% \iffalse meta-comment
% moodle.dtx
% Copyright 2016 by Anders O.F. Hendrickson (anders.o.f.hendrickson AT gmail DOT com)
% and 2019-2021 by Matthieu Guerquin-Kern (guerquin-kern AT crans DOT org).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Matthieu Guerquin-Kern.
% This work consists of the files moodle.dtx and moodle.ins
% and the derived file moodle.sty.
% \fi
% \iffalse
    [2023/01/28 v1.0 Moodle quiz XML generation]
  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % necessary
  \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % necessary
\else % assuming LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX
  \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
%\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}% now loaded by ltxdoc
% \fi
% \CheckSum{10269} ^^A Comment \OnlyDescription above to adjust
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\def}
% \providecommand\TikZ{\mbox{Ti\emph{k}Z}}%
% \providecommand\Moodle{\mbox{\brand{Moodle}}}%
% \providecommand\LMS{\mbox{\acro{LMS}}}%
% \providecommand\XML{\mbox{\acro{XML}}}%
% \title{%
%   The \pkg{moodle} package: \\
%   generating \Moodle\ quizzes via \LaTeX%
%   \thanks{This document corresponds to \pkg{moodle.sty}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}
% }%
% \author{%
%   Anders Hendrickson\footnote{original author of the package (\texttt{v0.5}), inactive.}\\
%  \texttt{anders.o.f.hendrickson AT gmail DOT com} \and
%  Matthieu Guerquin-Kern\footnote{current maintainer, %
%  author of the updates (\texttt{v0.6} to \texttt{\fileversion}).}\\
%  \href{mailto:guerquin-kernATcransDOTorg}{\texttt{guerquin-kern AT crans DOT org}}%
% }%
% \date{\today}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% This document describes the \pkg{moodle} package, made for writing \Moodle\
% quizzes in \LaTeX. In addition to typesetting the quizzes for proofreading or
% giving to students as handout, the package generates an \XML\ file to be uploaded
% to a \Moodle\ server.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Introduction}
% \subsection{Motivation}
% The acronym \acro{Moodle} stands for ``Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.''
% It is an open source learning management system (\LMS) employed by many universities,
% colleges, and high schools to provide digital access to course materials, such as
% notes, video lectures, forums, and the like; see
% \url{https://moodle.com/moodle-lms/} for more information.
% One of the many useful
% features of \Moodle\ is that mathematical and scientific notation can be entered in
% \LaTeX\ or \TeX\ code, which will be typeset either through a built-in \TeX\ filter
% or by invoking MathJax.
% For instructors who want to give students frequent feedback,
% but lack the time to do so, a particularly valuable module in \Moodle\
% is the \emph{quiz}.  A \Moodle\ quiz can consist of several different types of
% questions---not only multiple choice or true/false questions, but also
% questions requiring a short phrase or numerical answer, and even essay
% questions.  All but the essay questions are automatically graded by the
% system, and the instructor has full control over how often the quiz may be
% attempted, its duration, and so forth.  Feedback can be tailored to specific
% mistakes the student makes.
% All these features make \Moodle\ quizzes very useful tools for instructors
% who have access to them.
% Unfortunately, the primary way to create or edit a \Moodle\ quiz
% is through a web-based interface that can be slow to operate.
% To users of \LaTeX, accustomed to the speed of typing source code on
% a keyboard alone, the agonizing slowness of switching between mouse and keyboard
% to navigate a web form with its myriad dropdown boxes, radio buttons,
% compounded with a perceptible time lag as one's \Moodle\ server responds to requests,
% can produce a very frustrating experience.  Moreover, editing is entirely
% impossible without network access.
% Once the quiz is written, there is no easy way to view and proofread all the
% information of which it is made.  Each question is edited on a separate webpage,
% which is so full of options that it cannot be viewed on a single screen.
% An instructor has to spend much time checking over the newly created quiz in
% order to be confident there are no errors.
% Added to all this is the frustration of managing graphics.
% If a question requires an image---say, asking a calculus student to interpret
% the graph of a function---the image must first be produced as a standalone file
% (e.g., in \JPG\ or \PNG\ format), uploaded to \Moodle, and then chosen in a web-based
% \HTML\ editor.  Great is the vexation of the instructor who decided to alter a
% question, as there are more and more possibilities of error whenever multiple
% files must be kept synchronized.
% Users of \LaTeX\ are also accustomed to the speed and flexibility that
% comes from defining their own macros, which may be as brief as writing
% \cmd{\R} instead of |\mathbb{R}|
% or as complex as macros that generate entire paragraphs of text.
% The \Moodle\ editor, by contrast, requires you to type |\mathbb{R}|
% every single time you want $\mathbb{R}$.
% Finally, there is the question of archiving and reusing one's work.
% Much, much work goes into creating \Moodle\ quizzes, which then reside
% on a \Moodle\ server somewhere in the cloud in a format neither easily browsable
% nor easily modifiable.
% \LaTeX\ itself has the power to solve all these difficulties:
% it is swift to edit and swifter to compile a \LaTeX\ document,
% and the \PDF\ may be previewed onscreen or printed out for ease of proofreading.
% Mathematical graphics can be integrated within the main file through \TikZ,
% and of course \LaTeX\ macros can be customized.
% Using the present \pkg{moodle} package,
% a quiz author can type a quiz using familiar \LaTeX\ syntax and document
% structure.  Upon compilation, \LaTeX\ will generate both a well-organized
% \PDF\ that is easy to proofread and an \XML\ file that can be uploaded directly
% to \Moodle.  The entire process is far faster than using \Moodle's own
% web-based editor, makes it easier to catch one's mistakes,
% and the ultimate source code of one's work is a human-readable \filenm{.tex} file
% that can be archived, versioned, browsed, and edited offline.
% Strictly speaking, the \pkg{moodle} package does not generate quizzes:
% it generates question banks that can be imported in the \LMS. The teacher
% still needs to compose manually a quiz from the question banks. Hopefully,
% two \Moodle\ features supported by the package make this task easier:
% categories and tags.
% In this documentation the \LMS\ is referred to as \Moodle\
% (uppercase letters and roman font) while the \LaTeX\ package
% is referred to as \pkg{moodle} (lower case and sans serif font).
% \subsection{Workflow}
%% \begin{figure}[bp]
% \centering
% \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1,auto,bend
% angle=45,box/.style={rectangle,draw=blue!50,rounded corners=3,top
% 	color=white,bottom color=black!20,thick,align=center,text
% 	width=2.5cm},elmt/.style={font=\itshape,align=left},
% cmnt/.style={font=\footnotesize,align=center},
% bigcmnt/.style={font=\normalsize,align=center},pre/.style={<-,>=stealth',thick},
% post/.style={->,>=stealth',thick}, prepost/.style={<->,>=stealth',thick}]
% \draw[white,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=10]
% (-1.5,-.7)--++(0,1.4)--++(10.3,0)--++(0,-2.3)--++(-6.7,0)--++(-.25,.725)--cycle;
% \node[orange!80!black,above] (dev) at (7.5,-1.6) {\textit{Development}};
% \fill[green,fill opacity=.2,rounded corners=10]
% (-1.5,.7)--++(3,0)--++(0.5,-2.4)--++(6.8,0)--++(0,-3)--++(-10.3,0)--cycle;
% \node[green!80!black,below] (dev) at (7.5,-1.7) {\textit{Publishing}};
% \node[box,text width=2cm] (tex) {\filenm{.tex} source file};
% \node[rectangle,fill=white,draw,align=center,text
% width=1.5cm,below=of tex] (compfinal) {\LaTeX{}\\ engine};
% \node[rectangle,fill=white,draw,align=center,text width=1.5cm,right=of tex,xshift=4.5cm]
% (compdraft) {\LaTeX{}\\ engine};
% \draw ($(tex)!.5!(compdraft)+(0,-.7)$) node[box] (pdf) {\filenm{.pdf} file for proofreading};
% \node[box,below=of pdf,yshift=.1cm] (pdfhandout) {\filenm{.pdf} file for students};
% \node[rectangle,fill=white,draw,align=center,text width=2cm,below=of compfinal] (extern)
% {Picture\\processing};
% \draw (pdf|-extern) node[box,anchor=center] (xml) {\filenm{.xml} file\\\footnotesize(pictures embedded)};
% \draw (compdraft|-pdfhandout)
% node[rectangle,fill=white,draw,align=center,text width=1.5cm,anchor=center] (students)
% {Students};
% \draw (compdraft|-xml)
% node[rectangle,fill=white,draw,align=center,text width=1.5cm,anchor=center] (moodle)
% {\Moodle\ \\Server};
% \draw (tex) edge [post,bend right=10] node[cmnt,pos=.5,left] {\optn{final}}
% node[cmnt,pos=.5,right] {\optn{handout}} (compfinal);
% \draw (tex) edge [post,bend left=10] node[cmnt,pos=.5,below] {\optn{draft}} (compdraft);
% \draw (compdraft) edge [post,bend left=10] (pdf);
% \draw (compfinal) edge [post] node[cmnt,pos=.5,above,sloped]
% {\footnotesize(\optn{handout})} (pdfhandout);
% \draw[dashed] (compfinal) edge [post] (pdf);
% \draw (compfinal) edge [post,bend left=0] node[cmnt,pos=.55,below,sloped]
% {\footnotesize(\optn{final})} (xml);
% \draw (compfinal) edge [post,bend right=15] node[cmnt,black!40,pos=.5,text width=1cm,left]
% {\optn{tikz}, \filenm{.png}, \filenm{.jpg}} (extern);
% \draw (extern) edge [post,green,bend right=15] node[cmnt,black!40,pos=.5,below,right]
% {\prog{base64}} (compfinal);
% \draw (pdf) edge [post,red,bend left=15] node[sloped,cmnt,pos=.5,above] {improve} (tex);
% \draw (pdfhandout) edge [post,red] node[cmnt,pos=.5,below] {distribute} (students);
% \draw (xml) edge [post,red] node[cmnt,pos=.5,below] {import} (moodle);
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \caption{Block diagram describing a typical workflow using the \pkg{moodle} package.}
% \label{fig:workflow}
% \end{figure}
% The process of creating a quiz in \Moodle\ using this package is depicted in
% Figure~\vref{fig:workflow}. It follows a few
% steps:
% \begin{enumerate}
%   \item Write a \LaTeX\ document using |\usepackage{moodle}| as described
% below.
%   \item Compile the document to \PDF\ using pdf\LaTeX\ (\acro{ASCII} characters only),
%         \XeLaTeX, or \LuaLaTeX.
% This will also produce the file \meta{jobname}\filenm{-moodle.xml}.
%   \item navigate to your course on \Moodle\ and, under ``Question bank'', select ``Import.''
%   \item Select ``Moodle \XML\ format,'' choose the \XML\ file to upload, and press ``Import.''
%   \item After \Moodle\ verifies that the questions have been imported correctly,
%         you may add them to your quizzes.
% \end{enumerate}
% \section{Usage}\label{sect:usage}
% The following pages presume the reader already has some familiarity with creating
% and editing \Moodle\ quizzes through the web interface.
% Users that are not familiar with \Moodle\ quizzes can learn more in the \Moodle\
% documentation. For instance, \url{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Question_types}.
% The \pkg{xkeyval} package is used to provide a key-value interface.
% \subsection{Example Document}
% Here is a simple example document:
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \documentclass[12pt]{article}
%   \usepackage[section]{moodle}
%   \moodleregisternewcommands
%   \newcommand\monomial[1]{x^{#1}}
%   \newcommand\sillyanswer{What!?}
%   \begin{document}
%   Quiz generated \LaTeX's \textsf{moodle} (\moodleversion, \moodledate).
%   Import the derived file \texttt{\jobname-moodle.xml} on Moodle.
%   \begin{quiz}{My first quiz}
%     \begin{numerical}[points=2]{Basic addition}
%       What is $8+3$?
%       \item 11
%     \end{numerical}
%     \begin{shortanswer}[usecase]{Newton's name}
%       What was Newton's first name?
%       \item Isaac
%       \item[fraction=0, feedback={\sillyanswer}] Fig
%       \item[fraction=0] Sir
%     \end{shortanswer}
%     \begin{multi}[points=3]{A first derivative}
%       What is the first derivative of $\monomial{3}$?
%       \item $\frac{1}{4}\monomial{4}+C$
%       \item[feedback={yes!}]* $3\monomial{2}$
%       \item[feedback={\sillyanswer}]  $51$
%     \end{multi}
%   \end{quiz}
%   \end{document}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% Key features to note in this first example are that a \env{quiz} environment
% contains several question environments.
% Each question takes a name as a mandatory argument,
% and it may also take optional key-value arguments within brackets.
% The question environments resemble list environments
% such as \env{itemize} or \env{enumerate}, in that answers are set off by
% \cmd{\item}'s, but the question itself is the text that occurs before
% the first \cmd{\item}.
%^^A \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\moodleregisternewcommands}
%^^A \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\htmlregister}
%^^A Calling \cmb{\moodleregisternewcommands} tells the package to treat
%^^A specifically the macros defined subsequently.
%^^A This way, the macros that \Moodle's \LaTeX\ renderer does not know
%^^A about can be properly expanded in the \XML\ file.
%^^A This mechanism applies only to the macros defined using \cmd{\newcommand}
%^^A and \emph{without} optional argument.
%^^A Using \cmd{\htmlregister}\marg{macroname}, lets you declare a specific
%^^A macro for expansion. This mechanism, instead, also applies to the
%^^A macros defined using \TeX's primitive \cmd{\def}.
% \subsection{Package Options}
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{draft} If the package option \optn{draft} is invoked,
% by calling |\usepackage[draft]{moodle}| or |\documentclass[draft]{...}|,
% then no \XML\ file will be generated. This is especially useful while
% editing a quiz containing graphics, so as to avoid the time spent
% converting image files.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{final} The package option \optn{final} might be
% useful if one wants to avoid the option \optn{draft} to be inherited from
% the \cmd{\documentclass}.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{handout}
% If the package option \optn{handout} is invoked (|\usepackage[handout]{moodle}|),
% the \PDF\ file is generated clean from teacher-only information (answers,
% points, penalty, feedback, tags) and, hence, can be given  to students
% for classroom work. In particular, as would \Moodle\ do, answers in
% \env{matching} questions are shuffled and the option \optn{shuffle}
% triggers the shuffling of choices offered (\env{multi} and
% \env{matching}). This is achieved thanks to the package
% \pkg{randomlist}, loaded if the option is invoked. The seed of its
% random generator is controlled by the macro \cmd{\RLsetrandomseed}\marg{integer}
% \DescribeMacro[randomlist]{\RLsetrandomseed}.
% This option does not interfere with the generation of the \XML\ file.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{samepage}^^A\watchout[experimental]
% If the package option \optn{samepage} is invoked, preferably used together
% with \optn{handout} (|\usepackage[handout,samepage]{moodle}|), the package
% will try to keep every question on the same page. Very bad spacing
% can result from this.
% This option is experimental. Subquestions inside a \env{cloze} question
% are protected but the \env{cloze} question itself is not protected.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{nostamp}
% By default, the package will output a stamp as a comment in the XML
% file. This stamp contains information gathered about the \TeX\ engine,
% the platform used and the package version. For instance:%
% \begin{quote}\small
% \makeatletter\def\today{\the\year-\two@digits\month-\two@digits\day}\makeatother
% \newcount\hour\hour=\time
% \divide\hour by 60\relax
% \newcount\minute\minute=\hour
% \multiply\minute by -60\relax
% \advance\minute by \time\relax
% |<!-- This XML file is a question bank made for Moodle. -->|\\
% |<!-- It was generated on |\texttt{\today\space\the\hour:\the\minute}| by LuaLaTeX running -->|\\
% |<!-- on Linux with the package moodle |\texttt{\fileversion}| (|\texttt{\filedate}|) -->|
% \end{quote}
% The package option |nostamp| prevents this
% stamp from being written in the \XML\ file.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{section}\DescribeOption[moodle]{subsection}
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{section*}\DescribeOption[moodle]{subsection*}
% The package options \optn{section} and \optn{subsection} place each quiz as a
% new section or subsection, respectively. Starred variants
% correspond to unnumbered sections or subsections. To preserve
% compatibility with Version 0.5 of this package, the default is
% \optn{subsection*}. Consequently, |\usepackage[subsection*]{moodle}| is equivalent
% to |\usepackage{moodle}| .
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{tikz}
% The package option \optn{tikz} is described in Section~\vref{subsec:tikz}.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{svg}^^A\watchout[experimental]
% The package option \optn{svg} is described in Section~\vref{subsec:svg}.
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{LMS}\texttt{=}\meta{\texttt{X.Y}}
% \DescribeDefault{warn only} lets you specify version numbers
% for the target \Moodle\ LMS instance (\texttt{X} and \texttt{Y} are
% major and minor version integers). When version numbers are provided,
% the use of recent quiz features is secured by a compatibility
% check and \pkg{moodle} raises relevant errors. The XML stamp
% (see \optn{nostamp} above) also mentions \Moodle's target version.
% By default, \pkg{moodle} will just issue warnings when recent quiz
% features are used.
% \subsection{Quiz and Question Environments}
% A \filenm{.tex} document to generate \Moodle\ quizzes contains one or more
% \env{quiz} environments.
% \DescribeEnv[moodle]{quiz}\oarg{common options}\marg{category name}
% defines a quiz, within which various question environments are nested.
% The mandatory argument, \meta{category name}, names a category for \Moodle's
% ``question bank'': after import, the questions defined in this environment
% will be gathered in this category.
% Using the optional argument, options can be set at the quiz level.
% Although there are no \env{quiz}-specific options, any \meta{common options} set
% with the quiz will be inherited by all questions contained within that environment.
% \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\moodleset}\marg{options}
% is to be used to set options outside question environments; the option
% settings are local to \TeX-groups.
% \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\setcategory}\marg{category name}
% is to be used to change the current category inside a quiz environment and
% in between questions. Note that the \env{quiz} environment defines a category
% by its own.
% \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\setsubcategory}\marg{subcategory name}
% does the same with subcategories.

% The categories and subcategories are reflected in the \PDF\ file as sections, subsections, or
% subsubsections, in accordance to the package setting \optn{section}, \optn{section*},
% \optn{subsection}, or \optn{subsection*}.
% The syntax for each question environment is
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin|\marg{question type}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{item options} \meta{item} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{item options} \meta{item} \\
%   |\end|\marg{question type}
% \end{quote}
% The meaning of the \meta{item}s varies depending on the question type,
% but they usually are answers to the question.
% Details will be given below.
% The following key-value options may be set for all questions:
% \DescribeKey[quiz,question]{points}\DescribeDefault{1}
% \DescribeKey[quiz,question]{default grade}
% By default, each question is worth 1 point on the quiz.
% This setting may be changed with the \optn{points} key or its synonym, \optn{default grade}.
% For example, \optn{points=2} makes that question worth two points.
% \DescribeKey[quiz,question]{penalty}\DescribeDefault{0.1}
% The \optn{penalty} is the fraction of points that is taken off for each wrong attempt;
% it may be set to any value between 0 and 1.
% \DescribeKey[answer]{fraction}^^A\DescribeDefault{0}
% In most question types, it is possible to designate some answers as being
% worth partial credit---that is, some fraction of a completely correct answer.
% The \optn{fraction} key may be set to any of the values given in Table~\vref{tab:fraction},
% from \texttt{0} (entirely wrong) to \texttt{100} (entirely correct).
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{\href{https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/MOODLE\_310\_STABLE/question/engine/bank.php\#L339}
%     {Admissible positive values} for the \optn{fraction} key outside \env{cloze} environments: $100\cdot(p/q)$.}
% \label{tab:fraction}
% \footnotesize
% \begin{tabular}{l*{10}{l}}
% \toprule
% Denominator $q$ & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Numerator $p$}\\
% \cmidrule{2-11}
% & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}\cmidrule(lr){4-4}
% \cmidrule(lr){5-5}\cmidrule(lr){6-6}\cmidrule(lr){7-7}\cmidrule(lr){8-8}
% \cmidrule(lr){9-9}\cmidrule(lr){10-10}\cmidrule(lr){11-11}
% 20 & 0&5&&&&&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 10 & &10&20&30&40&50&60&70&80&90\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 9 & &11.11111&&&&&&&&100\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 8 & &12.5&&&&&&&100&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 7 & &14.28571&&&&&&100&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 6 & &16.66667&&&&83.33333&100&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 5 & &20&&&80&100&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 4 & &25&&75&100&&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 3 & &33.33333&66.66667&100&&&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 2 & &50&100&&&&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% 1 & 0&100&&&&&&&&\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}
% In questions where several choices can be selected (see \env{multi} with option
% \optn{multiple}), positive fractions must add up to exactly 100. It is also possible to set
% negative fractions (from -100 to 0) for wrong choices, in order to prevent the
% selection of all choices from leading to a good grade.
% In this case, the value ranging from -100 to 0 must be the opposite of one of the
% values listed in Table~\vref{tab:fraction}.
% \DescribeKey[answer]{fractiontol}\DescribeDefault{0.01}
% The package tries to match the \optn{fraction} key to one of the admissible values.
% To this end, the tolerance is controlled by the \optn{fractiontol} key. The default
% value, \texttt{0.01}, may be changed. When no admissible fraction value is matched, the
% package raises an error.
% \DescribeKey{feedback}
% The \optn{feedback} key sets text that will appear to the student after completing the quiz.
% For example, one might set
% \begin{center}
%   |feedback={This question might show up in the final exam.}|
% \end{center}
% The desired feedback should be included in braces.
% \DescribeKey[question]{feedback}If the \optn{feedback} key is set for a question,
% then that feedback will appear to each student regardless of the student's answer.
% \DescribeKey[answer]{feedback}
% Answer-specific feedback (perhaps explaining a common mistake)
% may also be given by setting the \optn{feedback} key \emph{at the individual answer}.
% \DescribeKey{tags}
% The \optn{tags} key sets a list of keywords for the question that will be taken into account
% by \Moodle\ for filtering purposes or classification of questions inside the question bank.
% It is possible for instance to build a quiz with questions cherry-picked among the set of
% questions holding a particular tag.
% For example, one might set
% \begin{center}
%   |tags={easy}|
% \end{center}
% The desired tag should be specified in between braces. Multiple tags can be set as a
% comma-separated list:
% \begin{center}
%   |tags={tag1,tag2,{ leading whitespace},{including, comma}}|
% \end{center}
% \DescribeKey[quiz]{tags}
% If the \optn{tags} key is set at the quiz level,
% then that tag list will serve as a default for each question of the quiz.
% \DescribeKey[question]{tags}
% Question-specific tags can be assigned by setting the \optn{tags} key \emph{at the question level}.
% The question-level \optn{tags} key overrides eventual quiz-level tags.
% Users willing to specify a same tag for all questions of the quiz could
% also consider relying on \Moodle's category mechanism.
% \subsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Question_types}{Question Types}}
% We next discuss the various question types supported by \pkg{moodle}
% and the options that may be set.
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{truefalse}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{True/False} question.
% The syntax for a True/False question is as follows:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{truefalse}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item*| \meta{feedback when ``true" is chosen} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{feedback when ``false" is chosen} \\
%   |\end{truefalse}|
% \end{quote}
% The correct answer is designated by the asterisk \texttt{*} after the \cmd{\item};
% it need not appear first in the list.
% Answer-specific feedback can also be defined as an item option, similarly to
% other types.
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{truefalse}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item[feedback={|\meta{When ``true" is chosen}|}]*| \\
%   |\end{truefalse}|
% \end{quote}
% Note that, in this example, no feedback is defined for the incorrect answer
% ``False": the corresponding item can be omitted.
% With the True/False question type, the |penalty| key has no effect.
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Multiple_Choice_question_type}{Multiple Choice}}
% \label{subsec:multi}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{multi}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{Multiple Choice} question.
% The syntax for a classic multiple choice question,
% with only one correct answer, is as follows:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{multi}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options}|*| \meta{correct answer} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options} \meta{wrong answer} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options} \meta{wrong answer} \\
%   |\end{multi}|
% \end{quote}
% The correct answer is designated by the asterisk \texttt{*} after the \cmd{\item};
% it need not appear first in the list.
% \DescribeBoolean[multi]{shuffle}\DescribeDefault{true}
% The Boolean key \optn{shuffle} determines whether \Moodle\ will
% rearrange the possible answers in a random order.
% Setting \optn{shuffle=false} will guarantee that the answers will
% be presented to the student in the order they were typed.
% \DescribeKey[multi]{numbering}\DescribeDefault{abc}
% \Moodle\ offers different options for numbering the possible answers.
% You may set the \optn{numbering} key to any of the values listed in
% Table~\vref{tab:numbering_options}.
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Numbering modalities offered for \env{multi} questions.}
% \label{tab:numbering_options}
% \begin{tabular}{rllllll}
% \toprule
% Sample & a., b., \dots & A., B., \dots & 1., 2., \dots & i., ii., \dots &
% I., II., \dots & $\bullet$ \\
% \cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}\cmidrule(lr){4-4}\cmidrule(lr){5-5}\cmidrule(lr){6-6}
% \cmidrule(lr){7-7}
% \LaTeX\ syntax & \optn{alph} & \optn{Alph} & \optn{arabic} & \optn{roman} & \optn{Roman} & \optn{none}\\
% \Moodle\ syntax & \optn{abc} & \optn{ABCD} & \optn{123} & \optn{iii} & \optn{IIII} & \optn{none} \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}
% \optn{numbering=none} produces an unnumbered list of answers.
% Note the \emph{four} capital letters required by \Moodle's syntax
% to obtain upper-case Roman or alphabetic numerals.
% \DescribeKey[item]{fraction}\DescribeDefault{0}
% \DescribeKey[item*]{fraction}\DescribeDefault{100}
% The \optn{fraction} key may be automatically set depending on the
% presence of an asterisk \texttt{*} right after the \cmd{\item}. By default,
% Starred items designate correct answers (\optn{fraction=100}) while
% bare items designate incorrect answers (\optn{fraction=0}).
% The key can be used to designate some wrong answers as being worth
% partial credit or sanction.  For example, a question might read
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{multi}{my question}
%     Compute $\int 4x^3\,dx$.
%     \item* $x^4+C$
%     \item[fraction=50] $x^4$
%     \item $12x^2$
%   \end{multi}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% \DescribeBoolean[multi]{single}\DescribeDefault{true}
% By default, the \env{multi} environment produces a multiple choice
% question where only one answer can be selected. This is called
% \optn{single} mode.
%^^A On \Moodle, the choices are displayed with radio
%^^A buttons and only one of them can be selected by the student.
% In \optn{single} mode, the teacher can set negative fractions for
% incorrect choices. This way, the expected grade of a student
% picking up choices randomly across a quiz is lowered.
% By default, incorrect answers that do not have a fraction
% specified correspond to \optn{fraction=0}.
% \DescribeKey[quiz,multi]{sanction}\DescribeDefault{0} However,
% if the \optn{sanction} key is set to a positive value, at quiz or
% question levels, such incorrect answers are sanctioned as if
% \optn{fraction=-}\meta{sanction value} was set for each of them.
% \DescribeKey[multi]{multiple}
% It is also possible to write questions with possibly more than
% one correct answer, asking the user to check all correct answers.
% To do this, use the key \optn{multiple} or \optn{single=false}.
% For this kind of question, the student gets a grade that
% corresponds to the total of the weights of the answers selected.
% Users may rely on two modalities to set the weights of the answers:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item the \emph{advanced mode} applies whenever a \optn{fraction} key
% is set among the proposed answers. In this case, it is recommended
% that the user sets manually everything. Answers that are left with
% no fraction set are considered as neutral, selecting them will
% not change the grade. If \cmd{\item*} is used to designate some correct
% answers, \pkg{moodle} will distribute equally among those answers
% the points that are left for a total of 100\% (only positive
% fractions count here). Note that doing so will easily yield
% situations where the weights are inadmissible (see
% Table~\vref{tab:fraction}).
% \item the \emph{automatic mode} applies when correct answers are
% designated using \cmd{\item*} and no answer has a \optn{fraction} key set.
% In this case, each correct answer is weighted to bring the same
% fraction of the maximum grade and each incorrect answer is
% weighted to cancel the benefits of the selection of one correct
% answer.
% \end{enumerate}
% For example, the following two examples are equivalent:
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{multi}[multiple]{Automatic Mode}
%     Which numbers are prime?
%     \item 2
%     \item* 5
%     \item* 7
%     \item 1
%     \item 6
%   \end{multi}
%   \begin{multi}[multiple]{Advanced Mode}
%     Which numbers are prime?
%     \item[fraction=-50] 2
%     \item[fraction=50] 5
%     \item[fraction=50] 7
%     \item[fraction=-50] 1
%     \item[fraction=-50] 6
%   \end{multi}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% Note that, in this example, negative fractions are set for wrong
% choices. This prevents students from obtaining a good grade with
% no merit if they select all answers.
% Contrarily to the \optn{single} mode where questions with negative fractions may
% lead to a overall negative grade, when multiple choices can be selected, the
% lowest grade \Moodle\ will take into account for the question is 0.
% \DescribeKey[multi]{allornothing}
% There also exists a \href{https://moodle.org/plugins/qtype_multichoiceset}
% {``All-or-Nothing Multiple Choice''} plugin for \Moodle\ that introduces a
% question type similar to a multiple choice with multiple correct answers,
% with the specificity that the points are given if and only if the student
% selects all correct answers. This kind of question is set up using the
% \optn{allornothing} key.
% The recommended way for designating correct answers is with \cmd{\item*}. If instead
% the \optn{fraction} is used, \pkg{moodle} will consider that non-negative
% fractions ($>0$) designate correct answers and negative fractions ($\leq 0$)
% designate incorrect choices.
% The option \optn{allornothing} supersedes the options \optn{multiple} and \optn{single}.
% To the best of our knowledge, \Moodle\ does not offer the all-or-nothing behavior
% for multiple choice questions embedded inside a \env{cloze} question.
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Numerical_question_type}{Numerical}}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{numerical}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{Numerical} question which, in \Moodle, requires the student
% to input a real number in decimal form.
% The typical format for this question type is:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{numerical}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options} \meta{correct answer} \\
%   |\end{numerical}|
% \end{quote}
% If there is more than one correct answer, additional \cmd{\item}'s may be included.
% Because this is not a multiple choice question, there is no need to provide
% incorrect answers. There may nevertheless be reasons to include incorrect answers.
% For example, partially correct answers may be specified by setting the \optn{fraction} key.
% Feedback for a common mistake may be given by including the incorrect answer like this:
% \begin{quote}\footnotesize
%   |\item[fraction=0,feedback={Forgot to antidifferentiate?}]| \meta{incorrect answer}
% \end{quote}
% \DescribeKey[numerical]{tolerance}\DescribeDefault{0}
% The \optn{tolerance} key can be used to specify the validity of answers within some margin.
% This key can be set at different levels: quiz, question, item.
% For example, with the question
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{numerical}[tolerance=0.01]{my question}
%     Approximate value of $\sqrt{2}$?
%     \item[tolerance={1e-1}] 1.4142
%     \item[fraction=20,feedback={twice this!}] 7.0711e-1
%     \item[fraction=0,feedback={Wrong!}] *
%   \end{numerical}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% In this example,
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item any answer in the range $[1.4042,1.4242]$ will be validated,
%   \item any answer in the range $[0.69711,0.71711]$ will get the specific feedback
%         \emph{twice this!} and 20\% of points,
%   \item any other answer is incorrect and will get the specific feedback
%         \emph{Wrong!}.
% \end{itemize}
% When feedback is to be given for any non-specified answer, one can add a \emph{last} answer
% item containing the wildcard character \texttt{*} only. In this case, the \optn{tolerance} key is irrelevant.
% Both answers and tolerance can be specified with the comma (\texttt{,}) as a decimal separator.
% Exponent notation is accepted. After import, \Moodle\ will recognize indifferently \texttt{0.000165},
% \texttt{0,000165}, \texttt{1.65E-4}, \texttt{1.65e-4}, \texttt{1,65E-4}, and \texttt{1,65e-4}.
% If the \pkg{siunitx} package is loaded, \pkg{moodle} will detect it and
% numbers will be rendered nicely in the \PDF\ output.
% Units, unit-handling and multipliers are currently unsupported.\watchout
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Short-Answer_question_type}{Short Answer}}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{shortanswer}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{Short Answer} question. It resembles
% a \env{numerical} question: the student is to fill in a text box with a
% missing word or phrase.
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{shortanswer}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options} \meta{correct answer} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item|\oarg{answer options} \meta{correct answer} \\
%   |\end{shortanswer}|
% \end{quote}
% You can make the text box appear as part of the question with the
% control sequence \cmd{\blank}.  For example,
% your question might read
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{shortanswer}{Leibniz}
%     Newton's rival was Gottfried Wilhelm \blank.
%     \item Leibniz
%     \item Leibniz.
%   \end{shortanswer}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% Note that as the blank occurred at the end of a sentence,
% we included two answers,
% lest students get the question wrong merely by
% including or omitting a period.
% \DescribeBoolean[shortanswer]{case sensitive}\DescribeDefault{false}
% The default setting when creating a Short Answer question in \Moodle\
% is to ignore the distinction between upper- and lower-case letters
% when grading a short answer question. This default is preserved by
% \pkg{moodle}.
% You can make a question case-sensitive with the Boolean key
% \optn{case sensitive} or its shorter synonym \optn{usecase}\DescribeBoolean[shortanswer]{usecase}.
% The \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Short-Answer_question_type#Wildcard_usage}%
% {wildcard character} \texttt{*} can used to grab answers that match
% a specific pattern. Following the order of answers, the first match will lead
% to the corresponding score and eventual feedback. As an example, take the
% following question
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{shortanswer}[usecase]{Newton's name}
%     What was Newton's first name?
%     \item Isaac
%     \item[fraction=0,feedback={Simply Isaac!}] Isaa*
%     \item[fraction=0,feedback={This one is Leibniz!}] *Gottfried*
%     \item[fraction=0,feedback={First name, not title!}] Sir*
%     \item[fraction=0,feedback={No\dots}] *
%   \end{shortanswer}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% \begin{itemize}\def\answ#1{\framebox{\texttt{#1}}}%
%   \item the answer \answ{Isaac} is the only one that gets rewarded,
%   \item answers \answ{Isaac Leibniz}, \answ{Isaac Newton}, and \answ{Isaak} yield
%   the feedback \emph{Simply Isaac!},
%   \item answers \answ{Sir Gottfried Wilhelm}, \answ{Sir Gottfried},
%         \answ{Gottfried Wilhem}, and \answ{Gottfried} yield
%         the feedback \emph{This one is Leibniz!},
%   \item answers \answ{Sir Isaac}, and \answ{Sir} yield
%         the feedback \emph{First name, not title!},
%   \item any answer that does not match the previous patterns
%         yields the feedback \emph{No\dots}.
% \end{itemize}
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Essay_question_type}{Essay}}\label{subsubsect:essay}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{essay}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines an \emph{Essay} question.
% Instructors may ask essay questions on a \Moodle\ quiz,
% although \Moodle's software is not up to the task of grading them!
% Instead, each essay question answer must be graded manually by the
% instructor or a teaching assistant.
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{essay}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{information 1 for grader} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{information $n$ for grader} \\
%   |\end{essay}|
% \end{quote}
% Instead of containing answers, the \cmd{\item} entries included in the \env{essay}
% question contain notes that will appear to whoever is grading the question manually.
% Contrarily to other question types, \cmd{\item} in \env{essay} questions
% do not take options.
% \DescribeBoolean[essay]{response required}\DescribeDefault{false}
% Although \Moodle\ cannot grade the content of an essay question,
% it can at least determine whether the question has been left blank.
% If the \optn{response required} key is set, \Moodle\ will insist that the student
% enter something in the blank before accepting the quiz as completed.
% \DescribeKey[essay]{response format}\DescribeDefault{html}
% \Moodle\ offers five different ways for students to enter and/or upload their
% answers to an essay question. You may choose one of these five options:
% \begin{description}
%   \ItemDescribeOther[response format]{html} An editor with the ability to format \HTML\ responses
%         including markup for italics, boldface, etc.  This is the default.
%   \ItemDescribeOther[response format]{file} A file picker allowing the student to upload a
%         file, such as a \PDF\ or DOC file, containing the essay.
%   \ItemDescribeOther[response format]{html+file} The same \HTML\ editor as above, but with the
%         ability to upload files as well.  This permits some students to type
%         answers directly into the web form, and others to compose their
%         essays in another program first.
%   \ItemDescribeOther[response format]{text} This editor allows only for entering plain text
%         without any markup.
%   \ItemDescribeOther[response format]{monospaced} This yields a plain text editor, without any
%         markup, and with a fixed-width font.  This could be useful for
%         entering code snippets, for example.
% \end{description}
% \DescribeKey[essay]{response field lines}\DescribeDefault{15}
% The key \optn{response field lines} controls the height of the input box.
% For \Moodle, the admissible values are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40.
% If the value set is not admissible, \pkg{moodle} will approximate the value:
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item with either 5 or 40 if the value set was out of range, or
%   \item with the next multiple of 5 otherwise.
% \end{itemize}
% \DescribeKey[essay]{attachments allowed}\DescribeDefault{0}
% The \optn{attachments allowed} key controls \emph{how many} attachments a student is
% allowed to upload. Admissible values are \texttt{0}, \texttt{1}, \texttt{2},
% \texttt{3}, or \texttt{unlimited}.
% \DescribeKey[essay]{attachments required}\DescribeDefault{0}
% You may also require the student to upload a certain number of attachments
% by setting \optn{attachments required} to \texttt{0}, \texttt{1}, \texttt{2}, or \texttt{3}.
% \DescribeKey[essay]{template}
% Finally, you may preload the essay question with a template that the student
% will edit and/or type over, with the key \optn{template=}\marg{template}.
% The \meta{template} should be enclosed in braces.
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Matching_question_type}{Matching}}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{matching}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{Matching} question. It typically
% looks like this:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{matching}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{item 1} |\answer| \meta{match 1}\\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{item 2} |\answer| \meta{match 2}\\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| \meta{item $m$} |\answer| \meta{match $m$}\\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| |\answer| \meta{no match $1$}\\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\quad$\vdots$ \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}|\item| |\answer| \meta{no match $n$}\\
%   |\end{matching}|
% \end{quote}
% \meta{match}es $1$ through $m$ are separated from their corresponding
% \meta{item}s by the command \cmd{\answer}\DescribeMacro[matching]{\answer}.
% Answers that match no item can be proposed at the end of the list,
% preceded by an empty item.
% After import, \Moodle\ will recognize matches that are \emph{exact}
% duplicates. If you intend multiple questions to have the same match,
% make sure that they are entered identically.
% \DescribeBoolean[matching]{shuffle}\DescribeDefault{true}
% When students take a matching question, \Moodle\ always displays
% the proposed matches in random order.
% The \env{matching} question accepts the option |shuffle| to also
% randomly permute the items.
% \DescribeBoolean[matching]{drag and drop}\DescribeDefault{false}
% The standard matching question offered by \Moodle\ corresponds to
% a dropdown box for choosing the match for each item.
% There also exists a \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Drag_and_drop_matching_question_type}
% {``drag and drop matching''} plugin for \Moodle\ that
% shows all items in a column (left), all proposed matches in a second column
% (right), and asks students to drag the correct
% match to each item with the mouse.
% In this package, to enable drag-and-drop matching, use the key
% \optn{drag and drop} or \optn{dd}\DescribeKey[matching]{dd}\ for short.
% Beware that, with the standard format (\optn{drag and drop=false}), due
% to the limitations of dropdown boxes, \Moodle\ will not render \LaTeX\
% or \HTML\ code passed in the answers.
% \subsubsection{\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Embedded_Answers_(Cloze)_question_type}
% {Cloze Questions and Subquestions}}
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{cloze}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a \emph{Cloze} question.
% A ``cloze question'' has one or more subquestions embedded within a passage of text.
% For example, you might ask students to fill in several missing words within
% a sentence, or calculate several coefficients of a polynomial.
% To encode cloze questions in \LaTeX\ using this package is easy:
% you simply nest one or more \env{multi}, \env{numerical}, or \env{shortanswer} environments
% within a \env{cloze} environment, as in the following example:
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{cloze}{my cloze question}
%     Thanks to calculus, invented by Isaac
%     \begin{shortanswer}[usecase]
%       \item Newton
%     \end{shortanswer},
%     we know that the derivative of $x^2$ is
%     \begin{multi}[horizontal]
%       \item $2x$
%       \item* $\frac{1}{3} x^3 + C$
%       \item $0$
%     \end{multi}
%     and that $\int_0^2 x^2\,dx$ equals
%     \begin{numerical}
%       \item[tolerance={4e-4}] 2.667
%     \end{numerical}.
%     Thanks, Isaac!
%   \end{cloze}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% Note that, when used as a subquestion within a \env{cloze} question,
% the question environments are \emph{not} followed by a question
% name in braces.
% \begin{description}
% \ItemDescribeEnv[cloze]{multi}\oarg{subquestion options} defines a
%             Multiple Choice question inside a Cloze question,
% \ItemDescribeEnv[cloze]{numerical}\oarg{subquestion options} defines a
%             Numerical question inside a Cloze question, and
% \ItemDescribeEnv[cloze]{shortanswer}\oarg{subquestion options} defines a
%             Shortanswer question inside a Cloze question,
% \end{description}
% \DescribeKey[cloze]{points}\DescribeDefault{1}
% \DescribeKey[cloze]{default grade}
% Inside \env{cloze} environments, the \optn{points} or \optn{default grade}
% keys can be used to weight the worth of each subquestion. A specific
% constraint applies: the values should be positive integers.
% \DescribeKey[cloze]{fraction}
% Inside \env{cloze} environments, the \optn{fraction} key can be used to give
% partial credit or sanction for certain answers. The values
% specified must be integers and are independent of the admissible
% values listed in Table~\vref{tab:fraction}.
% \DescribeBoolean[cloze]{single}\DescribeDefault{true}
% \DescribeKey[cloze]{multiple}
% Prior to \Moodle\ version 3.5, within a \env{cloze} question, a multiple choice question
% was necessarily of type \optn{single}, i.e. with a single good answer. If you intend
% to export your quiz to \Moodle\ 3.5+, the option \optn{multiple} can be used for
% questions where students must be able to select several answers.
% The modalities described in Section~\vref{subsec:multi} for setting the
% weight of answers apply. The only difference occurs in \emph{advanced mode}:
% the sum of positive fractions may not be 100\%. In this case, after
% importing the \XML\ file, \Moodle\ will automatically scale the positive
% fractions for a total of 100\% and leave intact the negative fractions.
% ^^A\footnote{\url{https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-3782?focusedCommentId=421564\#comment-421564}}.
% ^^A\DescribeKey[cloze]{vertical}\DescribeKey[cloze]{horizontal}\DescribeKey[cloze]{inline}
% ^^A\DescribeDefault{inline}
% Within a \env{cloze} question, a multiple choice question may be displayed in three
% different modes:
% \begin{description}
% \ItemDescribeKey[cloze]{inline} The inline dropdown box is the default choice
% when only one answer is to be selected (option \optn{single}). The dropdown box
% is visually compact, but also prevents the use of mathematical or \HTML\ formatting.
% This option is incompatible\watchout\ with \optn{multiple} or \optn{single=false}
% (dropdown boxes don't let you pick up several answers!).
% \ItemDescribeKey[cloze]{vertical} displays the subquestion as a vertical column
% of radio buttons instead. This is the default when several items can
% be selected (options \optn{multiple} or \optn{single=false}).
% \ItemDescribeKey[cloze]{horizontal} creates a horizontal row of radio buttons.
% This option works well when the possible answers are short. The result is more
% compact than what \optn{vertical} gives.
% \end{description}
% \DescribeBoolean[cloze]{shuffle}
% Starting from \Moodle\ version 3.0, within a \env{cloze} question, the items of a
% multiple choice question can be shuffled. Setting \optn{shuffle=false} will
% guarantee that the answer appear in the order they were typed; the
% default is \optn{shuffle=true}.
% \DescribeBoolean[cloze]{case sensitive}\DescribeDefault{false}
% \DescribeBoolean[cloze]{usecase}
% Within a \env{cloze} question, the \env{shortanswer} question can be made case sensitive.
% This option, disabled by default, is selected with \optn{case sensitive} or \optn{usecase}.
% \DescribeEnv[quiz]{description}\oarg{question options}\marg{question name}
% is an environment that defines a so-called \emph{Description} question.
% The \Moodle\ description type is not really a question. It is more like a label.
% One can set a \optn{feedback} that the student gets when reviewing the submission.
% Tags can be set as well.
% For descriptions, \pkg{moodle} redefines \LaTeX's \env{description} environment.
% The scope of this redefinition is limited to the \env{quiz} environment.
% The syntax for a Description question is as follows:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\begin{description}|\oarg{question options}\marg{question name} \\
%   \rule{2em}{0pt}\meta{question text} \\
%   |\end{description}|
% \end{quote}
% \subsection{Summary of the Key Options}
% Table~\vref{tab:key-options}, summarizes
% the key options available at the question and answer levels depending on the
% question type. For the essay questions, please refer to Section~\vref{subsubsect:essay}.
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Options offered at the question and answer levels for each question type.}
% \label{tab:key-options}
% \small
% \begin{tabular}{*{15}{l}}
% \toprule
% & \multicolumn{11}{l}{Question} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Answer}\\
% \cmidrule(lr){2-12}\cmidrule(lr){13-15}
% Question type & \rotatebox{90}{points} &
% \rotatebox{90}{penalty} & \rotatebox{90}{feedback} & \rotatebox{90}{tags} &
% \rotatebox{90}{shuffle} & \rotatebox{90}{numbering} & \rotatebox{90}{multiple} &
% \rotatebox{90}{allornothing} &\rotatebox{90}{usecase} & \rotatebox{90}{tolerance} &
% \rotatebox{90}{dd} & \rotatebox{90}{fraction} & \rotatebox{90}{feedback} &
% \rotatebox{90}{tolerance}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}
% \cmidrule(lr){4-4}\cmidrule(lr){5-5}\cmidrule(lr){6-6}\cmidrule(lr){7-7}
% \cmidrule(lr){8-8}\cmidrule(lr){9-9}\cmidrule(lr){10-10}\cmidrule(lr){11-11}
% \cmidrule(lr){12-12}\cmidrule(lr){13-13}\cmidrule(lr){14-14}\cmidrule(lr){15-15}
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Multiple_Choice_question_type}
% {Multichoice} & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ &
% $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Numerical_question_type}{Numerical}
% & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & &
% & & $\bullet$ & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Short-Answer_question_type}{Short
% Answer} & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & &
% & $\bullet$ & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Matching_question_type}{Matching}
% & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & &
% & & & $\bullet$ & & \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/True/False_question_type}
% {True/False} & $\bullet$ & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & &
% & & & & & $\bullet$ \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Description_question_type}
% {Description} & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & &
% & & & & & \\
% ^^A\href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Essay_question_type}{Essay} & \\\hline%
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Embedded_Answers_(Cloze)_question_type}{Cloze}
% & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & & & &
% & & & & & \\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \hspace{1em}Numerical & $\bullet$ & & & & & & &
% & &$\bullet$ & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \hspace{1em}Short Answer & $\bullet$ & & & & & & &
% & $\bullet$ & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \hspace{1em}Multi (inline) & $\bullet$ & & & & $\bullet$ & & &
% & & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \hspace{1em}Multi (horiz.) & $\bullet$ & & & & $\bullet$ & & $\bullet$
% & & & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \hspace{1em}Multi (vert.) & $\bullet$ & & & & $\bullet$ & & $\bullet$
% & & & & & $\bullet$ & $\bullet$ \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}
% \subsection{Automated Generation of Questions}
% \Moodle's \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Calculated_question_type}
% {Calculated Questions} types are not supported by this package.
% However, much more flexibly, a scripting language can be used in
% combination with \pkg{moodle} to generate a large set of questions,
% based on a prototype.
% In this case, the teacher building a quiz often wants one of the questions
% to be randomly picked up and presented to the student. To achieve this,
% we suggest to apply a specific tag to the questions sharing the same prototype.
% After import in \Moodle, when creating a quiz, this tag can be selected to
% narrow down a random selection of questions.
% This way, the feature of calculated questions can be reproduced, while 
% benefiting from the flexibility given by your favorite scripting language.
% In this Section, two possible approaches are presented.
% \subsubsection{Script Generating \TeX\ Code}
% Here are two examples inspired from the work of
% \href{https://github.com/avohns/python-latex-moodle-quiz}{A. Vohns}.
% The first one relies on the
% native \prog{Lua} capabilities of \LuaLaTeX.
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{quiz}[tags={calculated}]{Example Quiz}
%   \directlua{
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=topline]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% \vspace{-.7cm}
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   function clozenum_print(pair,op,result)
%     tex.print("\\begin{numerical}$"..pair[1].." "..op.." "..pair[2].."
%     =$".."\\item ",result,"\\end{numerical}")
%   end
%   function cloze_print(pair,points)
%     tex.print("\\begin{cloze}[points="..points.."]{Arithmetic Quiz
%     ("..pair[1]..", "..pair[2]..")}Solve the following tasks!\\\\")
%     clozenum_print(pair,"+",pair[1]+pair[2])
%     clozenum_print(pair,"-",pair[1]-pair[2])
%     clozenum_print(pair,"*",pair[1]*pair[2])
%     if pair[1]/pair[2]==math.floor(pair[1]/pair[2]) then
%       clozenum_print(pair,":",math.floor(pair[1]/pair[2]))
%     end
%     tex.print("\\end{cloze}")
%   end
%   for x = 2,4 do
%     for y = 2,4 do
%       if x>y then
%         if x/y==math.floor(x/y) then points=1 else points=2 end
%         cloze_print({x,y},points)
%       end
%     end
%   end
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[]{lua}{minted.doc.out}
% \vspace{-.7cm}
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   }
%   \end{quiz}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=bottomline]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% The second example makes use of the \pkg{python} package (|\usepackage{python}|).
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \begin{quiz}[tags={calculated}]{Example Quiz}
%   \begin{python}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=topline]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% \vspace{-.7cm}
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   def clozenum_print(pair,op,result):
%     print(rf"""\begin{{numerical}}
%   ${pair[0]} {op} {pair[1]} =$\item {result}
%   \end{{numerical}}""")
%   def cloze_print(pair,points):
%     print(rf"""\begin{{cloze}}[points={points}]{{Arithmetic Quiz
%     {(pair[0],pair[1])}}}Solve the following tasks!\\""")
%     clozenum_print([x,y],"+",x+y)
%     clozenum_print([x,y],"-",x-y)
%     clozenum_print([x,y],"*",x*y)
%     if pair[0]/pair[1] == pair[0]//pair[1]:
%       clozenum_print([x,y],":",x//y)
%     print("\end{cloze}")
%   for x in range(2,5):
%     for y in range(2,5):
%       if x > y:
%         if x/y == x//y:
%           points=1
%         else:
%           points=2
%         cloze_print([x,y],points)
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[]{python}{minted.doc.out}
% \vspace{-.7cm}
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
%   \end{python}
%   \end{quiz}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=bottomline]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% These two example codes yield the same \XML\ content.
% \subsubsection{\TeX\ Code As a Template}
% Instead of mixing \TeX\ and scripting code into the same file, it is probably
% a better practice to write a |.tex| template file with predefined variables and
% manipulate the latter using an external script.
% The \pkg{moodle} package facilitates the development of question templates.
% Specific control sequences (e.g.~\TeX\ commands) can be used in place of answers
% or other parameters to the questions. In \optn{draft} mode, this should be
% possible even where \pkg{moodle} expects numerical values (e.g.~answers of
% numerical questions).
% After drafting and question development, the control sequences can then be
% substituted, by means of a scripting language, with instances of the variables
% pulled from a database (e.g. |*.csv| file).
% This way, complex quizzes, with parameterized TikZ pictures for instance, can be produced.
% This approach, briefly presented in the rest of this section, is demonstrated by
% C. Caprani in \href{https://github.com/ccaprani/genquiz}{genquiz},
% with Python for scripting and Jinja as a templating engine.
% The specific control sequence of the template is the \TeX\ command |\VAR|, taking 
% the variable name to be substituted from the database as an argument. In order to
% highlight the fields for template development, in \optn{draft} mode, this command is
% defined to typeset the variable name in bold red font. When generating the \XML\
% question bank, in \optn{final} mode, the variable values are substituted for the
% specific control sequence. Variables can be used to define numerical answers,
% tolerances, and even parameterize TikZ pictures.
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[draft]{moodle}
% \usepackage{tikz}
% \newcommand*{\VAR}[1]{\textcolor{red}{\textbf{#1}}}
% \begin{document}
%   \begin{quiz}{Disk or Square}		
%     \begin{cloze}[tags={disk area}]
%                  {Area of the Disk QID00\VAR{qidx}} 
%       \begin{tikzpicture}					
%         \draw[fill=black!20] circle[radius=1];
%         \draw[<->] (0,0)--(1,0)node[above,midway]{\VAR{radius}};				
%       \end{tikzpicture}
%       A disk has radius \VAR{radius}, what is its area?
%       \begin{numerical}[points=1,penalty=0]
%         \item[tolerance = \VAR{areatol}] \VAR{area}
%         \item[fraction=0,feedback={Note the units.}] * % incorrect
%       \end{numerical}		
%       Provide your answers to 3 significant digits.
%     \end{cloze}
%   \end{quiz}
% \end{document}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=1,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% A small python code that reads the template and renders the actual |*.tex| file
% is shown below. In this example, the template file is called |quiz_template.tex| and  
% the variables are hard-coded as a list of Python dictionaries. But nothing prevents
% you from generating them on-the-fly or picking them from a database.
% It is worth noting that \prog{jinja2} will process all |\VAR{|\meta{name}|}| occurrences,
% regardless of \TeX\ comments.
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=1]{minted.doc.out}
% import os
% import jinja2
% # Tell jinja what to look for in the template
% # (from web.archive.org/web/20121024021221/http://e6h.de/post/11/)
% latex_jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
%     variable_start_string=r"\VAR{",
%     variable_end_string=r"}",
%     comment_start_string=r"\#{",
%     comment_end_string="}",
%     loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.abspath(".")),
% )
% # Load the template
% template = latex_jinja_env.get_template("quiz_template.tex")
% # Prepare the variables or read from a database
% database = [
%     {"qidx": 1, "radius": 2, "areatol": 0.1, "area": 12.57},
%     {"qidx": 2, "radius": 3, "areatol": 0.2, "area": 28.27},
%     {"qidx": 3, "radius": 4, "areatol": 0.4, "area": 50.26},
% ]
% for row in database:
%     # combine template and variables
%     document = template.render(**row)
%     # XML files are generated by moodle.sty in "final" mode
%     document = document.replace(r"\usepackage[draft]{moodle}",
%                                 r"\usepackage{moodle}")
%     # write document
%     with open(f"{row['qidx']}.tex","w",encoding="utf-8") as outfile:
%         outfile.write(document)
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=1,frame=lines]{python}{minted.doc.out}
% Executing this Python code will result in three new |.tex| files in the current directory.
% These can then be compiled with a \TeX\ engine to produce the individual \XML\ files.
% Of course, for a large number of quizzes it is preferable to automate this compilation,
% and to combine the large number of resulting \XML\ files into a single \XML\ file for upload
% to Moodle. See \href{https://github.com/ccaprani/genquiz}{genquiz} for more details.
% Naturally, the concept of templating, demonstrated here with Python, may be orchestrated
% using other scripting languages.
% \section{Conversion to HTML}
% \subsection{Level of Support}
% The package \pkg{moodle.sty} tries to automatically
% convert the \LaTeX\ code included in the questions
% into \HTML\ for web display.
% With this aim, a number of \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ macros,
% commands, and environments undergo a tailored treatment
% when \pkg{moodle} generates the \XML\ file. A few tables
% describe the current level of support:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item text mode diacritic macros (e.g.~|\"u|) in Table~\vref{tab:diacritics},
% \item text mode macros for ligatures (e.g.~\cmd{\oe}) and other glyphs (e.g.~\cmd{\aa}) in
%       Table~\vref{tab:ligatures_and_glyphs},
% \item horizontal spacing (e.g.~\cmd{\quad}) and line breaking (e.g.~\cmd{\\}) macros in
%       Table~\vref{tab:spacing},
% \item text mode symbols (e.g.~\cmd{\$}) and punctuation (e.g.~\cmd{\textexclamdown}) macros in
%       Table~\vref{tab:symbols_and_punctuation}, and finally
% \item other \LaTeX\ commands (e.g.~\cmd{\emph}) and environments (e.g.~\env{center})
%       in Table~\vref{tab:commands_and_environments}.
% \end{enumerate}
%^^A \pagebreak
%^^A Inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/163717/228515
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Text mode diacritic macros undergoing a tailored conversion to \HTML.}
% \label{tab:diacritics}
% \begin{threeparttable}
% \begin{tabular}{clll}
% \toprule
% Definition & Letter List\tnote{1} & Description & Samples\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}\cmidrule(lr){4-4}
% \cmd{\"}\marg{letter} & a, e, i, o, u, y &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaeresis_(diacritic)}{umlaut or diaeresis}
% & \"{a} \"{A} \"{e} \"{E} \"{i} \"{I} \"{o} \"{O} \dots\ \"{Y}\\
% \cmd{\'}\marg{letter} & a, e, i, o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute\_accent}{acute accent}
% & \'{a} \'{A} \'{e} \'{E} \'{i} \'{I} \'{o} \'{O} \'{u} \'{U}\\
% \cmd{\.}\marg{letter} & c, e, g, i, z &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_(diacritic)#Overdot}{overdot}
% & \.{c} \.{C} \.{e} \.{E} \.{g} \.{G} \.{i} \.{I} \.{z} \.{Z}\\
% \cmd{\=}\marg{letter} & a, e, g, i, o, u, y &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macron_(diacritic)}{macron}
% & \={a} \={A} \={e} \={E} \={g} \={G} \={i} \={I} \dots\ \={Y}\\
% \cmd{\^}\marg{letter} & a, e, i, o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumflex}{circumflex} &
% \^{a} \^{A} \^{e} \^{E} \^{i} \^{I} \^{o} \^{O} \^{u} \^{U}\\
% \cmd{\`}\marg{letter} & a, e, i, o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave\_accent}{grave accent}
% & \`{a} \`{A} \`{e} \`{E} \`{i} \`{I} \`{o} \`{O} \`{u} \`{U}\\
% \cmd{\~}\marg{letter} & a, n, o &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde}{tilde}
% & \~{a} \~{A} \~{n} \~{N} \~{o} \~{O}\\
% \cmd{\b}\marg{letter} & b, d, k, l, n, t, z &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macron_below}{macron below}
% & \b{b} \b{B} \b{d} \b{D} \b{k} \b{K} \b{l} \dots\ \b{Z}\\
% \cmd{\c}\marg{letter} & c, s, t &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedilla}{cedilla}
% & \c{c} \c{C} \c{s} \c{S} \c{t} \c{T}\\
% \cmd{\d}\marg{letter} & a, b &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_(diacritic)#Underdot}{underdot}
% & \d{a} \d{A} \d{b} \d{B}\\
% \cmd{\H}\marg{letter} & o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double\_acute\_accent}{double acute accent}
% & \H{o} \H{O} \H{u} \H{U}\\
% \cmd{\k}\marg{letter} & a, e, i, o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogonek}{ogonek}
% & \k{a} \k{A} \k{e} \k{E} \k{i} \k{I} \k{o} \k{O} \k{u} \k{U}\\
% \cmd{\r}\marg{letter} & a, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_(diacritic)#Overring}{overring}
% & \r{a} \r{A} \r{u} \r{U} \\
%^^A \cmd{\t}\marg{letter} & a, b, c & tie-after accent & \t{oo}\\
% \cmd{\u}\marg{letter} & a, e, g, i\tnote{2}, \i, o, u &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breve}{breve}
% & \u{a} \u{A} \u{e} \u{E} \u{i} \u{\i} \u{I} \u{o} \u{O} \u{u} \u{U}\\
% \cmd{\v}\marg{letter} & c, d, e, l, n, r, s, t, z &
% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caron}{caron or h\'a\v{c}ek}
% & \v{c} \v{C} \v{d} \v{D} \v{e} \v{E} \v{l} \dots\ \v{Z}\\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \begin{tablenotes}
%  \item[1]  The lowercase letters listed also stand for their uppercase
%  equivalent.
%  \item[2] pdf\TeX\ v3.14159265 typesets |\u{i}| with an objectionable tittle.
%  Use |\u{\i}|.
% \end{tablenotes}
% \end{threeparttable}
% \end{table}
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Text mode ligature and glyph macros undergoing a tailored conversion
% to \HTML.}
% \label{tab:ligatures_and_glyphs}
% \begin{threeparttable}
% \begin{tabular}{cccc}
% \toprule
% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Lowercase} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Uppercase} \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-4}
% Definition & Sample & Definition & Sample \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}\cmidrule(lr){4-4}
% \cmd{\aa} & \aa & \cmd{\AA} & \AA \\
% \cmd{\ae} & \ae & \cmd{\AE} & \AE \\
% \cmd{\dh} & \dh & \cmd{\DH} & \DH \\
% \cmd{\dj} & \dj & \cmd{\DJ} & \DJ \\
% \cmd{\i} & \i &  &  \\
% \cmd{\ij} & \ij & \cmd{\IJ} & \IJ \\
% \cmd{\j} & \j &  &  \\
% \cmd{\l} & \l & \cmd{\L} & \L \\
% \cmd{\ng} & \ng & \cmd{\NG} & \NG \\
% \cmd{\o} & \o & \cmd{\O} & \O \\
% \cmd{\oe} & \oe & \cmd{\OE} & \OE \\
% \cmd{\ss} & \ss & \cmd{\SS}\tnote{1} & \SS\tnote{2} \\
% \cmd{\th} & \th & \cmd{\TH} & \TH \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \begin{tablenotes}
%  \item[1] Contrarily to most fonts, Libertine, used in this documentation and
%  available for instance via the package \pkg{libertine}, defines the glyph
%  \SS.
%  \item[2] \LaTeX\ defines the \cmd{\SS} macro but pdf\TeX\ renders it as a
%  doubled capital S.
% \end{tablenotes}
% \end{threeparttable}
% \end{table}
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Text mode horizontal spacing and line breaking macros undergoing a
% tailored conversion to \HTML.}
% \label{tab:spacing}
%^^A Inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/74354/228515
% \begin{threeparttable}
% \begin{tabular}{ll}
% \toprule
% Definition & Description \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}
% \cmd{\,} or \cmd{\thinspace} & narrow non-breaking space \\
% |~| or \texttt{\textbackslash\textvisiblespace} & non-breaking space \\
% \cmd{\>}\tnote{1},{ } \cmd{\:}{}\tnote{2}{ } or \cmd{\medspace}\tnote{2} & mid space \\
% \cmd{\;}\tnote{2}{ } or \cmd{\thickspace}\tnote{2} & thick space \\
% \cmd{\enspace} & nut (1en wide space)\\
% \cmd{\quad} & mutton (1em wide space)\\
% \cmd{\qquad} & doubled mutton (2em wide space)\\
% \cmd{\textvisiblespace} & sample: \textvisiblespace \\
% \cmd{\\} or \cmd{\newline} & start a new line \\
% |\par| or \meta{blank line} & start a new paragraph \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \begin{tablenotes}
%  \item[1] \cmd{\>} is defined in math-mode only.
%  \item[2] \cmd{\:}, \cmd{\medspace}, \cmd{\;}, and \cmd{\thickspace} require the package
%  \pkg{amsmath}.
% \end{tablenotes}
% \end{threeparttable}
% \end{table}
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{Text mode punctuation marks and symbol macros undergoing a tailored
% conversion to \HTML. A baseline is represented in the samples of quotations
% marks, in order to draw attention to their vertical positioning.}
% \label{tab:symbols_and_punctuation}
% \newsavebox\textbox
% \newcommand\showbaseline[1]{\leavevmode\sbox\textbox{#1}
% \rlap{\rule{\wd\textbox}{.1pt}}\usebox\textbox}
% \begin{threeparttable}
% \begin{tabular}{llc}
% \toprule
% Package & Definition & Sample \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}
% \LaTeX\ base & \cmd{\%} & \% \\
% & \cmd{\#} & \# \\
% & \cmd{\_} & \_ \\
% & \cmd{\textbackslash} & \textbackslash \\
% & \cmd{\$} & \$ \\
% & \cmd{\&} & \& \\
% & \cmd{\S} & \S \\
% & |\{| & \{ \\
% & |\}| & \} \\
% & \cmd{\texteuro} & \texteuro \\
% & \cmd{\dots} or \cmd{\ldots} & \dots \\
% & \cmd{\textexclamdown} & \textexclamdown \\
% & \cmd{\textquestiondown} & \textquestiondown \\
% & |--| & -- \\
% & |=| & = \\
% & |`| and |'|\tnote{1} & \showbaseline{` '} \\
% & \cmd{\textquoteleft} and \cmd{\textquoteright}
% & \showbaseline{\textquoteleft\ \textquoteright} \\
% & |``| and |''|\tnote{1,2} & \showbaseline{`` ''} \\
% & \cmd{\textquotedblleft} and \cmd{\textquotedblright}
% & \showbaseline{\textquotedblleft\ \textquotedblright} \\
% & \cmd{\textquotesingle} & \showbaseline{\textquotesingle\ } \\
% & |"| & \showbaseline{" }\tnote{2} \\
% & \cmd{\textquotedbl} & \showbaseline{\textquotedbl\ }\\
% & \cmd{\guilsinglleft} and \cmd{\guilsinglright}
% & \showbaseline{\guilsinglleft\ \guilsinglright} \\
% & \cmd{\guillemotleft} and \cmd{\guillemotright}
% & \showbaseline{\guillemotleft\ \guillemotright}\\
% & \cmd{\quotesinglbase} & \showbaseline{\quotesinglbase\ }\\
% & \cmd{\quotedblbase} & \showbaseline{\quotedblbase\ } \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{eurosym} & \cmd{\euro} & \euro\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{babel} & \cmd{\flq} and \cmd{\frq} & \showbaseline{\flq\ \frq} \\
% & \cmd{\flqq} and \cmd{\frqq} & \showbaseline{\flqq\ \frqq} \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{babel}, opt. \optn{french} & \cmd{\og} and \cmd{\fg}\tnote{3}
% & \showbaseline{\flqq\ \frqq} \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{babel}, opt. \optn{german} & \cmd{\glq} and \cmd{\grq}
% & \showbaseline{\glq\ \grq} \\
% & \cmd{\dq} & \showbaseline{\dq\ }\tnote{2} \\
% & \cmd{\glqq} and \cmd{\grqq} & \showbaseline{\glqq\ \grqq} \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \begin{tablenotes}
%  \item[1] When placed in math mode, the single straight quote (\texttt{'}) is
%           passed as-is to the \XML, even when doubled (double prime symbol).
%  \item[2] In roman type, \LuaLaTeX\ and \XeLaTeX\ typeset the double straight
%  quote symbol (\texttt{"}) and the command \cmd{\dq} as a double right quote
%  (\textquotedblright). Instead,  \pkg{moodle} follows pdf\LaTeX: whatever
%  the \TeX\ engine used, the double straight quote (\texttt{"}) is passed to the \XML.
%   \item[3] The way \cmd{\og} and \cmd{\fg} are typeset in the \PDF\ depends on the
%   current babel language. Regardless, \pkg{moodle} passes the symbols
%   \texttt{\guillemotleft} and \texttt{\guillemotright} to the \XML.
% \end{tablenotes}
% \end{threeparttable}
% \end{table}
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \caption{\LaTeX\ commands and environments undergoing a tailored conversion
% to \HTML.}
% \label{tab:commands_and_environments}
% \begin{tabular}{lll}
% \toprule
% Package & Commands & Environments \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}\cmidrule(lr){3-3}
% \LaTeX\ base & |{}|& |$|$\cdots$|$| (inline math) \\
% & \cmd{\relax} & |\(|$\cdots$|\)| (inline math) \\
% & \cmd{\LaTeX} &  |$$|$\cdots$|$$| (display math) \\
% & \cmd{\TeX} & \cmd{\[}$\cdots$\cmd{\]} (display math) \\
% & \cmd{\emph}\marg{\dots} & \env{center} \\
% & \cmd{\textbf}\marg{\dots} & \env{enumerate} \\
% & \cmd{\textit}\marg{\dots} & \env{itemize} \\
% & \cmd{\textsc}\marg{\dots} & \env{quote} \\
% & \cmd{\textsuperscript}\marg{\dots} & \env{quotation}\\
% & \cmd{\textsubscript}\marg{\dots} &\\
% & \cmd{\texttt}\marg{\dots} &\\
% & \cmd{\underline}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{hyperref} & \cmd{\href}\marg{\dots}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \pkg{url} or \pkg{hyperref} & \cmd{\url}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{babel}, opt. \optn{french} & \cmd{\fup}\marg{\dots} &\\
% & \cmd{\up}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{graphics} or \pkg{graphicx} &
% \cmd{\includegraphics}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots} \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{tikz} & \cmd{\tikz}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots} & \env{tikzpicture}\oarg{\dots} \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{verbatim} & \cmd{\verbatiminput}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{fancyverb} or
% \pkg{fvextra}& \cmd{\VerbatimInput}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots} &\\
% & \cmd{\LVerbatimInput}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots} &\\
% & \cmd{\BVerbatimInput}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots}& \\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}
% \pkg{minted} & \cmd{\inputminted}\oarg{\dots}\marg{\dots}\marg{\dots} &\\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}
% In addition, |<| and |>| will be converted to their HTML equivalents |&lt;|
% and |&gt;| in the \XML\ file. This prevents  portions of the code to be
% interpreted by \Moodle\ as \HTML\ tags.
% A doubled dash will be converted to en-dash |&ndash;| \emph{outside math mode}.
% Empty groups |{}| will be passed to the XML only \emph{in math mode}.
% Be aware that, apart what is described previously, \pkg{moodle} \emph{does
% not know how to convert any other \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ commands to \HTML.}
% If other sequences are used, they may be passed verbatim to the \XML\ file
% or may cause unpredicted results.
% If you think of another \LaTeX\ command that should be changed to an HTML
% equivalent, please have a look at Section~\vref{sec:dev}.
% \DescribeMacro[question,answer,feedback]{\htmlonly}\oarg{Content for traditional output}
% \marg{HTML content} is a command to be used inside question environments (text,
% answers, or feedback). It lets you pass directly code to the \XML\ file while being
% ignored for the traditional output (\PDF). The \HTML\ content passed as an argument
% is subject to no particular processing and users should not expect to be able to
% pass dangerous characters like |\|, |%|, or |#|. An optional argument allows to
% pass contents to be processed for the traditional output. This argument is
% ignored for the \XML\ output.
% For instance, one can write code like this in a question environment
% \begin{quote}
%   |\htmlonly[\fbox{PDF contents}]{|\\
%   |<div style="border: 1px solid; display: inline-block;">|\\
%   \rule{10em}{0pt}|HTML contents</div>|\\
%   |}|
% \end{quote}
% \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\htmlregister}\marg{command} is a command that lets you
% specify a macro that must be expanded in the \XML\ file. It works only when
% the macro is defined without optional argument.\watchout
% \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\moodleregisternewcommands}
% When the list of user-defined macros is long, it becomes cumbersome to
% record them individually for expansion. Calling \cmd{\moodleregisternewcommands}
% watches for subsequent calls to \cmd{\newcommand}, \cmd{\renewcommand},
% \cmd{\providecommand}, and their starred variants such that the corresponding
% commands are automatically expanded by \pkg{moodle}.
% Again, this works only if the macros are defined \emph{without} optional
% argument.\watchout
% \subsection{Graphics}
% The \pkg{moodle} package can handle two kinds of graphics seamlessly.
% External graphics files may be included with the \cmd{\includegraphics} command
% from the \pkg{graphicx} package, and graphics may be generated internally using \TikZ.
% In either case, the graphics will be embedded in base-64 encoding directly within
% the \Moodle\ \XML\ produced.  This prevents the hassle of managing separate
% graphics files on the \Moodle\ server, as \Moodle\ will store the picture
% within the question in the question bank.
% \subsubsection{Default \texttt{includegraphics}}
% \DescribeMacro[graphics,graphicx]{\includegraphics}\oarg{options}\marg{file} can be used to
% include graphic files in both \PDF\ and the \XML\ outputs.
% The only options currently supported are \optn{height}\DescribeKey[includegraphics]{height}\
% and \optn{width}\DescribeKey[includegraphics]{width}.  Attempts to use other
% \cmd{\includegraphics} options, such as \optn{scale} or \optn{angle}, will affect the \PDF\
% but not the \XML\ output.
% The dimensions set by \optn{height} and \optn{width} are \TeX\ dimensions such as
% \texttt{4\,in} or \texttt{2.3\,cm}.
% In order to prepare the image for web viewing, this package converts those
% dimensions to pixels using a default of
% 103 pixels per inch.\footnote{This
%   number was selected because an image with
%   |<IMG HEIGHT=103 WIDTH=103 SRC="...">| showed up as almost exactly 1 inch
%   tall and 1 inch wide on several of this author's devices and browsers
%   as of January 2016.}
% \DescribeKey[includegraphics]{ppi}
% That value may be changed by setting the \optn{ppi} key (e.g., \texttt{ppi=72});
% this is probably best done for the entire document with a \cmd{\moodleset} command,
% rather than image-by-image.
% \DescribeMacro[graphics,graphicx]{\graphicspath}|{{|\meta{path1}|},{|\meta{path2}|},...}| can be
% used to specify the locations of the pictures to be included.
% A special rule was added for the inclusion of \GIF\ pictures (\filenm{.gif} extension).
% These files are passed as-is to the \XML, preserving potential animations.
% However, as pdf\TeX\ engines do not support the \GIF\ format, the picture is
% passed to the \PDF\ output after a conversion to the \PNG\ format. When the \GIF\
% file is animated, only its first frame is passed to the \PDF.
%^^A \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\DeclareGraphicsAlien} Users may declare other graphic
%^^A formats with the command \cmd{\DeclareGraphicsAlien}\marg{alien extension}
%^^A \marg{native extension}\marg{command line for conversion}.
% \subsubsection{\TikZ\ Pictures}
% \TikZ\ is a user-friendly syntax layer for \acro{PGF}, the macro \LaTeX\ package for creating
% graphics. More information on \TikZ\ can be found at \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/pgf}.
% When \TikZ\ is loaded and used to define pictures, \pkg{moodle} invokes
% the \pkg{external} \TikZ\ library, so that each \env{tikzpicture} environment is compiled
% to a freestanding \PDF\ file.
% \subsubsection{Package Option \optn{tikz}}\label{subsec:tikz}
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{tikz}
% The \pkg{moodle} package admits a \optn{tikz} option which has the following effects:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item the package \pkg{tikz} is loaded.
% \item \DescribeMacro[tikz]{\includegraphics}\cmd{\includegraphics} embeds graphics in a \TikZ\ picture. Consequences are that
%   \begin{itemize}
%     \item the pictures encoded in the \XML\ file are resampled. This prevents encoding
%           images at a higher resolution than rendered by \Moodle.
%     \item the full set of \cmd{\includegraphics} options is accessible,
% e.g.~\optn{scale=.5}, \optn{angle=90}, or |width=.2\textwidth|.
%   \end{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro[tikz]{\embedaspict} a macro \cmd{\embedaspict}\marg{\LaTeX\ contents}
% is provided for the conversion of inline \LaTeX\ material as images. This can serve
% as a workaround to overcome limitations of this package---like the conversion of
% \emph{tabular}s to HTML--- or limitations of \Moodle\ itself.
% For the definition of this macro, the package \pkg{varwidth} is loaded.
% \item optimizations of the \TikZ-external library are disabled: compilation might get
% sensibly slower.
% \end{itemize}

% \subsubsection{External Tools}
% The mechanisms used for handling graphics are somewhat fragile and rely upon
% three free external programs.
% \begin{enumerate}
%   \item \prog{GhostScript} (\url{www.ghostscript.com}) is used to convert the \PDF\ output
%         from \TikZ\ into a \PNG\ raster graphics file.
%         The default command line is presumed to be \prog{gswin64c.exe}
%         (if |\ifwindows| from the \pkg{ifplatform} package returns true)
%         or \prog{gs} (if |\ifwindows| returns false).
%         If your system requires a different command line to invoke \prog{Ghostscript},
%         \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\ghostscriptcommand}
%         you may change it by invoking:
%            \begin{quote}
%             |\ghostscriptcommand|\marg{executable filename}
%            \end{quote}
%   \item When external graphics files such as \PDF\ are included,
%         the \prog{ImageMagick} software (\url{www.imagemagick.org})
%         converts each file to \PNG\ format.
%         The command line for \prog{ImageMagick} is the nondescript word \progcode{convert},
%         \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\imagemagickcommand}
%         but may be changed by invoking \cmd{\imagemagickcommand}\marg{executable filename}.
%   \item \prog{OptiPNG} (\url{http://optipng.sourceforge.net/}) is used to optimize the \PNG\ images.
%         The command line is presumed to be \prog{optipng}, but can be changed with
%         \DescribeMacro[moodle]{\optipngcommand}\cmd{\optipngcommand}\marg{executable filename}.
% \end{enumerate}

% Please note the following vital points to make the graphics handling work:
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item As of now, graphics are only supported when compiling directly to a \PDF\
%         with (\prog{pdf}$\mid$\prog{xe}$\mid$\prog{lua})\prog{latex}. Including \acro{PS} graphics or using \TikZ\ with the \DVI$\to$\acro{PS} workflow is not
%         yet supported.
%^^A   \item Filenames should not contains spaces or, under windows, special characters like |_| or |\|.
%   \item You must have \prog{Ghostscript} and \prog{ImageMagick} installed on your system
%         to fully use the graphics-handling capabilities of \pkg{moodle}.
%   \item If \prog{OptiPNG} is not installed, the corresponding system calls will fail with otherwise no
%         impact on the compilation process: \PNG\ files are passed unoptimized to the \XML\ output.
%   \item \LaTeX\ must be able to call system commands; that is, \cmd{\write18} must be enabled.
%         For Mik\TeX, this means adding \progcode{--enable-write18} to the command line of
%         (\prog{pdf}$\mid$\prog{xe}$\mid$\prog{lua})\prog{latex}; for \TeX\ Live, this means adding \progcode{--shell-escape=true}.
%   \item Due to security issues with old versions of \prog{Ghostcript}, some systems default to a
%         policy that prevents the conversion of \PDF\ and \acro{PS} to \PNG. Assuming that, as a user of
%         \pkg{moodle} which requires shell escape capabilities, you either use a sandboxed
%         environment or trust the files handled at the system-level, you may want to disable this
%         over-zealous security policy. For example,
%         \href{https://stackoverflow.com/a/52661288/14608059}{see this}.
%   \item Users of the \pkg{circuitikz} package (\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/circuitikz}) must
%         enclose their circuits' \TikZ\ code in the |tikzpicture| environment instead of
%         the historical \env{circuitikz} environment. That is required, as of \TikZ\ 2.1,
%         by the \pkg{external} library.
% \end{itemize}
% \subsubsection{Package Option \optn{svg}}\label{subsec:svg}
% \paragraph{Important Notice}\watchout[experimental] \emph{The \optn{svg} option is
% an experimental feature introduced in \pkg{moodle} v0.8. It has been tested only
% under Linux and Windows, with TeX Live 2020, Inkscape v1.0.1 and Scour 0.38.2.}
% \DescribeOption[moodle]{svg} The \pkg{moodle} package admits an experimental
% \optn{svg} option which has the following effects:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro[svg]{\includegraphics}\cmd{\includegraphics} can be used to import
% \SVG\ graphic files directly (extension \filenm{.svg} or \filenm{.SVG}). In this case, the \SVG\ file
% is passed as-is to the \XML\ output and is converted using \href{https://inkscape.org/}
% {\prog{Inkscape}} (must be installed) for inclusion in the \PDF\ output.
% \item the graphic files in \PDF\ format are converted to the \SVG\ format using
% \href{https://inkscape.org/}{Inkscape} (must be installed), rather than being
% rasterized. Before inclusion to the \XML\ output, the \SVG\ file is optimized using
% the \href{https://github.com/scour-project/scour}{Scour} utility. This
% optimization step is optional in the sense that, if the Scour call fails,
% the un-optimized \SVG\ file will be passed to the \XML\ output.
% Two processes benefit from this \PDF$\to$\SVG\ conversion:
%   \begin{itemize}
%     \item inclusion of \PDF\ graphics with \cmd{\includegraphics}, and
%     \item \TikZ\ pictures that are externalized.
%   \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% The call of external \SVG\ manipulation utilities can be modified using the macros:
% \begin{description}
%   \item \ItemDescribeMacro[svg]{\PDFtoSVGcommand}\ for conversion
%         from \PDF\ to \SVG,
%   \item \ItemDescribeMacro[svg]{\SVGtoPDFcommand}\ for conversion
%         from \SVG\ to \PDF, and
%   \item \ItemDescribeMacro[svg]{\optiSVGcommand}\ for the
%         optimization of \SVG\ files.
% \end{description}
% \subsection{Verbatim Code}
% Because, for \HTML\ translation, \pkg{moodle} parses the body of questions, the use of
% verbatim code results in compilation errors. This is why the use of |\verb|,
% \env{verbatim} and other standard utilities is not supported.
% However, using the following three utilities, verbatim code can be imported from an external file:
% \begin{enumerate}
%   \item \cmd{\verbatiminput}\marg{filename}\DescribeMacro[verbatim]{\verbatiminput}\
%         from the \pkg{verbatim} package inserts verbatim code in both the \PDF\ and the
%         \acro{XML} for \Moodle, without fancy additions.
%   \item The macro \cmd{\VerbatimInput}\marg{options}\marg{filename}
%         \DescribeMacro[fancyvrb,fvextra]{\VerbatimInput}\ from
%         \pkg{fancyvrb} or \pkg{fvextra} does more, with several options and settings
%         offered (see below).
%         The variants \DescribeMacro[fancyvrb,fvextra]{\BVerbatimInput}\cmd{\VBerbatimInput} and
%         \DescribeMacro[fancyvrb,fvextra]{\LVerbatimInput}\cmd{\LVerbatimInput} are also supported,
%         with no difference on the \XML\ output.
%         The variants with a star are unsupported and result in errors when used.
%   \item On top of that \cmd{\inputminted}\oarg{options}\marg{lang}\marg{filename}\
%         \DescribeMacro[minted]{\inputminted} from the \pkg{minted} package offers syntax
%         highlighting tailored to the specified language.
% \end{enumerate}
% The \pkg{moodle} package handles these three commands to pass the code in the output \XML.
% With \cmd{\inputminted}, an external Python tool, \prog{pygmentize}, performs syntax analysis and
% its \HTML\ formatter is used to populate the \XML. With the other commands, the contents of the
% file is passed almost as-is to the XML: in order to survive \Moodle\ import and \HTML\ rendering,
% characters |<|, |>|, |&|, |'|, and |"| are converted to \HTML\ equivalents.
% With \cmd{\VerbatimInput} and \cmd{\inputminted}, the options that are taken care of for XML
% generation are listed in Table~\vref{tab:verbatim-options}.
% Using \cmd{\fvset}\marg{key=value,\dots}, options can be set globally. Equivalently, with \pkg{minted},
% \cmd{\setminted}\oarg{lang}\marg{key=value,\dots} is available.
% \begin{table}[tbp]
% \centering
% \begin{threeparttable}[b]
% \caption{Options and corresponding values considered for \XML\ generation of verbatim material
% with \cmd{\VerbatimInput} and \cmd{\inputminted}.}
% \label{tab:verbatim-options}
% \begin{tabular}{ll}
% \toprule
% Option keys & Possible values\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}
% ^^A\optn{commentchar} & \meta{character}\\
% \optn{gobble} & \meta{integer}\\
% \optn{autogobble}\tnote{1} & \texttt{true} or \texttt{false}\\
% \optn{tabsize} & \meta{integer}\\
% \optn{numbers} & \texttt{none}, \texttt{left}, \texttt{right}, or \texttt{both}\tnote{2}\\
% \optn{firstnumber} & \texttt{auto}, \texttt{last}, or \meta{integer}\\
% \optn{firstline} & \meta{integer}\\
% \optn{lastline} & \meta{integer}\\
% \optn{numberblanklines} & \texttt{true} or \texttt{false}\\
% \optn{highlightlines}\tnote{2} & \marg{coma-separated list of integers or ranges}\\
% \optn{style}\tnote{1} & \meta{string}\\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
%\item[1] \optn{autogobble}, \optn{numbers=both}, and \optn{style} are from \pkg{minted}.
%\item[2] line highlighting is offered only with \pkg{fvextra} or \pkg{minted} loaded.
% In order to define the verbatim code from the \LaTeX\ document itself, it is still possible
% to use, outside the scope of the \pkg{moodle} questions, the environments \env{filecontents*}
% (from the \pkg{filecontents} package or \LaTeX\ kernel itself since 2019) or \env{VerbatimOut}
% (from the \pkg{fancyvrb} and \pkg{fvextra} packages).
% Here is an example:
% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{minted.doc.out}
%   \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
%   \usepackage[section]{moodle}
%   \usepackage{minted}
%   \begin{document}
%   \begin{quiz}[tags={minted}]{LaTeX Quiz}
%     \begin{filecontents*}{excerpt.tex}
%   % !TeX encoding = UTF-8
%   % !TeX spellcheck = en_US
%   % !TEX TS-program = lualatex
%   \documentclass{article}
%   \usepackage[nostamp]{moodle}
%     \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % necessary
%     \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % necessary
%   \else % assuming XELATEX or LUALATEX
%     \usepackage{fontspec}
%   \fi
%     \end{filecontents*}
%     \begin{numerical}[tolerance=0]{Loading a Class}
%       Consider the following \LaTeX\ code excerpt.\\
%       \inputminted[numbers=left]{latex}{excerpt.tex}
%       On which line is the class loaded?
%       \item[feedback={
%            yes! \inputminted[highlightlines={4}]{latex}{excerpt.tex} }] 4
%       \item[feedback={Line 3 is just a comment.},fraction=0] 3
%       \item[feedback={Line 5 loads the package \texttt{moodle}},fraction=0] 5
%     \end{numerical}
%     \begin{multi}[single]{IDE}
%       Consider the following \LaTeX\ code excerpt.\\
%       \inputminted[numbers=left]{latex}{excerpt.tex}
%       Which \TeX\ engine will be used by the IDE for compilation.
%       \item[feedback={Have a closer look at line 3}] \texttt{tex}
%       \item[feedback={Have a closer look at line 3}] \texttt{latex}
%       \item[feedback={Have a closer look at line 3}] \texttt{pdflatex}
%       \item[feedback={Have a closer look at line 3}] \texttt{xelatex}
%       \item* \texttt{lualatex}
%     \end{multi}
%   \end{quiz}
%   \end{document}
% \end{VerbatimOut}
% \inputminted[gobble=2,frame=lines]{latex}{minted.doc.out}
% When code decorated with left-side line numbers is placed in question items, the output \PDF\ could
% show a collision between numbers of the item and the first line. To avoid this, \cmd{\LVerbatimInput} or
% \cmd{\BVerbatimInput} can be used. Instead, when \pkg{minted} is used, the ``left-right'' mode can be
% enforced with the \LaTeX\ command:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{LVerbatim}{}|
%  \end{quote}
% When using utilities from \pkg{fancyvrb}, \pkg{fvextra}, or \pkg{minted}, \pkg{moodle}
% sets framing options for the display of code in the output \PDF:
% \begin{quote}
%   |\fvset{frame=lines,label={[Beginning of code]End of code},|\\
%   |       framesep=3mm,numbersep=9pt}|
% \end{quote}
% These settings can be overridden using \cmd{\fvset} after the preamble.
% \section{Internationalization}
% This section is intended for authors of \Moodle\ quizzes writing in one or several
% languages other than English. It seems reasonable to assume that those users have heard
% of the packages \pkg{babel} or \pkg{polyglossia} (\XeTeX\ or \LuaTeX\ only), that
% both aim at enforcing language-related rules to \LaTeX\ documents.
% The contents of the \XML\ file that is generated by \pkg{moodle} depends entirely
% on the user input and \Moodle's \XML\ syntax: there is little room for \pkg{moodle} to
% internationalize something here. Instead, the focus of this section  is the \PDF\
% typesetting that is determined by \pkg{moodle}, where some internalization
% efforts can be of help.
% Both \pkg{babel} and \pkg{polyglossia} provide ways of specifiying a language for
% the document or a part of it. If one of these packages is loaded in the preamble,
% \pkg{moodle} will automatically load the package \pkg{translator} and rely on it
% to provide translations of its keys (see Table~\vref{tab:language_keys}) in
% different languages, with some knowledge on aliases. The package
% \pkg{translations} does a very similar job and can be loaded in the preamble
% to serve, if desired, as a replacement for \pkg{translator}.
% Currently, full-support is provided for English, French, German, Italian, and
% Spanish. Very limited support is provided for Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
% Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese,
% Romanian, Swedish, and Turkish.
% Users may define their own translations in the preamble. For instance
% \begin{quote}
%   |\AfterEndPreamble{|\\
%     |  \DeclareTranslation|\marg{babel language name}|{True}{Foo}%|\\
%     |  \DeclareTranslation|\marg{babel language name}|{False}{Bar}%|\\
%   |}|
% \end{quote}
% Note that, when the package \pkg{translations} is loaded,
% \cmd{\AfterEndPreamble} must not be used.
% Contributions to improve or broaden the linguistic support are very welcome.
% \begin{center}
% \begin{longtable}{ l p{.55\textwidth} }
% \caption{\pkg{moodle}'s language keys for internationalization of the \PDF\ typesetting.}
% \label{tab:language_keys}\\
% \toprule
% Key & Context\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}
% \endfirsthead
% \multicolumn{2}{c}%
% {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
% \hline
% Key & Context\\
% \cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}
% \endhead
% \hline\multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
% \endfoot
% \bottomrule
% \endlastfoot
% \optn{True} & indicates option ``True'' in a True/False question.\\
% \optn{False} & indicates option ``False'' in a True/False question.\\
% \optn{cloze} & tag indicating a ``cloze'' question.\\
% \optn{description} & tag indicating a ``description'' question.\\
% \optn{essay} & tag indicating an ``essay'' question.\\
% \optn{matching} & tag indicating a ``matching'' question.\\
% \optn{multi} & tag indicating a ``multichoice'' question.\\
% \optn{numerical} & tag indicating a ``numerical'' question.\\
% \optn{shortanswer} & tag indicating a ``shortanswer'' question.\\
% \optn{truefalse} & tag indicating a ``true/false'' question.\\
% \optn{Shuffle} & tag indicating that options offered will be shuffled in a
% ``multichoice'' or ``matching'' question.\\
% \optn{Single} & tag indicating that only one option can be selected in a
% ``multichoice'' question.\\
% \optn{Multiple} & tag indicating that several options can be selected in a
% ``multichoice'' question.\\
% \optn{marked out of} & tag indicating the weight of the question (maximum
% number of points), followed by a number.\\
% \optn{penalty} & tag indicating the penalty factor applied for each wrong
%  attempt in adaptive mode.\\
% \optn{tags} & indicates the beginning of a tag list characterizing the
% question.\\
% \optn{All-or-nothing} & tag indicating that all correct options must be
% selected to get credited a good answer.\\
% \optn{Case-Sensitive} & tag indicating that the case of characters matters
% for a ``Shortanswer'' question.\\
% \optn{Case-Insensitive} & tag indicating that the case of characters
% does not matter for a ``Shortanswer'' question.\\
% \optn{Drag and drop} & tag indicating that a ``matching'' question relies
% on the Drag-and-drop plugin.\\
% \optn{Information for graders} & indicates the beginning of a paragraph
% where instructions for the graders of an ``essay'' question are given.\\
% \optn{Response template} & indicates the beginning of a paragraph where
% the answer template of an ``essay'' question is represented.\\
% \optn{editor} & tag indicating that, for answering an essay question, an
% editor with \HTML\ support will be proposed.\\
% \optn{editorfilepicker} & tag indicating that, for answering an essay question,
% an editor with \HTML\ support and a file picker will be proposed.\\
% \optn{plain} & tag indicating that, for answering an essay question, an
% editor with no markup support will be proposed.\\
% \optn{monospaced} & tag indicating that, for answering an essay question,
% an editor with fixed-width font and no markup support will be proposed.\\
% \optn{noinline} & tag indicating that, for answering an essay question, a file
% picker will be proposed.\\
% \optn{Total of marks} & at the end of the quiz, indicates the sum of the
% weights of all questions, followed by a colon and a number. \\
% \end{longtable}
% \end{center}
% \section{Package Development}\label{sec:dev}
% \subsection{Feature Requests, Bug Reports, and Contributions}
% This package is developed as a collaborative project, currently hosted
% on the Gitlab server instance \url{https://framagit.org/mattgk/moodle}.
% The project's activity can be monitored there: reported issues, last
% modifications, \dots
% Contributions, either bug reports or fixes, are welcome. Users willing to
% help can either sign-in with an existing \brand{GitHub}, \brand{Gitlab.com}, or
% \brand{Bitbucket} account or register a new account.
% Of course, getting in touch with the package maintainer by
% \href{mailto:guerquin-kernATcrans.org}{email} works as well.
% The authors have used this package together with a limited number of colleagues
% for a few semesters of teaching. If other users adopt this package, we fully expect them
% to find bugs.
% When experiencing a problem and before reporting it, please check whether
% or not something similar has already been filed as an issue
% \href{https://framagit.org/mattgk/moodle/-/issues?scope=all&state=all}{here}.
% If the problem appears to be new, please report it by following these steps:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Prepare a \emph{minimal} working example, i.e. a \filenm{.tex} file shrunk down
% to the strict minimum (loaded packages, code, \dots) while still showing the
% faulty behavior upon compilation.
% \item Gather and send the \filenm{*.tex}, \filenm{*.log} and \filenm{*-moodle.xml} files together
% with an explanation about
%   \begin{itemize}
%     \item your local working environment (\TeX\ engine and distribution, platform,
%           external tools used, \dots),
%     \item the version of the \Moodle\ instance you are using
%           (for instance see the file |https://|\meta{server-domain}|/lib/upgrade.txt| )
%     \item the faulty behavior, and
%     \item what you expected instead.
%   \end{itemize}
% \end{enumerate}
% \subsection{Known Limitations}
% When using with pdf\TeX\ for compilation, \pkg{moodle} supports
% question contents with \acro{ASCII} characters only. The use of
% non-\acro{ASCII} characters may work in some cases but will most
% probably yield compilation errors or undesired \XML\ contents.
% Instead, \pkg{moodle} will work flawlessly when \XeTeX\ and
% \LuaTeX\ are used to compile \UTF-8 encoded documents.
% Table~\vref{tab:support-limitations} lists
% some features supported, limitations, and bugs.
%\caption{Content enrichment (pictures, equations) support after \XML\ import in \Moodle\ v3.5.7,
% depending on the question type.}
% \toprule
% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{XML rendering in\dots}\\\cmidrule(lr){2-4}
%Question type & Question & Answer & Feedback\\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}\cmidrule(lr){2-2}
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Multiple_Choice_question_type}{Multichoice}
%& yes & yes & yes \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Numerical_question_type}{Numerical}
%& yes & no\tnote{1} & yes \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Short-Answer_question_type}{Short Answer}
% & yes & no\tnote{1} & yes \\
% Matching (\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Matching_question_type}{std})
%& yes & no\tnote{2} & no\tnote{3} \\
% Matching (\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Drag_and_drop_matching_question_type}{dd})
% & yes & yes\tnote{4} & no\tnote{3} \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Essay_question_type}{Essay}
%& yes & yes\tnote{5,6} & yes\tnote{5} \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/True/False_question_type}{True/False}
%& yes & no & yes \\
% \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Description_question_type}{Description}
%& yes & $\varnothing$ & yes \\
%\href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/Embedded_Answers_(Cloze)_question_type}{Cloze} &
%yes & $\varnothing$& $\varnothing$ \\\cmidrule(lr){1-1}
%\hspace{1em}Numerical & yes & no\tnote{1} & yes \\
%\hspace{1em}Short Answer & yes & no\tnote{1} & yes\tnote{7} \\
%\hspace{1em}Multi (inline) & yes & no\tnote{2} & yes\tnote{7} \\
%\hspace{1em}Multi (horizontal) & yes & yes & yes \\
%\hspace{1em}Multi (vertical) & yes & yes & yes \\\bottomrule
%\item[1] \Moodle\ prompts the student for an answer and then compares it to the
%solutions provided. This is text-only.
%\item[2] \Moodle\ uses a dropdown list to let one choose among the possible
%answers. This forbids either picture inclusion and \LaTeX\ rendering.
%\item[3] Not supported by \Moodle\ (in this context, answer-specific feedback
%represents lots of possible combinations).
%\item[4] The drag-and-drop-matching plugin seems broken before version 1.6
%20190409. \Moodle's \XML\ import fails with a \texttt{dmlwriteexception} when
%the field content exceeds few hundreds characters. This prevents the inclusion
%of most base64 images and maybe some complicated equations.
%\item[5] For this question type and in the context of \XML\ generation, the
%Answer column represents the ``template" while the Feedback column represents
%the ``notes for the grader". Obviously, the grading process is not automatic
%and there is no answer-specific feedback.
%\item[6] Picture and \LaTeX\ rendering could be done, but only after
%submission and only if the keyval ``response format" is set to ``html".
%\item[7] \Moodle\ only reveals the feedback when hovering the checkmark or X
%mark with the mouse.
% Some features of \Moodle\ quizzes have not yet been implemented in \pkg{moodle}.
% Here is a non-exhaustive list.
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item \Moodle's feature of designating feedback for correct,
%         partially correct, and incorrect answers.
%^^A   \item Calculated questions; that is, automatically generated \env{numerical} questions
%^^A         using randomly chosen numbers.
%   \item Hints
%   \item Units handling in \env{numerical} questions
% \end{itemize}
% \subsection{Compatibility}
% This package has been originally written for and tested with the implementation of
% \Moodle\ 2.9 run by Moodlerooms for St.~Norbert College in January 2016.
% Since then, it has been successfully combined with \Moodle\ 3.5.
% The package option \optn{LMS} lets you specify the targeted \Moodle\ version
% and helps ensuring compatibility.
% As the ultimate purpose of this package is the generation of \XML\ files,
% future versions of \pkg{moodle} will attempt to maintain backwards
% compatibility with earlier versions regarding the \XML\ output, apart from
% bug fixes.
% Backwards compatibility of the \PDF\ output is not yet guaranteed, however,
% in case the author or users discover better ways for the \PDF\ to display
% the underlying \XML\ data to be proofread.
% In other words, compiling your current \filenm{.tex} file with a future version
% of \pkg{moodle} should produce the same \XML\ file it does now
% (apart from bug fixes),
% but it might produce a more informative, and hence different,
% \PDF\ output.
% \subsection{Unrelated Tip: Quality of \Moodle\ \TeX\ Images}
% This has nothing to do with \pkg{moodle}, but is a Frequently Asked Question
% in is own right.
% On some servers, at least, \Moodle's default ``\TeX\ Filter'' for
% displaying mathematical notation is of abysmally poor quality, rending mathematics
% as low-resolution \PNG's.  One solution that has worked for me is to go
% to ``Course Administration $\to$ Filters,'' turn ``\TeX\ Notation'' \emph{off},
% but turn ``MathJax'' \emph{on}.  This forces \TeX\ code to be rendered by MathJax
% instead of \Moodle, producing much higher-quality results.
% ^^A\clearpage
% \changes{v0.5}{2016/01/05}{Initial version}
% \changes{v0.6}{2019/02/18}{Bug-fixing release}
% \changes{v0.7}{2020/07/09}{Feature extensions}
% \changes{v0.8}{2021/01/04}{Bug fixes and feature extensions}
% \changes{v0.9}{2021/02/07}{Bug fixes and feature extensions}
% \changes{v1.0}{2023/01/28}{Bug fixes and feature extensions}
% \begin{changelog}[title={Version History},sectioncmd=\section*,author={Matthieu Guerquin-Kern}]
% ^^A \begin{version}[version=\fileversion,]^^Adate=]
% ^^A \end{version}
% \begin{version}[version=1.0,date=2023-01-28]
%     \added
% ^^A      \item A section describing the use of templates for generating large number
% ^^A            of quizzes has been added (courtesy of Colin Caprani).
%       \item For templating purposes, in \optn{draft} mode, general TeX code can
%             now be used in items and |tolerance| key of numerical questions
%             (courtesy of Colin Caprani).
%       \item Support for the \env{quote} and \env{quotation} environments in the HTML  
%             conversion process (courtesy of Gerald Teschl).
%       \item Experimental package option \optn{pluginfile} mimics the way
%             \Moodle\ embeds pictures in the \XML.
%       \item Answer box for Essay questions with \optn{handout}.
%       \item Key-value package option \optn{LMS} to target a specific version
%             of \Moodle.
%       \item Support for more text mode diacritic and horizontal spacing
%             commands.
%       \item Macros \cmd{\moodleversion} and \cmd{\moodledate} are defined.
%       \item Experimental package option \optn{samepage} to avoid splitting
%             questions across multiple pages.
%       \item \optn{sanction} key to set default mark for incorrect answers.
%       \item Started the internationalization of the package based on
%             \pkg{translator} (optionally \pkg{translations}). English,
%             French, German, Italian, and Spanish
%             are fully supported (with help from J\"urgen Vollmer for German
%             and Romano Giannetti for Italian and Spanish). Contributions are welcome.
%       \item Warn user of the \pkg{babel} package set for Turkish
%             that using the shorthands will not play well with \pkg{moodle}.
%       \item Support for \cmd{\i} in conversion to \HTML.
%       \item \SVG\ option support for Windows (courtesy of Wolf M\"uller).
%     \changed
%       \item In Cloze \env{multi} subquestions, the default mode is
%             \optn{inline} when only one answer is to be selected and
%             \optn{vertical} when several answers can be selected.
%       \item Single straight quotes (apostrophe) in math mode are passed as-is
%             to the \XML\ (with help from Keno Wehr).
%       \item Empty groups |{}| in math-mode are passed as-is to the \XML\
%             (with help from Keno Wehr).
%       \item Inside \env{cloze} subquestions, \optn{points} are forced to the
%             nearest positive integer. ^^AA warning is issued when the user setting
%             ^^Ais modified.
%       \item \XML\ stamp exposes compilation time.
%       \item Labels of proposed answers now following \Moodle's convention
%             (\emph{1., 2., \dots}) in the \PDF\ typesetting of \env{multi} questions.
%       \item Automatic sanction mechanism for incorrect choices in \env{multi}
%             questions with multiple answers allowed. Now applies also inside
%             \env{cloze} questions.
%       \item In \env{cloze} subquestions, non-integer fractions are rounded.
%       \item Rewording of some indications in the \PDF, related to internationalization.
%       \item The answers of \env{matching} questions are now converted to \HTML\
%              (accents and \cmd{\htmlonly} in mind).
%     \removed
%       \item Support for non-\acro{ASCII} characters abandoned when compiling
%             with \prog{pdflatex}.
%     \fixed
%       \item In math-mode, \cmd{\underline} is no longer translated to \HTML.
%       \item Preexisting pictures no longer get deleted when including graphics
%             without specifying the extension (courtesy of Colin Caprani).
%       \item In answers of \env{matching} questions, some \TeX\ macros will not
%             break compilation. A problem with curly braces persists.
%       \item The cloze subquestions now inherit \optn{points} set at
%             the higher levels.
%       \item Option \optn{single=false} now works in Cloze \env{multi} questions.
%       \item Undesired trailing spaces are removed from offered answers in
%             \env{matching} question.
%       \item Compatibility with \pkg{siunitx} version 3.
%       \item Compatibility with \pkg{minted} starting from 2021/12/24 v2.6.
%       \item Different issues with graphics handling on Windows (\prog{magick},
%             \prog{del}, \prog{move},\dots).
%       \item Symbols |<| and |>| are translated to \HTML\ equivalents, also in
%             text-mode.
%       \item Warning german-writing and (Xe$\mid$Lua)\TeX\ users about troubles
%             caused by text-mode umlauts.
%       \item In \env{cloze} subquestions items and outside math environments,
%             the equal symbol (|=|) no longer interferes with the Cloze syntax.
%       \item A pagebreak occuring inside cloze shortanswers would reset page numbers.
%       \item The redefinition of the \env{description} environment is limited to
%             the scope of the \env{quiz}.
%       \item PDF typesetting of matching answers (line breaks, repeated matches).
%       \item Symbols \cmd{\%} found inside math mode are escaped for \HTML.
%       \item The \optn{fraction} keys specified inside \env{cloze} questions are
%             forced to integer values as required by \Moodle's \XML\ format.
%       \item True/False no longer broken when \pkg{hyperref} is loaded.
%       \item Tolerances in \env{numerical} answers now correctly displayed in \PDF.
%       \item Warning for users running a too old version of \pkg{graphics}.
%       \item In the code included with \pkg{verbatim}, \pkg{fancyvrb}, or
%             \pkg{fvextra}, characters that matter for \HTML\ are escaped.
%   \end{version}
%   \begin{version}[version=0.9,date=2021-02-07]
%     \added
%       \item Support for \href{https://docs.moodle.org/en/All_or_nothing_multiple_choice_question_type}
%             {all-or-nothing multiple choice} questions.
%       \item Support for the ogonek diacritical mark via \cmd{\k}\marg{\dots}.
%       \item Warn user of the \pkg{babel} package set for a German-related language
%             that using the character |"| will not play well with \pkg{moodle}.
%       \item Support for \pkg{babel} commands related to German quotes.
%       \item Support for en-dash (--) outside of math mode.
%       \item Support for \cmd{\%} in conversion to \HTML.
%       \item Command |\htmlonly[]{}| to pass \HTML\ contents directly to the \XML\ file.
%     \changed
%       \item An error is issued when a graphics conversion step fails.
%       \item Irrelevant points are no longer written at the \env{cloze} question level in \PDF\ and \XML.
%       \item The total number of marks is shown in the \PDF\ at the end of each quiz.
%       \item The \optn{tags} key can now be used to specify a comma-separated list of tags.
%     \fixed
%       \item Answer text of \env{shortanswer} questions is converted to \HTML.
%       \item Paragraph breaks in \env{multi} and \env{essay} items no longer break compilation.
%       \item Question text in Essays was not shown in \PDF\ file.
%       \item Commands \cmd{\textsc}, \cmd{\underline}, \cmd{\url}, and \cmd{\href} yielded \HTML\ code with
%             inadequate double quotation marks.
%       \item Broken base64-encoding pipeline for images under Windows (thanks to Andreas Vohns).
%       \item Repeated single right quotation marks no longer merged in math mode
%             (thanks to Alberto Albano).
%   \end{version}
%   \begin{version}[version=0.8,date=2021-01-04]
%     \added
%       \item Support for inclusion of \GIF\ pictures.
%       \item Added package option \optn{svg} to avoid the rasterization of vector graphics.
%       \item New macro \cmd{\setsubcategory} to define subcategories, reflected in \PDF\ and \XML.
%       \item Package option \optn{handout} for sharing \PDF\ with students.
%       \item Extensions can be omitted when including pictures.
%       \item Description question type.
%       \item \LuaLaTeX\ is now supported (and recommended for \UTF-8 coded sources).
%       \item Examples of ways to reproduce the behavior of calculated questions.
%       \item Command to trigger the automatic recording of new commands.
%       \item Mechanism to match \optn{fraction} key to values accepted by \Moodle.
%       \item A \optn{fractiontol} key to control the tolerance in this mechanism.
%       \item Support for inverted punctuation marks |��| and |��|.
%       \item Support for \cmd{\_} and \cmd{\textbackslash}.
%       \item Support for the wildcard character as an answer in \env{numerical} questions.
%     \changed
%       \item Template of Essay questions is now shown in \PDF.
%       \item The macro \cmd{\setcategory} is reflected by a new section in \PDF.
%       \item In \env{matching} questions, warnings are raised if the number of items is insufficient.
%       \item Improved display of \env{matching} questions in \PDF.
%       \item The package \pkg{iftex} is now required.
%       \item An error is thrown when \optn{fraction} is set to an invalid value.
%       \item In \env{numerical} questions, the tolerance can be set in exponent form.
%       \item Nicer \PDF\ rendering of numbers in \env{numerical} questions if \pkg{siunitx} is loaded.
%       \item Included \PNG\ and \acro{JPEG} files are now directly converted to base64.
%     \fixed
%       \item TeX's inline math (\texttt{$...$}) can now contain escaped dollar signs (\cmd{\$}).
%       \item Closing braces escaped in \env{cloze} subquestions outside math environment.
%       \item The scope of the \optn{tolerance} key is now respected.
%   \end{version}
%   \begin{version}[version=0.7,date=2020-09-06]
%     \added
%       \item Support for inclusion of verbatim code.
%       \item Package option \optn{tikz}.
%       \item Support for \cmd{\"Y} and \cmd{\"y}.
%       \item New commands converted to \XML.
%       \item Adding a stamp comment in \XML, package option offered to disable
%             this behavior.
%       \item Support for the \cmd{\tikz} command.
%       \item A different directory can be specified for picture inclusion.
%       \item Warn user of the \pkg{babel} package set for French that autospacing
%             must be deactivated.
%       \item Square bracket math delimiters are recognized and converted properly.
%       \item Support of breve and caron diacritical marks.
%     \changed
%       \item In \env{multi} with multiple answers allowed, choosing all options no longer
%             results in a good grade. An automatic penalty mechanism is introduced.
%             Can be overridden by manually setting fractions.
%     \removed
%       \item Irrelevant \optn{penalty} tag in \env{cloze} subquestions.
%     \fixed
%       \item Non-integer fractions can now be specified in \env{cloze} subquestions.
%       \item Significantly squeeze \PNG\ images size by skipping ancillary data.
%       \item Enumerate or itemize environment can now be nested in question items.
%       \item Several pictures can be included in a question without being mixed
%             in the \XML\ file.
%       \item Management and rendering of fraction in questions.
%       \item Correctly handling a \LaTeX\ command starting the last item of a question.
%       \item Closing braces escaped in \env{cloze} subquestions. This allows \LaTeX\
%             equations or images to be included.
%       \item Image inclusion with macOS.
%   \end{version}
%   \begin{version}[version=0.6b,date=2019-11-27]
%     \added
%       \item New package options to set section or subsection at the quiz level.
%       \item True/False question type is now supported.
%       \item \Moodle\ tags can now be specified for questions (and rendered in \PDF\
%             as well).
%       \item In \env{cloze} questions, the multiresponse subquestion type is
%             now supported.
%     \removed
%       \item External dependency on \prog{OpenSSL}.
%       \item Irrelevant tags were written in \XML\ for \env{matching} questions.
%     \fixed
%       \item \TikZ\ externalization now works when using \XeLaTeX.
%       \item It is now possible to set points manually among several correct
%             answers in multichoice questions.
%       \item General feedback can now contain backslashes.
%       \item Several quizzes can now be defined in a single source file, each
%             specifying a category for \Moodle's question bank.
%       \item Correct encoding information is now written in \XML\ depending on
%             the \LaTeX\ compiler used.
%   \end{version}
%   \begin{version}[version=0.6a,date=2019-06-21]
%     \added
%       \item \XeLaTeX\ is now recommended when using \UTF-8 encoded sources (support
%             of accents).
%       \item Feedbacks are now displayed in the \PDF\ file produced.
%       \item The \prog{OptiPNG} utility is used to reduce the size
%             of images embedded in the \XML\ file.
%       \item Question options and settings are now displayed in the \PDF\ file
%       \item Supporting more \LaTeX\ macros for symbols and accents (mostly
%             diacritical marks and ligatures).
%       \item Introduce shuffle options in cloze-multi subquestions.
%       \item Package option \optn{final}.
%     \changed
%       \item In draft mode, \TikZ\ externalization is no longer triggered.
%     \fixed
%       \item In the different question types, the feedback fields are now converted
%             for \HTML\ allowing \LaTeX\ equations and images.
%       \item Documentation improvements (limitations and previously undocumented
%             features).
%   \end{version}
%   \shortversion{version=0.5,date=2016-01-05,simple,changes=Initial version,author={Anders O.F. Hendrickson}}
% \end{changelog}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Version History}%
% \PrintIndex
% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index}%
% \StopEventually{%
%^^A \PrintChanges
% }
% \section{Implementation}
% \subsection{Packages, Options, and Utilities}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifmoodle@feedbackLeft% contribution of Juergen Vollmer, 2021-03-05
\newif\ifmoodle@samepage% contribution of Romano Giannetti, 2021-03-07

%% Moodle version
\RequirePackage{xkeyval}%For key-handling
\newcount\moodle@LMSmajor% major version number of the LMS targeted
\newcount\moodle@LMSminor% minor version number of the LMS targeted

\DeclareOptionX{feedbackleft}{\moodle@feedbackLefttrue}% contribution of Juergen Vollmer, 2021-03-05
\DeclareOptionX{feedbackright}{\moodle@feedbackLeftfalse}% default
\DeclareOptionX{samepage}{\moodle@samepagetrue}% contribution of Romano Giannetti, 2021-03-07

\moodle@feedbackLeftfalse% contribution of Juergen Vollmer, 2021-03-05
\moodle@samepagefalse% contribution of Romano Giannetti, 2021-03-07

\ProcessOptionsX*% the star allows to inherit 'draft' and 'final' from the class

    \def\moodle@end@samepage{\endminipage\vskip 0pt plus 50pt\relax}
    % defining to relax is safer versus adding spurious spaces

\RequirePackage{environ} %To be able to take environment body as a macro argument
\RequirePackage{amssymb} %For \checkmark symbol
%\RequirePackage{trimspaces} %To remove extra spaces from strings (loaded by environ)
% iftex already required by recent versions of ifplatform. Needed to know:
%     1) whether we can convert output from PDF to \PNG\ (ifpdf),
%     2) when output pdf is latin1-encoded (ifpdf)
%     3) when output xml is utf8-encoded (if?tex)
\@ifundefined{ifeTeX}{% version of 'iftex' prior to November 2019.
    \RequirePackage{etex}{} % Recent (2015+) TeX engines should be e-TeX.
    %This is needed for expansion control, detokenization, etc.
\RequirePackage{etoolbox}%List management
\RequirePackage{xpatch}  %To patch commands easily in \HTML\ mode
\RequirePackage{array}   %For formatting tables in the LaTeX mode of Clozes
\RequirePackage{ifplatform} % To choose Ghostscript commands
\@ifundefined{ifpdf}{\RequirePackage{ifpdf}}{}% old iftex would not define the conditional
\RequirePackage{shellesc} %Luatex-compatible way of getting system access
\RequirePackage{readprov} %To gather information on the package (version, date, ...)
\RequirePackage{fancybox} %For fancy LaTeX tags
\RequirePackage{getitems} %To gather the header and items
  \RequirePackage[seed=42]{randomlist} %To randomize answers in matching questions
  \RequirePackage{graphicx} %To include graphics



% Taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/47576/combining-ifxetex-and-ifluatex-with-the-logical-or-operation
  \newif\ifTUTeX % a new conditional starts as false
  \ifnum 0\ifXeTeX 1\fi\ifLuaTeX 1\fi>0\relax
\newif\ifpdfoutput % a new conditional starts as false
\ifnum 0\ifTUTeX 1\fi\ifPDFTeX\ifpdf 1\fi\fi>0\relax
%    \end{macrocode}
% As the package involves a fair bit of file processing,
% we automate the naming of auxiliary files.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % #1 = macro to create
  % #2 = filename to add suffix to
  % #3 = suffix to add
    % Involves quotes

%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, we create macros to open and close the Moodle \XML\ file
% we will be writing.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifPDFTeX % latin1-based engines (pdflatex or latex)
    \writetomoodle{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>}%
    \ifTUTeX % UTF8-based engines (XeTeX or LuaTeX)
      \writetomoodle{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>}%
    \else % what shall we do?
      \writetomoodle{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>}%
    \def\moodle@stamp{This is a question bank made for Moodle }
    \writetomoodle{<!-- \moodle@stamp -->}%
    \divide\hour by 60\relax
    \multiply\minute by -60\relax
    \advance\minute by \time\relax
    \def\moodle@stamp{It was generated on \the\year-\two@digits\month-\two@digits\day\space \the\hour:\the\minute}
    \ifPDFTeX % pdflatex or latex
      \ifpdf % pdflatex
        \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ by pdfLaTeX }%
      \else % latex
        \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ by LaTeX }%
      \ifXeTeX % xetex
        \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ by XeLaTeX }%
        \ifLuaTeX % luatex
          \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ by LuaLaTeX }%
          \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ a TeX engine }%
    \writetomoodle{<!-- \moodle@stamp running -->}%
    \def\moodle@stamp{on \platformname}%
    \g@addto@macro{\moodle@stamp}{ with the package moodle \moodleversion\space (\moodledate) }%
    \writetomoodle{<!-- \moodle@stamp -->}%
  \writetomoodle{ }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% To both make this \filenm{.sty} file and the \XML\ output more readable,
% we create a mechanism for writing to the output file with indents.
% The macro |\calculateindent|\marg{$n$} globally defines
% |\moodle@indent| to be a string of \meta{$n$} |\otherspace|'s.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \advance\moodle@indentnum by -1\relax
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now the command |\writetomoodle|\oarg{n}\marg{stuff} adds the line
% ``\meta{stuff}'' to the \XML\ file
% preceded by an indent of \meta{n} spaces.
% Note that this command |\edef|'s its second argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We now create the main |quiz| environment that will contain
% the questions we write.  It outputs to \XML\ as a |<question type="category">| tag.
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\catcode`\$=12\catcode`\ =12% in this context we cannot indent with spaces...
\writetomoodle{ }%
\writetomoodle{<question type="category">}%
\writetomoodle{  <category>}%
\writetomoodle{    <text>$course$/top/#1</text>}%
\writetomoodle{  </category>}%
\writetomoodle{ }%
    % At first call (end of \begin{quiz}) enumerate is not started yet
      % In case no question is defined between two calls of \setcategory
      \def\@noitemerr{}%\@latex@warning{Empty question list}
    \def\@noitemerr{}%\@latex@warning{Empty question list}
  \emph{\GetTranslation{Total of marks}: \strip@pt\moodle@totalmarks}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% The next utility takes a single macro control sequence |#1|,
% and allows that macro's current value to persist
% after the next |\egroup|, |}|, or |\endgroup|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \xa\xa\xa\gdef\xa\xa\csname moodle@remember@\string#1\endcsname\xa{\xa\def\xa#1\xa{#1}}%
  \xa\aftergroup\csname moodle@remember@\string#1\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Main Switch: to create \XML\ or not}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % If we are generating \XML, do #1; otherwise do #2.
    % This run of LaTeX is currently ONLY generating a TikZ image
    % to be saved in an external file.  We do NOT want to waste time
    % generating \XML, and moreover trying to do so would cause errors
    % because of file dependencies.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now the macros |openmoodleout| and |closemoodleout| are triggered at Begin and End Document, respectively
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Key-Value Pairs for Quiz Questions}
% The various options are set using key-value syntax of |xkeyval|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We first define some macros that will help us write other macros.
% Calling |\generate@moodle@write@code|\marg{name}|<|\meta{HTML tag}|>|\marg{text to write}
% creates a macro |\moodle@write|\meta{name}, taking no parameters,
% which writes the code |<|\meta{HTML tag}|>...</|\meta{HTML tag}|>|
% to the output \XML\ file.
% The ordinary version |\generate@moodle@write@code| passes its output text |#3|
% through the HTMLizer, producing \HTML\ code, while the starred variant
% |\generate@moodle@write@code*| passes |#3| verbatim as text.
% For example,
% |\generate@moodle@write@code{excuse}<EXC>{\theexcuse}|
% would expand to
% \begin{Verbatim}[gobble=4,frame=single]
%   \gdef\moodle@writeexcuse{%
%     \xa\def\xa\test@iii\xa{\theexcuse}%
%     \ifx\test@iii\@moodle@empty
%       \writetomoodle[2]{  <EXC format="html"><text/></EXC>}%
%     \else
%       \xa\converttohtmlmacro\xa\moodle@htmltowrite\xa{\theexcuse}%
%       \writetomoodle[2]{  <EXC format="html">}%
%       \writetomoodle[4]{    <text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@htmltowrite</p>]]></text>}%
%       \writetomoodle[2]{  </EXC>}%
%     \fi
%   }%
% \end{Verbatim}
% but
% |\generate@moodle@write@code*{excuse}<EXC>{\theexcuse}|
% would expand only to
% \begin{Verbatim}[gobble=4,frame=single]
%   \gdef\moodle@writeexcuse{%
%      \writetomoodle[2]{  <EXC>\theexcuse</EXC>}%
%   }
% \end{Verbatim}
%    \begin{macrocode}

  % #1 = NAME for \moodle@writeNAME
  % #2 = \HTML\ tag
  % #3 = what, exactly, to write
  \xa\gdef\csname moodle@write#1\endcsname{%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  <#2 format="html"><text/></#2>}%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  <#2 format="html">}%
      \writetomoodle[4]{    <text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@htmltowrite</p>]]></text>}%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  </#2>}%

  % No <P>..</P> introduced
  % #1 = NAME for \moodle@writeNAME
  % #2 = \HTML\ tag
  % #3 = what, exactly, to write
  \xa\gdef\csname moodle@write#1\endcsname{%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  <#2 format="html"><text/></#2>}%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  <#2 format="html">}%
      \writetomoodle[4]{    <text><![CDATA[\moodle@htmltowrite]]></text>}%
      \writetomoodle[2]{  </#2>}%

  % #1 = NAME for \moodle@writeNAME
  % #2 = \HTML\ tag
  % #3 = what, exactly, to write
  \xa\gdef\csname moodle@write#1\endcsname{%
    \writetomoodle[2]{  <#2>#3</#2>}%

    \writetomoodle[2]{  <tags>}%
      \writetomoodle[4]{    <tag><text><![CDATA[\moodle@htmltowrite]]></text></tag>}%
    \writetomoodle[2]{  </tags>}%
    \hfill \GetTranslation{tags}: %
    \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\ifmoodle@firsttag\moodle@firsttagfalse\else, \fi\texttt{##1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for all question types}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%      \gdef\moodle@writequestionname{%
%        \writetomoodle[2]{<name>}%
%        \writetomoodle[4]{  <text>\moodle@questionname</text>}%
%        \writetomoodle[2]{</name>}%
%      }%

      %I tried to use questiontext as a key, but it doesn't seem to work.
      %The trouble is that xkeyval has trouble parsing a key with a \par token followed by a comma within brackets,
      %like \setkeys{moodle}{questiontext={ABC\par [D,E]}}
      %It's not worth trying to fix.



      % Moodle allows for feedback tailored to each question,
      % and feedback tailored to each right or wrong answer.
      % We shall use the key 'feedback' to record both kinds of feedback,
      % relying on TeX's grouping mechanism to keep them apart.
      % When it comes time to write them to \XML,
      % \moodle@writegeneralfeedback uses the \HTML\ tag <generalfeedback>
      % whereas \moodle@writefeedback uses the tag <feedback>.
      % Note that the general feedback is NOT inherited by each answer!

      %The next line creates \moodle@defaultgrade,
      %which is how many points the quiz question is worth.
      %Key calls like [default grade=7] set \moodle@defaultgrade.
      \define@cmdkey{moodle}[moodle@]{default grade}[1.0]{}%
      %Next, makes 'points' a synonym for 'default grade'
      \define@key{moodle}{points}[1.0]{\xa\def\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname{#1}}%
      \generate@moodle@write@code*{defaultgrade}<defaultgrade>{\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname}%
      \moodleset{default grade=1.0} %This sets the default.

      \generate@moodle@write@code*{hidden}<hidden>{\ifmoodle@hidden 1\else 0\fi}%


      %The next line creates \moodle@tags,
      %which defines a "tag" (i.e., keyword) for the question.
      %Key calls like [tags={random}] set \moodle@tags.

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for all answers}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% FRACTION -- how much this answer is worth out of 100 percent
      %We do not create \moodle@writefraction, because the fraction occurs in
      %the \XML\ within the answer tag, like <answer fraction="75">.
      \moodleset{fraction=100} %This sets the default.
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% FRACTIONTOL -- the tolerance for fractions with respect to valid values
      \moodleset{fractiontol=0.1} %This sets the default.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for multiple choice questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}

%% SINGLE and MULTIPLE -- for multichoice, is there 1 right answer or more than 1?
      \generate@moodle@write@code*{single}<single>{\ifmoodle@single true\else false\fi}%
      %The key 'multiple' is an antonym to 'single'.

      \generate@moodle@write@code*{shuffle}<shuffleanswers>{\ifmoodle@shuffle 1\else 0\fi}%

%% ALLORNOTHING -- for multichoice with multiple answers where all the points are given
%                  if and only if all the correct answers are selected.

%% SANCTION -- how much shall incorrect choices by sanctioned in multichoice questions (single)
      \moodleset{sanction=0} %This sets the default.


%% NUMBERING -- for numbering of multichoice questions
      %'answer numbering' will be a synonym to 'numbering'
      \define@key{moodle}{answer numbering}[abc]{\setkeys{moodle}{numbering={#1}}}%
      %N.B. if we did not set the default here, then \moodle@numbering would be undefined, causing problems.
      \moodleset{answer numbering=abc}%

        \renewcommand\labelenumii{\theenumii.}% follow Moodle's labeling convention
      %TODO: * In the PDF, how should 'none' in a multi look different from
      %         short answer or numerical options?
      %       * Instead of \theenumi and \labelenumi,
      %         use \@enumdepth to automatically set the correct depth.

%% DISPLAY MODE -- affects Cloze multiple choice questions only.
      % 0 = inline, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal
      \def\moodle@multi@mode{\ifmoodle@single 0\else 1\fi}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for numerical questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      %There is no \moodle@writetolerance, because in the \XML\ the
      %tolerance is given within the answer tag,
      %like <answer fraction=100 tolerance=0.03>.

% TODO: implement unit-handling for numerical questions!
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for short answer questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \generate@moodle@write@code*{usecase}<usecase>{\ifmoodle@usecase 1\else 0\fi}%
      % We make 'case sensitive' a synonym for 'usecase'.
      \define@boolkey{moodle}[moodle@]{case sensitive}[true]{\ifcsname moodle@case sensitive\endcsname \moodle@usecasetrue\else\moodle@usecasefalse\fi}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for matching questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      % We make 'dd' and 'draganddrop' and 'drag and drop' synonyms for 'draganddrop'.
      \define@boolkey{moodle}[moodle@]{drag and drop}[true]{\moodle@ddsynonym}%
        \csname ifmoodle@drag and drop\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Keys for essay questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \define@choicekey{moodle}{response format}%
                          % \HTML\ Editor
                          % \HTML\ Editor with File Picker
                          % Plain text
                          % Plain text
                          % Plain text, monospaced font
                          % No inline text (i.e., attachments only)
                          % No inline text (i.e., attachments only)
      \moodleset{response format=html}%
      %N.B. if we did not set a default, then \moodle@responseformat would be undefined, causing problems.

      \define@boolkey{moodle}[moodle@]{response required}[true]{}%
      % TODO: Make synonym 'required'
      \generate@moodle@write@code*{responserequired}<responserequired>{\csname ifmoodle@response required\endcsname 1\else 0\fi}%
      \moodleset{response required=false}%

      \define@cmdkey{moodle}[moodle@]{response field lines}[15]{}%
      \generate@moodle@write@code*{responsefieldlines}<responsefieldlines>{\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname}%
      %Make synonyms 'input box size' or 'height' or 'lines'?
      \moodleset{response field lines=15}% N.B. if we do not set a default, then \moodle@responseformat will be undefined, causing problems.

      \define@choicekey{moodle}{attachments allowed}{0,1,2,3,unlimited}[1]{%
      \moodleset{attachments allowed=0}%

      \define@choicekey{moodle}{attachments required}{0,1,2,3}[1]{\def\moodle@attachmentsrequired{#1}}%
      \moodleset{attachments required=0}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Hint tags}
% The following are not yet fully implemented.
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \writetomoodle[4]{    <shownumcorrect/>}%

          \writetomoodle[4]{    <clearwrong/>}%

% TODO: Implement hints
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Answer handling}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%The Answers \XML\ depends heavily on the question type.
%Each type of question defines how it obtains answers from the LaTeX input,
%how it typesets those in a \PDF\ or \DVI, and how it writes them as \XML\ code.
%It will write that \XML\ to the macro \moodle@answers@xml,
%which them gets written to the file when \moodle@writeanswers
%is invoked.


  % #1 = spaces to indent (default=0)
  % #2 = macro containing \XML\ code (possibly empty)
  % #3 = \XML\ text to be appended to that macro (will be \edef'd)
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Not yet implemented}
%    \begin{macrocode}

%% CALCULATED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% TODO: I don't think I really want to handle this.  Not now.

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Typesetting options}
% This section provides the tools to allow on to control how the quiz gets typeset
% in the resulting PDF file.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifmoodle@feedbackLeft% contribution of Juergen Vollmer, 2021-03-05
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Front Ends}
% This section creates the user interface for the various question types.
% First, we define a generic command to create
% a front-end environment for a Moodle question type.
% In order to function, the following macros must be hard-coded:
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item |\moodle@|\meta{type}|@latexprocessing|:
%     Loops through the saved |\item|'s to typeset them in LaTeX,
%     usually inside an itemize or enumerate environment.
%   \item |\save|\meta{type}|answer#1|:
%     Processes the text of a single |\item| to save the information to memory,
%     usually inside |\moodle@answers@xml|.
%   \item |\write|\meta{type}|question|:
%     Writes the information, hitherto saved only in macros,
%     into the \XML\ file.
% \end{itemize}
% For example, to create the `shortanswer' question type,
% we shall call
% \begin{Verbatim}[gobble=5,frame=single]
%    \moodle@makefrontend{shortanswer}
%    \def\moodle@shortanswer@latexprocessing{...}
%    \def\saveshortansweranswer#1{...}
%    \def\writeshortanswerquestion{...}
% \end{Verbatim}
%    \begin{macrocode}

%  \ifmoodle@tikzloaded
%    \tikzset{external/export next=false}
%    \tikz[baseline]{\node[draw,minimum height=1.2em,rounded corners,fill=black!20] {\tiny #1};}
%  % Fancy but interferes with the tikzexternalize counter
%  \else
    \Ovalbox{\tiny #1}
    %\ovalbox{\tiny #1}
    %\shadowbox{\tiny #1}
%  \fi

  \doublebox{\tiny \textsc{\GetTranslation{#1}}}

  \moodle@makelatextagbox{\GetTranslation{#2}~\csname moodle@#1\endcsname}%



      \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt
      %First, the LaTeX processing
      \item \moodle@begin@samepage \textbf{\moodle@questionname}
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
      \csname moodle@#1@latexprocessing\endcsname
      %Now, writing information to XML
        \xa\questiontext\xa{\moodle@questionheader}% Save the question text.
        \csname write#1question\endcsname
          \xa\loopthroughitemswithcommand\xa{\csname save#1answer\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Description Question Front-End}
% Description and essay questions are the only question types whose front end
% is not yet created by |\moodle@makefrontend|.
% This is because of what need to be done with their contents.
% Description blocks can be empty. In this case, nothing is done.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\AtBeginEnvironment{quiz}{% protect existing description outside of quiz
  \let\description\relax% remove the meaning of existing \description and \enddescription
        %First, the LaTeX processing.
        \item \moodle@begin@samepage\textbf{\moodle@questionname}
        %Now, writing information to memory.
          \writetomoodle{<question type="description">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Essay Question Front-End}
% The front end is not yet created by |\moodle@makefrontend| because of
% what must must be done with the |\item|'s.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % Moodle cannot automatically grade an essay,
  % but if the user puts \item's in, we can list them in an itemize as notes.
  \par\noindent \emph{\GetTranslation{Information for graders}:}
    \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0pt}\setlength\parskip{0pt}%

    \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt%
    %First, the LaTeX processing.
      \item \moodle@begin@samepage\textbf{\moodle@questionname}
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
        \par\noindent\emph{\GetTranslation{Response template}:}
        \fbox{\parbox[t][\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname\baselineskip]{.96\linewidth}{\phantom{Moodle}}}%
        \csname moodle@essay@latexprocessing\endcsname
    %Now, writing information to memory.
      \xa\questiontext\xa{\moodle@questionheader}% Save the question text.
          \addto@xml[2]\moodle@answers@xml{<graderinfo format="html"><text/></graderinfo>}%
          \addto@xml[2]\moodle@answers@xml{<graderinfo format="html"><text><![CDATA[}%
      \moodle@writeanswers% The 'answers' \XML\ really contains the grader info.

  \newcount\a\a=\number\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname
  \ifnum\the\a>40\relax% if the value was more than 40
  \ifnum\the\a<5\relax% if the value was less than 5
  \divide\a by\b% integer division by 5
  \multiply\a by\b% multiply by 5
  \ifnum\a=\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname\relax% equality holds if we had 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 40
    \ifnum\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname>5\relax%
      \ifnum\csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname<40\relax%
        \advance\a by\b% approximate with the next multiple of 5
    \PackageWarning{moodle}{"response field lines" admits only multiples of 5 between 5 and 40
       (You tried to set \csname moodle@response field lines\endcsname). The value
       \the\a\space will be used.}%
    \setkeys{moodle}{response field lines=\the\a}%

%%%% TODO
%%%% To make essay work will be tough.
%%%% Every line from \ifnum\c@numgathereditems=0\relax through its \else and \fi,
%%%% with the exception of
%%%%          \xa\loopthroughitemswithcommand\xa{\csname save#1answer\endcsname}%
%%%% , does not exist in our current \moodle@makefrontend code.
%%%% How can we cope?
%%%% Idea: change \moodle@makefrontend so that
%%%%       1. if \c@numgathereditems=0, we don't do anything.
%%%%       2. it calls a preamble and postamble around the \loopthroughitemswithcommand.
%%%%          Like this:
%%%%      \@moodle@ifgeneratexml{%
%%%%        \xa\questiontext\xa{\moodle@questionheader}% Save the question text.
%%%%        \bgroup
%%%%          \gdef\moodle@answers@xml{}%
%%%%          \setkeys{moodle}{feedback={}}%
%%%%          \@ifundefined{moodle@#1@answers@preamble}{}{}%
%%%%          \csname moodle@#1@answers@preamble\endcsname
%%%%          \ifnum\c@numgathereditems=0\relax
%%%%            \relax
%%%%          \else
%%%%            \xa\loopthroughitemswithcommand\xa{\csname save#1answer\endcsname}%
%%%%          \fi
%%%%          \@ifundefined{moodle@#1@answers@postamble}{}{}%
%%%%          \csname moodle@#1@answers@postamble\endcsname
%%%%          \passvalueaftergroup{\moodle@answers@xml}%
%%%%        \egroup
%%%%        \csname write#1question\endcsname
%%%%      }{}%
%%%% The \@ifundefined lines should automatically define the
%%%% \...@preamble \...@postamble macros to be \relax if they don't exist already.

  \writetomoodle{<question type="essay">}%

    \item #1%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Short Answer Question Front-End}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%   \bgroup
%     \setkeys{moodle}{#1,questionname={#2}}%
%     \expandafter\gatheritems\xa{\BODY}%
%     \let\moodle@questionheader=\gatheredheader
%     %First, the LaTeX processing.
%       \item \textbf{\moodle@questionname}
%       \csname ifmoodle@case sensitive\endcsname
%         \framebox{\tiny Case-Sensitive}\relax
%       \fi
%       \framebox{\tiny\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname~points}
%       \framebox{\tiny\csname moodle@penalty\endcsname~penalty}\par
%       \noindent
%       \moodle@questionheader
%       \csname moodle@shortanswer@latexprocessing\endcsname
%     %Now, writing information to memory.
%     \@moodle@ifgeneratexml{%
%       \xa\questiontext\xa{\moodle@questionheader}% Save the question text.
%       \bgroup
%         \gdef\moodle@answers@xml{}%
%         \setkeys{moodle}{feedback={}}%
%         \xa\loopthroughitemswithcommand\xa{\csname
%         saveshortansweranswer\endcsname}%
%         \passvalueaftergroup{\moodle@answers@xml}%
%       \egroup
%       \csname writeshortanswerquestion\endcsname
%     }{}%
%   \egroup
% }%




    \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0pt}\setlength\parskip{0pt}%

       \item #1$~\checkmark$%
       \item #1$~(\moodle@fraction\%)$%
       \moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ \moodle@feedback}

     \setkeys{moodle}{fraction=100,#1}%                  %%%%%% DEFAULT VALUE IS 100%
     \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<answer fraction="\moodle@fraction" format="plain_text">}%
     \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text>\moodle@answertext@html</text>}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%

  \writetomoodle{<question type="shortanswer">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Numerical Question Front-End}
%    \begin{macrocode}




    \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0pt}\setlength\parskip{0pt}%

       \item \test@i
       \item \moodle@printnum{#1}%
       \moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ \moodle@feedback}%

     \setkeys{moodle}{fraction=100,#1}%                  %%%%%% DEFAULT VALUE IS 100%
     \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<answer fraction="\moodle@fraction" format="plain_text">}%
     \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text>\moodle@answertext</text>}%

       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <tolerance>\moodle@tolerance</tolerance>}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%

  \writetomoodle{<question type="numerical">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Multiple Choice Question Front-End}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%Multiple choice has the structure
% \begin{multi}[options]{name}%
%   What is 5+7?
%   \item 13
%   \item* 12
%   \item 11
% \end{multi}%



      \PackageError{moodle}{Unsupported option "allornothing" for a multichoice subquestion}
      {Please set "allornothing=false"}%

    \moodle@print@multichoice@answer@int#1 \@rdelim%
    \def\moodle@answertext{\item }%
          \ifdim0pt<\moodle@sanction pt\relax
          \ifdim0pt=\moodle@fraction pt\relax\else%
      \else% multiple
        \g@addto@macro\moodle@answertext{\moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ \moodle@feedback}}%

% COMMON UTILITY: Inspecting answers of multiple choice questions (for option 'multiple')
\newcounter{moodle@NumStarredAnswers}% count the stars
\newdimen\moodle@TotalPositiveFractions% Total of user-set positive fractions
\newdimen\moodle@PositiveScoreFactor% scaling factor to impose the fractions of
%correct answers to add up to 100%

  \moodle@autoscore@tmp=100pt\relax% temporary variable
  \ifmoodle@AdvancedScoreMode% advanced mode
    \ifx\endmulti\endclozemulti% inside cloze
      \divide\moodle@TotalPositiveFractions by 100\relax
      \advance\moodle@TotalPositiveFractions by \c@moodle@NumStarredAnswers pt\relax
      \moodle@PositiveScoreFactor=1 pt\relax
      \moodle@PositiveScoreFactor=\dimexpr 1 pt * \moodle@PositiveScoreFactor / \moodle@TotalPositiveFractions\relax%
      \global\def\moodle@OtherScore{% for multianswer questions in cloze, with advanced mode
        \ifdim0pt<\moodle@fraction pt\relax
          \multiply\moodle@autoscore@tmp by \moodle@fraction\relax%
    \else% outside cloze
      \advance\moodle@autoscore@tmp by-\moodle@TotalPositiveFractions\relax%
      % autopoints will never be used but we check if the sum of positive fractions is 100%
        \ifdim\moodle@autoscore@tmp<-\moodle@fractiontol pt\relax%
          \PackageWarning{moodle}{Positive fractions add up to more than 100 (here: \ds)}%
          % Here we issue only a warning because Moodle accepts the \XML\ without error.
          \ifdim\moodle@autoscore@tmp>\moodle@fractiontol pt\relax%
            \PackageError{moodle}{Positive fractions add up to less than 100 (here: \ds)}%
      \else% there are starred items
      % we have starred items so the sum of user-set positive fractions must be less than 100%
      % otherwise, starred items would lead to penalties
          \PackageError{moodle}{Positive fractions add up to 100 or more (here: \ds):
                             there is no positive points left to be given to starred items.}%
        \divide\moodle@autoscore@tmp by \c@moodle@NumStarredAnswers\relax%
  \else% automatic score (not in advanced score mode)
    \global\divide\moodle@autoscore@tmp by \c@moodle@NumStarredAnswers\relax%
  %The grouping is to keep key answer-specific key changes local.
      \ifdim0pt<\moodle@fraction pt\relax%
        \global\advance\moodle@TotalPositiveFractions by \moodle@fraction pt\relax%
  \PackageError{moodle}{the current fraction is not an admissible value (here: \ds)}%
  \test@lower=\dimexpr #1 pt - \moodle@fractiontol pt\relax%
  \test@upper=\dimexpr #1 pt + \moodle@fractiontol pt\relax%
    \test@fraction=\moodle@fraction pt\relax%
    % take the absolute value
      \test@fraction=-\moodle@fraction pt\relax%
    % test if the fraction is an admissible value
    \ifdim\moodle@fraction pt<-\moodle@fractiontol pt\relax%
% TODO: Put these macros in same order as other sections'.

    \savemultianswer@int#1 \moodle@answer@rdelim
        \ifdim0pt<\moodle@sanction pt\relax
      \else% multiple
    \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<answer fraction="\moodle@fraction" format="html">}%
    \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@answertext@html</p>]]></text>}%
      \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%

    \writetomoodle{<question type="multichoice\ifmoodle@allornothing set\fi">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{True/False Question Front-End}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% True/False has structure
% \begin{truefalse}[options]{name}%
%   This is a matching question.
%   \item[feedback={feedback for student answering incorrectly "true"}] % first item is for true
%   \item* this is an other way of specifying answer-specific feedback
% \end{truefalse}%

%\moodle@makefrontend{truefalse}{}% We dont use the generic frontend because truefalse has no tunable penalty

      \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt
      %First, the LaTeX processing
      \item \moodle@begin@samepage\textbf{\moodle@questionname}
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
      %Now, writing information to XML
        \xa\questiontext\xa{\moodle@questionheader}% Save the question text.
        \csname writetruefalsequestion\endcsname


%  \ifnum\c@numgathereditems>2\relax%
%    \PackageError{moodle}{Expecting at max two answers with truefalse type}
%  \fi
  \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0pt}\setlength\parskip{0pt}%
      \item \textbf{\GetTranslation{False}}%
    \PackageError{moodle}{No answer is explicitly marked as correct (*). Be sure one answer leads to points.}%
    \PackageError{moodle}{Two answers are explicitly marked as correct (*). Be sure only one answer leads to points.}%

   \def\moodle@print@truefalse@answer#1{% here # is all what comes after "\item", that is "[options]* text"
       \moodle@print@truefalse@answer@int#1\@rdelim % add an end delimiter:
   \newcommand\moodle@print@truefalse@answer@int[1][]{% with the optional argument, catch options and set them as keys
     \moodle@print@truefalse@answer@int@int% applies to the rest: "* text\@rdelim"
   \def\moodle@print@truefalse@answer@int@int#1\@rdelim{% this is just to treat appart the case where nothing follows
     \item \textbf{\moodle@answertext}%
         ~\moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ \moodle@feedback}%
     \item \textbf{\moodle@answertext}%
               \moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ #2}%
               \moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ #1#2}%
           \moodle@preFeedback \emph{$\rightarrow$ \moodle@feedback}%

       \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<answer fraction="\moodle@fraction" format="plain_text">}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text>\moodle@answertext</text>}%
         \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%
       \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<answer fraction="\moodle@fraction" format="plain_text">}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text>\moodle@answertext</text>}%
           \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%
         \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@feedback@html</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</feedback>}%

  \writetomoodle{<question type="truefalse">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Matching Question Front-End}
%    \begin{macrocode}



      \moodle@makelatextag@other{Drag and drop}\relax%
  \parbox[c]{.9\linewidth}{\raggedleft #1}\hfil\vrule width .5pt$\bullet$%
  $\bullet$\vrule width .5pt\hfil\parbox[c]{.9\linewidth}{#1}%
    \setcounter{moodle@NumStarredAnswers}{0}% Here this counter is for "questions" (items on the left column)
      \PackageWarning{moodle}{Moodle expects at least three proposed matches in matching questions}%
      \PackageWarning{moodle}{Moodle expects at least two items in matching questions}%
        \vskip 4pt\relax
        \vskip 4pt\relax

  \moodle@print@matching@answer@int#1 \@rdelim
  %\typeout{\string#1 \answer \string#2}%
    \trim@spaces@in\test@ii% don't know why the 2nd call is required
    % add proposed match only if not already in the list
      % matches are always proposed shuffled

    \savematchinganswer@int#1 \moodle@answer@rdelim%
     %\typeout{\string#1 \answer \string#2}%
     % Note that #1 may simply be \relax.
     \addto@xml[2]{\moodle@answers@xml}{<subquestion format="html">}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text></text>}%
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@subquestiontext@htmlized</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi}%
     \trim@spaces@in\moodle@subanswertext% don't know why but a second call seems required...
%       \show\moodle@subanswertext@htmlized
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <answer format="html"><text><![CDATA[<p>\moodle@subanswertext@htmlized</p>]]></text>\ifmoodle@pluginfile\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\fi</answer>}%
%       \show\moodle@subanswertext@htmlized
       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <answer format="html"><text><![CDATA[\moodle@subanswertext@htmlized]]></text></answer>}%
%     \ifx\moodle@feedback\@empty\relax\else
%       \trim@spaces@in\moodle@feedback
%       \xa\converttohtmlmacro\xa\moodle@feedback@html\xa{\moodle@feedback}%
%       \addto@xml[4]{\moodle@answers@xml}{  <feedback
%     \fi

    \writetomoodle{<question type="ddmatch">}%
    \writetomoodle{<question type="matching">}%
%    \moodle@writesingle% %irrelevant for the matching type
%    \moodle@writeanswernumbering% %irrelevant for the matching type
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Cloze Questions}
% Because cloze questions are so complicated, they get their own section of code.
% The cloze strategy is as follows.
% All subquestions show up as part of the question body text.
% For each type of subquestion, we have a cloze-version environment
% that actually has 2 versions, depending on whether we are doing LaTeX or \XML\ processing.
% So the main environment is quite typical:
% \begin{enumerate}
%   \item Process the body as LaTeX.
%         During this run, a |\begin{multi}| etc.~will be processed for display onscreen.
%   \item Then save the body as the questiontext for \XML.
%         During this run, a |\begin{multi}| etc.~will be parsed and turned into
%         cloze code as part of the \XML\ questiontext.
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}

    \setkeys{moodle}{default grade=1}%
    % A cloze question won't have any \item's in it, so we just use \BODY.
    %First, the LaTeX processing.
      \item \moodle@begin@samepage\textbf{\moodle@questionname}
      %\csname moodle@cloze@latexprocessing\endcsname
    %Now, writing information to memory.
      \xa\questiontext\xa{\BODY}% Save the question text as \HTML.


  \writetomoodle{<question type="cloze">}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Utility to check the validity of fractions and points inside cloze subquestions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \moodle@tmpdim=\moodle@fraction pt\relax
  % Rounding is performed in three steps:
  % 1) round(x)=floor(x+1/2)
  \advance\moodle@tmpdim by .5pt\relax
  % 2) floor(x)=trunc(x) if x>0, and floor(x)=trunc(x-1) if x<0
  \ifdim\moodle@tmpdim<0pt\relax\advance\moodle@tmpdim by -1pt\fi
  % 3) Truncation because the quantum of TeX dimensions is 1/65536-th of a point.
  \divide\moodle@tmpdim by 65536\relax\multiply\moodle@tmpdim by 65536\relax
  \ifdim\moodle@tmpdim=\moodle@fraction pt\else
    \PackageWarning{moodle}{in cloze questions, fractions must be integers. Rounding \moodle@fraction\space to \moodle@tmpval}%
  \xdef\moodle@fraction{\moodle@tmpval}% in any case, take eventual decimals out (e.g. change 10.0 for 10)

  \moodle@tmpdim=\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt\relax
  \ifdim\moodle@tmpdim<1 pt\relax
    \PackageWarning{moodle}{for cloze questions, the default grade must be a positive integer. Changing the default grade from \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname\space to 1}%
    \csdef{moodle@default grade}{1}%
  \else % Rounding is performed in three steps:
    % 1) round(x)=floor(x+1/2)
    \advance\moodle@tmpdim by .5pt\relax
    % 2) floor(x)=trunc(x) if x>0, and floor(x)=trunc(x-1) if x<0
    \ifdim\moodle@tmpdim<0pt\relax\advance\moodle@tmpdim by -1pt\fi
    % 3) Truncation because the quantum of TeX dimensions is 1/65536-th of a point.
    \divide\moodle@tmpdim by 65536\relax\multiply\moodle@tmpdim by 65536\relax
    \ifdim\moodle@tmpdim=\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt\else
      \PackageWarning{moodle}{for cloze questions, the default grade must be a positive integer. Rounding \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname\space to \moodle@tmpval}%
    \csedef{moodle@default grade}{\moodle@tmpval}% in any case, take eventual decimals out (e.g. change 10.0 for 10)
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Cloze Multiple Choice Questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      %HTML version
      \edef\clozemulti@coding{\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname:}%
        \moodle@WarningOrError{3}{5}{Cloze Multiresponse}%
         % Case 0: dropdown box style
           \PackageError{moodle}{Inline mode (dropdown box) incompatible with multiresponse.}
        % Case 1: vertical style
        % Case 2: horizontal radio buttons
        \moodle@WarningOrError{3}{0}{Cloze Multi Shuffling}
      %LaTeX version
      \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt
      \moodle@questionheader% %Any introductory text just continues to be typeset.
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
        %Case 0: dropdown box style
%          answer & feedback \\\hline\hline
          \firsthline% (\firsthline is from the array package.)
        %Case 1: vertical style
        %Case 2: horizontal radio buttons

  \moodle@print@clozemultichoice@answer@int#1 \@rdelim%
  % Case 0: "(answer) \\ \hline"
  % Case 1: "\item (answer)"
  % Case 2: "$\bullet~$(answer)\hfill"
    \relax% Case 0
    \g@addto@macro\moodle@answertext{\item}% Case 1
    \g@addto@macro\moodle@answertext{$\bullet~$}% Case 2
        \ifdim0pt<\moodle@sanction pt\relax
        \ifdim0pt=\moodle@fraction pt\relax\else%
    \else% multiple
          \ifdim0pt<\moodle@fraction pt\relax
            \multiply\moodle@autoscore@tmp by \moodle@fraction\relax%
  % Case 0
      \xdef\moodle@answertext{\expandonce\moodle@answertext &\expandonce\emph{\expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
  \or % Case 1
        \xdef\moodle@answertext{\expandonce\moodle@answertext \moodle@preFeedback \expandonce\emph{$\rightarrow$ \expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
  \else % otherwise
        \xdef\moodle@answertext{\expandonce\moodle@answertext\,\expandonce\emph{$\rightarrow$ \expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
    \g@addto@macro\moodle@answertext{\hfill}% Case 2

    \saveclozemultichoiceanswer@int#1 \moodle@answer@rdelim
    \xa\gdef\xa\clozemulti@coding\xa{\clozemulti@coding\clozetilde}% separator between answers
    \ifdim0pt=\moodle@fraction pt\relax\else
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Cloze Numerical Questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      %HTML version
      \edef\clozenumerical@coding{\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname:NUMERICAL:}%
      %LaTeX version
      \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt
      \moodle@questionheader% %Any introductory text just continues to be typeset.
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
          \firsthline% (\firsthline is from the array package.)
%         answer & feedback \\\hline\hline

    \xdef\moodle@clozenumericalprint@line{\expandonce\test@i~\moodle@clozenumericalprint@fraction & \expandonce\emph{\expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
    \xdef\moodle@clozenumericalprint@line{\moodle@printnum{\expandonce\test@i}\expandonce\moodle@clozenumericalprint@tolerance~\moodle@clozenumericalprint@fraction & \expandonce\emph{\expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
  \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\cloze@numerical@table@text\xa{\moodle@clozenumericalprint@line \\\hline}%

  \setkeys{moodle}{fraction=100,#1}%                  %%%%%% DEFAULT VALUE IS 100%
    \xa\gdef\xa\clozenumerical@coding\xa{\clozenumerical@coding\clozetilde}% separator between answers
    \ifdim0pt=\moodle@fraction pt\relax\else
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Cloze Short Answer Questions}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      %HTML version
        \edef\clozeshortanswer@coding{\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname:SHORTANSWER_C:}%
        \edef\clozeshortanswer@coding{\csname moodle@default grade\endcsname:SHORTANSWER:}%
      %LaTeX version
      \global\advance\moodle@totalmarks by \csname moodle@default grade\endcsname pt
      \moodle@questionheader% %Any introductory text just continues to be typeset.
        \moodle@makelatextag@value{default grade}{marked out of}
          \firsthline% (\firsthline is from the array package.)
%         answer & feedback \\\hline\hline

  \xdef\moodle@clozeshortanswerprint@line{#1~\moodle@clozeshortanswerprint@fraction & \expandonce\emph{\expandonce\moodle@feedback}}%
  \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\cloze@shortanswer@table@text\xa{\moodle@clozeshortanswerprint@line \\\hline}%

  \setkeys{moodle}{fraction=100,#1}%                  %%%%%% DEFAULT VALUE IS 100%
    \xa\gdef\xa\clozeshortanswer@coding\xa{\clozeshortanswer@coding\clozetilde}% separator between answers
    \ifdim0pt=\moodle@fraction pt\relax\else
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Converting \LaTeX\ to HTML}
% A lot of work must now be done to convert the \LaTeX\ code
% of a question or answer into \HTML\ code with embedded \TeX\ for math.
% \subsection{Catcode Setup}
% First, we create versions of the special characters with catcode 12, ``other.''
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\catcode`\ =12\gdef\otherspace{ }}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, we define commands to change catcodes to a suitable verbatim mode
% for transcription.
%    \begin{macrocode}
{ \catcode`\[=1\relax
  \catcode`\ =12\relax\catcode\newlinechar=12\verbcatcodesweirdest}%

  \catcode`\ =10\relax
  \makeatletter% We will be detokenizing and retokenizing internal control sequences, so we need this.

  %For rescanning previously scanned text, all true comments will already be gone,
  %but % signs may have been inserted by Cloze questions, so we want to treat them as 'other.'
  % TODO: #'s are more worrisome.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Detokenization and Retokenization}
% We will be processing a \TeX\ token list.
% Based on its content, sometimes we will want it to be detokenized to
% individual characters, but other times we want it retokenized so that
% \TeX's own parsing mechanism can gather up the parameters of macros.
% We use the e\TeX\ primitive command |\scantokens| to do this.
% The following code (catcodes, groupings and all) defines a |\scantokens@to@macro| macro.
% That will assemble and disassemble strings of tokens
% using any changing schemes of catcodes we desire.
% We define |^^A| to be |\gdef\stm@saved|, while |^^B| and |^^C| are substitutes for |{| and |}|, respectively.
% This permits us to define |\scantokens@to@macro| in a peculiar catcode regime.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    % #1 = control sequence to be defined
    % #2 = command to change catcodes, e.g. \verbcatcodes,
    %      and define any command sequences
    % #3 = text to be retokenized and saved into #1.
      %\scantokens always sees an end-of-line character at its end and converts it to a space.
      %The catcode change sets \scantokens to ignore end-of-line chars.
      %In practice, we're always calling \scantokens on previously scanned text anyway,
      %so we won't miss any real end-of-line chars, since they were already converted to spaces.

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Level-Tracking}
% \subsubsection{TeX groups}
% While parsing, we'll need to keep track of how deeply nested in \TeX\ groups we are.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Math mode}
% While parsing, we'll need to keep track of whether
% we are in math mode (and how many levels deep the math mode might be nested).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Nested Lists}
% While parsing, we'll need to keep track levels of nested list.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Separation}
% This code separates a string of tokens into two parts.
% Its parameters, |#1#2|, consist of tokenized text,
% plus one terminal |\@htmlize@stop|.
% We are trying to break up the text into its first group and the remainder.
% This |\@htmlize@stop| is needed in case |#2| has the form ``|{...}|'',
% since we don't want \TeX\ to strip the braces off.
% Thus |\@htmlize@remainder| will definitely end in ``|\@htmlize@stop|''.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The next line defines the macro |\@htmlize@stop@detokenized| to contain
% the string of tokens |\@htmlize@stop|, all of category code 12 (other) or 10 (letter).
% We'll need this for comparison purposes later.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The next line creates the macro |\htmlize@remove@stopcode|,
% which removes the characters ``|\@htmlize@stop |'' from the end of a
% detokenized sequence.
% Its syntax when called is simply |\htmlize@remove@stopcode |\meta{material},
% with no delimiters, since the ``|\@htmlize@stop |'' is itself the delimiter.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Main Code: the HTMLizer}
%    \begin{macrocode}



  \advance\grouplevel by 1\relax
  \advance\grouplevel by -1\relax


  % #1#2#3 is a sequence of tokens.  All should be categories 11 (letter) or 12 (other).
  % It terminates with the control sequences \@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop.
        %We need to rescan the input as TeX code,
        % so TeX can automatically pull off the first group in braces.
        % First, let's get rid of the terminal \@htmlize@stop codes.
        % Next, we retokenize the code.
        % Now break it up into two pieces.
        % The first piece, \htmlize@blockinbraces, will be passed as a unit to \converttohtml@int.
        % The second part, \htmlize@remainder, will continue at this depth of grouping.
        % Therefore we'll detokenize \htmlize@remainder here.
        % Now build \htmlize@next@i.
        % When done, should look like
        %   \converttohtml@int{\htmlize@blockinbraces}%
        %   \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherrbrace}%
        %   \htmlize@recursive@i\htmlize@remainder@detokenized\@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop\htmlize@rdelim@i%
        % but with all three arguments expanded.
        % Note that we are running
%          \moodle@ifmathmode{\xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@scrap\xa{\xa{\otherbackslash}}}%
%                            {}%
        % Okay, that's done.  It's stored in a global macro.
        % Now we get it out of this group.
        % Math shift character.
          % Double dollar sign, so we're entering display math mode.
          % We grab everything between $$...$$, sanitize it, and add it verbatim to
          % our output.
          % Single dollar sign, so we're entering inline math mode.
          % We grab everything between $...$, sanitize it, and add it verbatim to
          % our output.
        \fi% \ifx\test@ii\@otherdollar
        % Now we resume work.
        % The \htmlize@xxxxxxmathshift@replace macro stored the remaining text in \htmlize@remaining@text.
        % Note that since we never detokenized and retokenized #1#2#3,
        % \htmlize@remaining@text still includes the terminating \@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop\@htmlize@stop.
          % Control sequence.  Oh boy.
          % There are three possible things to do:
          % 1. Retokenize everything, so we get a token list.
          %    Expand this control sequence, the first one in the list,
          %    to obtain a new token list.  Then resume processing that list.
          %    Examples: \def\emph#1{<EM>#1</EM>}, \def\rec#1{\frac{1}{#1}}, \def\inv{^{-1}}
          %              \& --> &amp; \# --> #; etc.
          %    Environments: \begin{center}...\end{center} --> <CENTER>...</CENTER>
          % 2. Retokenize everything, so we get a token list.
          %    Let this first command (with its parameters) ACT.
          %    This may involve work in TeX's stomach (e.g., with counters)
          %    or with external files (e.g., image processing).
          %    The command may directly add material to \htmlize@output,
          %    but it should not typeset anything and should vanish from the
          %    input stream when it is done.
          %       When it's done, we somehow need to detokenize and resume
          %    processing the remainder of the input stream.
          %       Only commands explicitly crafted (or modified) to work
          %    with moodle.sty can possibly do all this!
          %    Examples: (modified) \includegraphics
          %    Environments: \begin{clozemulti}, \begin{enumerate}
          % 3. Ignore that it's a command.  Pass it right on as a character
          %    sequence to \htmlize@output.
          %    Examples: \alpha, \frac
          %    Environments: \begin{array}
          % #2 is only for items on a specific list.
          % #1 is anything that runs in TeX's mouth.
          %    We could keep a list and give users a way to add to it.
          %    I could also try expanding macros, using \ifcsmacro from etoolbox.sty
          % The first step is to figure out what control sequence we're dealing with.
          % First, let's get rid of the terminal \@htmlize@stop codes.
          % Next, we retokenize the code.
          % Now break it up into two pieces.
          % The first piece, \htmlize@blockinbraces, will contain the single token in \@htmlize@cs.
          % We'll need to keep the second part, \htmlize@remainder, since it probably
          % contains arguments to the cs in \@htmlize@cs.
          %\edef\ds{Encountered '\xa\string\@htmlize@cs'}\show\ds
          % N.B. that \@htmlize@cs is a macro *containing* a single control sequence.
          % This is good for testing with \ifx.
          % \htmlize@cs@string contains the cs as a string, e.g., the characters "\emph".
            %This is a \begin.  Begin environment-handling routine.
            % Grab the first {...} from \htmlize@remainder, which is the argument
            % to \begin.
            %We do not need the rest, so we won't pay any attention to the new
            %content of \htmlize@remainder.
            %Now environments are non-expandable,
            %so there are only two possibilities: action or pass.
              {% Action environment!
                  %\def\ds{Encountered active environment \string\begin\{{\htmlize@envname}\}}\show\ds
                %The \bgroup is to active the environments.
                %The matching \egroup is found in \htmlize@do@actionenv.
              }{%An environment to pass to the HTML
                %We just pass the backslash from "\begin" and move on.
            %This is not an environment.  Begin macro-handling routine.
              {%Action sequence!
              {% Not action sequence!
                 {%CS to be expanded!
                 {%CS to be transcribed to XML
            %Now exactly one of \ifhtmlize@actioncs, \ifhtmlize@expandcs, and \ifhtmlize@passcs is true.
              % It's an action-sequence.
              %\edef\ds{Must let \xa\string\@htmlize@cs\ act!}\show\ds
              % Note that \htmlize@do@actioncs should patch the command to have it
              % restart the scanning in time.
                % control sequence to be expanded
                %\edef\ds{Must expand \xa\string\@htmlize@cs}\show\ds
                  %The \expandafters first expand \htmlize@rescanned,
                  %and then expand its first token just once.
                % control sequence to be transcribed to \XML.
                %\edef\ds{Must pass on \xa\string\@htmlize@cs}\show\ds
              \fi% \ifhtmlize@expandcs
            \fi% \ifhtmlize@actioncs
          \fi% \ifx\@htmlize@cs\@@begin@cs
            % The ~ becomes non-breaking space &nbsp; outside of math mode
                              {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand nbsp;}}%
                % Double left quote
                \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand ldquo;}%
                \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand lsquo;}%
              \fi% \ifx\test@ii\@lsinglequote%
                \ifx\test@ii\@rsinglequote% Double right quote
                  %AAedit 2021.01.06: in math mode, you should write 2 single right quotes, for second derivatives
                                    {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand rdquo;}}%
                \else% Single right quote
                                    {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand rsquo;}}%
                \fi% \ifx\test@ii\@rsinglequote%
                  \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand quot;}%
                    \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand lt;}
                      \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand gt;}%
                        \ifx\test@ii\@dash% en-dash (--)
                                    {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand ndash;}}%
                                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand\otherhash 61;}}%
                          % Default case: write first token to output, call self on remaining tokens.
                        \fi% \ifx\test@i\@otherequal
                      \fi% \ifx\test@i\@dash
                    \fi% \ifx\test@i\@gt
                  \fi% \ifx\test@i\@lt
                \fi% \ifx\test@i\@doublequote
              \fi% \ifx\test@i\@rsinglequote%
            \fi% \ifx\test@i\@lsinglequote%
          \fi% \ifx\test@i\@othertilde%
        \fi% \ifx\test@i\@otherbackslash%
      \fi% \ifx\test@i\@otherdollar%
    \fi% \ifx\test@i\@otherlbrace%
  \fi% \ifx\test@i\@@htmlize@stop

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Math Mode handling}
% In the following, note that the |\|\meta{*}|mathrightdelim|'s gobble an argument.
% This is so ``|$a$ is...|" can turn into
%       ``\ldots |a\|\meta{*}|mathrightdelim{} is...|"
% and preserve a trailing space.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % inspired by \htmlize@recursive@i
    %\def\ds{inline math shift has '#1' and '#2'}\show\ds
                                 \otherbackslash inlinemathrightdelim{}%
                                 \otherbackslash displaymathrightdelim{}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Engines for Control Sequences}
% There are three kinds of control sequences that need special handling:
% \begin{enumerate}
%   \item Action environments
%   \item Action command sequences
%   \item Expansion macros
% \end{enumerate}
% \subsubsection{Engine for running action environments}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \bgroup %The corresponding \egroup is given in \htmlize@proceedwiththerest,
          %to localize the changes to the environment definitions.



    \xa\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax%
    \xa\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Engine for running action command sequences}
% The following automatically adds the ``engine'' to do the command
% and then resume processing the \LaTeX\ into \HTML.
% It uses the |xpatch| package, which says it works with anything
% defined using |\newcommand| etc. and |\newenvironment| etc.
%    \begin{macrocode}

  % #1#2 contains the current string to be rendered into HTML;
  %      N.B. it has been tokenized at this point,
  %      so TeX can process it directly.
  % #1 = the command sequence we need to execute
  % #2 = the rest of the string
  % First, we patch the desired command so that, when it is over,
  % it calls \htmlize@proceedwiththerest.
  % We do this within the group, so as not to permanently change the command.
    % The matching \egroup is issued in \htmlize@proceedwiththerest,
    % so that the changes made by \htmlize@activate@css are localized to just the command itself.
      \xapptocmd#1{\xa\htmlize@proceedwiththerest\htmlize@afteraction@hook}{}{\PackageError{Could not patch the command \string#1!}}%
    % Now we call that patched command.
  %The matching \egroup now is built into the command #1.
    % The action cs has done its work.
    % Now we gather up the remaining tokens, detokenize them,
    % remove the \@htmlize@stop, and get back to work transcribing it.
  \egroup %This \egroup matches the \bgroup that was issued either in \htmlize@do@actioncs or in \htmlize@do@actionenv
  %This will contain an extra \@htmlize@stop, so we remove it.
  %Now we get back to work transcribing the remainder.


  \xa\def\xa\htmlize@scrap\xa{\xa\let\xa#1\csname html@\string#1\endcsname}%
  \xa\def\csname html@\string#1\endcsname% %And this \def\html@\oldcsname is follows by the remainder of the definition.
  %\message{>>> Defining #1[#2][#3]{...} ^^J}
    \xa\html@action@def\csname #1\endcsname{\csname moodle@#1@int\endcsname}%
  % Note that \htmlize@do@actioncs will 'patch' this by putting
  % '\xa\htmlize@proceedwiththerest\htmlize@afteraction@hook'
  % at the end.  We want those 3 tokens to occur instead after
  % the graphics filename.
  \xa\csdef{moodle@#1@int}##1##2##3{\csname moodle@#1@int@int\endcsname}%
  % This gobbles up those three spurious tokens,
  % which we will re-insert after our work is done.
  \xa\newcommand\csname moodle@#1@int@int\endcsname[#2][#3]{%
    % Now we re-insert the code to get the HTMLizing going again.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Engine for expansion control sequences}
% Calling |\htmlize@redefine@expansionmacros| will redefine
% the macros for us.  It starts out empty.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% If |\mymacro| needs no changes to be suited for expansion,
% you can simply call |\htmlize@record@expand{\mymacro}|
% or |\htmlregister{\mymacro}|
% to record that it should be expanded on its way to the \HTML.
% Examples would be user-built macros such as |\inv|$\to$|^{-1}|
% or |\N|$\to$|\mathbb{N}|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Often users define a list of macros at the end of the preamble.
% It can be cumbersome to record individually these macros for expansion.
% By calling |\moodleregisternewcommands| they trigger the automatic
% expansion of macros defined subsequently using |\newcommand|,
% |\renewcommand|, |\providecommand| or their starred variants.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% On the other hand, if an alternate version of the macro is
% needed for \HTML\ purposes, you can define its \HTML\ version with
% |\html@def\mymacro...|
% Parameters are okay.
% An example would be
% |\html@def\emph#1{<EM>#1</EM>}|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \xa\def\xa\htmlize@scrap\xa{\xa\let\xa#1\csname html@\string#1\endcsname}%
  \xa\def\csname html@\string#1\endcsname%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Note that when |\html@def| expands out, it ends with |\def\html@\oldcsname|
% which abuts directly on the remainder of the definition.
% \subsection{Specific Control Sequences for Action and Expansion}
% Now that we have that machinery in place,
% we define specific environments, action control sequences, and macros to
% expand to accomplish our purposes.
% \subsubsection{Action Environments}
%    \begin{macrocode}




  \global\xa\xdef\csname moodle@currentitemnumber@level@\the\moodle@listdepth\xa\endcsname\xa{\thecurrentitemnumber}%
  \global\xa\xdef\csname moodle@numgathereditems@level@\the\moodle@listdepth\xa\endcsname\xa{\thenumgathereditems}%
  \setcounter{numgathereditems}{\csname moodle@numgathereditems@level@\the\moodle@listdepth\endcsname}%
  \setcounter{currentitemnumber}{\csname moodle@currentitemnumber@level@\the\moodle@listdepth\endcsname}%
    \global\csletcs{moodle@level@\the\moodle@listdepth @item@#1}{getitems@item@#1}%
    \global\csletcs{getitems@item@#1}{moodle@level@\the\moodle@listdepth @item@#1}%
    \global\xa\let\csname moodle@level@\the\moodle@listdepth @item@#1\endcsname=\@undefined
    \advance\moodle@listdepth by 1\relax
    \advance\moodle@listdepth by -1\relax



%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Action Control Sequences}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\advance\moodle@mathmodedepth by #1\relax

                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand hellip\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand hellip\othersemicol}}%
\html@action@def\ {%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand\otherhash 8239\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand\otherhash 8239\othersemicol}}%
    \moodle@ifmathmode{\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherbackslash\otherampersand gt;}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp14\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp14\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp14\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp13\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp13\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand ensp\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp\othersemicol}}%
                      {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherampersand emsp\othersemicol\otherampersand emsp\othersemicol}}%
    \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherbackslash(\otherbackslash rm\otherbackslash TeX\otherbackslash)}%
    \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{\otherbackslash(\otherbackslash rm\otherbackslash LaTeX\otherbackslash)}%


%Diacritical marks over vowels


%Hungarian long-umlaut diacritics
            \def\toadd{\otherbackslash H\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

      \def\toadd{\otherampersand ccedil\othersemicol}%
        \def\toadd{\otherampersand Ccedil\othersemicol}%
                \def\toadd{\otherbackslash c\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

%Tilde over a, n, o

% breve diacritics
                      \def\toadd{\otherbackslash u\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% caron diacritics

% Ogonek diacritics
            \def\toadd{\otherbackslash k\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% macron diacritics
                \def\toadd{\otherbackslash =\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% macron below diacritics
                                    \def\toadd{\otherbackslash b\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% Overdot diacritics
          \def\toadd{\otherbackslash .\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% Underdot diacritics
            \def\toadd{\otherbackslash d\otherlbrace#1\otherrbrace}%

% Overring
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Command sequences for Expansion}
% First, commands defined by this package.
%   \begin{macrocode}
% TODO: Make an optional argument for width?  This wouldn't affect Moodle,
%        only the appearance in the PDF.  It doesn't seem worth it.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Second, native \LaTeX\ commands.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\html@def\textsc#1{\HTMLtag{SPAN STYLE="font-variant: small-caps;"}#1\HTMLtag{/SPAN}}%
                    {\g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{<SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: underline;">#1</SPAN>}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Third, popular \LaTeX\ commands from packages.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\html@def\url#1{\HTMLtag{A href=\@dq #1\@dq}#1\HTMLtag{/A}}% url or hyperref
\html@def\href#1#2{\HTMLtag{A href=\@dq #1\@dq}#2\HTMLtag{/A}}% hyperref
\html@def\up#1{\HTMLtag{SUP}#1\HTMLtag{/SUP}}% \pkg{babel}, option \optn{french}
\html@def\fup#1{\HTMLtag{SUP}#1\HTMLtag{/SUP}}% \pkg{babel}, option \optn{french}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Fourth, \LaTeX\ commands for ligature and other glyphs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Fifth, \LaTeX\ commands for horizontal spacing and line breaks.
% In a number of situations, paragraph breaks translated into
% |</p><p>| would bring trouble in the \HTML\ code. Examples:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item fields of cloze subquestions
% \item inside environments like |center|, |itemize|, or |enumerate|.
% \end{itemize}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\html@def\space{ }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Sixth, \LaTeX\ commands for various symbols.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Seventh, \LaTeX\ commands for various quotation marks.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Passing Code to \XML\ Only}
% Users may want to include pieces of \HTML\ code to the \XML\ file only.
% When producing the traditional output, the optional argument, empty
% by default, is used.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% When producing the \XML\ file, the mandatory argument is passed as-is.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Graphics via {\ttfamily\string\includegraphics}}
% \subsubsection{Finding Media Files}
% The following code is adapted from the command |\Ginclude@graphics| as
% found in \filenm{graphics.sty}.
% Calling |\moodle@media@find|\marg{filename} looks for the file the
% same way |\includegraphics| does, with or without extension provided,
% in the current folder and in folders specified with |\graphicspath{}|.
% The allowed extensions and their relative priorities can be set
% via |\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{}|.
% The outcome is that the macros |\moodle@media@base| and |\moodle@media@ext|
% are set with the basename, including path, and extension, respectively.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \@ifpackagelater{graphics}{2019/10/08 v1.3c}{}%
    {\PackageError{moodle}{`moodle' is made to interact with the `graphics'\MessageBreak
                           package not older than 2019/10/08.}\@eha\endinput}%

        \ifx\Gin@ext\relax 1%
        \else \@ifundefined{Gin@rule@\Gin@ext}{1}{0}%
        \fi >0
       \@warning{File `#1' not found}%
         \@latex@error{File `#1' not found}%
         {I could not locate the file with any of these extensions:^^J%
      % begin modified part
      % end modified part
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types
% * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Containers
% Image Formats
% Audio Formats
% Video Formats
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \edef\@templist{\csname moodle@media@\@format list\endcsname}%
          \message{<<extension \@ext (\@format) identified>>^^J}%
          \xdef\moodle@media@mime@current{\csname moodle@media@\@format mime\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{External program command lines}
% We first set up commands for the external programs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % Defines macro #1 to be #2 in a verbatim mode suitable for filenames


  \ghostscriptcommand{gswin64c.exe -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha}%
  % Uses scour from inkscape default installation
  % The \Inkscape\bin  directory has to be in the users path and provides both:
  % {inkscape,python}.exe the scour-Package which is found by python in Inkscape\lib\python3.x\site-packages\
  \optiSVGcommand{python -m scour.scour -q --enable-id-stripping --enable-comment-stripping
                --shorten-ids --indent=none --remove-descriptive-elements}%
  \imagemagickcommand{magick -colorspace RGB}%
  \ghostscriptcommand{gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha}%
  \optiSVGcommand{scour -q --enable-id-stripping --enable-comment-stripping
                --shorten-ids --indent=none --remove-descriptive-elements}%
  \DeleteFilecommand{rm -f}%
  \imagemagickcommand{convert -colorspace RGB}%
\optipngcommand{optipng -clobber -strip all -quiet}%
\PDFtoSVGcommand{inkscape --export-type=svg --export-area-page --vacuum-defs}%--pdf-poppler
% remove the "--pdf-poppler" import option if you want to preserve text (avoid conversion to path)
\SVGtoPDFcommand{inkscape --export-type=pdf --export-area-page}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Conversion and inclusion of non-native formats}
%    \begin{macrocode}
                        \@firstofthree\csname Gin@rule@\Gin@ext\endcsname\relax}%
                        \@secondofthree\csname Gin@rule@\Gin@ext\endcsname\relax}%
        \csname Gread@\targetfmt\endcsname{\Gin@base\targetext}%
% Support for \GIF\ files: passed as-is in \XML\ but converted in \PNG\ for PDF output.
% In case the \GIF\ is animated, we pick up the first frame in this conversion.
% While the picture will be animated after Moodle import, it will not be in the PDF
% output, whatever the viewer is.
    \DeclareGraphicsAlien{.gif}{.png}{\htmlize@imagemagick@convert\otherspace \SourceFile[0]\otherspace \OutputFile}%
    \newcommand\includegraphics[2][]{\PackageError{moodle}{"\string\includegraphics" is not defined}%
                                          {Add "\string\usepackage{graphicx}" to you preamble.}}{}%}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Graphics key-handling}
% Next, we get ready to handle keys like |height=4cm| or |width=3cm| or |ppi=72|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\define@cmdkey{moodle}[moodle@graphics@]{ppi}{}% This is so the ppi key can be set at the document, quiz, or question level.
\define@cmdkeys{Gin}{ppi}% This is so the original \includegraphics will not object to a key of ppi.

  \divide #1 by 65536\relax
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Graphics conversion to HTML}
% If the |tikz| option is loaded, we define the |embedaspict| command.
% Furthermore, |includegraphics| is packed into a TikZ node.
% This allows externalization with regular options for |includegraphics|.
% Otherwise, |includegraphics| is redefined with a limited set of options supported.
% Option SVG
%    \begin{macrocode}
% Declaring \SVG\ to PDF conversion rule for includegraphics
%      \edef\Gin@extensions{\Gin@extensions,.svg,.SVG}%
%      \DeclareGraphicsRule{.svg}{pdf}{.pdf}{%
%        `\SVGtoPDF\otherspace '#1' \noexpand\Gin@base-svg-converted-to.pdf}%
%      \DeclareGraphicsRule{.SVG}{pdf}{.pdf}{%
%        `\SVGtoPDF\otherspace '#1' \noexpand\Gin@base-SVG-converted-to.pdf}%
      \SVGtoPDF\otherspace \SourceFile\otherspace -o \otherspace\OutputFile\otherspace 2>\DevNull}%
      \SVGtoPDF\otherspace \SourceFile\otherspace -o \otherspace\OutputFile\otherspace 2>\DevNull}%
    \PackageError{moodle}{#2 failed}%
    {If the XML file is not of importance to you: use package option "draft"}%
    % patching includegraphics to trigger externalization
      %\message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\includegraphics[#1]{#2} for HTML^^J}%
      \tikz{\node[inner sep=0pt]{\oldincludegraphics[#1]{#2}};}%
    % externalized images must be included with the regular command
    \pgfkeys{/pgf/images/include external/.code={\oldincludegraphics{#1}}}%
      \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\includegraphics[#1]{#2} ^^J}
      \global\advance\numpicturesread by 1\relax
      \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG SRC="data:\TikzExportMIME;base64,\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numpicturesread\endcsname">}%
  \bgroup% The grouping is to localize the changes caused by \setkeys.
    \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\includegraphics[#1]{#2} for HTML...^^J}
    % Height or width should be given in TeX dimensions like cm or pt or in,
    % and are converted to pixels for web use using the ppi key.
    % TODO: Can we modify \includegraphics to accept height or width in
    %        pixels?
    % TODO: What about \includegraphics[scale=0.7] ?
    %        Other keys: keepaspectratio=true|false, angle (rotation), clip & trim
    %           -> the package option 'tikz' offers a workaround for this
        % No size specified.  Default to height of 200 pixels.
        % Width only specified.
        % Height only specified.  The `x' is part of the syntax.
        % Height and width both specified.  The `!' is part of the syntax.
        \edef\moodle@graphics@geometry{\number\moodle@graphics@width@pixels x\number\moodle@graphics@height@pixels!}%
        \edef\moodle@graphics@htmlgeometry{width=\number\moodle@graphics@width@pixels\otherspace height=\number\moodle@graphics@height@pixels}%
    %Look for the file, even if no extension is provided
    %Try to identify corresponding MIME-type
      % conversion needed
      \ifnum0\ifx\moodle@media@ext\moodle@media@pdf1\fi\ifmoodle@svg1\fi=11\relax% PDF file and \SVG\ option active
        \edef\cmdline{\PDFtoSVG\otherspace "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext" -o "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current" 2>\DevNull}%
        \message{moodle.sty:   Converting '#2' to SVG...^^J}%
        \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current}{PDFtoSVG conversion}%
        %Next, optimize inline
          \edef\cmdline{\optiSVG < "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current" >
           "\moodle@media@base.tmp.svg" && \MoveFiles\otherspace "\moodle@media@base.tmp.svg"
          \message{moodle.sty:   Optimizing '\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current'...^^J}%
          \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current}{SVG optimization}%
      \else% call ImageMagick
        \edef\cmdline{\htmlize@imagemagick@convert\otherspace "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext" -resize \moodle@graphics@geometry\otherspace "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current"}%
        \message{moodle.sty:   Converting '#2' to PNG...^^J}%
        \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current}{ImageMagick conversion}%
        %Next, optimize inline
        \edef\cmdline{\optipng\otherspace "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current"}%
        \message{moodle.sty:   Optimizing '\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current'...^^J}%
        \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current}{PNG optimization}%
    %Next, convert the file to base64 encoding
    %Now, save that base64 encoding in a TeX macro
    \message{moodle.sty:   Reading base64 file '\moodle@media@base.enc'...^^J}%
      \PackageError{moodle}{reading '\moodle@media@base.enc' failed}%
        {If the XML file is not of importance to you: use package option "draft"}%
    %Clean up files
        \ShellEscape{powershell.exe "del ""\moodle@media@base.enc"""}%
        \ShellEscape{\DeleteFiles\otherspace "\moodle@media@base.enc"}%
        \ShellEscape{powershell.exe "del ""\moodle@media@base.enc"""}%
        \ShellEscape{powershell.exe "del ""\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current"""}%
        \ShellEscape{\DeleteFiles\otherspace "\moodle@media@base.enc" "\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current"}%
    \xa\global\xa\let\csname picbaselxiv@graphics@#2\endcsname=\moodle@newpic@baselxiv%
      \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG \moodle@graphics@htmlgeometry\otherspace SRC="@@PLUGINFILE@@/\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext@current">}%
      \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{<file name="\moodle@media@base}%
      \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{ path="/\moodle@media@path" encoding="base64">}%
      \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{\csname picbaselxiv@graphics@#2\endcsname</file>}%
      \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG \moodle@graphics@htmlgeometry\otherspace SRC="data:\moodle@media@mime@current;base64,\csname picbaselxiv@graphics@#2\endcsname">}%
    \message{moodle.sty:   <IMG> tag inserted.^^J}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% This macro is in charge of throwing a system call to convert local files to base64.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \message{moodle.sty:   Converting '#1#2' to base64...^^J}%
  \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{#1.enc}{Base64 conversion}%
    \def\cmdline{\baselxiv\otherspace -encode "#1#2"\otherspace tmp.b64 && findstr /vbc:"---" tmp.b64 > "#1.enc" && powershell.exe "del tmp.b64"}%
  }% Starting from Windows 7, CertUtil is included by default. There should be no windows XP still running
      \def\cmdline{\baselxiv\otherspace -b 64 -i "#1#2"\otherspace -o "#1.enc"}%
  \else % Linux, Cygwin
      \def\cmdline{\baselxiv\otherspace "#1#2"\otherspace > "#1.enc"}%
    }% base64 is part of coreutils, add "-w 64" to get exactly the previous behavior  %
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following code accomplishes the reading of an \filenm{.enc} file into memory.
% It is also used by the \TikZ\ code below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \read\baseLXIVdatafile to \datalinein
      %We add tokens manually, rather than with \g@addto@macro, to save time.
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\TikZ\ Picture Handling}
% If the user is not using the \TikZ\ package, there is no need to waste time
% loading it.  Without \TikZ\ loaded, however, many of the following commands
% are undefined.
% Our solution is to wait until |\AtBeginDocument| and then test whether
% \TikZ\ is loaded.  If so, we make the appropriate definitions.
% \begin{macro}{TikZ}
% \changes{v0.7}{2020/07/14}{Support \emph{tikz}\ command}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \tikzset{external/force remake}%
      \ifpdfoutput% tex engines defaulting to PDF output (pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex)
        \def\ExportTikz{ \message{moodle.sty: Converting picture '\moodle@basename.pdf' to SVG...^^J}%
                         \edef\cmdline{\PDFtoSVG\otherspace "\moodle@basename.pdf" -o "\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension" 2>\DevNull}%
                         \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{PDFtoSVG conversion}%
      \else % latex
        \def\ExportTikz{ \message{moodle.sty: Converting picture '\moodle@basename.ps' to SVG...^^J}%
                         \edef\cmdline{\PDFtoSVG\otherspace "\moodle@basename.ps" -o "\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension" 2>\DevNull}%
                         \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{PStoSVG conversion}%
        \def\OptimizeExport{ \message{moodle.sty:   Optimizing '\moodle@basename.svg'...^^J}%
                           \edef\cmdline{\optiSVG\otherspace < "\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension" >
                                         "\moodle@basename.tmp.svg" && powershell.exe "move ""\moodle@basename.tmp.svg""" %
                           \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{SVG optimization}%
        \def\OptimizeExport{ \message{moodle.sty:   Optimizing '\moodle@basename.svg'...^^J}%
                           \edef\cmdline{\optiSVG\otherspace < "\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension" >
                                         "\moodle@basename.tmp.svg" && \MoveFiles\otherspace "\moodle@basename.tmp.svg"
                                         "\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension" }%
                           \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{SVG optimization}%
      \ifpdfoutput% tex engines defaulting to PDF output (pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex)
        \def\ExportTikz{ \message{moodle.sty: Converting picture '\moodle@basename.pdf' to PNG...^^J}%
                         \edef\gscmdline{\gs\otherspace -sOutputFile=\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension\otherspace -r150 \moodle@basename.pdf}%
                         \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{Ghostscript conversion}%
      \else % latex
        \def\ExportTikz{ \message{moodle.sty: Converting picture '\moodle@basename.ps' to PNG...^^J}%
                         \edef\gscmdline{\gs\otherspace -sOutputFile=\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension\otherspace -r150 \\moodle@basename.ps}%
                         \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{Ghostscript conversion}%
      \def\OptimizeExport{ \message{moodle.sty:   Optimizing '\moodle@basename.png'...^^J}%
                           \edef\cmdline{\optipng\otherspace \moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}%
                           \moodle@checkconversionsuccess{\moodle@basename\TikzExportExtension}{PNG optimization}%
    %The following code lets us run things *before* the normal \begin{tikzpicture}.
      \global\advance\numconvertedpictures by 1\relax
    % However, the tikz externalize library does *not* run \end{tikzpicture}.
    % In order to run commands after the tikz picture is done compiling, we need to
    % use a hook into \tikzexternal@closeenvironments.
% The following could replace calls to \pdftopng, \pngoptim and \pngtobaselxiv
%    \tikzset{external/system call/.add={}{;
%         gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile="\image.png" -r150 "\image.pdf";
%         optipng -clobber -strip all -quiet "\image.png";
%         base64 "\image.png" > "\image.enc"
%      }
%    }
% With the following mechanism, we could trigger something when the externalized images are included back.
%    \pgfkeys{/pgf/images/include external/.code={\pgfimage{#1}\@moodle@ifgeneratexml{\savebaselxivdata}{}}}
        \IfFileExists{\moodle@basename.enc}{}{\PackageError{moodle}{Conversion failed}{Check your base64 conversion utiliy}}%
        \message{moodle.sty:   Reading base64 file '\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-\the\numconvertedpictures.enc'...^^J}%
        \message{moodle.sty:   base64 data saved.^^J}%
      \tikzset{external/optimize=false}% due to redefinition, includegraphics must not be optimized away
      \tikzset{external/optimize command away={\VerbatimInput}{1}}%
    % The HTMLizer version of the tikzpicture environment,
    % which writes an <IMG> tag to the \XML\ file.
        \global\advance\numpicturesread by 1\relax
          \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG SRC="@@PLUGINFILE@@/tikz/\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-\the\numpicturesread\TikzExportExtension">}%
          \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{<file name="\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-}%
          \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{ path="/tikz/" encoding="base64">}%
          \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numpicturesread\endcsname</file>}%
          \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG SRC="data:\TikzExportMIME;base64,\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numpicturesread\endcsname">}%
%      \message{>>> Processing \string\tikz[#1]{...} ^^J}
      \global\advance\numpicturesread by 1\relax
        \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG SRC="@@PLUGINFILE@@/tikz/\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-\the\numpicturesread\TikzExportExtension">}%
        \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{<file name="\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-}%
        \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{ path="/tikz/" encoding="base64">}%
        \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@embeddedfiletags\xa{\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numpicturesread\endcsname</file>}%
        \edef\htmlize@imagetag{<IMG SRC="data:\TikzExportMIME;base64,\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numpicturesread\endcsname">}%
    %TikZ not loaded.  Provide dummy definitions for commands.
    \tikzstyle{moodlepict}=[minimum height=1em,inner sep=0pt,execute at begin node={\begin{varwidth}{\linewidth}},execute at end node={\end{varwidth}}]


      \PackageError{moodle}{reading '\moodle@media@base.enc' failed}%
        {If the XML file is not of importance to you: use package option "draft"}%
  \xa\global\xa\let\csname picbaselxiv@\the\numconvertedpictures\endcsname=\moodle@newpic@baselxiv%

    \PackageWarning{moodle}{With package option 'tikz', you should not load TikZ manually.}%
  \RequirePackage{varwidth}% for the command |embedaspict|
%    \end{macrocode}
% Finally, we clean up our mess by deleting the temporary PDF, \PNG, and ENC
% files we created.
% With XeTeX, we cannot clean pictures pdf's because they are actually included in the final pdf afterwards, by xdvipdfmx.
% With LuaTeX, it looks like |\AtEndDocument| is too early to for this cleaning step.
%    \begin{macrocode}
        % we must keep picture pdf's for subsequent linking (xdvipdfmx)
          \ShellEscape{powershell.exe "del * -include \tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-*.* -exclude *.pdf"}%
          \ShellEscape{find . -type f -name "\tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-*.*" -not -name "*.pdf" -delete}%
          \ShellEscape{powershell.exe "del \tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-*.*"}%
          \ShellEscape{\DeleteFiles\otherspace \tikzexternalrealjob-tikztemp-*.*}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% * sizing options for TikZ pictures?
% \subsection{Other Media}
% Support for other media comes through the |\url|\marg{link} and |\href|\marg{link}\marg{text}
% commands.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% 1) The link type (the string "link" in the cases I observed)
% 2) The URL fragment (i.e. what comes after # in the end),
% 3) the text replacement,
% 4) the URL scheme (http, https, mailto, file, run etc),
% 5) the URL details (in general, that is whole authority + path + query).
%    If the URL contains a column (specification of a password in userinfo or a
%    port in authority), we get here whatever comes before the first column (:)
% 6) empty is URL contains no column. Otherwise, filled with whatever follows
%    a first column (:) after the scheme,
% 7) the whole URL again (fragment removed).
      \ifx\\#6\\% if ##6 is empty (the URL contains no column -> no scheme -> local)
        %\@hyper@linkfile file:#7\\{#3}{#2}{#7}% local file
        %Local file (##1|##2|##3|##4|##5|##6): ##7\par
        \ifx\\#4\\%if ##4 is empty (no scheme was specified -> local file)
%          %\@hyper@linkfile file:#7\\{#3}{#2}{#7}% Mac filename ?
%          Local file (Mac? ##1|##2|##3|##4|##5|##6): ##7\par
          \ifx\@pdftempa\@pdftempwordfile% scheme is "file:"
%            %\@hyper@linkfile#7\\{#3}{#2}{#7}% file
%            Local file (no column ##1|##2|##3|##4|##5|##6): ##7\par
            \ifx\@pdftempa\@pdftempwordrun% scheme is "run:"
                  PDF/A: Launch action is prohibited%
%                  ##2%
              \else% not in PDF/A mode -> run is allowed
                %\@hyper@launch#7\\{#3}{#2}% run local file
%                Run local file (##1|##2|##3|##4|##5|##6): ##7\par
            \else% scheme is neither "file" nor "run", assuming it is a web protocol
              %\hyper@linkurl{#3}{#7\ifx\\#2\\\else\hyper@hash#2\fi}% URL
%              URL (##1|##2|##3|##4|##5|##6): ##7\par
%    \html@action@newcommand{href}[3][]{%
%      \bgroup% The grouping is to localize the changes caused by \setkeys.
%        \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\href[#1]{#2}{#3} for HTML...^^J}%
% the following macro is a modified version of hyperref's |\hyper@readexternallink|
%        \let\@hyper@readexternallink\moodle@hyper@readexternallink
%        \oldhref[#1]{#2}{#3}%
        %Try to identify corresponding MIME-type
%        \moodle@media@mime@identify{\moodle@media@ext}%
%        \xa\message\xa{moodle.sty: \moodle@media@mime@current^^J}%
%        \ifx\moodle@media@mime@current\relax
%          \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<A href=\otherampersand\otherhash34;\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext\otherampersand\otherhash34;>#3</A>}%
%          \message{moodle.sty:   <A> tag inserted.^^J}%
%        \else
%          \filename@parse{\moodle@media@mime@current}%
%          \def\@tmp{audio/}
%          \ifx\filename@area\@tmp
%            \IfFileExists{\moodle@media@base.enc}{%
%              \def\moodle@newpic@baselxiv{}%
%              \openin\baseLXIVdatafile=\moodle@media@base.enc\relax
%                \savebaselxivdata@recursive
%              \closein\baseLXIVdatafile
%              \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<audio controls src="data:\moodle@media@mime@current;base64,\moodle@newpic@baselxiv">#3</audio>}%
%            }{%
%              \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<audio controls src="\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext">#3</audio>}%
%            }%
%            \message{moodle.sty:   <audio> tag inserted.^^J}%
%          \else
%            \def\@tmp{video/}
%            \ifx\filename@area\@tmp
%              \IfFileExists{\moodle@media@base.enc}{%
%                \def\moodle@newpic@baselxiv{}%
%                \openin\baseLXIVdatafile=\moodle@media@base.enc\relax
%                  \savebaselxivdata@recursive
%                \closein\baseLXIVdatafile
%                \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<video controls src="data:\moodle@media@mime@current;base64,\moodle@newpic@baselxiv">#3</video>}%
%              }{%
%                \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<video controls src="\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext">#3</video>}%
%              }%
%              \message{moodle.sty:   <video> tag inserted.^^J}%
%            \else
%              \PackageWarning{moodle}{cannot recognize MIME type of #2. Ignoring it.}%
%            \fi
%          \fi
%        \fi
%      \egroup
%    }%
%    \html@action@def\url#1{%
%      \bgroup% The grouping is to localize the changes caused by \setkeys.
%        \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\url{#1} for HTML...^^J}%
% the following macro is a modified version of hyperref's |\hyper@readexternallink|
%        \let\@hyper@readexternallink\moodle@hyper@readexternallink
%        \oldhref{#1}{#1}%
%        \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{<A href=\otherampersand\otherhash34;\moodle@media@base\moodle@media@ext\otherampersand\otherhash34;>#1</A>}%
%        \message{moodle.sty:   <A> tag inserted.^^J}%
%      \egroup
%    }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Verbatim Code}
% We start by defining a macro to parameter a style for code box display in Moodle
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\xmlDisplayVerbatimBox{border-top: thin solid; border-bottom: thin solid}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Then we set a macro to escape some characters that would not play well with \HTML.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \gdef<{\otherampersand lt;}%
  \gdef>{\otherampersand gt;}%
  \gdef"{\otherampersand quot;}%
  \gdef'{\otherampersand apos;}%
  \gdef&{\otherampersand amp;}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% First, let us handle |\verbatiminput| from the `verbatim' package
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\verbatiminput{#1} for HTML ^^J}%
  \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{<PRE style="\xmlDisplayVerbatimBox"><CODE>}%
  %%%%%%%%%%%%%% from verbatim %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Second, we deal with |\VerbatimInput| from `fancyvrb' or `fvextra'
%    \begin{macrocode}
\@ifpackageloaded{minted}{\PackageError{moodle}{'moodle' should be loaded before 'minted'.}%
{'moodle' loads 'fancybox' which, unfortunately, redefines verbatim commands.}}{\relax}%
\@ifpackageloaded{fvextra}{\PackageError{moodle}{'moodle' should be loaded before 'fvextra'.}%
{'moodle' loads 'fancybox' which, unfortunately, redefines verbatim commands.}}{\relax}%
\@ifpackageloaded{fancyvrb}{\PackageError{moodle}{'moodle' should be loaded before 'fancyvrb'.}%
{'moodle' loads 'fancybox' which, unfortunately, redefines verbatim commands.}}{\relax}%

    \message{moodle.sty: Processing \@backslashchar#1[##1]{##2} for HTML ^^J}%
    \FV@UseKeyValues% import options defined in #1
      \immediate\openin\FV@InFile ####1\relax
        \FV@Error{No verbatim file ####1}\FV@eha
  \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{<PRE style="\xmlDisplayVerbatimBox"><CODE>}%
  %%%%%%%% using material from fancyvrb and fvextra  %%%%%%%%
    \g@addto@macro\htmlize@output{<span style="font-size: 80\otherpercent;
         background-color: \otherhash f0f0f0; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; display:
         inline-block; width: 16pt; ##1">}%
        \xa\g@addto@macro\xa\htmlize@output\xa{\otherampersand nbsp;</span>}%
  % redefine the ProcessLine routine ('fancyvrb' and 'fvextra') for \XML\ output
    \ifcsname FV@HighlightLine:\number\c@FancyVerbLine\endcsname
      \xdef\moodle@FV@tagB{<mark>}% fvextra triggered highlighting for this line
      \xdef\moodle@FV@tagB{}% no highlighting

    \else% line numbers displayed on the left side
      \moodle@verbatim@addlinenumber{text-align: right}%
    \ifx\FV@RightListNumber\relax\else% line numbers on the right side
      \moodle@verbatim@addlinenumber{text-align: left; float: right}%
  \global\FV@CodeLineNo\z@% reset codeline counter
  \frenchspacing% Cancels special punctuation spacing.
  \FV@DefineTabOut% replace tabs with a series a whitespaces
    \FV@HighlightLinesPrep% prepare highlighting if 'fvextra' is loaded
    % custom settings for display
    \fvset{frame=lines,label={[Beginning of code]End of code},framesep=3mm,numbersep=9pt}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Third, we patch `minted' so that it also calls pygmentize to generate \HTML\ code.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\AtEndPreamble{% this definition should prevail because `minted' gets loaded after `moodle'
  \@ifundefined{minted@defstyle}{% compatibility with minted prior to 2021/12/24 v2.6
        \csname minted@optlistcl@lang\minted@lang @i\endcsname}}%
          \detokenize{for /f "usebackq tokens=*"}\space\@percentchar\detokenize{a
          in (`kpsewhich}\space\minted@codefile\detokenize{`) do}\space
      \MintedPygmentize\space -l #2 -f ##1 -F tokenmerge
      \minted@optlistcl@g \csname minted@optlistcl@lang\minted@lang\endcsname
      \minted@optlistcl@cmd -o \minted@outputdir##2\space
          \detokenize{`}kpsewhich \minted@codefile\space
            \detokenize{||} \minted@codefile\detokenize{`}%
    \def\minted@cmd{\minted@cmdtemplate{latex -P commandprefix=PYG}{\minted@infile}}
    % For debugging, uncomment: %%%%
    % %%%%
    \def\minted@cmdHTML{\minted@cmdtemplate{html -P noclasses -P
      nowrap -P hl_lines="\FV@HighlightLinesList" -P
      style="\minted@get@opt{style}{default}"}{\csname minted@infileHTML\the\c@minted@pygmentizecounter\endcsname}}%
    \def\minted@cmdPNG{\minted@cmdtemplate{png -P
    \def\minted@cmdSVG{\minted@cmdtemplate{svg -P
                \pdf@mdfivesum{\minted@cmd autogobble(\ifx\FancyVerbStartNum\z@
              %Cheating a little here by using ASCII codes to write `{` and `}`
              %in the Python code
                \detokenize{python -c "import hashlib; import os;
                  hasher = hashlib.sha1();
                  f =
                  f =
                  f =
                  macro = \"\\edef\\minted@hash\" + chr(123) + hasher.hexdigest()
                  + chr(125) + \"\";
                  f.write(\"\\makeatletter\" + macro +
               {\edef\minted@hash{\mdfivesum file {#1}%
                  \mdfivesum{\minted@cmd autogobble(\ifx\FancyVerbStartNum\z@
               {\edef\minted@hash{\mdfivesum file {#1}%
              \ShellEscape{move /y
              \ShellEscape{mv -f
  \message{moodle.sty: Processing \string\inputminted[#1]{#2}{#3} for HTML ^^J}%
  % arguments #2 and #3 are thrown away: the job is done previously by minted when
  % calling pygmentize. The file |\minted@infileHTML| generated with our hack will be used.
  % Since minted is based upon `fvextra' the macro |\moodle@VerbatimInput| works here.
  \minted@configlang{#2}% grab options set for this specific language
  \setkeys{minted@opt@cmd}{#1}% grab options in #1
  \minted@fvset% import options
  \xa\moodle@VerbatimInput\xa{\csname minted@infileHTML\the\c@moodle@pygmentizecounter\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Internationalization}
% Here is an attempt to internationalize the PDF typesetting, relying on
% the package 'translations'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % polyglossia "fakes" babel
    % The following is commented because \xpg@bloaded is set very late and must be expanded
      % The following is commented because some languages of babel,
      % like lithuanian, are unknown to translator. Instead we
      % copied the aliases below.
    % By default, we load and rely on "translator".
    % The package is simple and has limited dependencies.
    % Since we borrow the syntax of "translations",
    % the switch is easy: just "\usepackage{translations}"
    % in the preamble.
      % Borrow the syntax from 'translations'
      % Set a fall-back if a translation is unknown (usually English, see below)
      % Set aliases (most of them taken directly from translator.sty)
      \languagealias{afrikaans} {Afrikaans,Dutch}%
      \languagealias{american}  {AmericanEnglish,English}%
      \languagealias{austrian}  {Austrian1997,Austrian,German1997,German}%
      \languagealias{brazil}    {Brazilian,Portuguese}%
      \languagealias{brazilian} {Brazilian,Portuguese}%
      \languagealias{british}   {BritishEnglish,English}%
      \languagealias{catalan}   {Catalan}% unknown to translator
      \languagealias{canadian}  {Canadian,English}%
      \languagealias{canadien}  {Canadien,French}%
      \languagealias{croatian}  {Croatian}%
      \languagealias{czech}     {Czech}%
      \languagealias{danish}    {Danish}%
      \languagealias{dutch}     {Dutch}%
      \languagealias{english}   {English}%
      \languagealias{estonian}  {Estonian}%
      \languagealias{finnish}   {Finnish}%
      \languagealias{french}    {French}%
      \languagealias{german}    {German1997,German}%
      \languagealias{hungarian} {Hungarian}%
      \languagealias{icelandic} {Icelandic}%
      \languagealias{italian}   {Italian}%
      \languagealias{lithuanian}{Lithuanian}% unknown to translator
      \languagealias{magyar}    {Magyar,Hungarian}% added Hungarian
      \languagealias{naustrian} {Austrian,German}%
      \languagealias{ngerman}   {German}%
      \languagealias{norsk}     {Norsk}%
      \languagealias{norwegian} {Norsk}% for polyglossia
      \languagealias{nynorsk}   {Nynorsk,Norsk}%
      \languagealias{polish}    {Polish}%
      \languagealias{portuges}  {Portuguese}%
      \languagealias{romanian}  {Romanian}%
      \languagealias{slovak}    {Slovak,Czech}% added Czech
      \languagealias{spanish}   {Spanish}%
      \languagealias{swedish}   {Swedish}%
      \languagealias{turkish}   {Turkish}%
      \languagealias{UKenglish} {BritishEnglish,English}%
      \languagealias{USenglish} {AmericanEnglish,English}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Catalan}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Catalan}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Catalan}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Catalan}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Catalan}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Croatian}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Croatian}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Croatian}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Croatian}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Croatian}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Czech}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Czech}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Czech}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Czech}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Czech}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Danish}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Danish}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Danish}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Danish}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Danish}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{False}{Niet waar}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Dutch}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{cloze}{Embedded answers}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{multi}{Multiple choice}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{shortanswer}{Short answer}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Single}{One answer only}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Multiple}{Multiple answers allowed}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{marked out of}{marked out of}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Drag and drop}{Drag and drop}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Information for graders}{Information for graders}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Response template}{Response template}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{editor}{HTML editor}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{editorfilepicker}{HTML editor + file picker}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{plain}{Plain text}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{monospaced}{Plain text, monospaced font}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{noinline}{File picker}%
    \DeclareTranslation{English}{Total of marks}{Total of marks}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Estonian}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Estonian}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Estonian}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Estonian}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Estonian}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Finnish}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Finnish}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Finnish}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Finnish}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Finnish}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{cloze}{R\'eponses int\'egr\'ees}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{shortanswer}{R\'eponse courte}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Single}{R\'eponse unique}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Multiple}{Plusieurs r\'eponses possibles}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{marked out of}{not\'e sur}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{All-or-nothing}{Tout ou rien}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Case-Sensitive}{Sensible \`a la casse}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Case-Insensitive}{Insensible \`a la casse}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Drag and drop}{Glisser-d\'eposer}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Information for graders}{Information pour les ��valuateurs}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Response template}{Mod\`ele de r\'eponse}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{editor}{\'Editeur HTML}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{editorfilepicker}{\'Editeur \HTML\ + s\'electeur de fichier}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{plain}{\'Editeur texte}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{monospaced}{\'Editeur texte, police \`a chasse fixe}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{noinline}{S\'electeur de fichier}%
    \DeclareTranslation{French}{Total of marks}{Total des points}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Single}{Nur eine Antwort erlaubt}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Multiple}{Mehrere Antworten erlaubt}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{marked out of}{Punkte:}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Case-Sensitive}{Gro\ss-/Kleinschreibung muss stimmen}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Case-Insensitive}{Gro\ss-/Kleinschreibung unwichtig}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Drag and drop}{Drag-and-Drop}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Information for graders}{Information zur Bewertung}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Response template}{Antwortvorlage}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{editor}{HTML Editor}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{editorfilepicker}{HTML Editor mit Dateiauswahl}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{plain}{Unformatierter Text}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{monospaced}{Unformatierter Text, Schriftart mit fester Laufweite}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{noinline}{Kein Textfeld}%
    \DeclareTranslation{German}{Total of marks}{Gesamtsumme der Punkte}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Hungarian}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Hungarian}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Hungarian}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Hungarian}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Hungarian}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Icelandic}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Icelandic}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Icelandic}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Icelandic}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Icelandic}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{cloze}{Risposte inglobate}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{essay}{Tema libero}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{multi}{Risposta multipla}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{shortanswer}{Risposta breve}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Shuffle}{Ordine casuale}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Single}{Una sola alternativa}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Multiple}{Pi\`u alternative}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{marked out of}{punteggio max.}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{All-or-nothing}{Tutto o niente}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Case-Sensitive}{Sensibile alle maiuscole}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Case-Insensitive}{Maiuscolo/minuscolo indifferente}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Drag and drop}{Drag and drop}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Information for graders}{Informazioni per i valutatori}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Response template}{Modello di risposta}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{editor}{Editor HTML}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{editorfilepicker}{Editor \HTML\ con file picker}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{plain}{Testo semplice}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{monospaced}{Testo semplice, caratteri a spaziatura fissa}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{noinline}{Solo file picker}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{Total of marks}{Punteggio complessivo}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Lithuanian}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Lithuanian}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Lithuanian}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Lithuanian}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Lithuanian}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Norsk}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Norsk}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Norsk}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Norsk}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Norsk}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Polish}{False}{Fa\l sz}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Polish}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Polish}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Polish}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Polish}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Polish}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Portuguese}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Portuguese}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Portuguese}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Portuguese}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Portuguese}{Total of marks}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Romanian}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Romanian}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Romanian}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Romanian}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Romanian}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{cloze}{Respuestas anidadas}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{multi}{Opci\'on m\'ultiple}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{shortanswer}{Respuesta corta}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Shuffle}{Barajar al azar}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Single}{S\'olo una respuesta}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Multiple}{Se permiten varias respuestas}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{marked out of}{Punt\'ua como}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{All-or-nothing}{Todo o nada}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Case-Sensitive}{May\'usculas y min\'usculas deben coincidir}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Case-Insensitive}{Igual may\'usculas que min\'usculas}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Drag and drop}{Arrastrar y soltar}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Information for graders}{Informaci\'on para evaluadores}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Response template}{Plantilla de respuesta}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{editor}{Editor HTML}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{editorfilepicker}{Editor \HTML\ con selector de archivos}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{plain}{Texto sin formato}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{monospaced}{Texto sin formato, tipograf��a monoespaciada}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{noinline}{Sin texto}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Total of marks}{Total de puntos}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{Total of marks}{}%
    \DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{False}{Yanl\i \c{s}}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{marked out of}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{Drag and drop}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{Information for graders}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{Response template}{}%
    %\DeclareTranslation{Turkish}{Total of marks}{}%
  \else% neither babel nor polyglossia loaded
    \newcommand\DeclareTranslationFallback[2]{\csdef{moodle@fallback@#1}{#2}}% Save fallback keys
    \def\GetTranslation#1{\csuse{moodle@fallback@#1}}% Use fallback keys
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{cloze}{Embedded answers}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{multi}{Multiple choice}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{shortanswer}{Short answer}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Single}{One answer only}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Multiple}{Multiple answers allowed}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{marked out of}{marked out of}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Drag and drop}{Drag and drop}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Information for graders}{Information for graders}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Response template}{Response template}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{editor}{HTML editor}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{editorfilepicker}{HTML editor + file picker}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{plain}{Plain text}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{monospaced}{Plain text, monospaced font}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{noinline}{File picker}%
  \DeclareTranslationFallback{Total of marks}{Total of marks}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Users of the |babel| package loaded with specific options may experience problems
% related to active characters and shorthands. We tell the problems and solutions we know.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \@ifundefined{bbl@loaded}{}{% polyglossia fakes babel
          \PackageWarning{moodle}{Be careful when using pdflatex, moodle, and the
            babel package loaded with a French-related option. Autospacing
            yields undesired symbols in the XML. Here are three workarounds:
            \MessageBreak 1) compile with xelatex/lualatex,\MessageBreak 2)
            add `\NoAutoSpacing' after `\begin{quiz}', or\MessageBreak 3)
            avoid the babel option.^^J}}%
          \PackageWarning{moodle}{Be careful when using pdflatex, moodle, and
            the babel package loaded with a German-related option. The symbol
            `"' is made active and your umlauts will confuse moodle. Here are
            three workarounds:\MessageBreak 1) compile with xelatex/lualatex,
            \MessageBreak 2) add `\string\shorthandoff{"}' after `\begin{quiz}',
            or\MessageBreak 3) avoid the babel option.^^J}}%
        \PackageWarning{moodle}{Be careful when using moodle and the babel
          package loaded with option `turkish'. Shorthands are likely to
          break compilation. Here are three workarounds:\MessageBreak 1)
          rely on `polyglossia' (XeTeX or LuaTeX),\MessageBreak 2) add
          `\shorthandoff{=:!}' after `\begin{quiz}', or\MessageBreak
          3) avoid the babel option.^^J}}%
                    \PackageWarning{moodle}{Be careful when using moodle and
            the babel package loaded with a German-related option that make the
            symbol `"' active. We recommend typing umlauts with UTF-8
            characters. By default, `\string\"a' is poorly translated in the XML
            file. This is fixed if you define `\string\shorthandoff{"}' after
            `\begin{quiz}'. But then `"a` will no longer work as expected.^^J}%
                    { \PackageWarning{moodle}{Umlaut patch failed.}%

%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Warning and Error Management}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % #1 : major version
  % #2 : minor version
  % #3 : feature
    \PackageWarning{moodle}{#3 is only supported by Moodle #1.#2+}%
    \ifnum\numexpr 1000*\the\moodle@LMSmajor+\the\moodle@LMSminor\relax<\numexpr 1000*#1+#2\relax
      \PackageError{moodle}{#3 is only supported by Moodle #1.#2+
       (you declared Moodle \the\moodle@LMSmajor.\the\moodle@LMSminor)}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale