%% start of file `moderncvbodyvi.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
%% Copyright 2023 Javier Lopez-Gomez (javier.lopez.gomez@proton.me).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.

%                identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyvi}[2023/11/21 v2.0.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 6]

%                required packages
% No customization currently exists for `modercvbodyvi`; just reuse
% `moderncvbodyi`.  We might consider supporting a short table format (only skill
% name and rating) in the future.

%                overall body definition
% fonts

% styles

%                resume body definition
% lengths
%   used by \cvitem (and all children command)
\@initializelength{\hintscolumnwidth}             \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.175\textwidth}
\@initializelength{\separatorcolumnwidth}         \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{0.025\textwidth}
%   used by \cvdoubleitem
%   used by \cvtripleitem
%   used by \cvlistitem
\@initializelength{\listitemsymbolwidth}          \settowidth{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol}
%   used by \cvlistdoubleitem
\@initializelength{\listitemsymbolspace}          \setlength{\listitemsymbolspace}{0pt}
%   default moderncv \photo (change the definition such that by default the photo and its box align with the section bars

% commands
  % body lengths
  % regular lengths

% The optional argument can be used to place a small icon near the section name.
% E.g. `\section[\faBookmark]{Education}`
  \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
  \par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading

  \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
  \par\nobreak\addvspace{.5ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading

    \raggedleft\hintstyle{#2} &{#3}%

    \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth

    \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth


  \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth

    \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%

    \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth

%    \small%
        \clubpenalty4000%\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty%
        \sfcode `\=1000\relax}%
    \def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

%                letter style definition
% commands

  \@closing\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@signature}}{\\[3em]}{\\[1em]}% shrink space when signature is set
    {\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}%


%% end of file `moderncvbodyvi.sty'.