{cov} \mm@operator{\Cov}{Cov} \mm@macro{curl}{\operatorname{\vect{\mathup{curl}}}} \mm@operator[divg]{\divg}{div} \mm@operator{\End}{End} \mm@operator{\erf}{erf} \mm@macro{grad}{\operatorname{\vect{\mathup{grad}}}} \mm@operator{\id}{id} % mathop or mathord? \mm@operator{\Id}{Id} \mm@operator{\im}{im} \mm@operator{\lb}{lb} \mm@operator{\lcm}{lcm} \mm@operator{\rank}{rank} \mm@operator{\Res}{Res} \mm@macro{rot}{\operatorname{\vect{\mathup{rot}}}} \mm@operator{\sgn}{sgn} \mm@operator{\sinc}{sinc} \mm@operator[spa]{\spa}{span} \mm@operator{\tr}{tr} \mm@operator{\var}{var} \mm@operator{\Var}{Var} \mm@operator[Zu]{\Zu}{Z} \mm@operator{\arccot}{arccot} \mm@operator{\sech}{sech} \mm@operator{\csch}{csch} \mm@operator{\arsinh}{arsinh} \mm@operator{\arcosh}{arcosh} \mm@operator{\artanh}{artanh} \mm@operator{\arcoth}{arcoth} \mm@operator{\arsech}{arsech} \mm@operator{\arcsch}{arcsch} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % The |\mathcal| alphabet, from the original Computer Modern font family, % is used here to produce $\Re$, $\Im$ and $\bigO$. % Several font packages redefine this alphabet producing glyphs that may seem less % suitable for the commands below. % We have therefore retained the original |\cmmathcal| math alphabet, % which can be used for other letters. % If \textsf{unicode-math} is called, it will redefine the commands |\Re| and |\Im| % in |\AtBeginDocument|, hence the use of |\AtEndPreamble{\AtBeginDocument{|\ldots % to ensure that the \textsf{mismath} redefinitions occur after the actions % of \textsf{unicode-math}. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontFamily{U}{cmsy}{\skewchar\font48 } \DeclareFontShape{U}{cmsy}{m}{n}{% from mathalpha <-5.5> cmsy5% <5.5-6.5> cmsy6% <6.5-7.5> cmsy7% <7.5-8.5> cmsy8% <8.5-9.5> cmsy9% <9.5-> cmsy10}{} \DeclareMathAlphabet{\cmmathcal}{U}{cmsy}{m}{n} \AtEndPreamble{\AtBeginDocument{ \ifmm@classicReIm\else \let\oldRe\Re \let\oldIm\Im \ifmm@otherReIm \renewcommand{\Re}{\cmmathcal{R}\mathit{e}} \renewcommand{\Im}{\cmmathcal{I}\mathit{m}} \else \renewcommand{\Re}{\operatorname{Re}} \renewcommand{\Im}{\operatorname{Im}} \fi\fi }} \mm@operator[bigO]{\bigO}{\cmmathcal{O}} \mm@operator[bigo]{\bigo}{O} \mm@operator[lito]{\lito}{o} % \end{macrocode} % And finally we present the remaining macros. % % With Cyrillic languages, the command |\C| may already be defined % but works only in text mode. % Then, it will not be redefined by \textsf{mismath}. However, the command % |\onlymathC| allows to use our |\C| macro in math mode, % without interfering the definition of the text |\C| that is already defined. % % When using \XeTeX\ or \LuaTeX\ engines with the \textsf{hyperref} package, % |\C| will be already defined and % you get the message ``\texttt{Command \string\C\space unavailable in encoding TU}''. % Therefore |\onlymathC| is automatically called in that case. % \medskip % \begin{macrocode} \mm@macro{mathset}{\mathbf} \mm@macro{R}{\mathset{R}} \mm@macro{C}{\mathset{C}} \AtBeginDocument{% \iftutex = LuaTex or XeTeX engines \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{\iftutex\onlymathC\fi}{} } \providecommand\onlymathC{\let\oldC\C \renewcommand{\C}{\TextOrMath{\oldC}{\mathset{C}}} } \mm@macro{N}{\mathset{N}} \mm@macro{Z}{\mathset{Z}} \mm@macro{Q}{\mathset{Q}} \mm@macro{F}{\mathset{F}} \mm@macro{K}{\mathset{K}} \mm@macro{ds}{\displaystyle} \mm@macro{dlim}{\lim\limits} \mm@macro{dsum}{\sum\limits} \mm@macro{dprod}{\prod\limits} \mm@macro{dcup}{\bigcup\limits} \mm@macro{dcap}{\bigcap\limits} \mm@macro{lbar}{\overline} \@ifundefined{hlbar}{ \providecommand*{\hlbar}[1]{\overline{\vphantom{A}#1}}}{ \mm@warning{hlbar} } \newcommand\@eqdef{\stackrel{\mathup{def}}{=}} \newcommand\@@eqdef{\stackrel{\upDelta}{=}} \mm@macro{eqdef}{\@ifstar{\@@eqdef}{\@eqdef}} \mm@macro{unbr}{\underbrace} \mm@macro{iif}{if and only if\xspace} \mm@macro{then}{\implies} \@ifundefined{txt}{ \providecommand*{\txt}[1]{\quad\text{#1}\quad} }{ \mm@warning{txt} } \mm@macro{mul}{\mathclose{}\mathord{\times}\mathopen{}} \@ifundefined{pow}{ \providecommand*{\pow}[2]{\left( #1 \right)^{\!#2}} }{ \mm@warning{pow} } % \end{macrocode} % For |\abs|, the |\left...\right| structure is inserted within a pair of curly braces % to prevent incorrect spacing before the first delimiter when it follows a function name, % in cases where the package \textsf{mleftright} is used and activated. % This issue was pointed out by `quark67'. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{abs}{ \providecommand*{\abs}[1]{{\left\vert#1\right\vert}} }{ \mm@warning{abs} } \@ifundefined{lfrac}{ \providecommand*{\lfrac}[3][7mu]{% \frac{\mkern#1#2\mkern#1}{\mkern#1#3\mkern#1}} }{ \mm@warning{lfrac} } \newcommand{\systemstretch}{1.2} \newcommand{\systemsep}{\medspace} \newenvironment{system}[1][l]{ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{\systemstretch} \setlength{\arraycolsep}{0.15em} \left\{\begin{array}{@{\systemsep}#1@{}} % }{\end{array}\right.} \newenvironment{spmatrix}{ \left(\begin{smallmatrix} }{\end{smallmatrix}\right)} \newenvironment{mathcols}{% needs multicol package \ifmm@multicol \renewcommand{\columnseprule}{0.1pt} \begin{multicols}{2} \par\noindent\hfill \begin{math}\begin{aligned}\displaystyle \else \PackageError{mismath}{The mathcols environment needs the multicol package}{Call the package multicol in your preamble.} \fi }{% \end{aligned}\end{math} \hfill\mbox{} \end{multicols} } \newcommand{\changecol}{% \end{aligned}\end{math} \hfill\mbox{} \par\noindent\hfill \begin{math}\begin{aligned}\displaystyle } % \end{macrocode} % % \pagebreak % \section*{Change History} % % \begin{multicols}{2}\begin{raggedright} % \renewcommand\changes[3]{\item[#1 \ (#2)] \mbox{}\\ #3} % \setlength{\compactlistindent}{-1em} % \begin{list}{}{\setlength\labelwidth{1.4em}\setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} % \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}} % % \changes{v0.1}{2011/12/27}{First personal version.} % % \changes{v1.0}{2019/04/11}{Initial published version.} % % \changes{v1.1}{2019/04/20}{ % Changing the default font for \cs{pinumber} from Euler to Symbol.} % % \changes{v1.2}{2019/04/27}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item commands \cs{enumber}, \cs{inumber}, \cs{jnumber} in \cs{AtBeginDocument}\\ % \hand works fine with \textsf{beamer} now, % \item new general \cs{mm@operator} macro, % \item using \cs{mathup} instead of \cs{mathrm}, % \item including \textsf{mathtools}, % \item in \cs{DeclareSymbolFont} 'Roman' changed to 'up', % \item changes in the documentation, % \item replacing \cs{PEroman} by \cs{PEupright}. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v1.3}{2019/05/08}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item using \cs{bslash} in the internal \cs{mm@warning} macro % to type out a control sequence whose name is given as parameter, % \item including the \textsf{mathfixs} package, % \item many corrections in the documentation. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v1.4}{2019/05/22}{ % In \cs{DeclareSymbolFont} 'up' chan\-ged to 'UpSh' % to prevent incompatibility with \textsf{unicode-math}.} % % \changes{v1.5}{2019/05/30}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item a solution for using \cs{mul} with \cs{frac} \hand use braces, % \item addition of the \cs{paren} macro. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v1.6}{2019/09/06}{ % Removing the \textsf{mathfixs} package because of problems with fractions.} % % \changes{v1.7}{2019/12/27}{ % Adding a table of contents to the documentation.} % % \changes{v1.8}{2020/11/15}{ % Small changes in the documentation, in particular % an incompatibility is mentioned when using `i' with accent in \textsf{beamer} titles: % (use \texttt{\textbackslash\textasciicircum i} instead of ��).} % % \changes{v1.9}{2020/10/17}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item in \cs{DeclareSymbolFont} 'UpSh' replaced by 'operators' % \item\cs{PackageWarning} replaced by \cs{PackageWarningNoLine} for existing macros, % \item \cs{thickspace} replaces \cs{medspace} in \cs{lfrac}, % \item changing the documentation font: from lmodern to Palatino (\textsf{mathpazo}). % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v1.10}{2020/10/25}{ % \cs{pinumber} code updated to prevent incompatibility % with the new version of the \textsf{frenchmath} package % (in which the default 'upgreek' option has been changed from Symbol to Euler).} % % \changes{v2.0}{2022/11/11}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item enhancing \cs{pinumber} to use other Greek letters packages % (it is no longer compatible with the older), % \item \cs{paren} has been removed (useless), % \item \cs{hvect} and \cs{hlbar} have been slightly modified (\cs{phantom}\texttt{\{t\}} % instead of \cs{phantom}\texttt{\{h\}}), % \item several changes in the documentation % (now the Charter font is used, with the \textsf{mathdesign} package). % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.1}{2022/12/26}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item including the \textsf{ibrackets} package to improve % the management of square brackets, % \item new macros \cs{codim}, \cs{sinc}, \cs{var}, \cs{eqdef*}, % \item removing the warning for the obsolete \cs{paren} command, % \item a small change in the \cs{norm} command (bars in small size), % \item several changes in documentation. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.2}{2023/01/06}{ % New option \texttt{ibrackets} to load the \textsf{ibrackets} package % \emph{optionally} because of errors % when using \cs{DeclarePairedDelimiter} with square brackets.} % % \changes{v2.3}{2023/02/09}{ % Introducing keyval options as an alternative to \cs{enumber}, % \cs{inumber}, \cs{jnumber}, \cs{PEupright}, % and also for using ibrackets, \cs{boldvect} and \cs{arrowvect}.} % % \changes{v2.4}{2023/02/18}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item new powerful macros \cs{MathUp}, \cs{MathIt}, % (and \cs{MathNumbers}, \cs{MathProba}, \cs{MathNormal}), % \item keyval options are no longer useful and have been removed, % \item loading the package \textsf{ifthen} has been forgotten in v2.3 % (causing possible issues), % \item no more incompatibility when using `i' with accent in \textsf{beamer} titles. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.5}{2023/02/23}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item unification of the code of \cs{MathUp} and \cs{MathIt}, % \item a new powerful macro \cs{apply} is used in \cs{MathNormal} to act on a list, % \item new \cs{tensor} command. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.6}{2023/03/01}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item bug fix in \cs{mm@macro}, % \item solving incompatibility of the \cs{C} macro when using \textsf{babel} with Russian % (thanks to Murray Eisenberg for this bug report on TeX StackExchange), % \item \cs{mathrm} added in the macro \cs{eqdef*}. % \end{compactlist}} % % \columnbreak % \changes{v2.7}{2023/03/05}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item macros for sets of numbers (\cs{R}, \cs{C}\ldots) now available only in math mode % (following remarks by David Carlisle and Enrico Gregorio), % \item special warning when loading \textsf{babel} with Russian % (\cs{C} will not be defined in that case). % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.8}{2023/07/26}{ % New macro \cs{onlymathC} designed for using \cs{C} in pmath mode % when Russian language is loaded.} % % \changes{v2.9}{2023/12/19}{ % New option \texttt{decimalcomma}.} % % \changes{v2.10}{2024/02/20}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item better compatibility with \textsf{unicode-math}: % for the options \texttt{ibrackets}, \texttt{decimalcomma} % and the commands \cs{MathUp}, \cs{MathIt}, % \item Explicit error message when using \texttt{mathcols} % without loading the \textsf{multicol} package. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.11}{2024/02/26}{ % \begin{compactlist}\setlength\compactlistindent{-0.5em} % \item enhancements of the \cs{pinumber} macro with keyval options: % \begin{compactlist}[\dash] % \item no necessity to load a Greek letters package, % \item improvements of compatibility with \textsf{unicode-math}; % \end{compactlist} % \item changing the font to Adobe Utopia with the package \textsf{fourier}. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v2.12}{2024/02/29}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item the \textsf{xparse} package has been removed by mistake in v2.11, % causing some compatibility issues, it is loaded again by \textsf{mismath}, % \item improvements to make \cs{pinumber} work better with \textsf{unicode-math}. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v3.0}{2024/03/15}{ % \begin{compactlist} % \item rewriting the \cs{pinumber} command with a new \cs{pifonts} macro, % \item presenting other \texttt{lgrmath} values for \cs{pinumber} in the doc, % \item The \cs{C} macro is now inside \cs{AtBeginDocument}, % \item \textsf{amsmath} isn't loaded explicitly because \textsf{mathtools} loads it, % \item bug fix with options \texttt{decimalcomma} and \texttt{ibrackets}, % \item new option \texttt{nofunction} to lighten the package loading, % \item addition of macros \cs{coker} and \cs{Res} as standard operator names, % \item new option \texttt{classicReIm} to deactivate \cs{Im} and \cs{Re} redefinition, % \item new option \texttt{otherReIm} to provide an alternative writing % with \texttt{cmsy} font, % \item removing the \cs{PEupright} command, % \item additional space in the \cs{lfrac} macro increased from \texttt{\textbackslash:} % (5mu) to 7mu, % \item new optional parameter for adjusting the space in \cs{lfrac}, % \item changing the \cs{vphantom} argument in \cs{hvect}, \cs{hvec} and \cs{lbar} % from `t' to `A', looks better. % \end{compactlist}} % % \changes{v3.1}{2024/06/16}{ % \begin{compactlist}\setlength\compactlistindent{-0.5em} % \item adding a change history, % \item bug fix with the \cs{C} macro when using \textsf{hyperref} with % \LuaTeX{} or \XeTeX{} engines, % \item the $\upDelta$ produced in \cs{eqdef*} is now obtained with \cs{upDelta} % (\cs{mathrm}, used before, doesn't work generally), % \item several relevant suggestions and remarks by `quark67': % \begin{compactlist}[\dash] % \item new macros for variations \cs{opDelta} and small variations \cs{opdelta}, % \item redefinition of \cs{then} as an alias for \cs{implies}, % \item improvement of the \cs{abs} macro, % \item including the \textsf{mleftright} package; % \end{compactlist} % \item new implementation of \cs{di}, % \item improvement of the \cs{mul} macro. % \end{compactlist}} % % \end{list}\end{raggedright} % \end{multicols} % % \begin{thebibliography}{35} % \begin{raggedright} % \bibitem{TYPMA} \emph{Typesetting mathematics for science and technology according % to ISO 31/XI}, Claudio Beccari, TUGboat Volume 18 (1997), No.~1. % \url{http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb18-1/tb54becc.pdf}. % \bibitem{NIST} \emph{Typefaces for Symbols in Scientific Manuscripts}, % \url{https://www.physics.nist.gov/cuu/pdf/typefaces.pdf}. % \bibitem{SI} \emph{Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI)}, % NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), updated March 4, 2020 % \url{https://www.nist.gov/pml/special-publication-811}. % \bibitem{ICTNS} \emph{On the Use of Italic and up Fonts for Symbols in Scientific Text}, % I.M.~Mills and W.V.~Metanomski, ICTNS (Interdivisional Committee % on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols), dec 1999, % \url{https://old.iupac.org/standing/idcns/italic-roman_dec99.pdf}. % \bibitem{VECT} \emph{\textsf{esvect} -- Typesetting vectors with beautiful % arrow with \LaTeXe}, Eddie Saudrais, CTAN, v1.3 2013/07/11. % \bibitem{MLR} \emph{The \textsf{mleftright} package}, Heiko Oberdiek, CTAN, v1.2 2019/12/03. % \bibitem{TOOL} \emph{The \textsf{mathtools} package}, Morten H��gholm, Lars Madsen, CTAN, % v1.29 2022/06/29. % \bibitem{AMS} \emph{\textsf{amsmath} -- \AmS\ mathmatical facilities for \LaTeX}, % Frank Mittelbach, Rainer Sch��pf, Michael Downes, Davis M.~Jones, David Carlisle, % CTAN, v2.17n 2022/04/08. % \bibitem{UNIC} \emph{Experimental Unicode mathematical typesetting: % The \textsf{unicode-math} package}, Will Robertson, Philipp Stephani, Joseph Wright, % Khaled Hosny, and others, CTAN, v0.8r 2023/08/13. % \bibitem{FIXM} \emph{The \textsf{fixmath} package for \LaTeXe}, Walter Schmidt, % CTAN, v0.9 2000/04/11. % \bibitem{ISOM} \emph{\textsf{isomath} -- Mathematical style for science and technology}, % G��nter Milde, CTAN, v0.6.1 2012/09/04. % \bibitem{PMISO} \emph{\textsf{PM-ISOmath}, The Poor Man ISO math bundle}, % the \textsf{pm-isomath} package by Claudio Beccari, CTAN, v1.2.00 2021/08/04. % \bibitem{MGREEK} \emph{The \textsf{mathgreeks} package}, Antoine Missier, CTAN, % v1.1 2024/05/04. % \bibitem{GREEK} \emph{The \textsf{upgreek} package for \LaTeXe}, Walter Schmidt, % CTAN, v2.0 2003/02/12. % \bibitem{DESIGN} \emph{The \textsf{mathdesign} package}, % Paul Pichaureau, CTAN, v2.31 2013/08/29. % \bibitem{KPF} \emph{\textsf{Kp-Fonts} -- The Johannes Kepler project}, % Christophe Caignaert, CTAN, v3.34 20/09/2022. % \bibitem{FOUR} \textsf{Fourier-GUT\hspace{-0.1em}\emph{enberg}}, % Michel Bovani, CTAN, v1.3 2005/01/30. % \bibitem{PX} \emph{\textsf{PX Fonts} -- Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics}, % Young Ryu, CTAN, 2000/12/14. % \bibitem{TX} \emph{\textsf{TX Fonts} -- Times-like fonts in support of mathematics}, % Young Ryu, CTAN, 2000/12/15. % \bibitem{LIB} \emph{The LibertinusT1 Math Package}, Michael Sharpe, CTAN, v2.0.4 2024/01/14. % \bibitem{LGR} \emph{The \textsf{lgrmath} package}, Jean-Fran��ois B., CTAN, v1.0 2022/11/16. % \bibitem{NTX} \emph{New TX font package}, Micahel Sharpe, CTAN, v1.735 2024/03/01. % \bibitem{ALPHA} \emph{The \textsf{textalpha} package} % (part of the \textsf{greek-fontenc} bundle), G��nter Milde, CTAN, v2.1 2022/06/14. % \bibitem{SPA} \emph{The \textsf{spacingtricks} package}, Antoine Missier, CTAN, % v1.8 2023/12/06. % \bibitem{BRACKET} \emph{Intelligent brackets -- The \textsf{ibrackets} package}, % Antoine Missier, CTAN, v1.2, 2023/07/26. % \bibitem{INT} \emph{The \textsf{interval} package}, Lars Madsen, CTAN, % v0.4 2019/03/06. % \bibitem{ICOMMA} \emph{The \textsf{icomma} package for \LaTeXe}, % Walter Schmidt, CTAN, v2.0 2002/03/10. % \bibitem{NCC} \emph{The \textsf{ncccomma} package}, Alexander I.~Rozhenko, % CTAN, v1.0 2005/02/10. % \bibitem{DEC} \emph{The \textsf{decimalcomma} package}, Antoine Missier, % CTAN, v1.4 2023/12/30. % \bibitem{SYST} \emph{L'extension pour \TeX\ et \LaTeX\ \textsf{systeme}}, % Christian Tellechea, CTAN, v0.32 2019/01/13. % \bibitem{SPAL} \emph{The \textsf{spalign} package}, Joseph Rabinoff, CTAN, 2016/10/05. % \bibitem{NMATX} \emph{The package \textsf{nicematrix}}, Fran��ois Pantigny, CTAN, % v6.14 2023/02/18. % \bibitem{FR} \emph{L'extension \textsf{frenchmath}}, Antoine Missier, CTAN, v3.0 2024/05/04. % \bibitem{LSHORT} \emph{The Not So Short Introduction to \LaTeXe}, % the \textsf{lshort} package by % Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl, CTAN, v6.4 2021/04/09. % \url{http://tug.ctan.org/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf}. % \bibitem{COMP} \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion}, Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, % Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Chris Rowley, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2004. % \end{raggedright} % \end{thebibliography} % \Finale \endinput