%% start of file `moderncvcollection.sty'.
%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2024 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.

%                identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcollection}[2024-07-18 v2.4.1 moderncv collections]

%                requirements


%                code

% creates a new collection
% usage: \collectionnew{<collection name>}

% adds an item to a collection
% usage: \collectionadd[<optional key>]{<collection name>}{<item to add>}
\NewDocumentCommand\collectionadd{ O{} m m }{%
  \expandafter\def\csname collection@#2@item\roman{collection@#2@count}\endcsname{#3}%
      \relax% if #1 is empty
      \expandafter\def\csname collection@#2@key\roman{collection@#2@count}\endcsname{#1}%
% returns the number of items in a collection
% usage: \collectioncount{<collection name>}
% gets an item from a collection
% usage: \collectiongetitem{<collection name>}{<element id>}
% where <element id> is an integer between 0 and (collectioncount-1)
\NewDocumentCommand\collectiongetitem{m m}{%
  \csname collection@#1@item\romannumeral #2\endcsname%

% gets a key from a collection
% usage: \collectiongetkey{<collection name>}{<element id>}
% where <element id> is an integer between 0 and (collectioncount-1)
\NewDocumentCommand\collectiongetkey{m m}{%
  \csname collection@#1@key\romannumeral #2\endcsname%
% loops through a collection and perform the given operation on every element
% usage: \collectionloop{<collection name>}{<operation sequence>}
% where <operation sequence> is the code sequence to be evaluated for each collection item,
%   code which can refer to \collectionloopid, \collectionloopkey, \collectionloopitem and
%   \collectionloopbreak
\NewDocumentCommand\collectionloop{m m}{%

% loops through a collection and finds the (first) element matching the given key
% usage: \collectionfindbykey{<collection name>}{key>}
\NewDocumentCommand\collectionfindbykey{m m}{%


%% end of file `moderncvcollection.cls'.